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Everything posted by PPN

  1. I'm actually looking forward to the non-chrono one a little more than this chrono rep. But I have to agree, this new chrono looks sexier than the previous model.
  2. Help me out, boys. I'm on the fence between the two models as they are both amazing, good reps, and look great. I know they are different styles, and I'll probably end up having both, but I'm trying to decide which to get first. Anyone have either one, both, or just want to voice your opinion? Let's hear it!
  3. Either from Josh or Andrew. Anyone have these models - how are they? Any major problems or flaws with either of them? Also, given the same approximate price, which would you get?
  4. Didn't even notice those before. Thanks for pointing them out.
  5. I'm probably going to buy this one...
  6. Haven't heard of them. Probably safer to stick with the trusted dealers.
  7. Oh, I thought you mentioned the gen is double coated while the rep is single coated?
  8. Excellent comparison, Andy. I was about to post a thread asking for advice on the rep Ingy, so I'm glad I came across your post first. I may very well have to pick one of these watches up! Do you know if some of the minor flaws you mentioned have been fixed in the latest Ingy rep - things like the shorter hands, the double AR, the date window, caseback, etc.?
  9. Great shots. Wow, I had no idea there was this difference. But then again, in the grand scheme of things, I think this rep has really come a long way if this is one of the few (small) flaws.
  10. How can you tell it is fake? No, seriously...I'm still learning.
  11. I must say, though, that the caseback engravings and bracelets are done pretty well.
  12. Right. So can anyone tell me regarding the updated red version, are there any other glaring flaws on the rep version?
  13. Not really my style, but good for you!
  14. Excellent pictures. So does the split second feature work on this one?
  15. Right...resulting in the thicker movement. Thanks.
  16. Ah, the old "sorting center" frustration. Good luck! Whatcha got incoming?
  17. Awesome - this is exactly what I was trying to find out. Thanks for pointing out these differences to me. On the other hand, though, I must say I was a little disappointed to find out that the "ultimate" version still had some minor flaws...
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