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Mike on a bike

RWG Crew
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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. Could not agree with this more ""For those of us fighting for our traditional rights, the US 2nd Amendment is a rare light in an ever darkening room. Governments will use the excuse of trying to protect the people from maniacs and crime, but are in reality, it is the bureaucrats protecting their power and position"


    Get it! Wake up! You are being played.

  2. AH! " I grew up in Switzerland" that explains it you have been indoctrinated by Euro socialist thinking at a young age.( we will try and cure you) Most who grew up in the NY metro area think a bit differently.( where is the whores, booze and drugs thread!)  Next topic global warming, Quick call Al Gore..................... Oh my god NO!!!!


    PS Relax just kidding this is a joke when I debate, I debate. Give it up guys both sides are firmly entrenched.

  3. Well I had not noticed till my friend Legendkiller brought it up on my 999th! :shock:

    This has been a great find for me personally and I happy to called a member of this fine community of watch addicts. :notworthy:

    As I have only been here a bit over 6 months I gather I talk to much! :lol2:

                                                                                   Cheers My friends, :drinks:

                                                                                   Mike on a bike

  4. Forgot to warn you guys, some people will not sell to you. Nothing personal just guys come make a few posts buy then PP dispute or phony money transfers. Buy low end ones most will take a chance till you are ready/vetted for the expensive ones, you will loose very little get known and have fun!

  5. Second hand you might have to wait but everything comes around. Anyway your tastes will change and you can always sell at a little loss to try it out. You will see a lot of catch and release in sales thread: guy bought says maybe not for me off it goes at less than dealer cost.

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