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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. A bit of an unusual request, but, seeing as folks here are fairly well-travelled, I figured there might be some good ideas. I'm looking for a shirt for an up-coming costume party. I want something which, essentially, will not be a button-down, T-Shirt or Sweatshirt. I'm looking for something non Western. Could be Arabic, Oriental, anything like that, so long as it could be tucked into a pair of jeans (so no long smocks :lol: ) Thanks in advance :)

  2. I do sound like a hippe :lol:

    A self-loathing one at that ;) I'm all for people having an opinion, but the self-loathers are the ones which irritate the most.

    We shouldn't do this... We shouldn't do that... It's all well and good forthese hipsters to be able to have the education, and be able to afford to indulge their opinions, but that still doesn't give them the right to force those opinions on others... Don't like the 21st century and the way things are shaping up? Go live in a cave... (Them, not you, Dani)

  3. Agreed.

    I guess since criminals are those who take advantage of other peoples' situations there certainly could be some on any forum lurking and waiting for an opportunity to strike. Hopefully some of them will meet a fate befitting of their actions.


    I've seen the results of such cyber-stalking, and believe me, it is damn scary. People who behave in such a manner, hiding behing the anonymity of their proxy-servers, making people's lives a misery, deserve whatever misfortune happens to come their way. The US is much hotter on such things than the UK, hopefully it won't be too long before UK law catches up with the nature of 21st Century stalkers... To be honest, it's something which needs to be dealt with by an international agency like Interpol, so there won't be issues of jurisdiction or contacting relevent local authorities and asking them to act. Hard as it may be to believe, it's hard enough getting police forces in different parts of the UK to talk with each other on this issue, let alone other countries...

    Whoever ripped off that guy's watch collection, is probably going to wind up in a whole World of Pain (one way or another :lol: )

  4. TJ,

    I'm not as gentlemanly as you are. I'd just like to see this guy get run over by a school bus, but that's just me. LOL.

    On a serious note, I've never really thought about theives lurking on forums to pick out their victims. If that's the case, there are a few of my good buddies on gen forums that should be busy buying Vic's dogs. I guess just like everyone else, even theives have moved into the 21st century.


    I use the word 'justice' loosely ;) Meeting the business-end of a bat, fire-arm or angry mob of homo-repressed rednecks would be sufficient for anyone who dared treat a friend in such a poor manner.

  5. Wow. :o

    Would something like this really be an inside job, or, could it just be an insurance job? The only reason I wonder, is, someone would have to be pretty low on the evolutionary ladder to rip off a friend like that, and, it's be pretty hard to keep remembering never to wear certain watches in their presense, or in the presense of mutual friends, for fear of them being recognized. I hope it's not an insurance job, and I hope that whoever's responsible is brought to justice.

  6. This tread will go to page 20 we are not at the top yet.


    To just say NO to animal crulety is anuff to not be a monster but if you sit and say its ok then your just as bad as people that do it.

    Where has anyone in this discussion said that they condone cruelty to animals? Condoning a method of slaughter is not the same as condoning cruelty to animals.

    I repeat my question: What method of slaughter do you propose slaughterhouses use?

    You have not suggested that people all become vegetarian (which would mean not killing animals at all) so you must be happy eating meat. What method do you suggest be used instead?

    Throughout this thread you have reminded people that it is the methods which you finding intollerable. What is your suggestion that slaughterhouses do instead? It's all too easy to sit back and criticize, without suggesting an alternative.

  7. You are the one that have missed the point.

    Oh the irony. :lol:

    So for you to torture it before eating is just ok?

    There is a huge difference between killing something and torturing it.

    I also show in this tread halal slaughter of sheeps that i also feel is awfull.

    And you're perfectly entitled to that opinion. Others do not have to share it. Also, the proof is there, that the halal slaughter is more humane than killing with a bolt.

    At the end of the day, if animals are to be eaten, they must be killed somehow, and, in as humane manner as possible.

