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Everything posted by TheRefinedSon

  1. Lord have mercy, it looks like the end of the world up here in the Arctic. I haven't seen the sun in days and the wind is a howling! lol, wind chill must be dropping it below -30 right now. I'm not complaining though, I could be somewhere warm and broke lol!
  2. I believe you only need to be 18 to buy a rifle in CT, handguns are 21. As far as certifications if its anything like CA, handgun training courses are required for a permit. But none of that really has anything to do with what happened. She should have had them under lock and key but even that isn't fool proof. Where there is a will there is a way. If someone wants to hurt people, they will. Laws, regulations and consequences be damned. This guy was willing to die, similar mentality to a suicide bomber. How do you stop those kinds of people?
  3. Where are you from? Not America. Guns sold everywhere in every store. That's a ridiculous idea. They weren't even his guns. They were his moms. Look. He's nuts, you can't regulate craziness. It's a tragedy, as a father I'm appalled. I don't like the idea that we trust the police to have firearms but not our citizens. As you said the rate of mentally ill people that kill people is low, so this type of thing happening in a country with 300,000,000 people is low, yet it does happen. What's to be done? What would work, do we want to just make knee jerk reactions and hope for the best or can real tangible progress be made without trampling people's rights and freedom? That is an argument I'm willing to engage in.
  4. Thats my point, they can't be compared. Ten times more people die in accidents, all preventable. Three times as many people kill themselves. What is Obama going to do that hasn't already been done? He can't repeal the second ammendment lol! He's made all of the history he's going to make by being the first black president. Besides that he's a run of the mill politician.
  5. Most high schools in the US have police officers on campus at least part time. Police are armed, they're among us and our children whenever we leave home. Why wouldn't we trust them at our schools with our children? In fact we already do. Its straightforward to get a gun legally in the US. Have a clean record, pass the background check go through the classes to get a permit in many states. It varies state to state, some states allow private party sales. BTW who is that in your sig pic? Che? He's a man that has fired a gun in anger, more than once. Cuban exiles in the US called him "the butcher of La Cabaña".
  6. I've spent some time in Canada. I have six family members that hold dual citizenship. Yeah, I get it. Even though Canada really never had a gun violence problem they still effectively banned/restricted private ownership of firearms. Comparing Canada and the US is apples and oranges in my opinion. Shootings just make headlines. Not saying murder isn't a problem, just saying the act of murder is the choice of the person. A gun is an inanimate object. Leading causes of death in the US; Heart disease: 599,413 Cancer: 567,628 Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 137,353 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,842 Accidents (unintentional injuries): 118,021 Alzheimer's disease: 79,003 Diabetes: 68,705 Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,692 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,935 Intentional self-harm (suicide): 36,900 Lets put this in perspective roughly 13000 people were murdered with firearms in 2011 if I'm not mistaken. That is 4.7 per 100,000. The US murder rate is nothing to be proud of, roughly 75% of our homicides yearly are committed with firearms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate#By_country If you look at the list on the link above you will see a number of countries that outright ban the private ownership of firearms, others that restrict their ownership much more than in the US. No, we are not a third world country. But a right to bear arms is not the cause of murders period. The desire to commit murder is not something that will be solved with legislation. The means to commit murder are only limited to a murderers twisted imagination. BTW I do have children in school.
  7. It wasn't written to protect the population from wildlife and natives. Enact all the laws you want, if you want to hurt people and you're not semi vegetative you'll likely succeed. The same arguments over and over again. For every nut job that massacres innocents there are a hundreds of millions if not billions of people with the same means that would never entertain the thought. It takes real depravity to commit an act like this and depravity cannot be regulated. That said we need to do more to protect our children. CC TV's, emergency plans and uniformed officer LEO on campuses. I'm not against teachers with CCW's but that is about as divisive an argument as exists concerning the 2nd amendment.
  8. Just picked this one up from another member, man does it keep great time! Maybe +5 seconds a day? You want more accurate? Wear a quartz. No wonder the 2824-2 is so ubiquitous. Great lume too. Just a tad too big for my small wrist so I'm still on the fence about keeping it. Wore it yesterday too hence the date being the 13th
  9. Good info jamesfl. I just ordered my disco. I've wanted a watch with an a7750 for a while.
  10. I'm thinking I keep the 2824 for a submariner build after my rep sub felt a womans wrath, plus its really cool and has already been serviced. Where can I get a 2836 clone?
  11. Hmmm, well. I'll test it, if it looks way off it looks like I'll sell the movement or trade it. They seem to be pretty close in price to the 2836, maybe I can swing a straight across trade or just sell the 2824 and pick up an asian movement. Whats the asian equivalent of the 2836?
