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Mike on a bike

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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. Guys relax I know you think we are crazy (my position is known) but we are what we are. I have tried to explain our mind set hoping to at least bridge the differences in opinion with understanding. It is not my purpose to change your minds never was, I have tried to give some insight into our deeply held believe on this matter. For better or worse we aren't changing ours either. Debating the merits is fine and I look at it as just that a debate the catalyst being a heinous act of barbarity I can confidently say beyond any of my friends here worst imaginings of behavior. I count many on the other side of this issue as friends and am hopeful that you have interacted with me enough to know I am a man of fair mind, strong principals and gentle temperament. So I beseech you let us get back to watches as we will just spin our wheels indefinitely as passions about this issue run very very high. :notworthy:

    PS For those of you in simpatico with me ,let it go nothing will be changed by the discourse here. It can only lead to animosity among friends. :thumbdown:

  2. " Met a man that worked at the bank this morning and caught a glimpse of a beautiful 1665 on his wrist so I sparked up a convo. Guy was super nice but didn't know [censored] about the incredible watch he had on. Said he just recently got it. Told him I'd buy it off him (yea right, thought maybe he didn't know what he had). Anyway I told him some tricks to getting some scratches out of the crystal and made sure he didn't let rolex swap out any parts on the next service.

    Really, I wanted to grab it and run :)"


    This is a stickup keep the money hand over the Rolex. :weight_lift2:

    How an RWG member robs a bank! :p

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  3. We are getting caught up in minusha  gentlemen myself included did they say that, where is it in writing, their intent was ?............. this all you need to read posted by Ken from another post but it is the accurate;

    "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."  No ammo limits no types of guns prohibited nothing of the kind you can have arms end of story . "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." that is the point.

  4. Ken "A regulated militia has nothing what-so-ever to do with armed civilians and everything to do with police, army, National Guard etc etc"


     The whole point of our founding fathers thought process was those entities are government controlled they serve the government, the people are armed to keep a balance between gov. powers enforced by those entities and the people.

  5. iCoopernicus Ok now that post makes sense to me, you live in an area of little or no crime, very sparsely populated. Would you still fell the same way if you lived in a high crime area with thugs running around with no value for human life even their own, I think not. So the balance of unnecessary risk changes and so might your position although I doubt it.

    Risk reward can be applied to many things not just investments in your case you maybe right but here in the states we have , ok go check your own stats. And we have those stats and take our chances it is our choice, we are Americans we like choice and are risk takers by nature.

  6. My friend from Canada please choose to disarm yourself. You post a police state that I choose not to live in and as an American I do not and will not. 


    "iCoopernicus, on 05 Jan 2013 - 22:53, said:snapback.png

    You want sensible gun laws? here they are

    Illegal/Banned/No longer produced for civillian use:

     - Any firearm that may hold more than two rounds without requiring reloading Two rounds surely you jest.

     - Any Firearm that can be reasonably considered concealable By whom.

     - Possession of an unauthorized weapon (see above) by an officer of the law who is not currently on duty. These guns would be secured and stored at the police station and not taken home by police officers I was one they ain't buying that for sure.

     - The sale of ammunition that would not be used for hunting or sport shooting (which would no longer include the use of handguns - get over it) NOPE.



     - Every round of ammunition sold, civilian or otherwise would be registered and serialized, this added cost would be passed on to the consumers of ammunition Right out of the the play book can't get the guns go for the ammo.

     - Laws prohibiting the stockpiling of ammunition, this would be easier to trace than it sounds, much easier than catching someone stockpiling kiddie porn How did that get in here are we trying to draw a parallel, not working.

     - Mandatory inspection of all weapons to prevent modifications resulting in multiple round or semi-automatic weapons being created from simple hunting rifles By the ever benevolent state right, you give up your rights or already have, I will not.

     - Mandatory recertification for what would be immensely more strict gun ownership standards, along with automatic revocation of gun ownership rights following conviction of a violent crime or otherwise failure to complete the recertification.

     - Strict limitations on discharging a firearm, restricted to registered and licensed shooting ranges and during hunting season. The discharge of a firearm on public or private property would be prohibited and result in possible revocation/suspension of ownership rights.  It just gets positively insane on these points. No they can not and we ain't letting them. My word do you guys have any sense of retaining any shred of self determination in the face of danger from anything.

     - Federal buyback program, no questions asked to turn in any prohibited firearms


    Just think about how dangerous guns are, what their only intended purpose is, and how much sense this kind of regulation for something that is so dangerous really does make. 


    Please no talking points about "now only the criminals have guns" and "how will we defend agains the government that out to get us" It's not! (well maybe the republicans...if you're poor or black) What's with the politics and racial stuff we have not brought that in here at all guys on both sides. This is how things get ugly.

    Talking points, Oh I get it only you are allowed them.

  7. Ephry,

    Everyone gets a pony !  They are molding them into good little drones. It seems other "civilized" western countries have already achieved there goal for the most part and have a docile unarmed herd it is even working here to an extent. Yes take my means to defend myself the government will protect me, my how naive. Trust them as far as I can throw them lefty.


    PS  Ken, "Sorry that's simply rot, when mass murder occurs it is one of the most emotional situations know to man."

    I agree that it is very very emotional, all the more reason to step back and look at the long term consequences of what you are going to do in regard least you let emotion cloud your judgement.

  8. More guns = more deaths, have you heard me disagree overall on that point.


    I am not giving up my rights for safety , I guess that was the picture I was trying to paint posts back on our mind set.


    We know it, but we fell individually safer with our own protection from others and are willing to take our chances to that end.


    With freedom comes risk less risk less freedom more freedom more risk.


    There is one thing we are very afraid of that one day everyone will be so safe the government controls everything.


    Decide how much freedom you want, I have.

  9. Ken,

      We are not allowed to have Auto as in military we can have semi auto one pull one shot. Now as far as having clips the size of your arm I tend to lean against (really guys you need more than 10 ) but the I'm going to fight the government camp say hey the feds have big clips and auto. Our founding fathers were allowing us to be armed with the same weapons used on the battle field of the day (latest tech of the time)  if their intent was to keep government in check what's the point in having citizens armed with bolt action rifles against the government armed with machine guns.

  10. Politicians use your emotions in a tragic tragic event like this to take advantage of you ,don't let them.



        We are diametrically apposed on this issue, you can play the children card all you want it doesn't change a thing just stirs up emotion, I will not let that cloud my judgement.

     A. In the states you will never get all the guns. (this is true, you know this)

     B. Bad people will get guns. (this is true, you know this also)

     C.Good people will not have them. (this is true because they will follow the law)

    Now in your mind if it saves a bunch of kids by some odd chance you are for it OK, in mine it may may not so not giving up my right to bear arms for a host of reasons.


    Done again, no point we are not changing each others minds.

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