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Everything posted by elprimerozen

  1. As you see here is the CCCP Panerai !!!!From this shop also came my Aviator!Great shop and grat Service! The site is this:CCCP Watch shop!You can trust him!
  2. Do you remember my Aviator 5 Chrono???It was and it is for sale....Great watch all the way!
  3. ..a month ago i talked with him for an El-primero kit...maybe you have to contact him via mail from the "other" forum.But he is around..im sure
  4. I think we have a winner here with a beautyfull classic watch!Nice wear it well!
  5. I Just recieved a fax from a university which says what realy happened in the times of "Leonidas and the 300" and about the dialogs that took place at this batle at "Thermopiles"("Hot Gates"). It confirms that the movie is almost 100% corect by placing the corect FACTS and DIALOGS. Did you see the movie? In my opinion it is a MASTERPIECE!!!Long live the Greeks!
  6. elprimerozen


    This is what i see from my house in Greece....btw beautyfull Pug. ps:no photoshop...only the litle casio ex-s600(exilim)
  7. Yes yes from the Alpha....to Omega!He he!
  8. alpha,vita,gama,delta,epsilon,zita,ita,thita,jota......and it goes on and on
  9. oooohh yes we have a WINNER PUG.....The fight was unfair because Justasgood was playing like that:
  10. Realy nice no date Sub.! So still we have no winner....so ROUND #3 FIGHT!!!!!
  11. Have a nice sleep my friend...i will be here to standup for you!
  12. We have a DUCE! No winner! In the sircle there are the thicker CG one for Pug and one for Justasgood...so in my opinion there is one mistake for both of them.....or maybe its the pics! But prove me wrong!
  13. Fight fight fight!!!!!!Come on Pug post your CG pic and let the fight begine!For now we have no winner!
  14. ooohh i forgot:one time with EMS and the packet was inspected but finaly came through.
  15. More than 30 parcels with fedex to Greece...NEVER had any problems.!!!Always on time from Paris!...but who knows in the future!
  16. You have touched perfection Pug!!!!!!Nice Job!
  17. So people ... 10 points for Kimi!!!Ferrari is on fire!!!!!
  18. ...i dontknow exactly....but as i see the pen now,i think yes!
  19. ...i think that after Paris the update from fedex should say.."in transit"...here we have only "departed"....What can i say???
  20. Here is mine from Josh.
  21. I realy think that he can chalenge for the championship....if he can take the championship..i agree,its a diferent story!
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