You have obviously failed to make the distinction between Admin & Dealer...
So with this laundry list of folks at your fingertips, why would you even be visiting this site...
Apparently not [in the General Forum at least]...
Sounds like to me that with all your knowledge on Forums and all your contacts abroad, that maybe you just go start your own Forum...
Does anyone else get tired of Noobs dumping on our little community?
The envy of every collector...
To own a Gen DR SD is the "Cats Meow"...
Congrats Bob...
Wear it well and make sure to bring it when we hook up in July...
I'm gonna want a wrist shot [on my wrist of course]...
If you check his Post, it actually has a link in it...
The source/picture must know that the Thread is Closed though...
So it won't enter...
PS: Or Pugs is just incompetent in working with links/servers/uploading/pics/photography/etc...