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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I just purchased three reps for about $100 each and they're pretty damn good. It's the new "complications" watches that are costing too much. We have a choice.......most reps on J&A are still reasonably priced, all things considered.

    Want the newest and best, pay the price. Want a terrific rep that is accurate but less in demand or been around awhile, we'll pay reasonable prices.

    Which brands/watches would you class in the 'complications' catagory? I only ask, as my wife's Crazy Hours was only $108 shipped, and I'd've thought that the unconventional movement action would class as a complication...

  2. That looks great , even better that it cost 108

    So in the first Picture what is the Time? is it 5 to 3 or 11:15


    Thanks, it is a really nice watch. The funny thing is, when I first told her I'd ordered the white one, her response was "But I didn't want another white watch! I wanted a colored one!"

    Well, there was only one response for that...


    As if I would :rolleyes:

    No, we waited for it to come through, and, once it did, she was hooked. Absolutely no quibble or second guessing, she outright loved it B):D

    As for the time, neither of the ones you suggested. It was 11:55. Basically, you read it like you would a digital watch: Hours (the marker where the hour hand points) and minutes (where the minute hand points (dial position rather than marker)) Apparently, it didn't take her any time at all to get used to it. I'd've been scratching my head and likely using fingers and toes to add it all up :lol:

    Gen Pic


    Add a soft touch with a pink strap and it is a nice looking ladies time piece.




    Thanks for the photos :) I believe that there is also a version (known as the Crazy Hours Silver (rather than white)) which has the 'luminous' hands, rather than the all-black.

    You're absolutely right about the strap though. Her mum has the pink version, and the strap does look very nice :)

    The FM's are great. My better half started with a ladies one and has now appropriated my Vegas (a very cool movement for the money, like the Crazy Hours).

    I like my Crazy Hours, never have the time to get the strap it deserves though - I will one day.

    I'm half-tempted to get myself an FM, as I do like their aesthetic. That said, I don't think I could pry a PAM off long enough for it to get worn :lol:

    It'd be great to see some pics of the ones you've mentioned :)

    Nice looking watch, may it be worn well!

    Thanks :)

  3. I think 'high prices' is subjective. It depends on the watch (level of accuracy, etc) and the dealer.

    As I just posted in 'other brands', I didn't think $108 for my wifes Crazy Hours was unreasonable. It looks nice, and, as far as I know, keeps reasonable time. Bearing in mind that it is also an automatic movement, with a complication (the jumping hours) I'd say that was a very reasonable price... I paid more for my 104, and that just tells the time in the traditional manner ;):lol:

    If people don't want to pay the higher price, they can always just look around for better deals :good:

  4. Here's a few pics of my wife's white Crazy Hours. Of course, it came from my man Tony B) I took the close up, then talked her into a wrist shot :lol:



    The first one recieved, didn't fully 'jump', but this one works perfectly. I kept hold of the other watch so she has a spare strap, and I have plans to have the hands and dial re-lumed, then installed into the hers :)

    I didn't think that $108 shipped was too bad ^_^

  5. Vecause it's a rep with poorer tolerances. You don't take reps near water. I don't understand why people feel the need to shower with a watch on.

    To be honest, I've rarely had problems with getting my reps wet (and have posted the photos to prove it :lol: ) I tend to keep my watch on all the time, as I'm slightly OCD about knowing what the time is, or, more accurately, being able to know what the time is. If I'm in the bath or shower, I like to keep an eye on the time, especially if I'm getting ready to go out, or plan on watching a movie at a certain time... For me, for this reason, water resistance is a must with my watches. The only reps I've had which were not water resistant, were down to manufacturing issues. One was a very cheap SMP, the other was my first 104 (although the replacement 104 which I was sent, is water resistant) and the other, is my 127. But. This is because the crown is not properly pressed against the back of the crown guard lever. I have held the crown closed with my fingers, and, when I did it, the watch did not flood or fog up. I'm hoping that this issue will be corrected while the movement is being serviced :good:

  6. What he said. AR tends to have good anti foging proprties. Why do you think folk have reading glasses AR'd tho there used mostly inside?


    The AR coat on eye-glasses was originally develloped (or so I was told when I worked at an opticians) for use in the movie industry, so the lenses would not reflect the light. Essentially, the same reason watch crystals are AR coated.

