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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Your rights to buy counterfeit goods are outweighed by the state of your dealer's health. Them's the breaks.

    Failing health does not give someone the right to send out (or threaten to send out) a parcel with a fully disclosed shipping document, having the full knowledge that it will likely result in the confiscation of the goods. That is ultimately what such an action would mean. Sending a parcel, knowing full well that it would likely never reach its destination. Personalities asside, that is not a reasonable way of doing business.

  2. I've heard people with Gen POs complaining about the outer AR coating stripping, so it's not a situation because it's a rep, but, something which 'just happens'. They said that they removed the outer AR and just kept the interior single-sided AR. That'd be my recommendation for this situation as well. Any re-coat could eventually strip again (even if it lasts years) and you'd be left with the same problem... Far easier to just keep the single-sided AR. Not strictly 1:1 accurate to the gen, but, certainly the more practical option, and, as it's something which has been reported with gen POs anyway, there are likely quite a few gen POs floating around out there with only the internal single-side AR, and I doubt anyone accuses them of being reps ;)

    Best of luck :)

  3. I don't think there's anything more frustrating than plagiarism.

    I once wrote a sample story to a magazine, heard absolutely nothing back, and, not three months later, saw a photoshoot which followed the plot I'd written to near perfection. Not really something I could have done anything about at the time, but yeah, never nice to see one's work ripped off by others.

  4. @ teejay

    The example that I provided is the example that my professor provided in class, believe it or not, he was actually the guy who was being asked by the police. However, the actual question does not pertain specifically to that example, I thought i'll throw that in for those who may want to visual what the question can relate to, but its not verbatim in that we don't need to answer the question in reference to it.

    That being said, it does appear that the question is very very vague in some sense, I was originally thinking, is it asking if its fundamentally different? as in the two considerations, but what is fundamental? and where we do draw the line?

    Just so everyone knows, this will be my first and last philosophical class, its too complex for me and I've spent way too much time thinking about it.

    I wasn't suggesting that the question wasn't genuine, just that drug-dealing, really falls into the grey area of crime, so isn't really the best example which could have been used. Do drug dealers sell stuff which can kill people? Yes. Do drug dealers force their clients to take the drugs? No. Do the clients have a choice to buy the drugs? Yes. (Even addicts have the choice to get help, rather than stay addicted) By the fact the clients still have a measure of control/responsibility over the situation, I'd say that puts drug-dealing squarely in a grey area, where it ultimately comes down to one's loyalty to one's friend, rather than acting 'for the good of society', (who can choose not to take the drugs) If someone is a rapist or serial killer, that is when they pose an active threat to society, which society cannot choose to avoid, so of course, such people should be reported, be they friend, sibling, parent or spouse.

    My personal issue, is that while the person I know is not actually hurting anyone with their actions, they have no justification for breaking the rules which everyone else has to follow, and, especially with regards their hostel, don't deserve the protection of such a place, when they flaunt it's other rules, which is why I feel they deserve to be brought to task over their behaviour, but, don't really see that it's my place to bring about that event, hence my dilemma.

  5. I think the question itself is somewhat flawed, as it doesn't take into account the nature of crime and shades of grey. It looks at it from the black and white view that crime is crime, crime is wrong.

    So this hypothetical friend is a drug dealer:

    Do they sell drugs to school children?

    Do they make crack whores grant sexual favors for the drugs?

    Do they sell drugs only to well-informed adults who know what they're doing, and responsibility over their own actions?

    Do they have a family to support?

    Is this the only way they can make money to support themselves/and family?

    Drug dealing is a very 'grey area' in the moral compass. Yes, it's a crime, but, there are worse crimes. The friend who might not inform on a drug-dealing friend, would likely not hesitate in reporting a friend who committed rape.

    Here's an actual real-world variation that I'm actually struggling with myself.

    I know of someone who is a habitual shoplifter. They've been in trouble with the police on several occasions for violent behaviour (but never actually caught shoplifting) This person thinks that because they've never been caught, this justifies their behaviour. This person is living in a hostel for the needy, flouts the rules on alcohol (it is a 'dry' house) yet still expects the hostel staff to protect them, and keep bailifs out, when they arrive to reposess their stuff.

