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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Awesome idea :) A few ideas came to me. Depending on the size of a person's username, it might not fit in that small space... How about, having the ring without the usernames, and a less-obvious RWG (inspired by Corgi's comment)

    Something else which I thought of, how about having the insert haemetite rather than onyx? Gorgeous stone, and good for keeping folks calm :)

    Something like this, perhaps?


  2. I don't have any strange noises from my 127 crown (E0117 case) but, the tube doesn't seem to be giving the crown the full support for it to interact properly with the CG lever. With the crown 'pulled tight' against the inside of the lever, there is maybe a hair's width between the tube/crown. Is it possible to re-set the tube position so it is 'further out', so it gives the crown the correct support? When held down, the crown seals properly against the tube, but then, the CG lever has a little 'rattle' to it. 'Pulling the crown tight' against the CG lever, is little more than touching the inside edge of the crown, it is not actually moving it to the 'time setting' position. The watch has always done it, and to be honest, it doesn't bother me too much (although if it was fixable, it would be good to have it fixed) I just thought I'd seek some opinions.

  3. Regardless of accuracy, if you like it, go for it. outside of watch enthusiast circles, hardly anyone knows what a Panerai is, let alone what a specific model should actually look like :lol: You'll most likely get asked "What is that?" rather than "Is that real?" (which happens frequently with Rolexes :lol: ) Best of luck with your purchase :)

  4. For some reason, I felt compelled to wear an SS watch today :huh:

    I wasn't going to wear my Submariner, after wearing my 127, it's just too small, so I pulled the 111h out of storage. I do have plans to sell it on, but, the person's not been forthcoming with offers of the money, so I'll hang on to it till they do (please note, this is a private sale, I am not selling it on forum) When it is taken off my hands, having really enjoyed wearing it today, I think I'll get a 112h on SS, for when I feel thus compelled again. I also have plans for a 113 on SS, for certain occasions. Anyway, enough waffle, and sorry for no fresh pics, but, here it is...




    That's right, this is the watch which has withstood heavy swimming into natural tides and artificial wave machines without even thinking about leaking. The only reason I'm selling it on, was when the movement was repaired, the watchsmith left dust under the crystal, and forgot (somehow) to replace one of the movement clamps (frakking idiot...) and by the time I got it back, I was wearing my 127, so didn't feel the need to keep it (until today) Before anyone starts having a hissy fit about the sale of a less than perfect watch, they've seen the dust, seen the missing clamp, but are still desperate to buy it. I probably won't even take half of what I bought it for, as, given it's condition, it just wouldn't be right, but, it's still in a wearable condition, keeps time at +2 secs per day, and to be honest, the dust is only noticeable on close scrutiny, not during 'regular wear'.

  5. Hello Teejay,

    I'm not saying that is my opinion,i'm saying that is the common opinion of people outside of this 'hobby'....so telling a person that thinks that way,that you own a knock off of a gen that is cheap anyway,wouldn't look good.....

    At least if its a rep of a watch in the 10's of thousands,its more understandable as to why you would go the rep route.....to the outsider i am talking about.

    That's fair enough if it wasn't your own opinion, although I have to admit, beyond Rolex, the majority of people don't tend to question other brands, and, with some, such as Panerai, I've found, that when people are told what the gens would actually cost, they've all said "For a watch?! That's crazy!" To be honest, I don't think that there's the 'stigma' of reps (at least, decent quality watches, and less well-known brands) that there used to be.

    [Edit for spelling]

  6. i have several gen watches. the 2 most expensive are the Ebel 1911 senior 18K and the

    Tissot 18K handwound.

    A friend of mine which appears to be an excelent watchsmith showed me that the same ETA automatic movement comes in 4 different variantions in terms of finish and accuracy. So it's not true that the reps have the same "basic" movements as the gen. And then we forget all the application made to this movement inhouse.

    Low priced gen are in most cases more reliable and for instance my seiko gen of 150 euro's is waterresistant up to 100 metres.

    Please show me witch rep gives me those features out of the box.

    As for the remark that gen keep their value i can't says this is the case with the Ebel.

    I bought it 8-10 years ago for 5K euro's and if i trade it in it will bring me max. 2K of i'm lucky.

    Carpe Diem


    Out of curiousity, have you actually dived to 100m with the Seiko, or just going by the stated rating? The only reason I ask, is that I have seen a photo on forum before of a gen Seiko, which had condensation under the crystal.

    Although I have not dived to any depths with it, and bearing in mind that wr is measured as static pressure, my 111h, has withstood heavy swimming against both natural tides, and artifical wave machines, with no hint of leaking, and that was with the back secured only by the pressure of thumbs in rubber gloves... If a watch fails at deeper depths, fair enough, but, as I mentioned above, most people's watches aren't going to go deeper than the bottom of their pool ;)

  7. Even though the differences may be hard to spot, the apparent difference between gen and rep is what is on the inside, rather than on the outside.

