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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I've found that the real 'watch enthusiasts' don't really care if something is gen or rep. To them, it's a watch, and an item of interest, it's only jerks with chips on their shoulders who tend to get snotty about things, and that's only because their materialistic crutches have been successfully 'knee-capped' ;) Folks like that generally aren't worth the effort anyway ;)

  2. Why not contact the UK site I posted? You need to look within the UK.....


    I've sent an email to the other company, as they say they have a UK distributor, so I can always wait to see what they say. Failing that, I'll have to go for one of the plastic spring powered versions. Part of me says that I could tollerate one of the clear pistols, afterall, it would feel okay, and would be adequate for target practice, but another part of me is scheptical that I actually would like it clear, so I might go with the other one I linked to, which comes with the 'silencer' :)

    I agree with you 100%

    Like copy protection on PC games, just makes life hard for the peeps that buy the game (causing various errors etc..), but not those that just hack it anyway.....

    Absolutely. I think the thing which 'they' forget, is that the people who the laws are aimed at, simply ignore them or circumvent them, and it's only the law abiding who wind up facing the difficulties from them :(

    I really like the P99, and agree that the grip is very comfortable. I didn't realize they made copies that were that accurate. I have it in a 9mm.

    I bought my airsoft P99 about 2-3 years ago, and it really was very accurate (visually). It was also a very 'functional' pistol, in that the slide would actually lock back if an attempt was made to c0ck it while it was empty, and it had a functional de-c0cking lever. (although of course, not quite the same as emptying a magazine at a target and having it lock back of it's own accord :D ) Given the changes in the law, I really wish I still had it :D

  3. but the law was fine as it was, just a kneejerk reaction from our government.....

    That's my beef with such laws. Okay, sure, they need to prevent such things 'falling into the wrong hands', but what I think 'they' tend to forget, is that 'the wrong hands' will get hold of them (and real steel) regardless of any laws governtments enact... All these laws do, is penalize people with a legitimate interest in shooting :(

  4. Can these actually be used for self-defense? They are non-lethal but aside from taking someone's eye out with the help of inhumanly good marksmanship I don't think you could do much damage... of course being perfect replicas means they are illegal in Canada because here all "fake guns" need to have orange/red colored end.

    I used to have an old soviet BB gun but the spring & firing mechanism fell apart after about a dozen rounds were fired. It was good fun to blow into Styrofoam cups though.

    I have to admit, while I wouldn't want to get shot in the face with one, equally, I wouldn't want to try and use it to actually defend myself from someone... Excluding the aforementioned eye-shot, I think all it would do is get them more angry :D That said, a metal one could always be used to pistol-whip someone ;)

    Same exact reason I purchased mine to be honest, Lucky I got in before October last year....

    However I have moved house and no longer have a garden :mellow:

    What is funny is that they have killed airsoft with this law really, the point of running round in the woods in camouflage is ruined if you have to have a dayglow luminous gun! :p

    I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I was actually into airsoft as a sport, like people can be into paintballing, but that's just not really my thing. Having seen the law, I might have to settle for this instead :D One good thing which did come out of the cheapo pistol I bought, was it was came with a removeable mount with a laser pointer B) I'm faily sure it'll fit on the rail of another P99, so I kept it when I binned the rest of it :D

  5. Quote: "The law governing the sale, importation & manufacture of Airsoft guns and Replica Immitation Firearms (RIFs) in the UK changed on Monday 1st October 2007. As part of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006(VCRA), in order to purchase any RIF you will need to prove you are a airsoft player or skirmisher. To do this you will need to be on the United Kingdom Airsoft Retailers Association (UKARA) player database"


    Equally interesting, thanks for the headsup there :) That said, this could prove an issue... I don't really want to go running around the woods and get shot up to prove I'm into shooting... I only want it for a bit of home target practice :D

  6. Not to bad, takes the lower power gas, but overall it looks good. I think you may have issues getting it through customs though. Unless they paint it bright green or something :p

    I am willing to part with all the guns in my photo, aside from the Wildcat ;)

    I was just reading a rather thorough review of the Maruzen P99, and they test fired it with various gasses, which was good to know, as it allows for some flexibility, ie not only having to rely solely on one brand. I'm not too sure if customs would be an issue, but I have to admit, I'm pretty interested in it... I might have to send them an email :D I have to admit, the Umbrella Magnum would be tempting, but the P99's the only gun for me, it's grip is just so ergonomic :)

    Thanks again for the info :)

  7. I have some airsoft guns, all gas though.....

    How frequently do you have to change the cartridges? Also, does the gas cartridge mean that the magazine is reduced in size?