    As the hostel is in a different town, this person is not known to the shops as a shoplifter.

    Should I report them to the police, so they can get caught/kicked out of the hostel, or, should I just ignore their behaviour, and let them (possibly) get caught at some point in the future (chances are they wouldn't)

    Do I take a course of action which could definitely make worse, the life of someone who hasn't done anything to me, but, which, ultimately, might teach them some common decency and make them grow up, or, do I take the view that it's nothing to do with me, and do nothing?

    I should add that I don't consider this person 'a friend', as they're not someone I would choose to associate with, however, they are someone who is generally inoffensive, and always passes the time of day, so at the least, they are 'friendly'...

    [Edit to add]

    Although this person tends to steal things which are 'beneficial' for themselves, deoderants, razors etc, they do not steal things which are absolutely essential to their survival, and, often steal goods for others (as gifts) or to sell on.

  6. Looks freaking awesome :) Now paint a Kryptonian 'S' on the front, it's the perfect shape for it B)

    (for the uninitiated, the 'S' on Clark's pyjamas is the Kryptonian symbol for 'hope', so a rather fitting blessing for such a tool/workstation)

  7. IMHO, the choices for all the Bonds were spot on, for their RESPECTIVE ERAS.

    Sean Connery's macho, suave, Hugh Hefner-inspired early-60s 007.

    Roger Moore's drippingly sarcastic, elegant James Bond a perfect foil for the classless 70s.

    Pierce Brosnan's post-yuppy, exceedingly OBVIOUS 007 for the exceedingly OBVIOUS 90s.

    Now, Daniel Craig, a tough, clipped sentences guy for a time where cocktails and dinner jackets would look bizarre fighting turbans in caves.

    Even Lazenby and Dalton fit well, and in fact, Dalton is considered the best Bond by a lot of people (not I, I'm a Connery girl).

    Dalton and Lazenby were two of my favorite Bonds. To be honest, I didn't have any problem with Lazenby at all. I think people just didn't like him at the time, simply because he wasn't Sean Connery. (also, I'm not too sure how people of that era took to new actors playing established characters. Could just've been a 'culture shock' for them, where nowadays, it's something folks are quite used to...)

  8. Ironically, the kind of politics Mr. Cohen has tends leftwards. And VWs are very popular amongst the granola bar-Birkenstock-treehugging crowd. I never understood that.

    (Don't worry, I'll be just as naughty in my description, about wingnuts one day)

    That's no surprize, afterall, those of leftwards tendencies do so love to throw 'ironic' references to Hitler into an issue to try and make some kind of point. I think the only 'point' they make, is illustrating their inability to form their own arguments without relying on placebo indignation ;)

    A fair point. I'm surprised some timepiece company hasn't used him as their spokesman yet.

    Probably just a matter of time (no pun intended), but a case of the right company to approach him, as some simply won't fit his lifestyle, others, would be 'out of reach' of his die-hard fans, and we couldn't have a watch company pushing people towards reps, can we ;)

    I notice he is much more into watches since his sojourn at Real and definitely at the LA Galaxy -- two cities which are watch MECCAS.




    Yes, well, we all know about Arsenal players and their "tastes", hello Mr. Dennis Bergkamp and Sol Campbell. ;)

    (Yes, I'm still bitter about Sol)

    It's not so much his tastes which bother me, I just don't like people I care about* being disrespected by their partners.

    *Who do you think suggested she get a treble clef tattoo? ;)

  9. TeeJay stated exactly what I meant. Shoes are an essential item of clothing, I'm not wearing them for luxury but rather a necessity for when I go out of my house :) A leather strap on the other hand is definitely a luxury item, as I have pointed and others, that there are alternatives available. Leather was used in the country my forefathers came from, but the cow wasnt slaughtered for its hide, instead it would be used when the cow died of natural causes. I personally don't believe killing a cow or any other animal for that matter is justified for its skin.

