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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I have flown fixed wing, but not rotary. Flying itself is relatively easy. I have only ever done flying in the military scenario, not much civvie stuff. There is a lot to take onboard, but its all about a learning curve. If you can fly fixed wing, you can fly rotary and vice versa. I wouldn't say one is harder, just that they are both different.

    For each there are things that are easier, and things that are harder. Obviously one of the hardest things in rotary is to get the thing to hover, but it is comparible to riding a bike, once it clicks, you can do it. Flying can sometimes feel unnatural to people at first, but it's not something that should put you off. If it is something that you have a passion for, then go for it.

    My recommendation would be to go and have a few trial lessons, in both fixed wing and rotary, and see what you like best. I have always fallen on the side of fixed wing, whilst rotary is great fun at low level, you can have a lot of fun flying fixed wing at higher altitudes, more specifically aerobatics.

    Thanks, that's a really informative and usefull reply :) I wondered if it might have been harder for a helicopter, due to having to use the foot pedals while in flight (I understand that in a plane, foot pedals are only used for trafficking on the ground... is this right?) I guess I've just always wanted to fly, but not enough to make a career of it as my friend did. Of course, it's hardly the cheapest of hobbies, so I figured that if I was to take some lessons, I'd only be able to afford to pay for the one set (plane or helicopter) so just wanted to be sure I was definitely making the right choice, or, alternatively, not biting off more than I can chew (for the record, I can do the afore mentioned coordination, so am hoping I would be able to learn how to fly a helicopter)

    Thanks again :)

  2. I'm guessing there are a few members here who are pilots in their own right. I have a friend who is a commercial pilot for BA, although my own interests in aviation have always laid elsewhere.


    One of my ambitions is to earn a pilots licence for flying helicoptors. One of my 'if I won the lottery dreams', was to buy the filming helicopter from Airwolf, but, I've not yet won the lottery, and, found out some time back that the actual helicopter used, wound up as an air ambulance in Germany, and crashed following a lightning strike, so that's pretty much 'crossed off the list'.

    Something I've heard, and I wondered if any pilots could confirm, is the level of coordination required to pilot a helicopter. I've heard, that if someone can rub their stomach and pat their head, while 'cycling' with their feet, then they potentially have the coordination required (albeit with training :lol: ) Is this correct? If anyone has any experience flying either helicopters or fixed wing, which would they say is the easiest? Would it be better to start learning in a helicopter so all the skills are learned from the beginning, or start on fixed wing and then 'move across'?

    Just a curiousity, but thanks in advance :)

  3. Teejay,

    This is somewhat my point.....

    Members had ample opportunity to read Neil's posts, so if they ordered from him then they took the risk that they too would be on the end of one of his scathing posts, complaining about "bullying" after the fact just smacks of the "it's always someone else's fault" syndrome that is infecting our society.

    I can see the point you are making, yes, people did have the opportunity to read Neil's posts, and, that was why I never wanted to do business with him. I agree, there is way too much "blame someone else" syndrome in society today, but, that does not justify the behaviour being complained about, in the beginning, and to be honest, it almost comes across as saying "If they hadn't let themselves be bullied, it wouldn't be a problem..." Wether someone allows something or not, is irrelevent, as it is never acceptable for someone to bully or otherwise treat someone else with disrespect, be it in business, educational, or personal interactions, in the first place. The bullies are the ones at fault here, not the people who wind up being victimized by them. I appreciate that Neil's status was not revoked because of his attitude towards others, but, given the rules about treating others with respect, I am surprized that his attitude was tollerated as long as it had been.

  4. As you say:

    ... didn't like it when he responded in his usual combative way...

    As Yellomen pointed out above, Neil is a bully, plain and simple. People are saying that 'in person', he's very different to how he posts. That's great. That's fine, but most people don't know that. All they have to go on, is the way he posts: Abusive, condescending, and unnecessarily hostile. If he feels the need to post in such a manner, he cannot blame people for judging him by that style of writing.

    I've said before, Neil always delivered excellent quality products. But, his attitude (or how it appeared on forums) was unnecessary.

    At the end of the day, people with orders still outstanding, likely still have Neil's contact information, so can contact him idependantly, or, as mentioned, he can still be found on RepGeeks. Discussing things here is not going to get Neil back, nor is it going to help anyone who still has outstanding issues with him. At the end of the day, he crossed the line by making threats, so the admin team had to do what was necessary to protect this community.