    The most humane manner, being not eating animals at all, and living as a vegetarian. Yet you are not arguing that people should be vegetarians. I agree, animals should not be abused or mistreated, but, given that you object to the methods detailed thus far, what is your solution? What method do you propose slaughterhouses use to despatch animals as humanely as possible?

  8. I think cancer has been around for quite some time, its just that humans are now only beginning to understand it. For instance, if someone died of a brain tumour 200 years ago, the cause of death might have been written as 'natural causes'. However, I do believe that modern society does have an impact on our health, and may be increasing/accelerating the rate of cancer today.

    That's really informative, thanks for the article :)

  9. As someone who has moderated a forum, I'd just like to make a few observations:

    The way which Neil treated other forum users (which was tollerated for a considerable length of time) would have got him instantly banned on the forum I moderated. No ifs, no buts, a straight out ban. Some forum rules are universal, namely, treat others with respect, and do not attack other forum users. Neil did this on numerous occasions, sometimes overtly, sometimes very subtly, sometimes just passive/aggressively. Either way, that in itself warranted a ban. The fact he was not, shows he was given considerable leeway by the admin team

    With regards the 'flipping' of his status, with any admin team, seperated by timezones, one mod may make a decision, such as giving someone a 'time out', but, the next mod (or forum owner) may think that it doesn't warrant a 'time out', so may rescind it. The initial mod, seeing the status change, may feel their action was justified and re-instate the time out, and the next mod (or forum owner) may feel that it warrants a permanant ban and simply enforce one. While an explanation of what happened with Neil's account has been given by the admin team, I am simply highlighting how such a scenario can occur, without there being some 'hidden agenda', simply because it is a situation I have been in myself, which others may not always appreciate, if they have not moderated a forum before. While as moderators, we may have taken different approaches and responses to things, the forum owner gave near-complete autonomy, and would always back any decision mods took (often siding with the most permanant option).

    Why was TTK trading area suspended shortly after he posted of a medical problem? TWP posted the very next day about his drinking and drug woes, yet his section remains untouched.

    TWP did state that he was considering retiring anyway, it could be that he was being given time to make a decision, rather than having one enforced upon him, possibly, because he did not have a thread dedicated to him, with a series of customers wanting their orders filled. As stated (I believe by Ken) above, the intention was only to suspend Neil's account as a dealer untill he had fullfilled the group buy, after which, it presumeably, would have been re-instated, or, he would have retired on health grounds. But. When he then made threats to Admin and others, that made it a totally different issue. As has been said numerous times. Neil was not banned for being unpleasant towards forum members. Neil was not banned for not fullfilling his obligations as a dealer (even after he made the post where he threatened to post a member's watch with the intention of it being confiscated by customs) He was banned for threatening the forum Admin. If someone comes into your home and threatens you or your family, do you:

    a ) let them stay in the lounge, or do you:

    b ) kick them out

    With regards the PMs. I agree with the point that they should have been archived and emailed to Neil once he was banned. But. Considering he had posted about the difficulties he was having with his eyes, what is the point in sending someone messages they can't read? For him to complain that he is not given access to his PMs, and then when he is granted access to them, refusing to read them? What's that? Cutting your nose off to spite your face? Being given an offer and spitting it back? Great attitude there... People have said that off forum, Neil is a totally different character, and that's fine, but why feel the need to act like such a c*nt towards people on forum all the time? Why assume such a persona? Why not just treat others with the respect demanded towards himself? Is it too much to ask for someone to behave in a civil manner, when they demand that others treat them with deference and respect? There is a reason I never wanted to do business with Neil, and that, is it. Wether he would have done business with me (as he claimed he would not) is irrelevent, as I would never have wanted to initiate a transaction in the first place. Dealers can choose who they want to do business with all they like, that is their right and privelage, but, that right and privelage also extends to clients as well, and, clients have the right and privelage to choose who they initially wish to seek to do business with.