    Thats exactly what I was trying to say TeeJay, thanks. Also your first point is true for me, I didn't find it very easy to source leather-free footwear. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, and I know many vegans opt to wear them, but I find footwear is a necessity rather than a luxury.

    No problem, I figured it'd likely be one of those options, afterall, most religions allow for people to break commandments if it's a necessity, or if such a breach is forced upon the person by others (ie someone ramming pork down a Jew/Muslim's throat :lol: ) Afterall, Allah's intention is not to make life difficult for us :) Testing, maybe, but not difficult :) As the Qur'an says:

    The Cow

    [2.185] The month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran was revealed, a guidance to men and clear proofs of the guidance and the distinction; therefore whoever of you is present in the month, he shall fast therein, and whoever is sick or upon a journey, then (he shall fast) a (like) number of other days; Allah desires ease for you, and He does not desire for you difficulty, and (He desires) that you should complete the number and that you should exalt the greatness of Allah for His having guided you and that you may give thanks.

    The Divorce

    [65.7] Let him who has abundance spend out of his abundance and whoever has his means of subsistence straitened to him, let him spend out of that which Allah has given him; Allah does not lay on any soul a burden except to the extent to which He has granted it; Allah brings about ease after difficulty.

    As an asside, I just found this website, and thought it might be of interest/help to you :)


  10. Here is an article on Slate by Richard Cohen slating the U-Boat marque as evocative of Hitler's plaything...


    Mr. Hitler, Do You Have the Time? The despicable U-Boat watch:

    "Clearly, I am some sort of fuddy-duddy. The U-Boat watch, created by Italo Fontana, apparently sells well enough for it to go for almost $3,000. But, just as clearly, the name resonates with the people who buy the watch

  11. Custom straps are nice and all, but what difference does it make how much the watch costs? It's still just two little scraps of leather, not like a pair of handmade shoes or something.

    In all fairness, this snake strap can hardly be described as two little scraps of leather :lol: As I mentioned above, I likely wouldn't wear such a strap, but, I can certainly appreciate it as a piece of artwork/craftsmanship, and the time and effort which went into making it :) It's the sort of thing a strap collector might buy just so they could have it for their collection, but never wear it, almost like people who collect skatebord decks and display them on the wall, rather than actually riding them :)

  12. So it's just leather in straps that you have a problem with? I am just not following the logic.

    What if you did not know if the cow was killed for it's hide or meat? Would that suffice? I mean, I honestly don't know if the leather I use came from cows that were killed for their hides or meat.

    I believe (I may be wrong) that what DemonSlayer may have meant one of two things... Either:

    1) It is difficult to source leather-free footwear (but not impossible) or,

    2) Shoes are a rather essential item of clothing, so one could be forgiven for wearing them, as they are being worn out of necessity (protecting the feet) rather than wearing them out of personal desire to do so (as would be the case with a strap, which is not essential) essentialy, they would be worn through necessity rather than by choice. For example, a Muslim who is force-fed pork, would not be disobeying the command that flesh of swine is forbidden, where a Muslim who chose to eat pork, most definitely would be disobeying the command :D

    Of course, I may be wrong, but that seemed to be (to me, at least) what DemonSlayer might have been meaning :)

  13. so TeeJay,

    the braun to you down as smooth as a razor.

    Absolutely so, I couldn't speak more highly of this specific model (I haven't any experience of other Braun shavers, but, this one in particular, absolutely fantastic bang to the buck) It's now about 10 hours since I shaved my head with it, and, although the stubble is starting to come through, it's still less 'grainy' than the 'smoothness' of a wet shave.

    if that is the case I will have to get one. For a one time cost and and then batteries, it seems the way to go.


