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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. If anyone has contact information for Cats will you please get in touch with me. We're scouring the bushes here trying to reach him.
  2. Well said, gents. This place is about far more than watches. One of my favorite quotes is the St. Crispian's Day speech from Henry V., and it fits this place nicely: "This day is call'd the feast of Crispian. He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd, and rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, and say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian.' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, and say 'These wounds I had on Crispian's day.' Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot, but he'll remember, with advantages, what feats he did that day. Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words- Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester- be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red. This story shall the good man teach his son; and Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by, from this day to the ending of the world, but we in it shall be remembered- We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; and gentlemen in England now-a-bed shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."
  3. It's the version my kids have grown to love as they curl up around my reading chair in their little lab coats.
  4. 'Twas the nocturnal segment of the diurnal period preceding the annual Yuletide celebration, and throughout our place of residence, kinetic activity was not in evidence among the possessors of this potential, including that species of domestic rodent known as Mus Musculus. Hosiery was meticulously suspended from the forward edge of the woodburning caloric apparatus, pursuant to our anticipatory pleasure regarding an imminent visitation from an eccentric philanthropist among whose folkloric appellations is the honorific title of St. Nicholas. The prepubescent siblings, comfortably ensconced in their respective accommodations of repose, were experiencing subconscious visual hallucinations of variegated fruit confections moving rhythmically through their cerebra. My conjugal partner and I, attired in our nocturnal cranial coverings, were about to take slumberous advantage of the hibernal darkness when upon the avenaceous exterior portion of the grounds there ascended such a cacophony of dissonance that I felt compelled to arise with alacrity from my place of repose for the purpose of ascertaining the precise source thereof. Hastening to the casement, I forthwith opened the barriers sealing the fenestration, noting thereupon that the lunar brilliance without, reflected as it was on the surface of a recent crystalline aqueous precipitation, might be said to rival that of the solar meridian itself, thus permitting my incredulous optical sensor to peruse a miniature airborne runnered conveyance drawn by an octet of diminutive specimens of the genus Rangifer, piloted by a minuscule, aged chauffeur so ebullient and nimble that it became instantly apparent to me that he was indeed our anticipated caller. With his undulate motive power traveling at what may possibly have been more vertiginous velocity than patriotic alar predators, he vociferated loudly, expelled breath musically through contracted labia, and addressed each of the octet by his or her respective cognomen ... "Now Dasher, now Dancer..." et al., guiding them to the uppermost exterior level of our abode, through which structure I could readily distinguish the concatenations of each of the 32 cloven pedal extremities. As I retracted my cranium from its erstwhile location, and was performing a 180 degree pivot, our distinguished visitant achieved, with utmost celerity and via a downward leap, entry by way of the smoke passage. He was clad entirely in animal pelts soiled by the ebony residue from the oxidations of carboniferous fuels which had accumulated on the walls thereof. His resemblance to a street vendor I attributed largely to the plethora of assorted playthings which he bore dorsally in a commodious cloth receptacle. His orbs were scintillant with reflected luminosity, while his submaxillary dermal indentations gave every evidence of engaging amiability. The capillaries of his molar regions and nasal appurtenance were engorged with blood which suffused the subcutaneous layers, the former approximating the coloration of Albion's floral emblem, the latter that of the Prunus Avium, or sweet cherry. His amusing sub- and supralabials resembled nothing so much as a common loop knot, and their ambient hirsute facial adornment appeared like small, tabular and columnar crystals of frozen water. Clenched firmly between his incisors was a smokingpiece whose gray fumes, forming a tenuous ellipse about his occiput, were suggestive of a decorative seasonal circlet of holly. His visage was wider than it was high, and when he waxed audibly mirthful, his corpulent abdominal region undulated in the manner of impectinated fruit syrup in a hemispherical container. Without utterance and with dispatch, he commenced filling the aforementioned hosiery with articles of merchandise extracted from his aforementioned previously dorsally transported cloth receptacle. Upon completion of this task, he executed an abrupt about-face, placed a single manual digit in lateral juxtaposition to his olfactory organ, inclined his cranium forward in a gesture of leave-taking, and forthwith affected his egress by renegotiating (in reverse) the smoke passage. He then propelled himself in a short vector onto his conveyance, directed a musical expulsion of air through his contracted oral sphincter to the antlered quadrupeds of burden, and proceeded to soar aloft in a movement hitherto observable chiefly among the seedbearing portions of a commonweed. But I overheard his parting exclamation, audible immediately prior to his vehiculation beyond the limits of visibility: "Ecstatic Yuletides to the planetary constituency, and to that self-same assemblage my sincerest wishes for a salubriously beneficial and gratifyingly pleasurable period between sunset and dawn."
  5. Here's another shot of how a 50s watch has gilt on top of the black paint.
  6. That's gonna be the prettiest watch on the forum
  7. Merry Christmas to you, mate! That Yuki is waiting for you....
  8. Yep that's a Pugsly made by Surley, and the tires are called Endomorphs, at just under 4". The next step up are the 110mm rims and the "Clown Shoe" tires. They're awesome in deep snow!
  9. Double T! Nice to see you back old friend!! Can't wait to see you again, we need a BBQ on the deck at Chez Nanuq! MoaB, let me tell you about falling through the ice on my mtn bike, not just once, but THREE times on one ride! At -25F. Yep it's Alaskan winter biking.
  10. My tires are really wide and barely clear the forks. They were rubbing a little so I flipped it over to adjust them, then spun the tire. I was in a hurry and closed the axle quick release, and stuck my finger in the spinning disc brake. Pow! Digital guillotine amputation against the brake caliper. Lotsa blood.
  11. I found a stash of T39 Superdomes and bought 5 about 10 years ago, all in the envelopes. I stashed them away for a certain project and when the time came the AD tried them all and they were all too brittle to pass a waterproofing test. Ah well, I shouldn't take the watch swimming anymore anyway.
  12. Cold?? It was perfect today, 20 degrees on a nice set trail. Tomorrow I think I'll head back out there on the skinny skis. This is Christmas weather!
  13. I did this on my mtn bike And today on the same bike at the same spot... It's feeling much happier. Merry Christmas to my finger!
  14. Looks great! The hardest part is getting it parallel to the short axis of the case. Most builds have it mounted so the stem exits the case at an angle upward. I had Ziggy install mine and it was tricky but he got it perfect.
  15. Wowowowowowowow!!! That's a beauty!
  16. It did indeed have an ETA. Perfectly centered date wheel? Moi?? PS: the one on this page doesn't have an ETA.
  17. I forgot to add the photo of the sunset that explains what's reflected on the crystal.
  18. My setup? iPhone and no espresso!
  19. I was looking for a picture of my old MBW and found this one again. It's too pretty not to put up again.
  20. Unless it's had case work, that's not the earlier MBW. Here's mine straight from the hands of Maria.
  21. Bizarre. I'm using an iPhone 6 to look at the forum this AM, iOS 8.0 and TaT v2.5.2 It's working fine whether from the shortcut list or the block menus at the top.
  22. Strange. I know the Boss loaded the latest TaT plugin last week.
  23. Here's a simple solution, just cut it out and tape it in place.
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