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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Even if I am constantly concerned about the daylight readability of phantom PAMs, I love them and I think your project is awesome, go for it!

    Keep the matte PVD look, no shining allowed here. :)

    In my opinion, a seconds subdial would also make it more original.

    That would be my one concern as well, or I would likely be interested in a phantom PAM for my collection, but, as you say, how easy would it be to read in daylight... Still an awesome project though :lol:

  2. The only purpose of guns is to kill people or animals. (The purpose of fast cars is to drive fast, not kill people. The number of people killed by fast cars is extremely small compared with the number of people killed by slow cars.) Target shooting is a red herring, you can target shoot with a BB gun, you don't need a fully automatic lethal weapon to shoot targets.

    Killing of animals with guns is largely a sport and unnecessary from a food point of view except arguably in extremely remote areas. (I do not include people who use guns professionally, such as game rangers or the like)

    Anyone who has killed another person, even in warfare, knows the effect that has on you, not to mention the person you killed.

    Me, I no longer want to own or use guns.

    A small point, drinking and driving has, by highlighting the waste of life this can cause, become socially unnaceptable, certainly in the UK. Smoking is going that way too. How many kids have to be killed in school shootings in the US before the owning of guns becomes socially unnaceptable and therefore not available to insane kids? This is the only way things will change in my opinion, you cannot really legislate against all these things.

    I would respectfully disagree, as BB guns do not have the same range or capability (modes of fire and handling) as real steel. While target shooting is target shooting, to suggest that target shooting with a BB gun is the same as target shooting with real steel, is to suggest that drinking diet cola is the same as drinking regular, or that alcohol-free lager is like drinking regular lager, or that de-cafinated coffee is like regular coffee, etc etc. Yes, the basic principle is the same, but, it is still 'missing a key ingredient'. It's easier for you to say you no longer want to own or use guns, when you have had the ability to do so. Thanks to a mentally unhinged paedophile tipping public opinion, I've never had that privelage...

  3. Ummm...

    Maybe I've had one to many on this hot Saturday afternoon...

    But I think you two are over reacting just a wee bit...

    EP has a total of 9 posts...

    8 of which are well thought out and informative...

    And then this one in this Thread where I believe he was simply taking a stab at some humor...

    You guys need to lighten up...

    Go spend some time in the Bin and then come back up...


    Double T

    PS: You too TeeJay ;)



    I thought my comment to the OP was very constructive...

    If you mean my report, I believe that the person made a rather racist trolling post on the other RWG, and didn't want them to begin such unpleasant behaviour here...

    One too many? Nonsense, time for another, more like ;)

  4. OK so haha I am taking a graphics design class and one of the assignments is to design an ad. So I was bored actually made a design of a watch, and wondering really how good does it look.

    So here it is below attached onto the ad that I was supposed to make for the class, any and all comments or suggestions would be welcome.

    Question: would you buy this for $600 in real life if it existed? considering that it is genuine and automatic movement.

    (Note: the smaller hand is a stopwatch)


    Personally, no, I wouldn't buy the watch, because it would not meet the criteria I require in a watch... Large hands... Large indices... Having seen a watch today (based on a U-Boat watch) with a small date window, I would agree with the need for a cyclops, but internal, like on PAMs, rather than external, as on Rolexes... I'm not too keen on the crown either... I think it might be hard to operate...

    Other than that, awesome advert :) One suggestion I'd make about that, would be to replace the girl (unless your advert is aimed at the Asian Market) Nice to see another graphics designer on the forum :good:

  5. I thought DSN was considered the shiz?

    There's a key word in that sentance amigo: 'was' ;)

    Given the issues Uncle Jay had, I don't think there are many who would now feel comfortable using DSN as a source for a whole watch. Parts, maybe, but not a watch...

  6. What is a "Z Machine"? - I have been out of the U.S. for a long time. I know what wireless internet is.

    The Z Machine is a rather nifty gizmo. The thing that was of interest, was the way in which it (or rather Z field compression) was casually mentioned by Titor. Indeed, everyone knows what wireless internet is now, but, when the discussions first took place, the actual term used was 'node' (which suggests a kind of 'broadcast wifi', which is only now becoming a technical possibility. It's things like that that make me conclude Titor was either a very bored 'insider', who knew the industry, and made a few educated guesses about the state of the world, or, were the legitimate comments of a time traveller... Interesting stuff, even if just as entertainment :good:

  7. Oh they have the equipment. Out of thousands of missiles, I am sure that a few still work.

    So if they have the stones, and they have equipment - time to GO CRAZY AND LIVE IT UP. You have maybe 48 hours left - so cash out your portfolio, call the escort service, order up a dozen to go, and let the fun begin. Last chance baby!

