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Everything posted by TwoTone

  1. Welcome back Ziggy... Hope you're refreshed! TT
  2. Very nice... After an Insert, you'll be set... Wear it well... TT
  3. You know... When you long-term members see sites posted that are obvious scams, it might be a good thing for you to report it so we can remove the link... Instead of quoting it in new posts... Multiple Post have been edited in this Thread... So when you see the PM in your message box, DON'T ask questions... Forum Basics 101... TT PS: @TB - Thanks for the Heads-Up!
  4. TT PS: D4M - Can you trim his post count down to say around 1500 and make the Post Whore work for the rest?
  5. @Drm I tip my hat to you... Not easy to set a friend aside in the best interest of the community... Klink certainly has a place on the Boards, just not in a leadership role... I for one agree with TTK's comment as well - RWI & RWG should be brother's, not enemy's... We were at one point, and I would welcome the renewal of that... One last thought - The renewal of Pug's membership would go a long way in the goodwill department... TT Originally Posted on RWI
  6. This Thread reminds me a lot of Las Vegas... You gamble your money in Vegas, you gamble your money with Joe... Vegas has Shill's, And Joe has Shill's... Like I said at the beginning... When will people learn... TT PS: You can go away anytime now [both you and your alter ego]!
  7. Just came back from a nice moon-lit Hot Tub with the wifey... Read what's been written since my last [Horse] post... And SPIT my f***ing Goose all over my keyboard... You guys crack me up... TT PS: This Thread has become the Loony Bin!
  8. Where history, myth and folklore meet there are often confusions and hybrids, again we have only to look at the many versions of the story of King Arthur. Folklore traditions from the Forest of Arden contain many references to women on horseback, this range from fertility rites to stories of fairy tale. There are ancient traditions of a cult of Godda a Goddess or in other versions a Fairy Queen said to ride about the countryside dressed in green and mounted on a white horse. Some versions of this tradition name her Godiva. So there is potentially a Godda or Godiva of story easily confused in an oral tradition with a Godiva of history. Other local traditions connected to this are to be found in rhyme, for example
  9. @J That my friend is Los Cabos, MX... One of the most peaceful places on earth... TT <--- The one who will retire there sooner than later!
  10. @CB The Board is as active as ever... Since the Forum layout was re-designed a lot of what used to be in GD is now in the Brand Specific Sub-Forums... Have a browse, you might be surprised what's there... TT
  11. Joe... I truly believe your time here on RWG might be drawing to a close... Wrap up your business... And make it clean... TT
  12. Patience for a couple of days... Your cry's have been heard... TT
  13. I've had the pleasure too... Have drinks with Ubi... Break bread with Ubi... Exchange conversation with Ubi... Purchase a MBW from Ubi... Works out some Mods with Ubi... Receive some custom Inserts from Ubi... And... Share "When People Gather, Life Happens" with Ubi... Some folks just make RWG a better place... Thanks R... M
  14. Happy B-Day my friend... Have the Mrs. take you too the Double Muskie for a nice steak... TT
  15. PS: Maybe you should add this one on the end of your Saga...
  16. @RT You OWE me a new keyboard... That was funny as all hell... TT
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