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Mike on a bike

RWG Crew
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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. Storm you guys really don't want guns, not being a jerk it is different here. Just about every guy wants one and if you can't afford one you dream about the one you want, the culture is so different it's unexplainable. i talk to you guys here all the time get along handsomely,  PM with friends there all the time families good guys just like us : we just think different on it.

  2.  Pirates we are pirates! That sounds like fun , gotta get a parrot for my shoulder.


    Ephry how do explain the pro -gun group we all are deeply emotional on the subject that we need guns to keep government in check, protect family, it is my right,etc.

    But my grand parents came of the boat in 1915 and I'll go down fighting to protect that right. Seems it is ingrained in us some how. Now a buddy of mine is old German stock family been here since 1800s thinks just like me. Have I guy i know at work Indian came over in teens now 35 makes me look like a liberal. I can not explain it just the way it is that was my point.

  3. Do we know these numbers are true;

    " Israel has 1 of the world's highest number of guns per capita (nearly every family has at least 1 military-style firearm), but 1 of the lowest rates of gun-related crime in the world (both Switzerland & Canada have significantly higher numbers of gun-related deaths than does Israel)." 


    Well they must be a crock if you are on a particular side of the issue.  We must investigate methodology on how they were compiled to refute them to support that position.

    Oh what the hell they are a crock cause I think they are.


    "The Federalist Papers." Yes sir re bob.


      We must seem strange to our friends in other countries keep in mind our country was founded by rebels who hated government, this is the reason we exist as a country. Now no one alive was there and most of us can only trace back a generation or two living here. (Indians are the only true Americans) But these were the risk takers the bold who came across the Atlantic with maybe a bag with some clothes to Ellis Island or jumped on and over crowed boat from Cuba. We are a cocky, arrogant and independent bunch for the most part but the ideals of those rebels are ingrained in us somehow. We are quick to give and quick to fight (I know the fighting you know check the numbers on giving we are # one) but when the chips are down you can count on us for blood or treasure. These ideals and traits make us who we are, gun happy Americans to some Neanderthals living in the past to others even some of our own. I agree with some of my fellow countrymen that we have lost our way in the quality of our society where the taking of human life is nothing. The failure of the change in mental health policy by well meaning people in the past has failed us. But I refuse to side with the premise that disarming good law abiding people will redress these problems because it will do neither.

    • Like 1
  4. Just sold to two new members (low end so no biggie) no problems talked nice guys. That being said anything of high value I am asking around no feedback no/few posts nobody I know knows you = no sale. Better to not sell or wait then get zero.

  5. Case and point,look at the numbers posted in Mike's video. The good people of Australia living in fear, the criminals are the only ones safer now!


    PS Gun sales in USA up dramatically as population fears new legislation curtailing their rights to protect their lives ,home ,loved ones,liberty and freedom. Bully for us!


    "(Reuters) - The number of FBI background checks required for Americans buying guns set a record in December, indicating that more people may purchase one after the Connecticut school massacre stirred interest in self-defense and prompted renewed talk of limits on firearms, according to FBI data.

    The FBI said it recorded 2.78 million background checks during the month, surpassing the mark set in November of 2.01 million checks - about a 39 percent rise.

    The latest monthly figure was up 49 percent over December 2011, when the FBI performed a then-record 1.86 million checks.

    Consumer demand for guns appears to have accounted for the uptick in activity. There were no changes in FBI background check procedures that would have affected the December numbers, FBI spokesman Stephen Fischer said."


    Link: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/02/us-usa-guns-record-idUSBRE9010H020130102


    Please return to the vid and see results of disarming a population. I debated hard in that last thread on this because there is a lot at stake. Politicians use your emotions in a tragic tragic event like this to take advantage of you ,don't let them.

    • Like 1
  6. First off this SU*KS, it is tough for new the guys but only sell to guys you know. Also we really need to get payment working so it is not a free for all (I know the guys are working hard on it just saying ). I hope it works out Wathchfreund and this guy is not scamer but does not look good. On one of the sites I forget which I believe it is 60days and so many post to do any in house buying/selling might be good idea. On another note followed the link SGT put up do people really dress like that in where ever it is, yuk!

  7. breeze

    "Any Navitimers in here?  I have a 6.5" wrist and have been comtemplating ordering one."


    You should have no problem 42mm X14.5 not a daunting size by any means. That may be one on mLuMaN83 wrist (hard to tell)above your post in his last pic reach out to him, he is in your wrist size zone.

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