    However, that does not answer why regular reading glasses are AR coated...

    The eye works because of the light which 'enters' it. With eye glasses, as there is reflection on the lenses, that reflected light, is not reaching the eye, so the eye is getting 'less light' to work with. AR coating reduces the amount of light which is reflected back and away from the eye, and increases the amount of light which passes through the lens to reach the eye. As a result, the eye has more light to work with, than it would with an un-coated lens in front of it.

    I hope that's of help :)

  7. First of all I don't think we would ever all agree on any one charity, second what's wrong with the proceeds keeping your favourite forum running?

    Pretty sure no charity is going to be happy about funds coming from an illegal site.


    That's fair enough, I guess, to be honest, I hadn't thought of how a charity would feel about the source of the donation :doh:

  8. I just had the idea while in the shower. We already have auctions and raffles, where some of the money goes to maintaining the forum, but, a thought came to me. We have many animal lovers here, and those who care a great deal about many other humanitarian issues. I got the idea from the 'dress down friday' policy of an office I used to work at. Every last friday of the month would be dress down friday, but people would pay

  9. "The Uncertainty Principle" should apply to the reps.... :lol:

    Bro, didn't you know that a rep's ballance wheel serves as a Heisenberg Compensator? ;)

    The hatchet has been buried a long time ago as you know TeeJay.

    Different opinions is what make the human kind interresting.

    Otherwise we would still be animals :D

    And I much prefer a guy like you who is voicing his opinions than some JetMids we come accross from time to time :rofl:

    That's good to know :) I take it you won't be wanting a ride in my personal Mink-Lined Lear Jet at the next gtg? I can have folks cheaufered out to it in my fleet of Ferraris and hand tended by my staff of supermodels ;)

    I have to admit, I never witnessed the full extent of JetMid's claims, but I'm sure I've got the idea :lol:

  10. @TeeJay: I merged your other (apology) thread here, to your last post. I hope you don't mind.

    It takes a big man to apologize.

    Apology accepted. No harm done...

    Let's have some watch talk now. :)

    No problem at all, keeping things tidy is always good :)

    I'm not reading all of this (again). But i've skimmed, it's all I feel is necessary to get the gist.

    TJ- we've been members about the same length of time. I understand your crusade, but it's moot.

    What does it all boil down to? Goods and services. And Sometimes you can't beat the devil at his own game. Please, read on.

    I'll break this entire thing down to you in one paragraph, from the way I see it:

    Imagine the child labor, sweat shop conditions, and god knows what other dimension of hell someone has suffered to feed their family and make what you have on your wrist right now regardless of who you got it from. Now, stand here and crusade about who's morals should really be in question.

    Your a good guy, but get real. I appreciate your ambition but I also know that even with the best intentions what your crusade is and always has been. We all do. You can't force everyone to get the big picture. Let yourself off the hook, its OK.

    My conscience is completely clear on that score. In all the discussions where arrests have been shown, it has always been adults getting dragged out by the law. Not kids. Now, if they were arresting kids, that would be a way more potent image to discourage people buying rep products. Also, as others have said, do kids really have the concentration, patience or skill, to build a timepiece? Snap a few circuit boards into a TV or CD player, absolutely. But a timepiece? Sorry, but I just don't buy that. As far as I see it, there is much more child sweatshop labor used in building the everyday items, like TVs, computers, running shoes etc, than ever goes into rep watch building. I need a watch to tell me the time. I need it to have a large, clear dial so I can see it clearly. If I wanted to wear a 'recognizeable' brand to look flash, I'd still be wearing a Rolex ;) Surely you must've realized by now how anti-consumerism I am... I buy out of necessity, not in pursuit of 'the high life', so, having taken a step back and thought about it, I don't think my morals or actions are in any way hypocrisy.


    Now that things have calmed down a bit on both sides... I took a second look at his initial post... perhaps TeeJay was 100% honest with his intentions. Somehow that just came out very badly to us... but we could have been wrong, and maybe he had a legitimate reason to demand an answer.