    Sounds like a plan :lol: To be honest, this kind of stuff doesn't phase or surprise me, as having read the John Titor 'predictions', even if they were fake, I consider them as a 'rough guide to the future' (especially as a few things, such as wireless internet, and the Z Machine, have come to pass since the original mention of them... :o:huh: )

  8. When it comes to collectors, there're several different breeds, and, within those breeds, many different sub-species. There're people who collect solely for the posibility of value appreciation, while others do it solely for the love of the item.

    Some, that have many different collections, others, specialize in just one thing.

    There're people who buy and sell daily, while others, hold onto items for life.

    Some that display their collections proudly, and others, who lock their aquisitions away in a vault, never to be seen again.

    - Words by Brad Armstrong

    - As read by jessica drake

  9. Sabre rattling. They don't have the stones to nuke Poland. That's my hope anyway, if they do, we will all be dead or dying within a couple of days.

    Oh they have the stones to do it, alright. Wether they have working equipment to do it is another matter ;)

    To be honest, my only issue with this situation, is America's interest. I don't have an issue with what the Russian millitary are doing. All this crap on the news about how there are still Russian troops in place despite a cease fire only signed a few days ago, with the Russians claiming they are simply 'maintaining order' until the native local militia can pick up the slack...

    And what? Is that not precicely what is going on with Coalition Forces in Baghdad? Maybe they ought to think about pulling out of the region... Afterall, people in glass houses, and what not ;)

  10. Springbars are awesome :) They make strap changes easy, and, even if a lug has stripped, it doesn't matter, as the spring bar will still work :good:

    I have only had one bar 'explode', and that was more a case of I pulled the end out myself, as, I'd put them in my 26mm dive strap, then found it nearly impossible to remove. 24mm dive strap doesn't have the same problem, but, with the 26mm, I'd recommend ordering a seperate set just for that strap, to be considered as a permanant modification to the strap, rather than a removeable and interchangeable springbar.

    Okay, so they won't work with an SS bracelet, but, with everything else, it's green lights all the way B):good:

  11. As much as I think the US should stay out, I think the same should apply to Georgia as well South Ossetia clearly broke away from Georgia, Georgia should respect that and let them go. The fact that they tried to sneak this attack in, while the world was focussing on the opening of the Olympic Games, shows that this was a planned act of aggression, and one which they had hoped would sneak under the world's 'political radar'. I think Russia is right to defend those who hold Russian citizenship/passports, and I would hope, that Bush's advisors can explain that to him. I only hope Bush stays the hell away, and doesn't let his itchy trigger finger drag us into World War Three. :ph34r:=@

  12. Ol davey is a good Canadian kid....we are not THAT crazy,are we?.... <_<

    Hy, I like Canadians :lol: I have relatives in Toronto (distant cousins)

    I know Yahoo well,explodes easy....

    That's one way of putting it... Another, is that Yahoo is a troll. Remember when he started that 'popularity contest' about me? looks like I wasn't an 'uninformed basher' after all... Let's not forget the slanderous lies he also posted about a totally ficticious 'transaction' between us. I've got no time for people like that, and, what's more, people like that have no place on serious forums. Sure, spam up 'comedy' forums all they like, but these are forums for serious discussion, transacting business, and the occasional fun and festivity. The kind of shit he came out with about me on RWG has no place on a forum like this. Thanks again for the headsup on his new username :good:

  13. LOL,i was me before yahoo was yahoo...

    I do recall your feud at RWG1 though...funny sh ite.... :lol:

    By the way,he goes by 'threadlocker' at your new fave. forum....be sure to say hello,another nutcase,that dude.

    Thanks for the clarification, you both have a similar turn of phrase, which was what made me wonder. Thanks for the heads up too :good:

  14. I get on very well with my 029a. I might not wear it much, but it is one of the favorites of my collection. Ilike the fact it has the 24 scale on the bezel, as it keeps the dial 'clear'. Of course, the dial itself is also a nice visual feature :) Best of luck with your search :good:

  15. Actually, TJ I was thinking Chrono's. But you're right, I've purchased lot's of complications (like jumping hour, PP with all kinds of day/date, moon, etc.) for the under $150. Specially, those fitted with the asian movement which has tended to be reliable.

    Thanks for the clarification :good: I guess having had a Swatch with chrono functions, I never really considered them 'complicated', although I guess technically, it would make the movement more complicated than one which only measured hours, minutes and seconds...

    I only wondered, because, as we've both said, 'complicated' watches are available at reasonable prices :)

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