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Posts posted by Stephane

  1. Hmm, I just checked the number of tickets... :wounded1:

    I agree with Ken.

    It's not enough.

    Come on guys!

    A lottery is a lottery and no one is sure to win a price.

    But at 2$ a ticket, we must buy at least some, don't you think ?

    The woman will not know, do not worry, the admin team will not call her. :disguise2:

    So let's all have a nice gesture for the board and it's sponsor, Puretime.



  2. Im sorry but the MBW 1680 is not worth $400. When I was in the market for one about six months ago members were offering them to me for $600/$700. Like I said this is all academic as 80% of the members on this board couldn't get george or TTK to sell to them.

    Ooops, I'm totally confused here. :o

    Why such a debate Tony?

    Tribal's thread of October 2006 is clear, helpful and makes it all obvious (I really want to bump it and probably will in minutes).

    Also, my experience with TTK / MBWs is:

    1. A 1680 MBW costs 350$ shipping included and not 400$ (but even if it was 450$ it's worth the money).

    2. He sold me one 1680 (and many other MBWs) although I am a SuperNoob.

    Just my 1680 cents ;)



    Oh, and by the way, here some shots of another 1680 I got from Edge. Belive me Tony, I do not regret it at all !





  3. anyway this is today god knows what will happen next week ... case and point Stephane sold me the submariner wich even after trying before in dealership i did not like ...

    guess witch watch i wear now constatntly for 4 days hahaha :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    :p ...subs are like women: hate/love relationship !

    I'm happy you like it.

    And yes, you should have a look at the 3717 (I'm going to take it out of the box right now and wear it !)



  4. It really depends:

    I would never keep it on if it's a traditionnal "almost planned" session, comfortable, like in bed for instance.

    I think one should avoid scratches on bodies and hair caught in the bracelet. :cry:

    If it is a not planned session, in an unexpected place in example, I don't even think about the watch :lol:



  5. Stephane, you can build one from an MBW 1680 case which already has the 5513 markings. The case will be thicker than OEM but it would be a stunner. The expensive part will be sourcing the OEM dial which would cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 for a quality example. The T-19 crystal is easy enough to source but the T-19 superdome on Euno's is very difficult to find and highly prized by collectors...which means expensive.

    This is all fun ! I sounds like I have years ahead to occupy myself with this hobby :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I found a gen second hand affordable but I'm a little confused as it seems the meters/feets aren't the same.

    I found a second one but the dial is completely different allthough presented as a 5513 too... :headhurt:






  6. Hmmm, :huh:

    I started liking the 16610 for the date and heavy mag, then 1680 for it's vintage feel, right now 1665 (no more cyclop and much better date look)...

    I might finally fall in love with this one allthough I still need a date currently :unsure:

    Aargh Monsieur Euno ! You have great watches :notworthy:

    Is there any good rep of that 5513 now or...?

    Cheers and congrats


  7. i'm no rolex gmt expert, but the dial print looks better than some other mbw gmt dials i've seen discussed on here before (rolex is the correct size). boy do i feel like a noob :lol:

    I second that.

    On mine (red/black bezel) the dial is horrible. :wounded1:

    If one likes pepsi, this seems much better.



  8. Yeah it's a rented flat ... but no one comming in or out since i was in the shower i would have noticed ... i take a look in the fridge ... i haven't checked there yet ... i was suprised to see all the replies ... all you guys are great... cheers for all the advice ... it will show up one of these days i am sure ...

    KEEP US POSTED PLEASE :cc_confused:

    I really want to know where you will find it.

  9. Good idea. Don't forget to include a CC to ebay's security team.

    don't you think eBay sucks most of the time: they block people for no good reasons but never monitor these kind of items.

    The worst auctions are in watches aren't they.

    Full of scam and they let them do...

    I have no idea why that is but it's one the reason eBay has such a bad press and such a presence in various medias: "they allow fake goods to be sold on their network".

    Anyway, 1,600 $ for a Daytona should "scream fake" for almost everyone.

    We all must send mails to these scamers each time! they might get afraid one day.



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