This is essentially a forum for counterfeit goods, so obviously where dealers here are concerned, they deal with the same type of goods! We are also registered here to enjoy this as a hobby. Why use this as an attack point against someone here now? Its just senseless.
I also disagree with what you said, regarding Ken using his status as a moderator here to his own advantage. Objectively, from what I have read and seen, he has not. The fact that your post still exists, instead of being deleted to oblivion, shows that he has not abused his moderator privileges in an instance where it would have directly convenienced him to do so.
If you have personal beef with Ken, please resolve it with him via PM, I think Ken has been a responsible and stand-up man and dealer, and many here would agree with me. You have have a real problem with him, but attacking him in such a manner is uncalled for.
You obviously are a man who has no qualms about speaking your mind about anyone, and I respect that. Why not put that straightforward mentality to better use and speak with Ken personally on whatever issues you have?