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Everything posted by sempire

  1. Have you had the rep of this?
  2. I think you are right about those illegals from Mexico and South America in the US. they seems to be having a different issue in Europe. The illegals in the US seem to be hard workers and always sending money back home. In Europe it seems like they move somewhere and try to stay true to their homeland. I remember hearing once that most immigrants in Europe that have no intention of assimilating just move into their own community over there and it's gotten so bad that the government doesn't bother with them. I heard there are places in Germany that are just villages filled with immigrants that are off the government radar. They even have their own community funded services and banking that have nothing to do with the government or outside world. I find in Canada it is different. I have know a lot of illegals. Here they come from place like Sri Lanka, work under the table at restaurants as kitchen staff and bus boys.. And the kicker.. They buy used bmws and fake gold rolexes to impress each other and people back home. I was at my shop a few months ago, and this Indian guy called, he just moved to the country a few days ago and was calling to see if the shop owner can find him a BMW for around $1000. When you call back home you tell them you got a BMW and you live downtown... You don't tell them it's a 30 year old BMW and you live with 6 guys in a 1 bedroom apartment in the ghetto..
  3. Wow! Great pic, great watch!
  4. The thing is that you have three type of immigrants. Those who want to come to a new place, integrate, contribute and work towards a better future. Those who don't want to follow rules, and the order of their new country, they are just there to take And those who want to turn their new country into their old country without the problems of being killed or having no rights like back home.
  5. Need pics of an Ed Hardy style wedding..
  6. I'd be interested in putting a sapphire in my 253.
  7. I try to cycle through all my watches but when I'm out with my kid, or on the motorcycle, or maybe just dicking around on the beach its about having that watch that is good, but you may not mind getting that one ding, or a bit of wear. I know that after sinking money into building a franken watch you don't want to use it when you're cage fighting or something.
  8. It's not about disallowing immigration, it's about getting the right immigrants and keeping your eye all of them for a period of time. I remember reading that if you're allowed to immigrate to Australia and you're not high on the list of skilled immigrants that they want, they could tell you where you have to live, and for how long. In Canada, everyone immigrates to Toronto and then they find it's very expensive and could be hard finding jobs. Meanwhile other places in Canada are dying for immigrates, are cheaper to live, and have jobs. A lot of people are all about easy money and easy live, they want it the fast way. When the older generation came try wanted to make something of themselves, the kids now want it all handed to them because they believe they deserve it.
  9. What ever the bride is good with. My wife wouldn't care if I wore a rep. If you're both happy with it, why not? If you like the watch have fun with it. It's only where you're trying too hard to be something you're not it's trouble. You don't need to spend a fortune to in order to prove your love for each other..
  10. If you call Canada post and give the tracking number you can get them to open a service request and then they will look into it internally and contact any foreign postal services that they need to in order to find out exactly where it is and what's going on.
  11. I guess after a few watches you find that one watch that you're always wearing when you're not wearing anything else. What is it? I'm tending to get a lot of time out of my 253I..
  12. Oh. That's interesting. I am not trying to be crass and in my conversations with The Zigmeister i dont believe I have said anything that has upset him. I hear of his great reputation and have a lot of watches that I would like to send his way for servicing and modifications. Being an online forum though I can understand that with thousands of people there will always be differences in opinion, difference skills, experiences and depending where you are in the world, differences in normal interactions with other people based on our different cultures. I apologize if I've offended you, but I haven't heard from others on this. Is there a specific reason you feel offended?
  13. I'm in the process of setting my The Zigmeister appointment. I am going to keep him busy.
  14. The Milgauss is a great watch. I think it would have to be one of my favorites.
  15. Yea, the uk really messed up with their immigration policy... Maybe there will be a change..
  16. It's funny because everyone starts out looking for the best out of the box rolex, bit then you learn that no matter what you choose you really need to have it modded to reduce the flaws. Some people sell watches that already have been modded which are usually good, otherwise soon as you buy something it's just a matter of time hanging around here that you'll notice every flaw and need them corrected. I find it's hard with the rolexes because everyone knows about rolexes and fake rolexes, so everyone will assume it's fake if you dont fit the role.
  17. The asians are making all the money from us sending it there. 10 years ago everything made in china was crap. now they are starting to be on par with japan.
  18. How about for us North Americans?
  19. You win some... you lose some..
  20. It makes sense, no? Any country that I have moved to, or have been in for vacation or business I have had to follow their rules and customs. I would feel like a scumbag showing up in Australia and start driving on the other side of the road because that's how it is 'back home'. The British are dumb for allowing this to happen, and hopefully countries start realizing that certain freedoms should be allowed to be revoked if you're not following the rules. When they had the G20 riots in Toronto, there were rioters that turned around and sued the police and government because they were traumatized by the police stopping the riots... Like really..
  21. All these governments are too soft. Anyone that wasn't born in the UK and involved in this should be detained, promptly denied human rights, and be deported and blacklisted from entering the country. All born UK citizens should be arrested. At least you will clean up everything. I don't understand why people would leave their country to go somewhere else and threaten people who lived their lives in their country as they did way before you. You can't move to Saudi Arabia, build an Anglican Church and then tell the Saudi's that unless they turn into a Christian state you will kill them all in the name of Jesus. How ludacris.
  22. Well I've ordered the Taka AR, the ETA DW, I have my kevlar style strap with deployment buckle put on already, and with getting everything else installed I'll also get it relumed and serviced. Now how much difference will a gen dial, hands, tube and crown make?
  23. Yea, I would probably want to go with The Zigmeister.. He has a great rep around here. Right now it's just figuring out if the v3 AR sucks so bad that I should replace it.
  24. You're just missing her friend and a cup now..
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