  12. I'm afraid that the cannon pinion might be too low on the 2824 I bought. What do you think?
  13. Any pics?
  14. I've been sitting on parts for my Sea Dweller build for a while and I finally purchased a used and serviced ETA 2824-2 on the bay recently. Has anyone built an SD using the 2824-2? Mine comes with the service stem so I'll need a stem to fit it as well as a date wheel overlay. Anyone know which stem I should be using and where to get the proper date wheel overlay? The movement I'm using is from a Hamilton so I doubt the font on the date wheel would be accurate for this build. I'll post some pics of the parts tomorrow.
  15. That's what people keep telling me. I'll have to check them out.
  16. I'm in OTZ. I need winter gear lol!
  17. Where in AK are you? I just moved up to the Arctic four months ago. Been up here before, my family has lived up here for a long time.
  18. Thanks for the info! So it may in fact have a swiss movement. Not that it changes my opinion of the watch. Were there many ETA movements from 30+ years ago that wound no matter the way the rotor is turning? That feature might be what the term "Rotor-Record" meant? Its a non hacking movement and its keeping very good time. Its clearly a high quality watch and has withstood the test of time with flying colors.
  19. ERMI automatic, don't know much about it. Just picked it up at the post today. A recent eBay purchase all the way from Poland. The seller claimed it was a swiss automatic but there weren't any markings other than the indicated 25 jewel movement so I wasn't overly concerned with it actually having a Swiss origin. The rotor on the movement is labeled "Rotor-Record". Did a little bit of digging and I found another ERMI watch using a Forster movement, which I understand is actually a German maker. I like it all the same . I belive the automatic movement winds no matter which way the rotor is turning. All in all a nice little vintage dress watch.
  20. My trusty swiss quartz, tritium capsuled US Government Marathon.
  21. Wenger 7701X Swiss Quartz, a christmas present.
  22. My first rep, got it in the other day from Supermirrors and I've been wearing it every other day. Kinda light compared to my invicta diver abyss, I think its the hollow bracellet.
  23. New here, new to reps. Been interested in mechanical watches for awhile, ever since I bought my Invicta in 2008. Before that it was all cheap quartz. Lurked for awhile, now I'm posting. I have a build or two planned. Picked up some parts from another member. They should be on their way. Bought a Sub rep after looking at building one. Its en route from China as we speak, from SuperMirrors. Even though it has the 2813 21j movement it was much cheaper than putting it together myself. I guess we have to get the sub rep out of the way if we're noobs . My first build is going to be an SD with a NATO strap and a gen ETA 2824-2, maybe the 2836-2? A few years back I started looking at watches that didn't require a battery. Became familiar with terms like "complications" and "hacking". Really wanted a Rolex Sub but couldn't bring myself to part with the $3K+ it would cost. Ended up buying an Invicta Abyss with the Miyota 21j. My first automatic. At less than 2 bills it was cheap and it looked vaguley Rolex like. Still wear the hell out of it. Can't say it's been the best watch, serviced three times in two years when it broke again I stuck it in a drawer. Took it out recently and decided to fix it myself. Purchased a case back opener, screwed the rotor back on and I was hooked. A buddy of mine purchased an ICW rep with the a7750 so I followed suit into the rep world. Being of the mechanically inclined variety I've been investing in some watch tools. Case holder, movement holder etc. looking forward to building whatever it is I dream up and putting it on my wrist. I'm thinking this could be a gratifying waste of time . When it warms up I'll be back to wrenching on my 71 Bavaria but in the meantime I'll troll the forums for ideas and parts. When I finish the SD build I'll work up something vintage inspired to match my old bimmer. Watches I own; Skagen 38LGXB Japanese Quartz (21st b day present) Invicta 2943 Black MOP dial 21j Miyota Wenger 7701X Swiss Made quartz chrono (Xmas present) Marathon US Government "Navigators" MIL-W-46374F type 6 Swiss Made Swiss Quartz tritium capsules (gift) Accutime 1517 LOL! Japanese Quartz (found it in my BMW when i bought it, put a KMart band on it and replaced the battery) its now my wrenching on cars watch! Last but not least an awesome blinged out chinese POS my daughter won in one of those claw games at a pizza joint. It's awesome. I'll post pics lol! You'll see me in the wrist check area. Hopefully you'll like the pics. Anyways, I'll stop blabbing now.
  24. Outside of the aerospace industry and the automotive industry and other high end high precision industries I'm not aware of this service being available to the general public. There are a few engineering companies out there but it looks like its not the type of thing that can be accomplished for a hobbyist for a few hundred dollars.
  25. With this watch is so popular right now, seems everyone has one or is getting one. Watch bands are a great way to stand out. This one is pretty cool.
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