    I guess I could be tempted by gas, if it's not too 'high maintenance'. Up until now, I've only shot spring-powered airsoft, and found them adequate for my needs. That said, I did buy an airsoft pistol yesterday on a whim (it was only

  8. An some of you may know, one of the things I really enjoy in life, is shooting (rifle and pistol) Due to the UK's draconian handgun laws (which I do not want to discuss here) the chances of getting my hands on any real steel, is slim to non-existant.

    A while back, I had a very good airsoft replica of a Walther P99, but I lost it when I moved, and would like to obtain a replacement.

    My criteria...

    As accurate to the real steel handgun as possible. If in metal, even better.

    Must fire 6mm BBs

    Must ONLY be SPRING POWERED. I don't want to be messing around with a gas pistol

    I'm not too worried about the price, as if the product is good, it will get years of use, and worth the price.

    Any suggestions or recommendations will be greatly appreciated :)

    Thanks in advance.


    No, I will NOT be standing in front of a mirror muttering "Guud evening mish munneh-penneh..." :D

  9. A stripper's first day on the job, involves sitting in a room, studying photos of various watches. They are told "Someone wearing this type of watch, will have a load of cash to spend, pay them special attention... Someone wearing this type of watch, has no cash to spend, so not worth wasting your time on... Memorize these watch types..."

    Okay, I made that up, but who knows, I'm sure they're given a few pointers in spotting the high-rollers ;)

  10. To continue from last week and going on to this week:


    Ah ha, this is the PAM I was thinking of last week, as being worn by Jason Statham. Could you tell me what model number it is, please?

    As for myself, I am still wearing my 104. I wasn't able to get the photos or review done yesterday as I'd hoped, but, insha'allah, they will be done at some point :) I've tried all my straps with it, and I have to admit, it might well be the most versatile PAM of my collection. I'm mostly wearing it on the SS Bracelet, but I did put it on a bony croc strap this evening, just for a brief change of pace... Back to SS for tomorrow though :)

  11. Who suggested video games as therapy? To me that seems like a patently bad idea.

    That was me...

    And not in hardcore day long sessions, just a little bit here and there (or playing a musical instroment) for dexterity and a mild work out. Afterall, people undergo physiotherapy following an incapacitating injury, that involves using those parts affected, just in a very gentle way... At the end of the day, it was just a suggestion, no one has to follow it ;)

  12. @ TeeJay, thanks for the kind words and for the responce I'm very very much in line like what you said. I will consider doing small mods like ETA DW in the future as we have the capability we just don't have the ETA DW in stock, other than that my watchmaker is more than capable to put it inside the watch, that is not much of a problem. The problem however (and this is what Mickey pointed out -- thanks) is that the rep DW is sometimes printed the way it is printed and therefore there is little that I can do to resolve that... So like TeeJay said, if clients have too high of an expectation what can I do?! I don't produce and reseating them would be useless and timeconsuming.

    I do check and have them in acceptable "state" and I will reseat them if their completely missalligned ---but not if it is like Rolexman 99% perfect state....

    Hope this clarifies...

    That's awesome to hear about the date wheel mods :) Thanks for understanding the spirit with which my comments were made :)

  13. Well I don't tend to make assumptions on behalf of other people, or second guess what they may or may not do/mean...... :p

    I wasn't second guessing anything, but going by what EuroTimez specifically said. If I then made an assumption from that, so be it. From what EuroTimez wrote, I feel it was a reasonable one.

