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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. *clutches chest* This is the big one... this is it! Heart attack! *stagger stagger*
  2. Now we need someone to drug Akira and get the formula for making the dials go "chocolate" so believably.
  3. "We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than did they, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours." John of Salisbury ca. 1159
  4. Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww PS: Hey JoeyB ... thank you for serving. 39 years!
  5. Haaaaaaa!! Here we are laboring under the false impression that we have any say over what our SWMBO wants to wear??! Haaaaa!!!! Bling away! (covering my eyes)
  6. Even more interesting.... which is more dangerous, the brown bear trying to break in my garage door, or the 12 gauge shotgun in my hands?
  7. I know..... I'm sorry. I wear sunglasses. It helps.
  8. Well said. Unfortunately, the very day the shooting occurred in Sandy Hook, a man with a knife stabbed 22 children and an adult at their primary school in Nanchang China.
  9. I started out buying Ms Nanuq a nice gold vintage piece..... Then I went with a newer stainless waterproof automatic to match my Doxa....... And now she wears a grotesque unique Fossil chrono with pink mother-of-pearl and bling.
  10. I was visiting my AD and having a nice chat with my watchmaker buddy. I had on my 6536 and he commented on a piece that came in recently. Some fisherman was down on the Kenai chasing sockeye salmon, and waded across the Russian river to reach a prime spot. Halfway across he looked down and saw something sparkly so he fetched it out from among the rocks. It was an old Rolex Big Crown, in pretty rough shape. The springbars had apparently failed and it lay among those rocks who knows how long. Amazingly it had not leaked and the movement was in good shape. It needed a lot of polishing up, a new crystal and gaskets, a service and I think an insert. The bill was going to be almost $1,000 and the guy that found it was really struggling with the expense of fixing that old watch. He even commented that it's not even a new model. Of course I volunteered to step in if the guy decided to abandon it but I never got a followup phone call. A genuine Big Crown for the price of a service and parts? I'll do that all day long.
  11. Let's keep the personal attacks out of this conversation.
  12. I remember that story. That was very kind of you to tell him what he actually had there. Very nice.
  13. Well dammit the forum software screwed me/us again. I suspended ttsuberi this evening, then hours later saw he was still active in this thread. So I used the ban tool from the IPB Skin version of this page, telling it NOT to delete his posts as it banned him. It deleted his posts. Dammit. Sorry boys, he's banned and gone, inadvertently. But he will be back. Count on it. Unfortunately.
  14. ttsuberi is suspended until we sort this out. I emailed him the basis for his suspension and demanded some answers. Again, thank you to RWG members for being diligent in uncovering this guy. Keep up the good work. A final note: "I paid by wire transfer" is not always true. If he deposited a check to your bank as payment, then later the check bounces, it is unclear whether you can keep the money. It may be recalled by the issuing bank. But it is NOT a "wire transfer" as commonly understood.
  15. Truer words were never spoken. We are isolated from our neighbors and we think a healthy outlet is sitting at a computer screen. We take offense at the slightest provocation. We are insular and spoiled rotten. We worship things, and have no time for people. Society is lost one broken person at a time. It can be recovered one person at a time. It takes effort, and it means caring more for others than you do for yourself. If we work on marble, it will perish; if on brass, time will efface it; if we rear up temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds and imbue them with principles, with the just fear of God and the love of our fellowmen, we engrave on those tablets something that will brighten to all eternity. --Daniel Webster
  16. I usually try to stay out of these discussions, but consider this: If there was a ban on clips holding more than x rounds, would all the criminals throw their hands up in the air and bemoan their large capacity clips? No. If there was a law banning guns on school grounds, would that stop a psychopath from taking a gun to an elementary school? No. It's not a gun problem. Society is broken. It's full of broken people. One of the consequences is these heinous acts. Fix the broken people, and there won't be anyone left that needs to kill a classroom full of children. I think the Boy Scouts is a good place to start. Teach character, ethics, duty, responsibility, and teach them to value other people. Then watch them teach their friends. It can be contagious. There's step #1 of the Nanuq Solution.
  17. BUMP: This guy is back with a new name, "simonetlv" He came in, scammed again and is banned again. Keep your eyes open people.
  18. What he's not saying is, 99% of those posts were "Say, have you seen my left nut??" Come on Ken, let's have something substantial here! Where are the babes?! Seriously, Congrats! You're a machine. At least that's what your wife says.
  19. Yep got my own little chocolate stash here. That chocolate 6538 looks like a must-have for my little watch family.
  20. No kidding. Akira, you caught the look of a gen chocolate dial just right. It's not a homogeneous color; just like your dial, the brown is darker and lighter in places. Nicely done!
  21. Okay Pugs here's a blast from the past... recognize this track? Bonus points if you remember what was happening.........
  22. *Gag* Utterly atrocious! Ghastly! I'll send you my address. Please send it for immediate *cough* disposal.
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