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Everything posted by Devedander

  1. I was thinking of getting the GF a watch for Xmas and looking around am not having a lot of luck finding something for her... One that I like the look of is this http://perfect-clones.com/carpf10003-pasha...king-p-430.html but I wonder what you all think of it for a lady? I am not really sure how big it is and such... She is not a tiny girl or anything but she is not masucline and she works with her hands a lot so a smaller watch that stays out of the way is best... Is this a decent choice for a lady?
  2. Us US guys don't get that hot a deal... normal price is $10/gram and coke goes for $40 a gram. And that's California prices... head out midwest and prices drop (along with quality). And I have found getting high isn't the experience it used to be for me either...
  3. Oooh... pick up on a hot asian girl via email... nice... accept if I try to impress her... she will know my watch... is... fake...
  4. Awesome... hope the buy down is successful Maybe we can get autographed pics from King (or was it Ruby who was the hot young asian girl?) Is there a requested paypal statement we should use? I am pretty new and don't want to leave out anything but definitely don't want to screw anything up.
  5. I still call false advertising... it more or less pushed me over the edge... but I think I will be thanking you for the push in the long run
  6. Little false advertising with the "last slot or pay full price" eh
  7. I think he meags the guy talkeda bout here... http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=13485
  8. Too late to stop a derail now... I wasn't even speaking of US gun laws, but no matter... the point is banning something doesn't take it out of the bad peoples hands. The people who obey the rules aren't the ones doing drivebys anyway, and those doing the drivebys now have a lower chance of someone firing back (any good person bystander is likely unarmed) thus making it even more tempting and making the gun they did get illegaly even more valuable. ex: Before gun banning lets say 50% of populace is armed, and 90% of criminals are armed, after gun banning maybe 5% of populace is armed and 60% of criminals are armed (due to more difficulty getting guns overall). Which picture looks better to you? I certainly think as a criminal I would think twice if it were a 50/50 chance the guy I pull a gun on pulls one back... but 5% chance? Gimme your money... It's certainly overly simplified, but the point remains... it's a snap judgement to say "The symptom is horrible, if you had witnessed the symptom you would think differently! Band the sympton!" It's the same logic that allowed the US people to be tricked into supporting the imperialistic situation we are in now... but that topic would derail even a derailed topic.
  9. Hot stuff, and as soon as my kidney clears on the black market I can paypal funds!
  10. The point being that when you know everyone else has a gun, despite being a part of life you are more careful to try and avoid them. And I agree that banning weapons takes the weapons out of the hands of the law abiding people, not so much the criminals. Mom and Pop down the street who are good people probably would turn their guns in, but a criminal is not going to say "Well darnit, I will have to rob people at knife point because there is a ban on guns" they will more likely say "Sweet! The chances of someone I rob having a gun are lower now and my gun is even more threatening!". Sure bans remove some weapons across the board, but it tends to simply increase the ratio of armed potential criminals to armed good people who need to protect themselves. Not quite the same but I read an article where it was reported that with every safety precaution added to the modern autombile, drivers get progressively more careless. The safest car would be one with no seatbelts and a huge metal spike pointed directly from the steering column to the drivers heart. While it sounds stupid, I can vouch that while in China I experienced driving that would make New York cabbies flinch on a regular basis, but yet I never saw an accident (they happen but are quite rare)... I attribute it to people not wearing seatbelts and realizing they need to remain astute and not depend on others "defensive driving" to save their butts. I know not exactly an analogous situation but still good to think about...
  11. http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?...UseBVCookie=Yes Actually got it from Sears originally (actually original one was lost a few years ago, GF got a replacement for my bday a while back). The bracelet is "chunky" as in it doesn't bent smoothly like a snake, the links move a little bit, then a little pressure and they pop past a sticky point and bend the rest of the way. Pop back too. I think the corners between links rub just enough to keep it from being smooth (both mine have acted the same way which makes me believe it's just an issue with the watch). The last link is really sticky but it doesn't need to move much. Also they are odd links, they have metal wrapped around them longwise (as in a 12 to 6 oclock direction not across the bracelet) and it seems to be just pressed around, it is comming off a little on the ones near the face... not sure how to explain it, maybe will put a picture up later. Overall I am not horribly impressed with the quality of the workmanship, and indeed my crystal has quite a few fine scratches on it and is anything but scratch resistant. All the same, it's got a special place just because it was my first "real" watch
  12. I understand and respect your viewpoint, but if you lived here in the US you would see the rediculous level of censorship/freemdom trampling that stems from people who act drastically in an unpleasant situation. Did you know over here some elimentary schools banned the game of "tag" because children could get hurt? While it may feel good to say "knifings have gone up, get rid of knives" it is false logic, which was proven when guns were controlled to a much higher extend. Being exposed to a nasty situation may make it easier to rationalize a snap decision or an illogically broad solution, but it's important to think about it with as little emotion as possible to get a logical, solid solution. Guns don't kill people, knives don't kill people, violent people who want to kill people kill people. Remove whatever you like but if it's not violent killers then you don't solve your problem. Sure it's a nice stopgap but if you follow the logic you will eventually have to ban hammers because you could brain someone with one during a robbery. Again, nothing against keeping a watch forum for watches only, but this is very close to removing the symptom rather than the cause...
  13. If he bought it second hand, what's up with the picture of a shopping store bag? I would think that was there to purporte "This is where I bought it"... so something doesn't add up...
  14. Haha... I actually saw that but it didn't click with me it was rep... and I have the benefit of watching on an 85 inch HD screen...