  5. This people got 5% of money i give to good causes in a year Vic :)

    Its not a Asian problem its a global problem......I saw a report from a zoo in China where people can buy live sheeps and throw them to lions :o Its so [censored]ed up their that the summer olympics shoud be boycotted by all....

    China is also responsibel for alot of the trade in endangerd animals like tigers and other wildlife.

    The Romans used to throw something else to the lions ;)

    I'm not one to stand for animal cruelty by any means, but, as Marrickvilleboy pointed out, one cannot ignore cultural issues, and brand one country as barbaric, cruel, savage etc, simply because their culture is different. They are different, so must be treated as, and respected as, different.

    In the wild, would a lion be fed pre-killed, pre-cut steaks?

    Animals shouldn't be in a zoo at all, what they are fed, is irrelevent.

    My money goes to Chinese people yes but i belive they can change, to boycott the Olympics is something that all shoud do, animal rights, human rights the list goes on and on they shoud have never been given the right to host the games.


    And you are quite right about that, indeed, China has a shocking record for human rights, but, that does not give one society the right to impose its beliefs upon another, or insist on conformity to those beliefs. Tollerance requires acknowledging that that culture is different, not trying to make it the same.

    I trust you boycott all Chinese produce.

    FWIW, I asked Silix to donate the costs from a transaction that went south to a local animal welfare charity rather than refund it to me.

  6. Not sure if anyone watches a series called Moonlight, but, the lead actor, Alex O'Loughlin, wears a PAM. I haven't been able to get any really clear looks at it, but, it's definitely a Luminor, on a 24/22 black leather strap, with a thumbnail buckle.

  7. I'm not going to say anything bad about anyone who isn't around to defend themself, so I'll just say I hope Neil takes care of his health, and I'm glad the situation has come to a resolution. Best foot forwards, folks, as the great Freddie Mercury said, the show must go on :)

  8. TJ.....I didn't know! Those are amazing work! Hat's off to you! WOW!

    Thanks, amigo :)

    Wow! Nice work! I see you are a Hokusai fan!

    Thanks, and indeed I am :) I've been a fan of his work since I first saw the 'Wave of the Future' poster in the John Hughes movie, Wierd Science, and researched the image. I had planned to have the reversed Hokusai wave as part of my 'water sleeve' (The plan for the suit was right half, water, left half wind) as it would have fitted in better with my existing design. The only reason I decided against the bodysuit in the end, was that I tried on some costume 'sleeves', and didn't like how my arms looked fully sleeved, so I decided against it. :)

  9. LOL, it was worth a shot.

    As for what I get with the gen over the reps -- Yes, build quality is one thing, certainly. Another is that it signifies accomplishment in my personal and professional life for me. I'm proud of being in a situation where I can afford to splurge on expensive watches. If that makes me shallow, I can live with that. ;) Don't misunderstand, we're not rich. My wife and I have had to work hard to get to where we are. Indulging in something that we both enjoy is a small reward for all that work.

    Believe me, if I wanted to buy a gen in order to flaunt it or have it recognized I sure wouldn't buy Panerais! :p

    I understand what you mean, and I wouldn't go so far as to say that was shallow, afterall, everyone deserves to treat themselves for their hard work. We all do it in different ways, and some cost more than others :lol:

    That's the truth :lol: I've only ever had one friend comment on a PAM I was wearing, everything else, has always slid 'under the radar'. I think, it was a case that she'd never seen one, so was genuinely interested in what it was (as a watch), rather than what it was (as a brand). None of my other watches have attracted any interest, unless it was a subject already under discussion. I think that's one of the things I like most about PAMs: The obscurity. Very few people actually know what they are, so they just go un-noticed and un-challenged :) Wear a Rolex however, and everyone and their mum wants to know if it's real :lol:

  10. Looking good TJ! And you're making me jealous of that watch!

    Thanks :) The watch was originally one I'd bought for my father in law as a birthday present, as he goes to Spain quite a bit, but, when it arrived, I liked it so much, that I had to keep it for myself. If I recall, I gave him the equivelent cash to spend while on vacation :lol: It doesn't see much wrist time, but, it is one of my favorites in my collection:)

    And love the HITMAN Movie - I bought the BluRay!