    Not to get too far from the topic of Neil's health issues (which were also key to this whole debacle) with regards that condition, most people who suffer from blepharitis use their ointments in the evening, and prior to going to bed, so they are not hampered by the blurred vision during the day. They don't put them in during the day and then complain when they can't see clearly. That's just common sense. As for glaucoma, my cousin developed it in his mid teens, but still went on to become a solicitor (he's now early-mid thirties and leads a perfectly normal life.) As yet, I haven't displayed symptoms, but, knowing there's a family history of it, I know it's something which could eventually happen, so it's something I get regularly checked for. For someone who claimed he would not be online much due to his eye conditions, prior to his ban, Neil spent plenty of time reading these threads, even after he had posted that he was logging off, and, has made posts on RG since then as well. I hope this means his condition is improving.

    As has been mentioned previously, if people want to contact Neil, they can do it via RG or Skype.

    I am not making this post to 'stir things up', I'm just trying to give an impartial view of things as someone not involved with the group buy, but with experience as a forum moderator.

    Happy Easter folks,

    May peace be upon you all.

  10. No, no. I am making the opposite argument. That cancer is on the decline because the number one carcinogen is not as potent a daily force anymore.

    I think it's safer to say that cancer mortality rates are on the decline (which is good) I remember reading somewhere that everyone knows 'someone' who has either had cancer, or known someone else who had...

    I was simply meaning that 200-1000 years ago, people weren't dying from cancer, it appears to be something of a 'new thing' (relatively speaking, of course :) )

    Dani wanted us to remember that violence against animals, specifically dogs, is inhumane. He proposed sending moneys to a charity which combats dog cruelty in China.

    Indeed, a fantastic idea. I'm hoping Silix made that donation to an animal welfare charity on my behalf. I recal there was some schepticism at the time as to if it would happen/do any good...

    Whether you do or not, it's important to remember his original motives as worthy of anyone's attention. Even in rep watch fora.

    Absolutely :)

    Happy Easter, folks :)

  11. I don't buy into this theory. ^_^

    The three of my four grandparents I mention having died of cancer did so because they were 3-pack-a-dayers. None of their parents died of cancer. My point is, we may have seen a burgeoning of cancer because of lack of information as to what causes it, in their generation (not their case, as 2 of the 3 were physicians).

    That is not the case now.

    If someone doesn't know that smoking stimulates the proto-oncogenes inside all of us, they're fools.

    So if the pharmaceuticals are banking on an increase or steadiness in cancer any time soon, which will keep them rolling it in like Midas, they're idiots. There's much more money to be made in cures, than not.

    Else men with limp willies would never have gotten Viagra.

    I disagree. If we have high occurences of cancer now, because of no knowledge as to what causes it, why were older generations (such as your great grandparents) not dying of cancer? When they had even less knowledge about it, and when many people had a standard of living which, by modern terms, would be considered poverty... Malnutrition (people often not even eating 3 square meals a day) people drinking like fish and smoking like chimneys... People working hellish hours and dangerous conditions, yet, they weren't (as a generation) as affected by cancer as the modern world is. That rather shows that knowledge of causes is irrelevent to incidences of it. It doesn't matter if someone knows about an illness, if they're going to develop it (for whatever reason) it's going to happen. Personally, I'm of the opinion that cancer is somehow related to our 'modern lifestyles', and the amount of radiation being thrown about by our everyday gadgets, but that's just a theory... ;)

  12. That would assume all the pharmaceutical companies (you know, the ones with fierce rivalries and industrial espionage) would have to agree to it. The first to make a cure would put their competition out of the treatments market. It'd be a license to print money at the expense of your rivals.

    In other words, not a chance.

    A bit like fuel companies keeping environmentally fuel sources down... Which definitely doesn't happen ;)

  13. Stupid question, but I have no gen dealer to check out. Does the 40mm/44mm/47mm reference to size on PAMs include the crown guard? I'm really trying to gauge whether one will fly in a professional setting. Thanks

    It depends primarily on the strap. Even a 127, when worn on black aligator, looks incredibly smart :)

  14. - How important is this to you?

    Not at all :lol: No one I'd even show the movement to would know what it should look like, so it's not as if they're going to start pointing and laughing :lol:

    - Are you going to wait to buy a Panerai rep, until the swan necks come back into production (one collector, DSN, says May-June)?

