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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I've read that review and it was not that accurate. It seemed to be a serious case of picky buyer's remorse.

    What was inacccurate about it? I'd agree, buyer's remorse is one thing, but, that in itself tends to actually be fuelled by something.

    ... and I can't find negative reviews in this thread.

    Post # 40

    It's not a perfect device, but it's not bad at all. :)

    I guess that depends on how one defines 'not bad'... I agree, the iPhone is very userfriendly, very slick in terms of operation, and an excellent purchase for someone (like me) who needs to have several devices with them, but doesn't want to permanantly wear a photographer's vest just to carry them :D However, in administrative terms, the 18 month contract is restrictive, and not giving value for money. 3 will offer virtually any phone a client wants, for free, when taking out (or certainly when renewing) an 18 month contract. Given Apple knew when 1.0 was released that they'd be releasing 2.0 nine months later, it wouldn't've hurt them, as a company, to be a more in line with other companies, and let the phone go for free, and simply take their cut of the contract fees. What they did was not 'business', but corporate greed. Also, in terms of device interaction, the iPhone requires too much of a person's PC to synch with it. It is not simply a 'plug and play' device, and there is absolutely no reason why it should not be thus. No reason whatsoever, when generic MP3 player, can simply be plugged into a computer and used (sometimes necessary software must be loaded first, but that comes free with the player) to download tracks stored on the computer straight away.

  2. Who wrote a negative review?

    Let me rephrase that; Which iPhone owner wrote a negative review? Playing with one in a shop and deciding not to buy it isn't a negative review. I've always said it's not for everyone, but which iPhone owners are dissatisfied?

    The review I read was on a forum devoted to the Cect P168+. As I said, even in this thread, someone has mentioned the issues they had with their iPhone. I've also heard 'reviews' of the phone from a friend who owns one, or rather, owned one, as they got sick of it and sold it a while back. I'm only relaying personal experiences here, rather than reviews I searched out online by typing "negative iPhone reviews" into google ;)

    I have to admit, where you say about it not being for everyone, while that's certainly true, the iPhone (and to a degree, some of the iClones) are incredibly userfriendly, and certainly useable by anyone (who takes the time to get used to some of the functions, like the 'text tabs') I think it's more a case of not everyone being comfortable with touchscreen technology, or simply not requiring/or needing certain functions of the phone.

    [Edit to add]

    With regards the durability of the iPhone, I saw an online video review, where someone was 'destruction testing' an iPhone. If I recall, it withstood having the screen 'keyed' without sign of damage, and survived numerous 'drop tests' from a variety of heights, and onto a variety of surfaces, and only started to show case damage (screen was undamaged) when it was dropped (rather forcefully) onto the street. It was interesting to say the least, I wish I could remember the URL for it...

  3. The worst iPod? I've not heard that, but it would still make it better than anything else out there.

    That's what I've heard. As for it being better than anything else out there, I'd have to question that. Sure, in terms of convergence, sure, not that many MP3 players out there answer calls, go online, etc, but I've heard people say that even the iPod Touch can be a bit 'twitchy' and temperemental...

    The iPhone was released in November 2007, 9 months before the 3G version. If you actually do the modicum of fact checking or research before just assuming stuff and running with it, you'd save yourself some time speculating on a speculation. ;)

    But that's not as much fun as speculating ;) Either way, I was right in my thought that it's inside the 18 month contract period. Now, had they released 2.0 after, say, 17 months, then they'd likely have got better take up with people doing the 'end of contract upgrade' rather than the folks who'll be buying it simply because it's available...

    I've got an iPhone v1 and if I want to get a v2, I just have to pay
  4. Maybe not quite an obsession, and certainly not of the calibre shown, but, I do have about a dozen pairs of shoes...

    I'm soon to begin on a project that shoe-fans might appreciate, equally, they might consider it sacrilage :D

    Double T, you're not Boyd Coddington, are you?

  5. No. It's master of web-browsing, music, movies and IMAP email.

    Strangely, I've heard people review the iPhone as being the worst 'iPod' Apple have released...

    At the end of the day, I guess as long as it does what you need it to do, then that's all that matters, I just think it was a pretty good marketing/con job on Apple's part to release 1.0, lacking 3G, but knowing full well they'd be releasing 2.0 so soon after. Out of curiousity, when was 1.0 released inthe UK? Was it over 18 months ago? If not, meaning people still within the 18 month contract, would have to pay out again for a new phone (and likely be tied into another contract, rather than 2.0 being considered an upgrade on their 1.0 contract :D ) All good for Apple's bank balance, I guess :D

  6. I've also been subjected to the show when my wife's had controll of the remote, and, as mentioned above, they do tend to inspire me to want to commit a hate crime, so it's good to see that one of the punks has been scammed :D That said, I do like the idea of the invitations being random. Certainly saves the favortism and cliquishness of other episodes I've had the misfortune to be exposed to :D

  7. OK, my surgeon said that taking care of my right hand may possibly benefit my left hand, the nerves criss-cross each other in the neck and spine, so I'm hoping I won't need surgery for the left hand too.