    I really liked it as well. I know it's been pretty slated, but personally, I thought it was great :)

    Good luck! Give that biatz a smackdown for me! :lol:

    The wheels are in motion B)

  11. Since in the end, it's about passion;

    say you had a crush on Scarlett Johansson, would you rather be with her (who probably has rather high maintenence), or with someone who looked like her but wasn't quite like her (given you like scarlett Johansson - otherwise >insert hottie of choice<)?


    Interesting twist to the issue :)

    That would depend on if someone actually personally knew Ms Johansson, or simply 'had a crush' on her image (as seen in the media). If someone were to know her personally, then indeed, a 'lookalike' would not be in anyway satisfactory, as they would know that it was not Ms Johansson, as the personality would be completely different. If, however, someone did not know her personally, then a 'lookalike', would likely be quite sufficient for their 'requirements' (although to be honest, dating someone just because they happen to look like someone else, would be pretty shallow ;) )

  12. Why not just use your cell phone

    I like wearing a watch.

    or a $20 quartz Timex, then?

    They don't have the aesthetic which I like. I like how particular watches look, I just don't like what they cost, and am not prepared to pay an artificially inflated pricetag, simply because said watch is 'popular'.

    We all know that people here are watch fans, first and foremost, rep collectors 2nd. The quality of my 210 is leaps and bounds past any rep I've owned. Is it worth the 10x price difference? No, but then we're back to the "all luxury goods are overpriced for what they are" discussion.

    Precicely. That's why I find gen prices unjustifiable.

    I'll stand by what I said in my earlier post. My rep collection has enough "variety" for me now. So from this point, I'll gladly take 1 used gen over 4-5 modified reps.

    At the end of the day though, what does that gen actually provide that the reps do not? A guarantee? The ability to say 'this is real..." to someone? Perceived better quality in construction? Those things aren't important to me, hense why I'll stand by my previous post :)

  13. Sorry for the question: what is an art consultant? I have never heard about it. It sounds really nice!

    No problem. It's a job as vague and varied as it sounds :lol:

    To put it simply, in the main, I 'draw stuff' for people. I've had projects ranging from wedding dress designs, to tattoo stencils and just about everything in between. I can also advise people on other 'artistic projects' like interior design, custom car graphics, etc. Here're a few examples of projects I've done:

    cartoon to mock a devout communist:


    rough concept art for a car I would like to build/have built at some point in the future. The Mazda 'Viper':


    stencil/layout of a tattoo sleeve I planned to have done but decided against:


    custom requested forum signature bar:


    car graphics re-created from existing car via use of 'in-game' manipulator :

    existing car:


    my recreation of it (as closely as the manipulator (and from memory) would allow):


    hand-drawn mural at friend's place of work:



    (in progress)






    Sorry if it's a bit 'off topic', but felt this was the easiest way to explain what I do. Hope folks like the pics :)

  14. I don't understand the logic behind the 'investment' aspect. If I like a watch, I wouldn't then sell it (even if it's price appreciated), because I'd then be minus the watch I liked. :huh: I can appreciate 'babysitting' a watch to pass on, but again, that is not going to be sold...

    On the issue of the poll, I'd take the rep and cash any day. Why spend more for something just because it's 'gen', than something which will do the exact same thing: Tell the time. And, unless it has glaringly obvious flaws in construction, look perfectly nice and presentable.

  15. I'm an art consultant. I work for myself, and wear whatever I like whenever I like :lol:

    In the past, I've gone to client meetings in Casios, and reps of Rolexes, Omegas and PAMs (not all at once, of course ;) ) To date, I've never had a client comment on the watch I was wearing, or even appear to notice... Infact, the only person to ever spontaneously comment on my watch, was a friend.

    If you're working in an office, I'd say consider these points:

    1. What does the majority wear?

    2. Do you want to blend in with the majority, or stand out?

    I remember reading that, in office politics, don't dress like your boss. Dress like your boss's boss, as that shows a more 'longterm' and professional attitude.

  16. I have a couple of straps which are btween 4-5mm thick, but, I think the trick is to wear them with standard pre V buckles, as, being thinner and more curved, they draw the eye back to the strap 'quicker' than the chunkier buckles, which can simply 'terminate in a step' down to the strap, which is slightly less easy on the eye.





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