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Mike on a bike

RWG Crew
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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. I believe that this is a big problem on all the forums. A guy starts to go bad, a few folks who have had recent transactions start to complain and then all of the supporters chime in with all their warm and fuzzy stories and their wonderful experiences. Fine, but don't tell me I'm and ungrateful idiot because I complain that the repair guy has had my watch for 5 months, returned it not running or hands fell off, or whatever. The first question I would ask to any of those in the cheering section, "when was the last time you had any dealings with this person"? I would bet that most if not all were customers from far back when the repair guy was turning out good work and had lots of satisfied customers. I realize that there are going to be some folks who have totally unrealistic expectations, expect their 200.00  USD watch to look and perform exactly like it's 25K genuine counterpart. Most of us have realistic expectations though and when you begin to have a pattern of more and more people expressing their dissatisfaction and have legitimate reasons for their dissatisfaction, then the alarm bells should begin to ring. The problem is the cheering section usually is successful in drowning out the folks who are dissatisfied and have legitimate complaints, which usually leads those folks to stop posting their complaints. Now along comes new members, they need their watch repaired, and when they read the threads, they often come to the erroneous conclusion that the complaints were not legit, as those folks disappeared. the cheering section wins another one, at least temporarily, usually until a few of them get burned as well, then they join the other side, but by that time, the repair person has gone on wrecking havoc for a few more months, and more members get burned. 

    Sounds familiar my friend...................

  2. "Can anyone what is the best quality to buy? Is it bp factory or noob factory and what these mean?" depends on the watch varies by model. I suggest you pick one and start reading, the search button is your friend.

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