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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I watched this infamous Swedish porno piccie after reading that Jacqueline Kennedy was photographed coming out of a Village cinema, in the 70s, after having seen it.

    I'm serious!


    P.S.: It was okay. Bit tame by today's standards. Just stay away from Canadian Beaver.

    I'm just disappointed that it's only a 15 certificate :lol:

    Belladonna makes some of the best porn. She's no sissy :lol:

  2. Thanks for the info. Which crystal do you think is more accurately shaped to the gen - Davidsen's or the standard? I assume both casebacks are 117?

    In the photo directly above your last post, the one on the right hand side is 0521, where the other is 0117.

    From what I can tell, mine (0117) is the same case and dial as Davidsens, just without the Swiss movement :)

  3. Nice selection :)

    Had you thought about a Vintage Radiomir? I think Tony has Radiomirs in rose gold, they might be worth a look.

    With regards the Rolex Prince, I bought that watch in SS for my mother in law's birthday last year. Despite her initial concern that it might be 'too big', she soon got used to it, and wore it daily, until I got her an FM Jump Hours for Christmas :)

    Best of luck with your purchase :)

  4. Am I just being overly OCD???

    Maybe a little. But, with good reason. Your first experiences with reps have not been positive (the 127 incident. How's that working out, by the way?) That's going to put you off, and only naturally so. Say you eat a bad meal at a restaurant, you might be wary of eating there again, or, of eating that particular dish again. It's only natural to be wary of things which have disappointed us in the past. But...

    but I'd love to be able to own a genunie ultimate rep that I can be proud to wear.

    If you buy one which has been well built (it need not even be the 'Ultimate' version of a watch, just one which has been well put together) with no glaring manufacturing faults (which are not the same as aesthetic flaws/tells) then you shouldn't need to feel ashamed or embarrassed to wear the watch in public or for people to look at it. If, as a watch, (regardless of aesthetic accuracy) it has been well built, then it will stand on its own merits, and people will view it as a nice watch.

    I guess what I'd really like to find is something that could be 95% close to the gen. I mean the last thing I'd want people to say as they saw it would be nice rep. I'd rather have the option to let them in on the little secret, if you will.

    Totally understandable, but, don't forget, watch enthusiasts (like on these forums) make up something like 0.1% of the population. While you might encounter someone who says they 'like watches', chances are, they're not going to know much about the subject itself. 99.9% of the population, are likely to not notice, or, those who do, likely won't even think "Is that fake?" unless, you happen to be wearing a Rolex. If you're wearing a Rolex, all bets are off. In people's mind, Rolex = Fake People are always going to ask/think "Is that fake?" simply because it is a Rolex. Wearing a PAM, on the other hand, is much less likely to get that response, simply because most folks won't have a clue as to what they're looking at. I've mentioned before, the time last summer when I was sitting on the bus wearing my 111h with jeans and a T-Shirt, and the guy who sat next to me, couldn't take his eyes off my wrist. He never said anything, but he was staring at my watch all the way into town. A few weeks ago, my wife and I were out with friends, when I noticed one of them was staring at my wrist. At first, I thought she was just trying to see the time (despite having a watch on herself) so I lifted my arm up. She carried on staring at it, then said "That's a really nice watch!" Didn't matter than my wife was standing right next to me, it still made me feel like a mack daddy to be thus complimented B)^_^ (It wouldn't've mattered if I'd been complimented on my watch/shoes/tattoos, compliments are always nice to receive) She didn't have a clue as to what the watch was (it was my 029a) she just liked the watch for 'how it looked'. That's the kind of reactions you can expect from a PAM (especially something like the 44MM) People are going to either think it looks 'big and ugly', or, think it looks nice.

