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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. TTK was offered 12 hours of open time by the Mods to get his PM's. I was online and I actually saw TTK here @ RWG so I am sure he picked up his PM's. Matter of fact(correct me if wrong) TTK was posting to some threads while he was back online during that time period. Again, this can be confirmed by TwoTone. Not here to stir up crap, just posting what I know and what I myself witnessed.

    Not stirring at all, that's very informative :) I'm just surprized that Neil logged on after publicly saying he wouldn't. No need for him to be short of people's shipping details :) Hope your watch turns up, I wonder how long you might have to wait for the Thai Post Office to respond to enquiries ;) For the record, I've had stuff shipped from Thailand, and it arrived within a month :)

  2. Wat 'ya tokin bout, Linus???? Us Gay man can't wear a B&R???? :lol: How 'ya doin TJ! Long tym no hear! How's everythin' on the other side of the pond?

    Cheers! Hike

    All's good here, thanks, just trying to track down a few costume pieces for an upcoming party :)

  3. Well, if you need to call the police, and you will need to justify and argument with the AD, you are already in trouble. ;)

    It would be very easy to justify...

    "I took my watch into this shop to have the bracelet adjusted. They started saying it was a fake and won't give it back to me..."

    You were the one who said they'd threaten to call the police... All I pointed out, is that they would have no rights to confiscate a watch, and if such a thing happened, the owner should report the AD to the police for theft. At the very least, they would likely give the watch back before the call was made. If the police did turn up, the law would be on the side of the owner, who has had their private property illegally seized ;):lol:

    Personnaly, I prefer doing something else in my life than dealing with this kind of situation, like, hunting my next rep ;)

    I quite agree :lol:

  4. I was not charged any extra as far as I know for any QC, Neil offers it as standard on all his watches, and they came direct from him, so no drop shipping. Looks like a small slip up on one out of the batch. The other watch was perfect.

    I have emailed him the pics as per his request and we are going to talk later today ref a solution. So far so good. We can all make mistakes, so as long as it gets sorted out amicably then I am a happy customer. The movement seems fine and after 2 days off my wrist, it is still ticking away. Much better power reserve than my gen omega!!

    TTK CONTACT NOTE: If anyone is trying to get hold of him ref the noobmariner group buy that was done on RWG in December/Jan, you can get hold of him by PM on RepGeek, a lot of his records we frozen here so he could not get contact/order info out. I think admin here are trying to sort something.T

    Just to clarify that point:

    Neil was granted access to his PMs, and on open forum, refused to log onto the site to view them..

    According to a member of the admin team, his PMs have been archived and emailed to him, so he would now have that information regardless of his access to this forum. Where people have argued with him in the past about issues, he has posted saved copies of those PMs/emails/etc, to support his points, so it is most likely he would have that information already stored, and of course, any new information, would have been emailed to him. Also, of course, if anyone does need to contact Neil to clarify their details, they can do so on RG.

    As DemonSlayer pointed out above, if Neil is having issues with his sight, which was his explanation for the problems with the group buy, then he should be taking steps to ensure that the products he sends are being checked by someone without impaired vision, rather than doing it himself. As mentioned previously, for someone who mentioned having problems with their vision, Neil has been quite active on RG since he was banned from this forum for threatening the Admin. I hope that activity is a sign that his vision is improving.

    [Edit for clarity]

  5. Not sure, but it may not be that cut and dry. I am sure there are intellectual property laws that would pave the way for confiscating your watch. That would likely only apply if you handed the watch over for some sort of service.

    I certainly wouldn't be handing one over for any other reason :lol:

    Posession of the reps themselves (without intent to supply) is not illegal (certainly not in the UK or US, although I do believe mere ownership of reps is illegal in Italy) In that regard, they are simply a person's personal property, which a store would have no right to confiscate (either if simply seen, or following a service) As always though, it's best not to take reps into ADs in the first place, or keep them under a sleeve if possible.

  6. If you are lucky, they will just kick you out of the store with your watch, and you will never be welcome there again, or, they will just keep the watch, and they will tell you, "we keep the watch, or we call the police, decide". Sure you will leave, but you will loose $300-$400.

    I'd phone the police myself, and say that a jewellery store was refusing to return my personal property.

    I wonder how keen they'd be to keep the watch then ;)

  7. Dani, as DemonSlayer has pointed out: Take the hint. Ken has already closed one thread on this topic, so I suspect he will close this one too. Are you trying to get yourself disciplined for going against moderator's wishes?

    If people have no knowledge of this film, they cannot discuss it.