    If that was the case, I apologize for my harsh replies. You all know that I rarely lose my temper, but allegations (even veiled ones) of us being "dirty" in ANY shape or form really made my blood boil. I feel this issue very strongly, because I have invested so much time on this community without getting ZERO financial compensation in return. Not that I'd ever wanted any... for me, the feedback from the members is 1000X times more rewarding than money anyway. Same thing with the other admin team members, they do this for the love of this community. Keep in mind that we're volunteers, and although you support the forum maintenance financially you are not supporting us financially, we're not on your payroll.

    Anyway... perhaps there should have been an official "Here we stand" post, but we felt like it wasn't our business, because the incident of J&A banning happened in another forum. God knows we have enough problems and drama of our own. Perhaps we were a bit lazy, but this time we didn't want to get involved with it.

    But we wanted people to have an open, free discussion (as always) without taking any sides, and it's only natural that things get heated occasionally. I think it was fair that everyone had a chance to post their opinion. But somehow, even this was possible to turn against us... at least it looked that way (TeeJay's post). I'm sure none of this have happened if we just closed the thread from the page 1. That would have been the "easy way out", but like I said in my previous post... we don't handle things that way.

    Have more trust in us... we discuss everything in the admin room... and make appropriate decisions (when needed). We can sometimes make wrong moves and it's 100% ok to challenge them... but please don't question our integrity... I can assure you that there is ZERO need for that.

    This is not about TeeJay only... I think he was a bit of a scapegoat here, for getting all this heat. We have noticed a trend with other posters too: Something bad happens in the community, and it's always RWG where all this controversy gets posted first. And usually it gets only posted on the RWG. RepGeeks don't want these kind of discussions there, and I understand them perfectly. They have a different style of running their forum, and I'm sure it's much less stressful for their Admin Team.

    On the other hand we appreciate that people feel that all things can be discussed openly and freely here... and that's exactly how we want things to be in the future as well. But on the other hand because of this we feel that we have to carry much heavier weight for being "responsible" for everything, and I don't think it's always justified.

    In short: You can discuss almost anything, but please don't always force us to "take a stand" on absolutely everything. Some dealers are good, some are not so good. Who those are... almost everyone has a different opinion. That's how the business is.

    Well, I can only say once more that I was being 100% honest with my intentions, there was no 'perhaps' about it, offending or insulting anyone, or casting aspersions about people's credibity was honestly, not even the last thing on my mind, but something which was not even on my mind at all when I asked the questions.

    You could start by reading his book.. :rolleyes:

    Too much of a buzz-kill for me... I prefer physics where the speed of light can be overcome with the aid of dilithium crystals :D

    Good morning everyone,

    And a special "Good morning" to you TeeJay.

    As a very fresh moderator I now have access to the Admin room.

    I can assure you that everything is discussed over there indeed, everything.

    I would like to make your day bright: there as never been any intention of banning you.

    I will not repeat what everyone else already said but still I will tell you and others the following:

    - RWG is indeed liberal and all opinions can be voiced (respecting others of course).

    - I'm sure the RWG membership is fed up of dramas, like the Admin team is. And I suspect that the silent majority is even more.

    As my own conclusion to this thread (and all others in which I didn't post), let's move forward and leave these topics in our back.

    Any crusade against Josh and Andrew is pointless as their business is doing fine and will continue anyway.

    I for one never buy from them, nor any other dealer, as I choose to trade with members or buy second hand.

    But I have to voice my opinion too on the various dealers, if you don't mind.

    From all the dealers I used to buy watches from (and that is quite a lot, believe me), Josh and Andrew were the ONLY ones that provided perfect material.

    There has never been a scratched case back, a stripping crown, or 6 months delay to get my order.

    When watches were seized, Andrew sent me one of his expensive sub to replace them.

    All this said, trust me, I'm no longer a customer, and do not look for their good opinion.

    Now, what I really would like to see happen is RWG gets back to its great atmosphere and friendship.

    No hard feelings from me, I mean it.

    All the best,


    Bon jour, mon ami (about the only French I know, other than how to say "I am a potatoe" [which is another story for another time :lol: ] )

    I know we've had our differences of opinion in the past, but I can honestly say, congratulations on your appointment as part of the moderating team, and that I hope we can consider 'the hatchet' well and truly buried. Thanks for the comment, and indeed, no hard feelings from me either :)

  11. No problems TeeJay.

    Let's just agree that you had a bad hair day (pun intended). :D


    As it says, I'm not bald, it's a hairstyle ;)

    Time for me to be turning in before I embarass myself further. Night all, best regards, and may peace be upon you all.