    Sure, the rep SFSO or Heritage may appear to be very well made, will it survive the same strengths that the gen is used to test?

    The movements in both watches may be the same, but that is simply comparing apples and oranges. You can't say that both watches contain a $50 movement.

    How about the materials used? Can it be said that both watches use the same materials? The same quality of steel? The same oils? The same finishing?

    I still consider low-to-mid price gens to be a value, but only when it is purchased second hand. Comparing the values to what you can get for a rep is something that cannot be justified favorably for a rep.

    This is a very true point, but, not one which will be a factor for many people. Afterall, there aren't many folks whos dive watches see depths any deeper than their pool. With that kind of use being prevelent, are the same standards of resistance as the gen has, really important?

    I think the question should be 'is it worth buying a rep of a low to mid range gen?'......

    Its a matter of if you want to be able to say to someone that might ask,that it is a gen.....

    Or if you want to lie,and are comfortable doing so...

    Or if you want to say you are a rep buyer,otherwise known as a person that buys fakes because they can't afford the gen,even though the gen is not expensive...

    What you feel comfortable with dictates if you spend the money on the gen or not....

    Who says people by fakes because they can't afford the gen? Many of the members here either own gens, or are in a position to afford them, but choose to buy reps for other (and very varied) reasons ;)

  8. If you hand over the watch to them for a service or free bracelet resize, you're passing it off as a genuine branded watch and that's when it becomes a trademark infringement as opposed to a replica.

    Emphasis is pretty important there. Doesn't change the fact that ADs don't have the power to confiscate someone's personal property.

    Possessing a replica watch isn't illegal but passing counterfeit goods off as genuine is. Before you decide to battle with ADs over the law, take legal advice from a copyright/trademark lawyer first.

    And they'll say the same thing. An AD won't have the power to confiscate said item, as it is legally owned personal property, regardless of how the owner presents it.

    In other words, don't be so stupid as to assume you can hand over your counterfeit watch to an AD without something bad happening.

    That's very true. People who do think they can flash reps in ADs deserve whatever ridicule and misfortune comes their way (within legal limits, of course.) for their attention-seeking behaviour.

  9. Possibly an aftermarket crystal?

    I'll never forget one person on TZ whining that the hands weren't lining up 100% with the indices 100% of the time. He got laughed at quite a lot... At the very least, that was an example of two things; 1) Even gen QC is not flawless, and 2) Some people just have unreasonably high expectations. I wonder what the person would have done if they'd received a Canal St POS... Probably would've been found twitching and rocking on the floor of their domicile, muttering to themselves about 'the hands' :lol:

  10. Awesome photos and strap combo :good:

    I said the same thing when I first joined, and, to tell the truth, felt the first 127 I owned was a bit to big, but now, I rarely wear anything else, and have come to think of it truly as 'my watch', rather than a 'daily beater' ^_^

  11. Ya Mon!

    Four hundred and thirty years before Edison (who was a notorious cannilbalistic pedophile) a schizophrenic serial killer claiming that he was following the instructions of God, devised a method for recording the voice of a nymphomanical baby-killing alcoholic puppy-torturing prostitute.

    Like I've always said, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    Anyway, here it is, for real. Not exactly Dolby Surround, but hey, nobody's perfect, right?


    Will clicking on that link give me nightmares? :unsure:

  12. Yep, Punjabi MC - that's what I was thinking of...

    I rather prefer their version, no?

    Personally, no...

    The sample used in Work has been altered, dropped down in tone slightly. The sitar, while still recognizable as such, is less 'tinny', so 'softer' on the ear. I also think Ms Rowland is more pleasing on the eye ;)

  13. They stole the background riff from an Indian-inspired rock number that I unfortunately didn't save,

    I wondered what the riff might have been sampled from, and, on a forum, one person did name a track, and, the riff does sound very similar. However, a further comment, revealed "no indian song, all played, its just a sitar riff"

    I'm not normally a fan of remixes/covers, as I think it's uncreative. However, if the track adds something, improving on the original, then that's okay. Having listened to the original track, I have to say, that the remixed version is much better.

    Other than that, I guess it's an ok vid.

    It's worth watching even on mute, if just for the lovely Ms Rowland :lol:

  14. From what I've seen, there are two case models of 127. One has the production number E0117/1950, the other has another production number. From what I understand, the E0117/1950 case is the one DSN sells, so possibly less chances of the crystal exploding. Of course, I might be wrong, but that's how things have appeared, reading the posts on the subject. As a side note, although I didn't get my 127 from DSN, and it has an Asian rather than Swiss movement, it is still the E0117/1950 case, and, to date, has not yet* exploded (about 4 months near constant wear)

    *Emphasis on 'yet' I fully expect the crystal to explode after pushing 'submit' just to prove me wrong :lol:

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