    It is Geert Wilder's film about the Qur'an. And what? If you want to learn about the Qur'an, read the Qur'an. All you will get from reading books about the Qur'an, or watching films about the Qur'an, is information tainted with the personal biasses of the authors. If you read the Qur'an itself, there will be no 'outside opinions', just the text itself. If you wish to learn about the Qur'an, that would be my recommendation to you.

    [Edit for spelling]

  8. So you belive i will be punished becasue i dont belive in allah?

    Given what is written in the Qur'an, I believe, that it is certainly a possibility.

    Then i em sure you see me as a less of a human since i em a non beliver?

    You are 'sure' of many things which are not correct ;)

    Like all Humans, you have the free will to believe in Allah or not. That is your choice. I do not judge you by your choice. It is not my place to judge you by your choice.

  9. It may state that, but it certainly doesn't leave it at that. I can quote many verses from several Suras of what exactly will happen, according to the Quran to those who disbelieve in the message of the Qur'an, and its not a pretty picture :lol:

    At the end of the day, it's about mankind having free will. Free will to choose to submit, free will to choose not to submit. Of course, that's not to say that there won't be punishment for those who refuse to follow Allah's will, but, that's as with any system of laws: Those who refuse to obey them, are punished. Ultimately though, and something the hadithists tend to forget, is that it is Allah who will ultimately judge (and possibly forgive) those who choose not to believe in Him, not mankind to judge or punish ;)

  10. Ahh I see, they're basically rules laid down to be followed by Muslims without an explanation on why its bad for them. Yes I can see the reasoning behind that, like a mother telling a child 'don't play with fire' but without explaining that its dangerous because it can burn us :)

    Absolutely so. :)

    [Edit to add]

    Technically speaking, they are rules which Allah laid down to be followed by all mankind, but, it is only those who actually submit to the will of Allah, (Muslims) who actually live by those rules. Afterall, all Islam means, is 'submission', and all Muslim means, is one who submits to the will of Allah. Of course, that is a rather 'conservative' Islamic opinion, and one which is itself over-ruled by one of the final suras in the Qur'an, which states there is no obligation in religion, and that people are free to believe and worship whoever they choose ;)

  11. Thanks for clearing that up, I was aware of this however as I came across it in the Quran :) TeeJay, does the Quran explain why Muslims are not allowed to consume blood or carrion?

    Other than it being forbidden, it does not explain why. It's a bit like a parent saying "Do as I say, don't do as I do..." to a child. Not an explanation, just an instruction, which is expected to be obeyed. With regards eating carrion, it could be because decomposing flesh can harbour all sorts of biological nasties, so in some cases, simply not safe to eat. As for blood, I'm not too sure. It could be, similarly, that blood is one of the major disease carriers, so it could be a way of avoiding that. That would just be my own guess though. I think the thing which is often misunderstood about halal and haram, is that they are simply words meaning 'lawfull' and 'forbidden' (or to that effect) In Islamic practice, any meat (other than flesh of swine :lol: ) can be both halal and haram, depending on the method with which the animal died. For example, a kebab shop where I eat most days sells fried chicken, which tastes exactly like KFC (a good or bad thing, depending on one's tastes :lol: ) I was told by my brothers there, that the fried chicken is halal, but, the chicken nuggets and chicken burgers they sell, are not halal, because they are from a non halal supplier. Yet they are both chicken :animal_rooster:

  12. but for God's sake don't butcher them to satisfy your own taste buds.

    Just a quick note, as God's name has been mentioned ;)

    There is nothing in Islamic teaching which says that a person must eat meat. It is quite possible (and religiously permitted) for a Muslim to be a vegetarian. Indeed, the only commandments about meat, are the avoidance of blood and flesh of swine, and any animals which have died a traumatic death (or are already dead, ie eating carrion) So although Muslims do eat meat, they are not eating it 'for God's sake', so to speak ;)

  13. The animals we kill for food, they don't have the means to attack us, they can't defend themselves. They pretty much have no choice but to accept their fate, that their days are numbered and their throat will soon be slit. You can observe that humans will only kill those animals for food which can't defend themselves, in other words they prey on the weak and defenceless.

    I recall hearing that aligator is one of the most nutritious meats available. I don't think anyone would think of them as being defenseless ;) (although your point is well taken :) )

  14. As people have mentioned above, being picky about manufacturing flaws like this, is perfectly reasonable, especially when the item is supposed to be QCd before being sent out. Manufacturing flaws are very different to inaccuracies in replication, so of course, people are entitled to complain if the item is not meeting a certain standard. Best of luck getting the issue resolved :)

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