    It was never my intention to make any allegations or cast aspersions on the integrity of anyone. My questions were meant with 100% honesty, 100% good will, and absolutely 0% malice or agenda.

    My unreserved apologies to all.

    Best regards, may peace be upon you all.

  12. Don't get me wrong, I believe the Cartel are strong-arming dealers and I don't think we should be buying from them.

    The Admin team have all the info and a decent moral compass. Trust them or don't.

    Fair enough :)

    I think TwoTone posted an emotional response, because he felt attacked and offended... just like the rest of the admin team. But I can assure you, if I had to make the reply, it would have been even more emotional. That's probably the 10 years between me and him.

    I don't think "troll" is the correct and fair word to describe you, but when you see someone posting anything negative about J&A, you act like a Pavlovian dog and always pour more gas on the fires.

    It's not that people can't have different opinions, but I think it's safe to say that the membership is pretty much tired of the drama and the "Cartel threads"... the admin team included.

    Everything has been said million times over and over.... and threads like that always mean more job for us. Members insulting eachother, members reporting other members' posts (to admin and mommy), members pm'ing us about other members, members offering their opinions in pm, etc.

    The easy way out would be just always close the annoying threads, sweep the crap under the rug and ban the annoying posters. But that's not how we operate here... we believe in liberal atmosphere and free expression. But that doesn't mean we like people constantly making a mess and shitting on the carpet. Someone has to clean it up and sweep the floors... and like I said, we don't get any kind of compensation for that job. Definitely not from Joshua and Andrew, anyway... :D

    I hope this makes sense to you, and I hope you can draw your own conclusions from it.

    Indeed, perfect sense, and thanks again for accepting my apology in the spirit it was intended. Next time I feel the need to shit on the carpet, I'll try and make it to the bathroom in time ;):)

    Best regards,

  13. What on earth makes you think that we're going to "ban" you? Take a virtual Kleenex here man... it's not going to happen. :D

    That was rather the impression I got from TT's post....

    Don't misrepresent what I said... or twist my words around their meaning. I said your initial post looked like a troll... didn't say that your whole forum existence is a troll.

    Don't try this "martyr game" with me... it's not going to work.

    Sorry, that was my misunderstanding. Following the comment by TT, I felt that I was being told that the admin staff considered me a troll fullstop, not just over this specific issue, I'm sorry if my response was off-target, I, to use a British expression, got the wrong end of the stick.

    The alleged behaviour.

    I don't think there's much doubt that the Cartel is capable of this. I also don't doubt there's a lot of inter-forum discussion.

    I most certainly don't doubt the admins have more evidence at their fingertips than us and have made the best decision for us with the info at hand.

    If you think RWI or RepGeek is better run, you can always make it your home. That's the power we have.

    The alleged behaviour, of which there was compelling evidence to support. RG Better run than here? That really is funny :lol:

    We encourage open; civil and reasonable dialog in this forum...

    You didn't do anything worthy of banning...that is not how we roll

    We don't encourage martyrdom here :rolleyes:

    We will just call it like we see it in the thread, as you have seen here :)

    I'm glad to hear I didn't do anything worthy of banning, as before, it was only my intention to get a better understanding of a situation which I genuinely could not understand.

  14. You know what TeeJay... I certainly didn't like the tone of your initial post. To me, it looked like a post that contained a lot of gossip and allegations... under "innocent" and pretentious tone... it reminded me of a classic Usenet troll where a person goes to alt.bible.prophecy and starts a "serious discussion" under the subject "What did Bible say about homosexuality?" I'm sure the thread is still going on there... someone started it in 1994.

    That was the initial reaction of the whole team as well. And if someone even HINTS (indirectly or directly) that we take bribes or that "we're somehow financially or otherwise affected" by the dealers makes my skin crawl. You apparently don't know what kind of people our team consists of... if you knew, you would NEVER question our integrity in any shape or form. It's something that we're very proud of.

    I know how passionately you have been posting against J&A in the past. Sometimes I have felt like you're a man obsessed. You simply can't be objective about this whole issue, you're too emotionally involved.

