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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Unfortunately nickel is a component of most PVD coating too.

    On what I heard, the only reliable solution to Ni allergy are full-Titanium watches.

    I also seem to remember there was a thread by Victoria about it a few months ago.

    Thanks for the information :) I figured that titanium might've been the way to go, but wondered about PVD, and if it might have been a possibility :)

    I know that DLC is completely inert. One of its uses is to coat medical implants, so that they won't react with the patient.

    Thanks, that's interesting to know :) Might be cheaper for me to suggest a titanium watch :lol:

  2. There are clearly folks here who know the technical ins and outs of PVD, so I wondered if anyone might be able to answer a question for me.

    I have a friend who cannot wear SS due to nickel reaction. Would a PVD coating make the watch 'wearable' for them (by creating a barrier between their skin and the SS) or, would the coating itself be likely to trigger the reaction?

    Thanks in advance :)

  3. i watched the first episode and i didnt like it at all.. but i watched a few more and now im really into it. It gets really good near the end of season.

    Cameron is hot LOL - ok maybe shes the reason i watch it? haha

    I guess most pilots are a bit shabby, but most series do pick up afterwards :)

    She's certainly an incentive :lol:

  4. Did a lot of the visual effects work, removing wires, head replacements, lots of work putting in extra elements in the airport chase, stuff like that.

    Ahh, the time consuming fiddly stuff :lol: Awesome work :1a::good:

  5. My vote has to go to Daniel, particularly as I worked on Casino Royale.

    Awesome, what did you do?

    I liked how he played the part, and I'm a big fan of his other movies (I can watch L4yer Cake repeatedly and enjoy it more and more each time) I just felt he didn't look close enough to Fleming's descriptions. If they'd just died his hair black, all would have been fine ^_^

  6. I'll say this for Daniel Craig striking such a Steve McQueen pose.


    Other men are overwhelmed by such a watch. But that Planet Ocean suits him down to the ground.

    P.S.: The Thinking Man's Bond? I thought that was Dalton?

    Looks like some good articles in that mag, I might have to get it. Not too sure about 'the haircut you have to get' though... :lol:

    The loose fitting watch doesn't look good at all, IMO.

    Loose fitting watches are okay, that's just a personal preference, but, wearing it with a tight metal bracelet?? :o:o That watch is going to grind and scrape over it constantly :pinch: Like nails down a chalk board :pinch:

  7. kasigi, what is the serial number of your Fiddy? IIRC, there were far more crystal problems with the 05xx (0581?) serial number than the 0117 case. Some people were theorizing that the different cases exerted different amounts of pressure on the crystal and that the design of the 05xx case made it more prone to broken crystals.

    If it's of any help (for future reference, should anything happen) Mine's the 0117 case. The crystal was advertized as sapphire, 'thunks' rather than 'tinks', and water droplets stay beaded rather than spreading, so I think it's safe to say that it is indeed sapphire.

  8. Why do men have such a fixation with size? Seriously. I don't get it. You must think it's important to yourselves, because women don't care!

    Me, I love Fiddies. But a 6" Casio is plenty big for any woman. :o:lol:

    I guess it's a male thing... Indeed, some women don't care, but, there are also some real 'Size Queens' out there who make a huge deal about only wanting Monster C0cks, ie 9", 10" and more etc... When guys hear about people like that, it's no wonder they can get complexes about size issues... :lol:

    I guess it's a bit like small-busted women who envy women with larger attributes, where the women who are more generously endowed, often complain about back pain and discomfort while running. I guess it's just a case of the grass always looking greener from the other size (and it not actually being so):lol:

  9. I mentioned this brilliant series on the television series thread I started :) I think at the time there wasn't much interest in this series, but I like it a lot. I watched the season finale last week :o Very exciting 2-part episode.

    If it's a two-parter, chances are there'll be a season 2 (fingers crossed :lol: )

    I am also a huge fan of the Terminator series, however I don't hold the third one in high regard (its on Channel 5 by the way for UK members :))

    I liked the third, but wasn't as impressed with it as I was with Judgement Day. I think it would've been better if Cameron had been directing it, but all in all, I quite liked it :)

    I have to say James Cameron is a genius for thinking of such a story, however it is debated whether or not he thought of the story originally.

    Apparently, he had a nightmare while filming in Rome about a machine coming out of the fire to kill him, and Terminator was the result.

    As a point of interest, Summer Glau's character was named after him :)

  10. Something about this man's snotty reaction, makes me think it's a gen.

    "Well then it not the same one"

    That's the remark of a guy in sure footing, probably who saved a lot to get that Sub, and is very very proud of the fact (it gives him a sense of superiority around his co-workers, I'm sure of it).

    And compensates for being hung like a hamster ;)

  11. I'd have to agree, the pilot wasn't anything special, but, don't forget, they have to try and introduce everything in one go, and, there's the 'adjustment' of seeing new actors in established roles. Episode II was better, but Episode III was awesome :) I can't wait for series 2 :) I'll make a prediction that Cameron hasn't been destroyed by the carbomb (although her biological covering might have been incinerated) afterall, in the first movie, the T 101 wasn't disabled by the truck exploding, it simply burned off the biological covering. It was then able to continue unimpeded (apart from a wrenched leg)

  12. WHAT!! Both of you get to fiddle your time in relative comfort, whereas I'm practically living in the Devil's Anus??? :cc_confused:

    I have to admit, I was surprized with my result, but, I think the fact I read scripture, have faith in God, and don't plan on repeating my past missdeeds, must have swung the result in my favor :lol:

  13. I've always been a fan of the Terminator movies, and was stoked to hear about the SCC. At first, I thought, "But what about Terminator 3?? Are they going to ignore it, like Highlander II?" Then, it made perfect sense. By changing the past (John's childhood) it changed the future/present (John in his early twenties, as in T3) The simplest of tricks with time-travel, and it gives them complete freedom :) Actors... Okay, it was strange to see someone other than Linda Hamilton as Sarah, but, Lena Headey certainly manages to pull the role off, and steps things back slightly from the harshness of the portrayal in T2. Admin Dekker is great as John, and Summer Glau is awesome as Cameron. The chances of an appearance by Arnie are likely to be slim/non-existant, but would be awesome, as would an appearance (even if just a cameo) by Kristanna Loken.

    A must watch for any Terminator fans :thumbsupsmileyanim:


  14. I'm not going to defend Neil as he simply shouldn't have made that threat. However, in his position, I'd be ranting as well. I never for one minute thought Neil would actually follow through on his threat. Did you?

    I don't know, he's always struck me as someone who says what he means, and means what he says, and not the kind to make hollow threats. I admit, we've (TTK and I) never seen eye to eye, but, I've never doubted his honesty (however brutal it may be)

    He'd be arrested at the post office for a start.

    Good point. I would say "Three hots and a cot,", but, this is Thailand we're talking about. No prisoner luxuries in their jails. Maybe we should run a prisoner exchange program and send some of our crims out there to get a real punishment for their crimes...

  15. HikeUSA, You're right. your fake watch should take precedence of over TTK's health. The nerve of him. The scammer!

    Neil has been on these boards since before you knew what a fake watch was. I know, I've bought many from him. And hopefully, he'll be here long after most of the current membership is gone.

    Get well soon, Neil. This guy needs his watch.

    I don't believe anyone here is wishing TTK ill health, Hike is simply frustrated at being dealt with in this manner.

    Let's keep the goodwill flowing :)

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