    The key thing to remember, is not how accurate the watch is to the gen counterpart (as most people won't even know those details to make a comparison) but how well made the watch itself is, ie, no dust under the crystal, no scratched hands ( ;) ) crisp, clear dial markings, decent leather strap. When judging a watch by those standards (and that's all a non-watch enthusiast can judge it by) it doesn't matter how accurate to the gen counterpart it is, it will stand or fall on its own merits, and, most of the watches here, will certainly stand up to that kind of scrutiny. It's only the Canal St crap with the jumping second sweeps which will make a 'civilian' think "Is that fake?" :)

  5. This type slaughter toghter whit slaughter metods like kosher and halal is just barbaric and cruel nothing else, and to approve of them is in my eyes just as bad as the people that practice it.


    The method is not cruel, if it is performed correctly. The Qur'an states that it is forbidden to eat flesh of an animal which has suffered in it's death (ie in a fall, goring, strangling etc) The Qur'an does not permit cruelty to animals. While you may not personally approve of the method of halal slaughter, that does not make it barbaric or cruel. If performed correctly, unconsciousness is near instantaneous, with death soon following. It does not cause suffering. Infact, it is not allowed for someone to slaughter an animal infront of another animal, as that could distress the 'next animal inline'.

    I respect your right to your own opinion, but saying that something is barbaric does not actually make it so.

    As I said previously, different cultures have their own ways of doing things. We may not personally like those things, but, it is not our place to criticise them, or make them conform to the standards of Western Society.

  6. Agreed 100% on the point above. Regardless of the fact that Neil hasn't done any of the things he threatened to do, it doesn't excuse making them.

    Likewise. Although it might not apply due to international locations and jurisdictions, as an interesting legal point, in UK law, someone can be charged with threatening to assault someone (or otherwise causing them distress) (even if the threat is not carried out), and the Malicious Communications Act makes it an offence to send a message (by any means, ie letter, text, computer etc) with the intention of it causing distress/offense. Even if the message is not delivered to the named person, if the message is given to someone else, and there is the possibility that the named person could find out about it, the offense still stands. The offense is the intent with which someone delivers the message, not the specifics of the message itself.

  7. Likewise, my usual beater combo for me :)




    Okay, so the strap might not be corporate smart, but, it's color still makes it incredibly versatile :) When it comes to not wanting to swap straps to match different colored shoes, but wanting something which will go with all of them, I think burgundy/bordeaux has to be the choice :)

  8. We don't know if he did or not! All we have is supposition by association.

    Given Neil's history on other forums, and comments to members here, is it really such a stretch of the imagination to believe he would threaten the admin? Is it really that hard to accept that that is how he behaves online?

  9. 2. I've already put in X $$$'s, so I can probably round up about the same amount of $$$ I've put into reps so far and possibly buy a clean used gen PAM and forget this quest as it'll never materialize. Plus I'll never be happy with a rep.

    So what do you guys think I should do? I'm really particular due to the fact that this is my first journey into reps and I've seen people wearing some bad reps before and that has always left a bad taste in my mouth for wearing something that'll be spotted as a rep easily.

    I think you answer the question yourself there, amigo. You'll never be happy with a rep, so buy the gen.

    That said, I would point out, that, to the general public, PAMs are just 'big, ugly watches'. You might get someone stare at it on a bus, or have a hot female friend comment on it ( :lol:B);)^_^ ) but you won't get any of the "is it real??!!" that goes with wearing a Rolex... Certainly not from everyday people. As I've said before, a rep will always be a rep, it can never become a gen. But. That's not to say that a rep can't be as good as a gen... Look at the 44MM on display a few threads up/down. Might be a fantasy watch, but it looks really nice, probably keeps good time (which, at the end of the day, is all they need to do :lol: ) and, isn't going to draw challenging questions from people other than "What is that?" Of course, that's then down to you to either say that it's a replica of a WWII Italian Navy diver's watch, or, it's a Real Panerai, which cost as much as the person's car ;) All I'm saying, is, don't write reps off entirely, as you might find one that does satisfy you. Or, if nothing but gen will do, then, that's what you'll have to go with :)

  10. No never... no PAM. It is with 22mm lugs or 20mm (not 24mm) and with silver dial...

    It might just be the shape of the reflections, but, beneath the bezel, there appear to be the 'shoulders' of a Luminor case, with the 'tooth-shaped' lugs. I admit, the dial wouldn't be right, but, who knows what Canal St junk he's been sold...

    also no crown guard

    Radiomirs don't have crown guards ;)

  11. Well

    There you go

    a goddamned natural

    a quick brush up on airlaw, met & your radio license

    & your good to go



    I'm just pleased that I'd guessed what the basic controlls did. I suspect, that operating them correctly, will be considerably harder :lol:

    Well, read the article and get right out the airport. They're waiting for you.