    We, as moderators and admins, can't base our decisions on emotions. We want to avoid that like a plague... it's our job, and we try to be as professional as possible. Our aim is not to please everyone and we don't (AND WILL NOT) change our rules and principles on the run because another forum decides to do things differently.

    And that's fine, I can totally understand that reaction, although I can assure you, it was not my intention to make any kind of suggestions or allegations of impropriety, I was asking a 100% honest and legitimate question, so as to understand the situation, as, as I said before, I genuinely do not understand the actions taken.

    I acknowledge that that is how I have appeared in the past, but this is why I said, look at the message, not the messenger. I found the whole situation (shown on RWI) to be very disturbing. Not because it affected me, because it doesn't, but because it had the potential to affect other aspects and other members of this community. As I said above, there is absolutely no selfishness in what I did. Quite the reverse, infact.

    My apologies if you (or anyone else) was offended by what I wrote. If you feel the need to ban me, by all means do so. If you can accept this apology in the spirit it is intended, then that would certainly be more preferable to me.

    Best regards,

  15. Like a poster said above. There is always more to these stories than the general membership knows.

    So you think that if another board bans a member, then we should follow suit? If that's what you expect, then I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. TTK was banned from here and do you see him on other boards? Yes.... Each board makes their own policy and we've made ours.

    To be honest, with all this talk of inter-forum co-operation, then yes, with matters like this, I would expect forums to back the decisions of another.

    Despite other side-issues, ultimately, TTK was banned for threatening T, nothing to do with his performance or practices as a dealer, but yes, I would have expected RG to support that sanction. I believe that is the only forum which he is not banned from.

    As I said above, feel free to close this thread, and even impose a ban on me. While it was not my intention to write this thread to get myself kicked off, if that is the consequence, so be it. If I am viewed by people as a troll, then so be it, I will not waste any more of their time.

  16. Try writing your sentence again. If you're honest to yourself, your apparently very self-centered self... you can admit that it should read:

    the admins refuse to take the action I want.

    Now I suggest you read TwoTone's reply again. It's all explained there... our whole approach to the whole thing. It's nothing dramatic, not something that you can create new conspiracy theories from... but it's all there.

    Apologies for missing this post previously.

    Please do not put words in my mouth. self-centered? Don't make me laugh. If I was as 'self-centered' as you believe, I would not have written this thread, or ever tried to open people's eyes to the Cartel's business practices. Yes, trying to inform others... Very self-centered of me... This has absolutely nothing to do with what I want. Take a step back and look at the message, not the messenger.

    And yes, it is all there, including the slurs of accusing me of being a troll, and as for 'conspiracy theories', it's not a conspiracy when it is supported by countless discussions and screenshots which showed another dealer being intimidated by Andrew.

  17. TeeJay

    Our job is not to manage the sellers business practices, but to allow free discussions about these practices.

    Just by having these types of discussions, members will hopefully make an informed decision. If there is ever any evidence of Josh or Andrew scamming someone, we wouldn't hesitate to remove them ASAP.

    If you are so upset about the business practices of Josh and Andrew, by all means warn every noob and provide links to all these discussions should a "I'm thinking about buying from Trusty" topic ever appear. That's what this forum is here for....

    I agree, it's not the admins job to manage their business practices, I just fail to see the logic in allowing dealers to remain, who have been banned by another forum, for manipulative and predatory practices, and that was why I asked the questions I did.

    For the record, I would like to state here and now that they were only ever intended as questions, it was never my intention for them to be received as accusations, so my most sincere apologies for how they have clearly been received.

    It's not a case of me being upset about their business practices, or that I think people shouldn't buy from them, as I pointed out over the page, people are perfectly entitled to buy from whoever they want. Also, if I was to post warning every n00b, then I would most definitely be living up to the label of 'troll' which TT saw fit to slap me with, and that never has or ever will be, my intention.

  18. Those "screen shots that have been provided" have nothing to do with RWG. I don't know why people feel like washing the dirty laundry of the other forums here? Because we believe in free expression of opinions (and liberal atmosphere) doesn't mean that we want to be the "Soap Central" of the Replica community.

    All these things have been discussed in the admin room. We know what's happening, and we act accordingly (if needed). We always have.