    I'd certainly recommend one, even if you don't like it, you can still keep it as a travel shaver, to save the hassle of transporting a load of blades and foam etc, but, I think you'll be impressed with the results. I'm certainly very happy with how smooth the finish was :)

    I don't really like shaving my head with a razor. For me, it takes too long and also theres the annoyance of nicks and cuts. Shaving with electronic razors would just be so much quicker, cleaner and less fuss. I am definitely going to look into purchasing one, I'm on the Argos website right now :lol:

    If you were to get the same as I found, I don't think you'll be disappointed :)

  14. I am 34 and have been clean shaving my head for 10 years now. I use the Mach 3 razor in the shower every morning.

    *Let the shower fill with steam and wet the head.

    *use a gel, like the one a woman uses on legs

    A razor last me 2 days only so about 3-4 razors a week. Anyone that thinks this is low maintainance, think again. To keep this clean look I have to shave everyday. I am so use to it by now it is just part of my daily routine.


    Indeed, definitely not a low maintenance style. As you say, the razors don't last very long, so a constant expense. That was what made me consider an electric shaver, even if it might have meant a slightly less close shave, but at a better price. However, with the shave from this shaver being closer than a Gillette, I think I definitely got lucky :) Braun obviously make good shavers :)

  15. This is Davidsen's 127, and just peeping to the side, is his 112 again.


    I dunno...A`s look good to me. :mellow:

    This was the comment I was refering too...

    Definitely low crossbars on letter A on most historic Panerai reps, including mech Radiomirs.

    Fiddy (1950) is an exception.

    Most of the contemporary autos come with correct letter A these days. Subs, GMTs and PRs from the past (24, 27, 28, 29, 63 etc) all come with low crossbar.

    Latest subs are OK in this respect.

    It drives some people nuts, others gave up and just learned to live with these imperfections.



    What is the gen 127 an exception to? An exception with low crossbars? This was my confusion :huh::mellow:

  16. Well, after a week of wet-shaves, a random trip to Argos turned into a slightly extravagent (and un justifiable) purchase. I saw a cheap Braun foil shaver, and, although it was 90% of the money in my wallet (at the time, I'm not begging for change here :lol: ) I figured, that, in the long-term, it might work out cheaper than blades, so what did I have to lose (well, other than money :lol: )

    I've used Philips shavers before, and, to be honest, never really rated them over highly, and simply prefered the results from a wet-shave with Gillette blades. But, for the head, I figured a foil would work better than a tripple-head shaver. I got home and investigated my purchase. Came with two free Duracell batteries, and is rated as suitable for using in a shower/with foam (the battery compartment has a rubber gasget and a twist-lock closure). I decided to try it dry (try suggesting that to the Mrs one night ;) ) and, on the first stroke, I was very impressed. I decided to give my head a once over before checking how close the shave had been, or going back for 'missed areas'. I went all over, and then ran a hand over my head. Smooth. I then ran my hand back over the grain. Or rather, I would have if there had been any grain :lol: It had shaved so close, there was absolutely 0% grain, just smooth skin. Wet shaving my head took fifteen minutes, and at least two razors to get everything, plus the hassle of doing round the ears without slicing myself. This took maybe five minutes, start to finish, with no concerns about nicks or cuts, and only minimum 'touch up' work afterwards. Absolutely awesome shave, I'm impressed by how much electric razors have come on in the past 15 years... I might invest in a rechargeable shaver so as to save on battery expences, but, this is certainly good enough for daily use, and will make a nice shaver to take away on vacation (it is, afterall, a travel model) Very satisfactory experience ^_^

    Here's what I used, a Braun PocketGo 570:


    I actually just read a rather negative review on the shaver, and can only think that that person either has ludicrously heavy beard growth, or had completely unreasonable expectations of the product. It worked fine for me :lol:

  17. Of course, it's not very much eye-pleasing, but as JLC is highly regarded as the "watchmaker's watchmaker", that watch is a compilation on years of research and what the usage of other materials can bring. Of course, the price of entry will pay for the ability in the near future for JLC being able to incorporate it into their mass-produced watches.

    Indeed. I just don't feel that such an inflexible watch (of highly questionable design origin (blatant HBB wannabe)) warrants such a pricetag just because it is a technological marvel. I agree, the proprietary technology is worth something, but not tht much... :)

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