    Sorry, I don't understand what you mean...

  12. Yes as far as I know the collective (handbrake) changes the pitch of the actual blades, therefore as you say the altitude, and the cyclic (main joystick) controls the angle of the whole rotor assembly, allowing you to manouevre the helicopter as you would a fixed wing aircraft. I'm sure Narikaa can shed some more light on the basics of what essentially is emulating fixed wing flight through using lawn mower technology ;)

    Awesome, all I need now, is the actual lessons to put it into practice :)

    It would not surprise me in the least! Creature comforts, pah :)

    That's what steward/esses are for, right? ;)

  13. TJ, I am on your side on this, but because of even more extreme reasons.


    My point is that ALL sapphire used in watch industry is artificially grown, so there is no need to tell "synthetic sapphire", it is a redundance. We should only swallow two denominations: 1) sapphire and 2) glass (even "mineral glass" is redundant).

    But I can understand that as we make just for a mere 5-10% of all dealers' customers, they have to compete on the Internet field, where other dealers are even more elusive.

    You're quite right there, it is a redundance, probably just one of those technical terms which gets lost in translation (to be necessary) For example, with my phone, when the headphones are plugged in, the display flashes "Headphones plugged in!" When they are removed, rather than saying "Headphones unplugged!", it flashes "Headphones plugged out!" :lol: Technically, it is correct, they are 'plugged out', but, that's not how someone would normally say it. Maybe it's the case with synthetic sapphire, and they (whoever 'they' may be) have come to believe that they need to specify it as synthetic, rather than natural sapphire :)

  14. Synthetic Sapphire is taken to mean a sapphire which was artificially grown, rather than 'fake' sapphire.

    As you mention knowledge of Andrew mislabelling his products, that's very trusting of you to consider doing business with him...

    The watch itself... Fantasy or otherwise, it looks nice. I'd wear it.

    Best of luck with your purchase :)

  15. i have know neil for a few years, while i like him as a person

    That's fair enough, and, to be fair, several people have said that Neil is an entirely different guy 'off-screen'. That's fine. But. The majority of us, only know him 'on-screen', so can only judge him by his online presence, which, to be fair, is consistently aggressive and adversarial. People are not going to give him the benefit of the doubt of being a reasonable guy, when the majority of his online posts are anything but reasonable.

    while this does not excuse his behavior with his threats i think a bit of leeway could have been given to him, but this is my opinion.

    Did you read Neil's post where he not only admitted that, as this particular member had dared to question him, their watch would not only be the last one sent out (the watch which had already been allocated to them was re-routed to another buyer) but also sent with full disclosure of content and value on the customs declaration? That is basically sending a parcel, but knowing full well that it will be seized and never reach it's destination. That is not the behaviour of someone who 'deserves leeway', but someone who has no place as a 'trusted dealer', and does not deserve the support they receive from others.

    no body is using my account but me, i live in the uk not in thailand,

    I never thought anything else :)

  16. It makes the aircraft yaw, so on the vertical axis, attached picture below. If you imagine the corkscrew of the prop wash sprialling then hitting the rudder pushing it sideways.

    Also when you turn (roll aircraft left for example) the right hand wing that is now high creates more drag than the left wing that is low, so the aircraft will then yaw to the right, effectively making it trail behind the lower wing. (it might help if you stand up in your office and put you arms out and pretend your an aircraft to understand this, dont worry about the funny looks haha) Therefore when in a turn, to be balanced, you need to apply your left pedal, to give slight left rudder to bring the top wing back into balanced flight.