    I read it as posted, he will not waste time trying to re-align the Asian date wheels because in most cases it is not possible, due to the poor quality printing/alignment, instead the watches will simply not pass his QC check, fair play, his QC is more than most other dealers would do B)

    Precicely so :)

    Now offering an upgrade, at a price, to ETA Swiss day/date wheels will reduce the QC return rate of watches, and please many potential customers who would like the higher quality, correct font, perfectly aligned day/date wheels ^_^

    Win, win situation in my book, and if the price charged is right, not a loss making one for the dealer either......

    I agree with the point you're making, but, EuroTimez did say that he would not be doing things along those lines, simply because of the time involved and amount of sales he does, which was what made me suspect that he would not offer such a modification. As I said previously, the level of allignment shown is what can reasonably be termed acceptable. It is certainly not unacceptable, and, as I mentioned, I would consider anyone who did think it was unnacceptable to be being unreasonable, and having unreasonably high expectations. Let's not forget, as EuroTimez pointed out, this is something being scrutinized from a blown up picture, not something someone glances at quickly on their wrist. I'd bet that at a glance, on the wrist, it would appear perfectly alligned. That is why I said it (wheel transplants) should not be the responsibility of the dealer, but a modification the buyer could later choose to have done. EuroTimez is sending out excellent product, and taking the precautions to ensure the product is as good as possible, which, as pointed out, dealers who drop-ship simply cannot do, regardless of their claims or willingness to replace goods received as faulty. EuroTimez also pointed out (as I remember someone else once saying in a discussion) that if he was to keep trying to replace the watch with the factories, they will stop selling to him. That would achieve nothing whatsoever, but rob this community of a valuable dealer. Bearing that in mind, as I said, if he were to choose to sell 'modded' watches, then that would obviously be upto him as a dealer. However, from what he said, I personally took his comments to mean that he is prepared to give watches an incredibly thorough examination, and only ship goods which pass that examination, but that he would not be doing wheel realignments (and presumeably things like that) due to time constraints, so the affore mentioned examination, would make sure that something which was seriously misalligned simply would not be shipped out. That is why I said that a buyer would either approve or reject a watch. If they reject it, then they reject it, and another would be sourced. If they accept it, then they accept it 'as is', at which point, something like a datewheel transplant (unless it was a service offered) would be a modification project for them to undertake themselves. :B

    All just my opinion of course, but I bet a lot of people would jump at the chance if offered a day/date wheel upgrade direct from a dealer, I would :)

    Absolutely, but that's not to say that the dealer will, or even wants to, offer that as an option ;) That's all I was trying to point out, as being my understanding of EuroTimez' comment.

    EuroTimez, if I misunderstood your point, have put words in your mouth or otherwise spoken out of turn, then I apologize, I was simply reading and commenting on your comments as I understood them.

  14. Yeah I read his post rearding the Asian 7750 replica date wheels being of differing quality from one to the next, but I am talking about installing Swiss ETA date wheels, so the alignment and print quality would be perfect, that was my point ;)

    I got that that was your point, I just felt that from what EuroTimez said, that re-alligning datewheels was not something he would be undertaking in the future, and, if all the datewheels were to be of the same level of allignment as shown above, that was a level that he (and I suspect most people) would consider to be acceptable, and I suspect, he would view installing new wheels, in the same way as he viewed attempts to re-alligning (which was something he said he would not be doing in the future, given the excellent allignment already shown). If someone's shown a photo of their watch prior to arrival, then obviously they can give a 'yay or nay' before it's sent, but, if they give the go ahead, it was to arrive thus, and they were still to consider the allignment unacceptable (which, in all honesty, given what is known of other watches, even gens, would be an unreasonable expectation and opinion) then it would be up to them to have the mod work done to re-allign or outright replace the wheels, rather than buying the watch 'modded' from EuroTimez. Of course, he may decide to sell 'modded' watches in the future, but from his comments, suspect he will stick to providing an excellent level of QC, and sending watches to clients in the best possible condition, from the factory, rather than getting into the process of part transplants and other mods... :)

  15. Likewise, I'd also be interested. I have a really hard time finding shoes which fit me properly, so more sources can only be a good thing :) Northampton's one of the best places for obtaining shoes 'from the factories', if I recal :)

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