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Everything posted by 2005SUBMARINER

  1. yeap 99.9% of the stuff down theres realy low quality stuff ! you may get lucky & find a decent rep ..
  2. then poor fisheries! it is my good friend ! reelem in buddy!
  3. hmmmmmmmmmm looks a lil to bling blingy..
  4. hey thanx man ! happy fathersday to all the dads in the forum ! ima fairly new dad my daughter is 19month old best thing that ever happened to me
  5. man sounds like a hell of exciting job ! & not every one can do something like that ! i know deepsea fishermen are a choosen few good luck & thanx for sharing those most excellent pix !
  6. man youv got to have some big COJONES! to work out ther man i certainly wont be able to do that type of work ill freak out at the site of the ocean entering the ship ... but excellent pix ! looks like exciting work .. theres gotta be big ass sharks out there great whites , tigers , oceanic white tips ? have you seen those types of sharks out there ?
  7. my old 911carrera i enjoyed this lil baby for 3 years
  8. does that asia gmt movement is the same size as the eta 2836 ?
  9. a watch thats 5min too fast would just drive me crazy!!!
  10. today i conducted inspection of a nyc facility & there i met a manager wearing a gen tt sub cost him about 5k .. beautifull watch .. we both took a seat & talked about his rolex & he noticed my eta seadweller & asked me if my watch was running too fast or to slow ? so i replied that my watch is within 3-5 seconds +/- perday ! cause i did my own regulation .. he was [censored] off that his gen rolex was only 2yo & was running 5min fast perday i told him thats totally unacceptable ! & should send it back to rolex for regulation & maybe a good cleaning .. ahhhhh & i also mentioned that my watch if powered by a swiss eta movement .. same movement used on tudor/rolex /.. i also told him it was a highend rep & he could not belive that a rep could keep better time than his 5k gen .. heres a gen rolex compared with an eta seadweller , he also mentions that the rep keeps better time than the gen rep vs gen ..
  11. if your evo has an asian movement in it , then i think the dial feet are held down by 2 screws, simple to remove .. on the other hand the eta 28xx series mvt the dial feet are held down by 2 tiny dial feet levers much more difficult to remove .. iv leared to easily swap movements but when it comes to reinstall hands i totally suck at that ! iv messed up many hands .. good luck rx man
  12. do you press into the levers to remove dial feet ? & do some rep doals come with to short dial feet ? i think i may have problematic dial feet !
  13. haha shred bank statements lol .. im 40yrs & also love those old blues jams ! .. its very easy to record using your pc , just plug in into it & use your windows recorder its standard in all pc's .. rock on ...
  14. hey that sounds awsome ! would love to hear a lil shred sound bite of that set up man ! can you post mp3 with a lil sound bit ?
  15. hey blues man love that fender half stack ! hows the sound ? i my self play thru a marshal ! .. great set up .. how about a lil hendrix redhouse !!!
  16. thats some scary sh**t ! makes me think twice about wearing my reps on a vacation ! .. i wonder if they stop people wearing those horrible INVICTA rolex rip off watch ..
  17. i agrre with mr TJ i dont wear my eta 2836 gmt master anymore ! cuz that dam gmt hand lags behind ! but the watch keeps excellent time
  18. theres me joining the family in an old mud bathing jamboreeeeeee by the way thats my couzin billy bob who did a belly flop in the mud didnt even damage his TWB sub !
  19. here it is .. danny spitz of anthrax & master watch maker .
  20. thats alotta $$$$$$$$ for a rep .. even if itsa 1:1 ..
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