    Ahh, that makes more sense, thanks :)

    I believe rotary the feet yaw the aircraft too, but who wants to fly rotary ;)

    That was my rudimentary understanding of helicopter controls as well: Feet direct the body left and right on the horizontal, with the main 'joystick' controlling rotor pitch and the 'handbrake joystick' controlling altitude (I could well be wrong about that :lol: )

    No worries, and thanks for the kind words. That was a rep on gen rubber strap.

    No problem, and thanks again :) That's what I like to hear :lol:

    It must get so boring flying the 'right way up' all of the time :p

    :lol: Saves spilling the coffee, I'm sure ;) They do have cupholders, right? ;)

  17. maybe you should all have a witch hunt to find out if anyone else agrees with me and ban us all, i personally think that every one of us has the right to have an opinion we are all responsible adults here :D ha ha ha i think not :D

    We're all adults, and we all have a right to an opinion, but. This is not a public forum. People do not have the right to free speech. (this is a general political point, rather than one of forum censorship, as the admin are extremely lenient over people's comments) As pointed out before, this is the Admin's house. If people overstep the bounds as guests, they are removed, as with any such situation. With regards your point, you couldn't be further off base if you tried. Neil has proven himself an aggressive, condescending bully on countless occasions, and was lucky to be tollerated as long as he has been. The only person he has to blame for his banning, is himself. Ofcourse, his pride and stubbornness will not allow him to do this.

    On an unrelated note, awesome avatar, Foose is one of my artistic heroes :good:

    [Edit to add]

    He can't login under the TTK account...

    But trust me, he's already stated elsewhere that he has "friends" that allow him to login under their accounts...

    You can guarantee he's read every word in this thread...

    Kinda of like an 8 year old staring at the bicycle in the store window...

    He can see it, he can even go inside and touch it...

    But he can't ride it...


    When I was moderating another forum, anyone caught sharing accounts was immediately and permanantly banned. (Especially if they were allowing banned people to access them)

  18. Fixed wing/ Rotary

    IMHO no comparison

    Fixed wing straight and level, let go the controls...nada...play with your maps, have a coffee

    Rotary straight and level, let go the controls....find religion

    Jokes aside

    The commonality is the mechanics of flying, the ground school stuff, etc

    The physical 'doing it' is quite different...if youre intent on both, do helos first, then fixed wing at your leisure afterwards as habitually acquired incorrect control inputs applied to a light helicopter (esp Robinsons) at tyro level aint funny.

    Coordination, yes theyre a handfull, but most can cope eventually, the less your coordination etc just the more it costs (its all about hours!). By way of incouragement, I got a mate who'd never been in a helo before to hold a hover after just 20mins of guidance (he did need a strong drink afterwards tho ;-) ).


    Thanks, that definitely clears up a few of my questions. I figure I'll aim for the helicoptor licence first (after all, that's the goal :lol: ) and then maybe go to fixed wing if I really want to. I guess it'll be like with driving, you don't need to own the vehicle just to hold the licence :lol:

    If you're flying a fast jet....yes...if you're flying a prop aircraft then no. You need the foot pedals to balance the aircraft when at full power ( I won't go into it too much but the spiralling effect of the prop wash over the airframe, hitting the rudder causes it to kick left generally)

    Ahh, do you mean making the airframe rotate along the axis of the rotor (counter/with the prop)

    Also to keep an aircraft balanced in a turn, you are required to use your feet on the rudder pedals.

    Both rotary and fixed wing have their pro's and con's. For me fixed wing is so much more fun due to the amount of freedom, and fun you can have doing aerobatics, that for me is what flying i all about. However, if you have no interest in aerobatics, and want to fly around for the view, and just to get airbourne, rotary may be the better choice. This is just my view, and there are many other things to take into consideration.

    Try both, then make a decision, not wanting to be biased or anthing...... GO FIXED WING ;)

    Here's a few pics to wet your appetite;

    Flying in formation with a Grob Tutor;



    In the back of a Sea King Mk4, really miss that watch!



    Thanks for the advice and the photos :) Re the watch, rep or gen? ;)

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