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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Nanuq

    Rolex 6200

    Let's see.... 5508, 5510, 6200, 6536/1 and possibly a 6538 ... yep. New Sheriff.
  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, you mean Winter Lite. Now I gotcha. It's when the car is exposed from the snow drift for a little while.
  3. "Summer"?? What is this strange word you use??
  4. Nanuq

    Rolex 6200

    Wow. Folks there's a new no-crownguards Sheriff in town. That's Mister cc33 to you........
  5. "The quality of its members" Absolutely true! And M, that watch is amazing too! I'm heading out for more snow today.... you??
  6. Wait for a thaw before swimming? That's crazy talk! Hmmmmm... what was that you said about your 7924??
  7. Did you see the perfect shape to the rehaut and the correct gap to the chapter ring? Awesome! I wasn't so sure about the white big lollipop seconds hand, but it's just great in person! Oh and I just pressure tested it... this baby's going swimming!
  8. Hey Mike bring some chains for the Lincoln and hit the road! Gots lots of room for you up here on the mountain. Yes, it's an incredibly generous gift. I'm not even sure how to adequately say thank you for something like this!
  9. Isn't that amazing?? I'd never heard of this modder (name withheld at his request), and dang he does nice work. I'm incredibly fortunate to be wearing this beauty. Humbled!
  10. My good friend Denimhead has a mate in the EU that does amazing mods. This modder decided to hang up his hat, so Denim grabbed his last two pieces. Out of the blue, Denim sent one to me and it arrived last night. I can't get over how nice this thing is! It's just over-the-top. So today me and the Big Crown went out for a snowshoe. He seems to like it here in the Arctic pretty well! And now back at the car. Thank you M! I am completely blown away by your generosity. Humbled.
  11. Yes, it does take some luck. Mostly it takes a whole lot of work. Work that's well worth the effort. Here's how I do it. http://www.troop-215.com/recent.htm
  12. Nanuq

    Rolex 6200

    Holy smokes JB! That thing is spectacular.
  13. Another simple trick: if you have new gaskets in your crown, you can use it to screw the tube into the case. Screw it down until it won't screw in any further. That seats the crown against the case, and should have the tube all the way in. Then when you use the watch, tighten the crown slightly less than that, and your gaskets will remain expanded to fill the gaps inside the crown. As the gaskets compress over time, you'll find you're screwing the crown down all the way to the case every time.
  14. Nicely said, Freddy. Now how does he go about switching his stem from the old crown to the new crown, and getting its length right? This is a good tutorial! Noobs? Pay attention.
  15. Here's a good article with lots of facts. It's well written and well cited. http://rense.com/general32/nine.htm
  16. Guns don't kill people any more than pencils write misspellings. Think about that for a moment. Yes, lack of education is the root of these mass shootings. What are the kids NOT being taught? Respect others. He's a person, not a problem. Raise your kids. Once they're born, "your" life is 2nd and their life is primary. You sacrifice to raise your kids. Don't expect the TV to raise them. You fathered a child? Marry his mother. Be a dad, not just a sperm donor. That child needs you. Get your lazy butt out of bed and make something of yourself today. Make your mother proud. Somebody disrespected you? Tough. Suck it up, buttercup. Be a man. Show him you're better than that and you can take it with a smile. Be man enough to walk away from a fight. You want that shiny thing he has? Earn one of your own. Don't take his. His is his, not yours. There are smarter, stronger, and better people than you. Get used to it. Nobody died and made you king. Call them "sir" and be gracious. You have a responsibility to every person you see today. It is your duty, nobody else's, to make their life easier today in a small way. Do it today, not tomorrow. Life does not "owe" you. If you're not going to put out the effort, you deserve to go without. If you work hard enough and you're diligent, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Nobody can hold you down until you give them permission. She's a lady. In her daddy's eye she's a princess. Treat her like one. Expect him to kick your ass if you don't. That old fool that's pissing you off? He was you a few years ago. You'll be him in a few years. Show some damn respect. Any form of electronic "entertainment" where you get to kill a person is just wrong. It's sick. Don't do that. That line about "we are all winners"? It's crap. If you want to win you better be ready to compete, because someone else has been training. Your mama loves you. Think about that before you do something stupid. Little kids are watching you. You're an example whether you like it or not. Don't you dare be a bad example to them. Life is tough. Be tougher. But do it gently. Be gracious. Smile and bust your ass to be a better man. Start today. I guarantee if these were taught to kids today, the rates of aggressive violence would plummet. So what's preventing each of us from teaching these to the kids we know? Nothing but our pride. Suck it up, buttercup. Fix the damn problem.
  17. Nice USD! Let's hope it's orange all over! I'm thinking it's time for a switcheroo...
  18. Nanuq

    Rolex 6200

    Hot dog! As rare as that crystal is, I'm glad you found such an impressive use for it!
  19. The Horological Death Star.
  20. The 6536 uses a Twinlock crown, if there's a dash beneath the coronet. That means twin o-rings, one beneath the crown cap and one around the shank where it penetrates the tube. Mine has the 6mm Brevet crown, which is also Twinlock. Parts are so scarce for the 1030 that I don't even get mine wet anymore, even though it's water tight. I don't want to risk an unseen crack in the crystal that's hidden by the bezel.
  21. You da man, E! So send that drill and tap pronto!
  22. There ya go. I've taught hundreds of boys gun safety. My son is the Rangemaster at Scout camp. Educate them and they can self-regulate.
  23. You couldn't be more right, ZK. When you raise up a kid the right way, he won't resort to a gun when he's mad or insulted or gets his feelings hurt. So find a Boy Scouts troop. Teach them integrity and character and responsibility. When it becomes "real" to them, then they'll live it. Then they start passing it along to their friends. THEN the fire gets lit and the kids raise each other up to a higher standard. "If we work on marble, it will perish; if on brass, time will efface it; if we rear up temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds and imbue them with principles, with the just fear of God and the love of our fellowmen, we engrave on those tablets something that will brighten to all eternity." --Daniel Webster
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