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Posts posted by mjmurphy926

  1. Sorry to burst your bubble but I think both watches have similar thin engraving different to the rep one... ^_^

    Similar in thickness, but the positioning is very different on the 2 gens. I was mostly speaking of the positioning.

    See how the "I" on the 113 is partially hidden? That looks like my rep. I always thought the gen positioning was more like the top picture.

    But you're right V, the gen engraving is definitely thinner.

  2. So, I always thought that the engraving on a gen H series 6497 looked like this:


    But look what I found on the bay. It's advertised as a 113H:




    Looks a hell of a lot like my rep:


    The gen font seems a little thinner, but the size and spacing look really close.

    Either the watch on the bay is fake (I don't think this is the case), or it would seem that OP engraved their bridges similar to our reps for a period of time.


  3. exactly.. :o

    from a first glance I couldn't tell if it is a gen watch or a rep !!!!

    I knew right away it was rep, but not because of the perfect dial...

    Do you know what gave it away for me right off the bat? Something that I've never heard mentioned (doesn't mean it hasn't been, I've just never heard or read it), but is blatantly obvious to me.

    I'll bet that the hands, or at least the second hand, are DSN. Notice the shape of the lumed part of the hand. I'll call it the football. :D It's not shaped the same as a gen second hand. The gen and standard rep hands are shaped like a football, equal on both ends. DSNs are wider at the end by the pivot.

    Has this been spoken of before and I just missed it?

    BTW - I'm not dissin' this watch at all...I wish it were mine!! I'd just change the second hand with a Zig lumed hand.

  4. I have access to an alligator tannery, so I can pretty much get any color you all need. If you find something you are interested in, just send me a pic and I'll try and get a hide close to that color. These take 1-2 days to receive from the tannery, so turn around time is still pretty quick. I have plans to visit during Christmas holiday, so I will bring back more. Stay tuned. I have on the list to acquire: black and tan. Any others?


    How about a honey brown? I'd be up for that.

  5. Everybody has their own idea of what a rep should be and how much they are willing to spend. Myself? I won't hesitate to spend $200 (even with the hidden extra charges) for this 1/2 dial. It's virtually indistinguishable from a gen dial IMHO.

    I'm not sure what a gen dial is worth, but I know UJ has one for sale for $1200. For me, $200 +$30 shipping +$30 wire fee +$75 - $100 lume (I already have a donor dial for the lower plate). Even at $360, I'm still willing to pony up...Now if he'd just reply to my RG PM. :D

  6. I think the DSN dial is way better than the standard rep dial. I have one on the way.

    But that Little Hero dial is as close to perfect as I've seen.

    I'm with V on the cost. I don't think $200 is too much to pay for a dial of this quality. I'm definitely going to see about getting one of them.

    So let's see.

    $228 - Original watch from Andrew with dagger swan neck

    $200 - V CG

    $ 40 - T-60 crown

    $ 85 - DSN sapphire crystal

    $ 45 - Chieftang AR

    $200 - Little Hero dial

    $100 - Lume dial and hands

    $ 75 - Cannon pin fix

    $100 - Movement service


    $1073 - Total

    That's about 20% of gen cost. It better look DAMN close... :D

    If this one ever goes up for sale, I'm sure to get some :o reactions at the asking price. :D

  7. Great shots stilty!!

    How weird would it be to be out shopping in some high end SoCal shops and running into James Hetfield and Robert Trujillo?!?

    I'm even laughing now imagining the phone call:

    James: Hey Bobby...What's up?

    Robert: Not much James. What are you up to?

    James: Oh, not a lot...Just thought I'd head out and pick up some Armani...Wanna come along?

    Robert: Sure...

    Not exactly what I'd have thought a phone conversation between those two would sound like. :D

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