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Mike on a bike

RWG Crew
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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. Just hit the links ,great price for that piece. On the chronos at least with the quartz might be better choice all work, leave second hand at the 12 not running you are good to go. Spend less!


    Marti how about that mesh size bud? Can not buy without info.

  2. txcollector "RPGs really? Can you hear yourself? so where do you stop with the arms race? nuclear? full blown annihilation of both sides? That's sound like a "great" idea.'


    You said they had AKs & ARs did them no good , I upped the anty to some ma deuces and RPGs to make a point . What the hell were they going in there for like they did and killing all those people with over powering force. This is civil problem not a war Reno screwed the pooch and it was pushed under the rug. You agree with the actions taken? As police officers they are only allowed to use the appropriate level of force, deadly force when only when life in danger.  What about our justice department giving just the weapons you want to ban to Mexican drug cartels, "great idea".


    We are not going to see eye to eye on this we are worlds apart.


    Lets go somewhere else on the board and talk about watches we get along just fine!

  3. KBH 

      Me-  "I would agree that you are not but "Baby Mama" that ain't Latino slang from the gangs in Cali  for sure, not hillbilly inbred slang either. But the point is you can walk on the edge of racial call out without fear because you are on their side of the issue."


    You defended yourself admirably no need I was not accusing you of bias. But I was wondering if you care to comment on my point or do you concede the assertion.

  4. txcollector' "so do you honestly believe with the forms of government we have today (elected officials, decentralized states rights, checks and balances of power, free press, social media, etc. etc.) that we are at risk to become a place like Libya or Syria?" no did I use them as examples, strawman. I postulated that human nature has not evolved to the point where I trust the powers that be to look out for me and my own better than myself. In addition of government is a collection of self seeking crooks on both sides of the fence payed off by the respective interest they vote to support, banks, NRA, unions ,lawyers (tort reform), the list is endless. Checks and balances more like the checks they receive increase their bank balances. You call my position paranoid, better take off those rosy colored glasses this ain't Kansas anymore Toto. Maybe you have been buying some propaganda of your own.

    PS cigs and guns no correlation apples and oranges try again.

         Waco abuse of government power very bad call by Janet Reno. Yes they didn't stand a chance even with AKs and ARs better they had nothing and they could have showed them. Maybe if they had a few 50 cals and RPGs they could have put up a credible fight. But that would be absurd right our loving government should just go in do whatever it wants right.

  5. Pete as I am sure your resources for searching dealers are the same as mine I will safely assume you were all over. I will however keep mys eyes open and if I see one let you know :inverted:. I am bouncing around four boards getting the GTG count so you never know. :g:  (always check sales threads in my duties! :bangin: )

  6. txcollector i think no background checks rule and 30 round clips should be changed. Military style is just to subjective for me to agree with.

    As far as paranoid people I have read history and know human nature being what it is to say you are wrong there. It is not different now bad things will happen again just like they always do, history repeats itself. Society has thought it was enlightened and it is different with us since they started writing these thoughts down, do not get caught up in our own hubris. I will repeat because it bears repeating it will happen again because that is human nature we are not different, I humbly accept humans for what they are and am not paranoid.

  7. kbh

    " So who's going to teach the parents to be parents. Who's going to teach the ghetto fathers that a child is a responsibility? And the ghetto mother that being a "baby momma" to 3 or 4 different fathers is not cool. The idea's good, it's the implementation that tough.'


    That statement has some serious racial overtones, " ghetto fathers,baby mama " it would seem that when the pro gun side of this discussion goes there they are chided and the thread will be closed, if anti gun side goes there it's OK because they think correctly. Typical liberal superiority mind set, go back and read you will see this happened.

    This is an observation not an indictment of what you said because it is true.

       How about if I posted it first and said:

     " So who's going to teach the parents to be parents. Who's going to teach the ghetto fathers that a child is a responsibility? And the ghetto mother that being a "baby momma" to 3 or 4 different fathers is not cool. The idea's good, it's the implementation that tough. So I need to be armed to protect myself from this cycle of government dependent children who grow up with no positive male role model and have no regard for human life in the poor inner cities.'


    Ken and others would been all over my a** like a fly on sh*t. So you see it works both ways gentlemen you have open the door I just walked through it.

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