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Mike on a bike

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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. Joey,

       It is a count of people who where arrested and charged not a percentage of the respective groups by there overall numbers. The population of USA 66.8 million whites 8.8 million blacks yet blacks account for only 1% less of the overall murders, so my statement is true by putting 100 of each test group in a room. I don't want to go look it it up it does not matter for our purpose here. Lets say one million charged so 490 k white your 49% and 48% black 480K now what per 100 white and what in 100 per black. The percentage is we have x number of murders 49 to 48 but when you look at the number of people whites out number blacks by almost 8 to one but they are just 1% off in the total number of people arrested for the crime. And my math skills are bad.


    I truly do not want to argue this I have nothing against anyone, but you are mistaken what I posted above is how the numbers work, sorry. The fact that this is true does not make me a racist. I commend you for fighting it but your fight is not with me I just looked at your numbers and they did not tell the whole story just what you wanted people to see.

    Fine with me Ken.

  2. Thank you for your service. It does not mean however that they would say Mitt or it is racist, it is not pretty and I do not like it  but it does not make it untrue. I try hard to look at both sides of an argument calling me a racist when I state the obvious after you said " When did I say anything about leaving race out of this?" is a big load of sh*t but that is all you have I gather.

  3. Joey first you are 1% off that is within the margin of error in any percentage. In addition there are so many more white males so taking your statement as true I could say that more black males commit murder than white. To put it simply if you take 100 of each in a room you have more black than white murders. I can look up the population of both and give you a hard number if you like. That is a straw man argument ,nice try.

  4. If I were taking the other side I would certainly argue that the density of population would raise the numbers along with higher crime rate in urban settings. The fact that Obama came away with a much greater portion of votes does not necessarily denote a greater number of murders among his supporters.


    That being said it depends on your views which you think is true.

  5. Guys leaving race out of this totally lets look at numbers most killing occur in cities and urban areas Obama carried the cites and urban area by an impressive margin. Why would it be wrong then to say that people in the areas that supported him by an overwhelming margin committed the most killing. By virtue of the amount of killings based on votes for him in the subject area it is true and as there are more people there than in fly over country again true overall.

  6. Lloyd a real model citizen "If he survives his injuries, it’s not yet known what charges Slater could face. In late August, he was released from jail after serving six months for simple battery and three counts of probation violation."

    Hmm used a crow bar to force door hubby at work wife home with kids and got a load of lead, GOOD. Anyone think that is bad, come on think of the children. You see it works both ways.

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