    I'm going to wait to buy any more reps, but not because of a lack of swan necks :lol:

  15. What's changed, TeeJay, is the scale, the numbers, the mag-ni-tude, dude.

    You're saying that it seems worse just because we hear about every little homocide or genocide via the media. That's not true: it's worse because it is worse.

    Oh I agree, there is an increase in scale, but, equally, there is an increase in people's awareness of world affairs, which is why people can think there seems to be more 'bad stuff' going on in the world than there used to be (and yes, statistically speaking, perhaps there is :lol: ) but, a lot of that has always gone on, and people just didn't hear about it, as there wasn't global communications as there are today.

  16. Like Anton, I mostly collect to a 'theme'. That theme is Movie Memorabelia :lol:

    I have a few watches which aren't from a specific movie or show, but not many... Since getting into PAMs, I haven't worn any of my 'Bond watches' for more than a few minutes :lol: As the 127 was worn by Orlando Bloom in Elizabethtown, technically, my 127 falls into that catagory (or would if it had the proper OEM Bordeaux strap...) however, I wear it because, I've found it the best watch for my needs, rather than just because it was in a movie :)

  17. About 10 years ago, I had a pair of Raybans (the same as Snipes wore on the DVD Cover of Blade (Not the ones he wore in the movie)) and they fell apart within 6 months. And I do mean fell apart. Just about every screw and joint opened. They were utter garbage. When X-Men came out, I bought a pair of Juliets. Barring a few lens scratches, and some tightening required, they are in as good condition as the day I bought them. B)

  18. we have the right teeth to eat fish?my teeth look nothing like a shark's teeth.again, teeth mean nothing when it comes to type of food eaten.i would also like to ask Dani, who started this topic,what makes him think we can evolve into a more civil human.we just emerged from the bloodiest century in human history.seems we're headed the other direction.

    In all fairness, Humanity has always been pretty bloodthirsty and warlike. To put things in perspective, it's only with the development of mass media and global communications, that we are now aware of what is going on around the globe. All that's happened, is that we now hear about what's going on else where, when, in times past, messages took days, weeks, months, sometimes, even years to be delivered, so people only tended to know about what was going on 'on their own doorsteps'. The only thing that's changed, is people's 'global awareness', not the events themselves ;)

  19. @TeeJay: Well, I don't LIKE them-like them. But I sense chavs want something better out of life. They just don't have the right direction. They're different from the anarchist punks, animalistic football hoolies, and retarded skinheads of the 70s and 80s. The former, fatiguing though I liked them too. The latter, anathema.


    You've been out of the UK waaaaaaaay too long :lol: Just watch an episode of Jeremy Kyle... The problem with chavs is that they don't want anything better out of life. Making a nuisance of themselves, shoplifting and harrassing people in the street, is what these human parasites live for. They're now graduating into murder. Not more than a week ago, a 15 year old chav was sent down for kicking a 20 year old woman to death. Because she "was a goff". About a year ago, a pack of chavs murdered a father playing cricket with his son, by stoning him to death (while he had a heart attack, if I recall) Oh no, chavs don't want anything better out of life. This is as good as it gets for them... Time to start sending out 'BladeRunners' to take care of the problem ;)

  20. Try to look beyond the peta label and look at the clip, its cruel and nasty.

    BS halal and kosher is a brutal act said to be done from a book and is a practise that is outdatet MANY MANY years ago in the sivil part of the world..

    Kosher is just as bad and cruel pratice as halal done by a group of people that also are blinded by what a book says ^_^

    Yeah to stand up and look dazed is also normal??

    Its cruel and shoud be illegal.

    No, it's not. There is evidence proving that it is more humane than bolt killing. You saying it is cruel, is not going to make it so, just because you say so.

    Of course, if you would care to provide evidence which disproves the articles linked then feel free. And by that I do mean evidence. Scientifically conducted evidence. Not just a few clips which offend the squeamish. There are probably a whole lot of people who would become vegetarians if they actually knew how animals were slaughtered (by whatever method) simply because they don't like connecting the steak on their plate, with the happy cow saying "Eat more chicken..."


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