    What got me into trouble was 20 years of using a computer mouse daily for hours, lifting too many weights at the gym incorrectly and carrying a heavy briefcase, too much strain on the hands, wrists and elbows. And ignoring numbness and discomfort for about 6 years before I went to see the hand surgeon.

    But I'm correcting these things, I'm looking into a graphics tablet with pen as an input device, going to get a personal trainer and I'm now using a nice messenger bag.

    So you are probably right, wearing heavy watches isn't part of the problem.

    Messenger bags are definitely the way to go :good: Okay, they're not really as smart as a briefcase, but in terms of 'transportation', they're much more comfortable to carry around, and can hold a surprizing amount of stuff :) As for the carpal tunnel, I'm not sure if it'd be a help or a hinderance, but might playing (or learning to play) a musical instroment, or maybe playing video games be good physical therapy? I know too much would likely lead to repeat strain, but in short sessions, it might provide a good 'work out' for the ligaments, at the very least, it will be good training for your dexterity :) Get well soon :)

  8. No-one's saying it'd suit you, much like those who prefer a Kowoon to an iPod. You don't need to buy one, especially as there are better fits to your usage.

    I still think there's no better convergence device than an iPhone. It's not the best at some stuff (not a great camera) but those it does well (mail, web, etc) it does better than any device. If you're looking for a camera phone, for instance, you'd be better looking elsewhere, but if you need a movie-watching, web-surfing iPod, it's the king.

    Oh, when the App Store opens, all bets are off. We'll all have to start this discussion from scratch then. :)

    Basically, the iPhone is Jack of all trades, Master of none ;)

    It looks good though, so maybe that would make it a Captain Jack :lol:

  9. You'll notice that no-one has complained about this since the release of the 1st gen, apart from people that didn't own one. It turned out not to be a problem.

    I'm sure I read a review which showed a huge laundry list of issues with 1.0, and very little positive about it, and one of the things they mentioned, was the non-removeable battery.

    That said, the other issues, such as contract, up front cost, and computer software, are the reasons why I won't be buying one, and, as mentioned, the features it has, which my i32 doesn't have (such as GPS and WiFi) I can live without. For me, it's just not a product I need to buy at the moment, as it wouldn't really be offering me anything I needed. Even if it was available without the contract, the software requirements would be prohibitive to my other needs, so it's a no-go for me :lol:

  10. But as I am on my way out to the local computer merchant to put together a new mail server, you inspired me to switch to something that may help to 'convince' him to give me a better deal - my Daytona beater


    Awesome :lol:

    The thing that made me chuckle in The Transporter, was how his PAM had an alarm ;)

  11. I don't think there's a '6' on the gen either. This looks faithful to me...

    I may be wrong about the model, but this definitely looks like a '6' at six to me ;)


    [Edit to add]

    It appears I got the model confused... Jason's watch does not have the 'Daylight' title, and it has printing around the upper half of the 6 subdial, which is absent on the model Stephane is wearing... Clearly two similar, but different models... Silly me :doh::scratch::lol:

  12. I have to go for the 196 right now.

    Just read some great story/review from a forum friend...can't leave it in a box for now :wub:




    Almost the watch of 'The Transporter', so one which my movie-based collection will require :) It would be nice if there was a rep available with a '6' marker at the 6 position, but, since I've never been that concerned about fidelity of replication, I'm sure I'll be more than happy with whatever's available B)

    As always, awesome photos :good:

  13. I'm half tempted.

    I say 'half', as many of the new (and existing) features, are features I don't really use or need. Yes, it would be nice to have them, but they're not essentials, as I don't miss not having them at present. The price of the new iPhone is certainly good, but, I suspect that it will have many of the same issues which put me off 1.0, ie non-removeable battery, 18 month contract (and paying upfront for the phone where most 18 month contracts will give the person whatever they want free) PC software required for synching to iTunes (which renders some of my own programs inoperative due to their age)

    I'll stick with my iClone (i32 HiPhone )for now, as, even with the firmware twitches, it does what I need it to do, with none of the issues I mentioned above :)

  14. Sorry for no photo, I haven't been able to get one yet, but I'm wearing my new PAM 104 on it's ss bracelet. It's by no means perfect, with a few small flaws which might give some the shakes, but, it doesn't fog up when it gets wet, so I'm happy with it :lol::good::thumbsupsmileyanim:

    One thing which has surprized me about it (and I'm not sure why it surprized me, as it shouldn't) is just how versatile it is. It looks nice regardless of bracelet/strap combo, so might just usurp my 127's place as favorite, simply due to that extra versatility B)

  15. And when the well informed cheapskate still has problems with his watch too soon (and anything is too soon for him) he will complain loudly, and forever, to anyone who will listen to stay away from your shop, because you ripped him off, provided crappy service and "ruined his watch." Even if you later give him a proper service later for free.