  15. Well some of the sellers here carry leather bags, pens and lighters that aren't watches... While I can defnitely see the scare of being in an area of high stabbings it does seem kind of silly to condemn knife sellers on the internet for it... I mean it's not like you can't just go to any local shop and buy a knife perfectly capable of killing someone... I would think the internet is the last place a person looking to stab people would go: "Damnit!! This is my bar!! I drink here every Friday night and I'll be damned if you can walk in here and insult me! I am going home, sober up enough to browse the web for a good price on a decent knife, order it, wait for it to get shipped, come find you and then stab you." Whie I agree a watch forum isn't realy an appropriate place to sell knives, the reasoning just seems off... I mean it's not like people are really circumventing some safety on knives by ordering off the internet. If I walk into walmart and buy a hunting knife cash and stab someone with it I don't think there is any more likelihood they will catch me than if I order it from someone off the net.
  16. Sweet... well as soon as this get setup I guess I am officially in on the world of Internet reps.... BTW I just noticed Paul has this watch at sub $200 prices... how is that possible?
  17. I haven't been in it long but what I would love to see is AR coating and Super Lume... AR coating is a major part of the look of a watch and I hate not being able to read the time at 3am without turning on a light.
  18. Yeah despite a crap bracelet that binds all over and pins that seem fail if I get them wet (which sucks for a waterproof watch) I still really like my citizen. It keeps great time (it's quartz) and it's just nice enough looking to be eye catching but not at all out of place doing anything day to day. It was my first "Real" watch and will always hold a place for that... Glad to hear I didn't get soaked on these reps then... being in China I think I should have been able to beat canal street prices but then again I wasn't actually in Guanzhou. I get expensive hobbies like nobodies business and already have 3 jobs to cover hobbies... I alot myself about $2k a year to play with and keep myself entertained... this years was mostly eaten up by home theater stuff but I think I know where the last few hundred is going...
  19. Well I am either going to regret getting a watch with an improper date font or I am going to regret not filling my need for a simple non chrono watch that looks decided nice... Might as well regret it with a watch on my writst right? Count me in!
  20. I am sorry, I didn't mean to thread jack the GB thread... but it looks like this GB is filling up fast and I searched all the ingenuire threads I could find and was hoping for more clarification. The differences on non 2 numbers wasn't extreme, I just now saw the difference on 2's and it worried me. I figured this is where all the IWC attention is so I would give it a shot here. We may be anal retentive in different ways bu t I think we can all understandt he desire to not have that one fault that would really bother you.
  21. I totally see the points you are making and I know "wrong date font" is considered anal retentive even amongst some of the ranks here and it offends some people that the joy of replicas for some is actually tricking people into thinking it's real instead of enjoying a quality time piece. But from my point of view it's more like this: Even though the gens are MUCH more than the reps, I find $200+ a fair chunk of change (no not enough that I shoudln't be spending it, but enough that I like to make sure it's well spent) and when I buy something for that much money I do like to consider all the issues carefully. For me I am interested in reps because I do like the way they look and I like that they are good time pieces, but I also don't want to have something that attracts attention to it's "fakeness". A little difference in date font is no big deal, but the 25 on the gen literally looks almost digital whereas the rep is VERY different. If all the 2's are that far off it will be a lot of days out of the month that a significant difference is on a major part of the watch. It's not a crown guard that you would have to look for, it's not pin instead of a screw in a bracelet that you wouldn't see unless you had reason to check... it's a major, functional part of the watch... there are 2 pieces of info the watch provides: Date and Time. I think it's reasonable to assume that if ANY minor error is going to be detected, it's going to be a really off date font. It's not only a major portion of the info displayed, it's also actual writing, something humans are much better at picking up on than things like relative size and shape. Slightly short hands, a little fatter than normal, deeper rehaut... might look a little off to some, but change actual writing and the difference becomes much more noticeable. I showed my fake breitling to a friend and a picture of the real deal on the internet... of all the totally off things to spot, you know what he spotted? The 1 on your watch doesn't have the same little tails the one on the real one does... he is not a watch conisuor and never saw a breit in his life, but what he spotted was an incorrect font issue (this was on the face and not a date font but still). I showed my cheapo breitilng to a friend and a picture of a real one I honestly don't have a problem with people who want to convince others they are wearing a real Rolex for clout... if you are ok with being that kind of person, then hey whatever. But for me it's not so much that I want to fool people, but rather that I don't want to stick out as a fake. For instance I would like a Porsche 911... both because it's a hot car and because it drives nicely... if you offered me a decent replica that drove pretty well and looked a lot like a Porsche but maybe the wheel wells were a little to deep and the door handle should face back instead of down, I would be fine with it. But offer me a more accurate replica but that has a Ford emblem emobossed on the trunk and I am sorry I just can't do it... In the former case I would have no problem telling everyone it's a replica, but it still looks nice and drives nice. But in the latter I would not be ready to deal with people saying "Dude, your cheap ass fake has a ford sticker on it". I am not one to lie about wearing a rep, but I don't want to advertise it to someone who might spot something obvious like a very round date font on a watch which should have a bold square font. On a chrono like the navitimer I wouldn't think as much about it as it might be lost more in the business of the dial, but on a simple face that only tells 2 things, date and time, getting the writing that tells the date wrong is coniderably more of an issue.
  22. What payment methods are accepted for this GB? Also any pics that clearly show the datefont difference? I didn't think it would be a difference but the many gen pics show the 25th in the window in very square almost digital font which does seem strikingly different...
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