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Mike on a bike

RWG Crew
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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. With all due respect I will comment on this subject. I postulate that the outcome in Nanuq's family's case could not have been worse. If his Grandfather had been armed could have been the same the only possible difference if he was armed ,better outcome. There are so many scenarios to paint bad guys grabbing your gun using on you people fending of assailants because they were armed. It comes down to this, are you willing to risk guns being available as you want to be armed or are you willing to risk not having one and hope this will keep criminals from having one. I choose the former as you well know, as far as 30 round clips and buying a gun with just a pack Chiclets for ID and no background check, I am against it.

  2. Member fraggle was in a bad bike accident years ago in a recent thread he posted (UK or OZ).

    " I guess you'll be like me then, a life of pain killers, arguing with the doctors at the drug review as they're always trying to cut them down, not believing anyone is actually in pain nowadays!"


    What is this drug review board I wonder. We will keep our guns and you guys can keep your socialism ,deal?

    I have three kids they take a chance here in the land of guns , chance to defend there freedom, home and self.

    No I did not forget the chance to get killed that comes with the territory, can not have it both ways.

    If you think you can you are only fooling yourself or have been fooled.

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