    That's why, TeeJay ;)

    Oh sure, some folks will always behave like that, but I have to admit, if someone is that much of a cheapskate, their friends and family will know that they're a cheapskate, and their claims would probably fall on deaf ears ;)

    As I said, I was just playing Devil's Advocate, and thinking along the lines of the barber/shave scenario :)

    PS Say no to swish and dip :1a:

  16. Just to play Devil's Advocate for the moment, I can't see anything wrong with providing a service which the client specifically wants.

    In terms of watchsmithing, obviously it is not 'the full job', but if that's what the client wants, then that's what the client wants... It's not a case of simply providing an unsuspecting person with a lesser job, and passing it off as a full service, but doing something which the client specifically wants.

    It reminds me of signs I've seen in barber shops, where a shave with the clippers costs X amount, where a shave with a wet razor is a little bit more. Now, no one would argue that a shave with the clippers would be as good as a wet shave, but, it would still be 'a shave', and, if that was all the person had the cash for, or wanted, it would be good enough for them, and they'd be happy with the result. The barber might well think or say "A wet blade will give a closer shave..." but, they'd still do the clipper-shave and take the dollars for it, if that was what their client wanted...


    I'm normally not one to back the 'customer is king' philosophy, but in a situation like this, I'd view it as someone informed of their choices making a choice and being prepared to pay for it, rather than someone expecting a full service and only getting a swish and dip (which I agree would be wholly unacceptable)

    Like the barber doing the clipper-shave, I'd've taken the work, and had a little extra 'flash money' that week :)

    [Edit to add]

    Of course, if I were to do something like that, I would make sure the client fully understood that the results would not be as good as if the movement were fully stripped down, so the results would not be as predictable or gauranteeable. I'd then say that if there was a problem, to bring the watch back and do the full service for a discount ;)

  17. i'd feel more comfortable taking PAM with screw down crown under water. If the project that is going on right now, with members from this board participating in it, does produce some nice crowns then we can really waterproof our PAM's. The biggest concern is that the gen PAM's have o-ring on the crown (actually more than one i think, correct me if im wrong) and reps dont have it - hence leak, on top of this in a lot of reps crown lever does not apply enough pressure to hold the crown down - hence more leaking. some reps have crystals that were not properly installed by the factory, hence leak. if you have see through back you got 2 crystals that may leak if not installed properly.

    find watchsmith that can pressure test your PAM and possibly fix the problem...gonna cost you some $ though.

    My 111h (which I've now sold) had an o-ring in the crown, and, as far as I can tell, so do my other rep PAMs... I'm not sure why my first 104 fogged up, as it appeared structurally sound, but, it's identical replacement, is fine to immerse. I guess it's just one of those things which can occur in the rep game... Most of the time, the goods are sound, but every now and again, the occasional lemon can be sent... As for my 127, as mentioned above, the correct pressure is not being applied to the crown, but, if the correct pressure is applied manually, the watch is waterproof.

  18. I've only had two PAMs which weren't water resistant. My first 104, and my 127. The 127, I know is due to an issue with the crown guard lever/crown/tube not distributing the correct pressures, and one which will hopefully be soon remedied. On the occasions where I manually held the crown down, the watch was water resistant, so even that I could not really class as 'not' being water resistant, as it certainly has the capacity to be, once the issue is resolved. My first 104, however, despite having a solid CG lever, back screwed down tight and the appropriate gasgets in place, still fogged up when it got wet. I sent it back for replacement (I picked up the replacement yesterday) and, the replacement appears to be okay. To be honest, I think you're more likely to get a PAM which is water resistant, than being unlucky enough to get one which isn't. Even my totally inaccurate One Eight Something is water resistant....

    Best of luck with your purchase :)

  19. Thx TJ ! :D???

    You're most welcome, always good to read new reviews and see what's about :) I did have plans to write a comparitive review of my Cect P168+ and my Cect i32 HiPhone, but my wife accidentally threw the P168+ out with some garbage, so I could now only do a 'feature review' and use my existing photos of the P168+, rather than directly comparing the two phones... Oh well... :lol:



    ??? Indeed. Looks almost like a depressable gasget of some kind, but why would a lug require such a part??? :huh: The only thing I can think, is that it may simply be engraving as a kind of anti-counterfeit marking (which I'm sure it's likely not, but that's the only thing which springs to mind :lol: )

  20. Awesome photos, amigo, the watch looks great :) I know what you mean about the rubber straps... I much prefer the OEM strap to the rep strap available, as, although the rep strap has a darker color, the OEM strap has a nicer texture and buttery softness, which the rep strap just does not capture. Nothing wrong with the rep straps in isolation, but once compared to the OEM, they're pretty lacklustre :lol: My suggestion, would be to try and track down an OEM dive strap, then modify the point where the buckle's tongue is placed, so it can be fitted to a deployant clasp ;) That is an awesome combo for a such a watch, just be carefull if removing the deployant, as it might 'bite into' the rubber... I found that out to my cost ;)

    As for the watch itself, I think it looks awesome, and the lume is impressive, so that gets a big thumbs up from me :):good::thumbsupsmileyanim:

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