    They might not having anything to do with RWG as a forum, but they are still relevent to the people here who are are all part of the community which these forums represent. As I said above, it was not my intention to cast any slurs or insinuations, my motive was as simple as I claimed it to be.

    Best regards,

    The issues and our thoughts had been made pretty clear in the prior post. Not sure why you felt you needed to be the Spokesperson for the community when we already had a lengthy, multi-page discussion in the public forum :rolleyes:

    Me thinks you like the drama ;)

    Once more, because apparently you didn't get it the first time -

    Or mission as an admin team is very clear!

    We don't control dealer to factory or dealer to dealer business practices.

    We encourage open competition which is why every dealer is treated equally.

    We have just added two new dealers B)

    I don't know why I felt the need tp be the spokesperson for the community either. Possibly because I felt the answers to the questions affected all members of this community (including those beyond this specific forum), and, as with previous discussions of this nature, I could only see nothing being done, and felt the people who are paying for the forum, were entitled to an explanation as to why that would be.

    While no one appointed me spokesperson, the fact that there were responces to my initial post which agreed with the reasons I felt the question needed to be asked, I can only take as validation that the issue was preying on the minds of others, and that others equally wanted to know what was going on.

    Best regards,

    By all means feel free to lock this thread, or take whatever action is deemed appropriate. I will abide by any decisions made.

  19. Guys, it is what it is. But I can tell you that to accuse the admin team of being in bed with any or all dealers is really insulting. If you really feel that way given your moral temperament from the posts above you should be long gone and not wasting either the energy or people's time.

    Maybe it is insulting, but it was honestly not my intention for it to be taken thusly. Personally, I consider it insulting that people are frequently asked to support the forum, yet when something like this occurs which could impact on the whole community, the admins refuse to take any action which could actually protect the membership. Neutrality is all well and good, but, when people are sending money in good faith, they have a right to know how it is being used to their protection.

    Best regards,

  20. The only purpose of your post was to create useless drama and another 20-page debate. This is so transparent... you think we're complete idiots here?

    I have worked for years for this community, and never received even one free watch for my work... I'm not saying that I should... but I find your post extremely offensive and insulting. How do you except us to "take" such gossip? I can read "between the lines" of your initial message perfectly. "Constructive"... don't make me laugh. After 20 years on the Internet I can recognize a troll when I see one.

    The two review watches from Eurotimez... the TT Subs... I paid the 50 EUR shipment from my own pocket (to his customer). And boy, do I feel stupid sometimes... especially when people like you come up with gossip and allegations like this.

    You have no class.

    Enough said.

    Please do not assume to know some 'agenda' on my part, and no, I do not think you are complete idiots. Equally, do not assume that the membership who continue to pay your bills are idiots. They have a right to know what their money supports, and if it is being used in accordance with which it is donate: To fund a forum which claims to exist to protect buyers from unscrupulous sellers, but, when it comes down to it, refuses to ban two dealers who have consistently proven that their business practices are manipulative and predatory.

    People like me? Dirty gossip and 'allegations', I suggest you take a closer look at the screen shots which have been provided, and then take a long hard think about if they are actually 'dirty gossip and allegations', or, if they are actually legitimate.

    As for saying I have no class, I couldn't care less what someone on a forum who's never said more than a dozen words to me thinks of me. Deny it all you want, but this does nothing to appease people's concerns, or disprove any 'theories or agendas', but will only serve to reinforce them.

    Best regards,

    Was I the only one that read T's post saying he was going on vacation for two weeks??? TeeJay, you might want to read it before commenting on the absence of his reply.

    Indeed, I did miss that, so sorry for the oversight.

    Best regards,

  21. RWG was started, to protect the members from scams. By that we mean to provide a forum to discuss problems with sellers who either do not supply goods once ordered, who supply goods which differ from that which was advertised, or the $100.00 Sub for $1,200.00.

    We believe that pricing issues, or inter dealer relationships, are the realm of the sellers and buyers, not something which should be an issue for the members of the admin team.

    By all means, the forum should be used to discuss all issues pertaining to rep watches, and watches in general. However, the reason for being, is to provide an area to assist members in not being scammed in a purchase.

    This has been and always will be our approach to the Forums purpose.

    As far as the current issues go

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