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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. The first rep I bought, was my Submariner:


    I bought it from EuroFakes, and, despite getting my pants pulled down over the price, to the tidy sum of $800ish, I did receive, within 3-4 days, a rather nice Rolex Submariner.

    What made me buy a rep rather than a gen? Well, I had the cash, and was thinking about buying a gen. At the time, I was wearing this:


    I tended to buy a new watch every year or so, and figured that it was time I simply bought myself a nice watch to keep, and, as the Submariner was synonymous with Bond, I figured that was the watch for me. So, I went into an AD, tried on the Sub, and was just totally unimpressed. It had a flimsy bracelet, and was lighter than my Casio. No way I was paying the price tag for something I wasn't even impressed with. But, trying it on did confirm that I liked the look, so I hit the net, found EuroFakes, and put in my order. The remainder of the cash, I used to go on vacation :)

    When the Sub arrived, I was really happy, and wore it solidly for quite a while, until, reading the excellent comparitive review between the Rolex Submariner and Omega Seamaster 2254.50, I decided that I'd rather have an SMP, and, this time, found much cheaper sources for my watch :lol: As this was just before Casino Royale was released, I opted for the Planet Ocean instead of the SMP, and that's how I got into reps :) It goes without saying, that my Sub hasn't seen wrist time in quite a while, as, having gotten used to larger watches, like my 127, it just feels too small. It still has a place of honor though, as my first rep (first expensive watch)

  2. Something else worth baring in mind, is that gen items can still have flaws in them (watches, electronic goods etc) I remember seeing a photo of a gen Seiko with condensation under the crystal. So much for gen QC and waterproofing on that instance ;) A while back, I saw an SMP in a jewellers (I forget if it was a 2531.80 or a 2220.80), but, it had a scratch on the bezel insert, and a raised line on the insert, as large as someone putting a hair under clingfilm (which, on the scale of a watch, is pretty noticeable) The watch didn't stay in the window for long, it was either removed or sold, but, either way, it was another example of a gen factory dropping the ball. To be honest, companies can't have much faith in their products, or they wouldn't offer warranty on them... If the product's going to last, it will last, it shouldn't need the safety net of a warranty (although I know they're just covering themselves) So bearing all that in mind, sure, rep factories might send out a duff watch on occasion, but, then again, so do the gen factories ;) I've received more watches which were fine, than ones with a manufacturing flaw, so although the odds are still good, as with anything, it's pretty much just the luck of the draw ;)

  3. We used their brushed stainless adhesive sheets as a temporary kitchen backsplash while we were waiting for the "gen" stainless to be cut and installed. Looked good and was dirt cheap, but we only had it up for about 6 weeks so I can't comment on its long term durability, although after I dicked around with it to see if it would work for a silver DW (prints and cuts nice but too thin to brush and too thick to use as an overlay) I gave a 4 foot length to the nextdoor neighbors who have had it on their dishwasher for over a year and it looks good.

    I also thought about using one of their wood products to improve the "deck" instert on the Cousteau Diver but never got around too it.

    But, for 75 bucks or whatever we paid for the sample pack, it sure is some pretty good stuff. I'll look around and see if I have any of that stuff and if you like I'd be happy to send what I have if I can find it.

    Sounds awesome, although I don't think adhesive sheets would be able to cope with the shapes involved, I think it definitely has to be paint. Thanks for the offer though, that's really good of you :)

  4. Put an invoice/customs value of about $65 or more on an item, coming in from outside the EU, and you will get charged for it full stop.

    You can dispute the charge afterwards, but that is about it...

    I have a watch with the same message coming in right now. My previous watch purchase had that message too....

    The courier admin fees are a joke too, sometimes more than the TAX itself!

    Cheers! B)

    Yup, it's a pretty shitty state of affairs... I remember a few years back, I ordered some soft 'toys' as a joke present for my wife (They're the plush microbes, magnified a million times) I had to pay more in VAT, than I'd paid for the whole order :( I used to love watching The Knock, but now, I just think f*ck Customs :lol:

    As I said, I had not seen this particular message before and it's been ther 24 hrs already. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that you're right Mickey and you're wrong TeeJay !! :)

    Indeed, hopefully it'll come through okay. I just felt the need to comment due to what happened with my father in law's camera, and how, even though it should have been exempt from any charges, they were still applied, and, as the charge was paid by the courier firm, which they then put to the customer, the customer is unable to dispute the charge with customs themselves (who were actually very helpful and apologetic) Fingers crossed :)

  5. I hope Mickey's explanation is correct. My father in law recently bought a digital camera from the US, which had been modified to work in the infra-red spectrum, and, despite the item being maked 'for scientific use' on the customs declaration, the good people at HM Customs still charged duty on it (in theory, it should have been exempt) To make matters worse, the way the system works, the courier company pay the release fee, and then charge it on to the customer...

    I hope things work out okay for you :)

  6. good luck dude sounds intresting ;) ..

    Thanks, amigo :) Here's a few photos of the project thus far:

    As arrived:


    Filling and re-shaping:



    Primed and wet-sanded:



    Undercoated and wet-sanded:



    My plan, is to use KillerChrome for the body, Alsa Corp's gold for the accents, and then a rubber paint for the grip sections. It's been sitting around for too long thanks to my watch buying, so time to get things together and finish the project :)

  7. i am using alsa paints in a guitar project im working on .. alsa corp is the top name in custom car paints .. there very expensive but top of the line stuff man ..

    killer chrome is awsome , just have to be applied in very thin coats or else you will damage the effect ..

    good luck man .

    Thanks, I thought they were pretty good, from what I'd seen, I just wanted to try and get opinions from folks who'd used them before to back that up. For the record, the project I'm working on, is a resin casting of Samuel L. Jackson's lightsaber, which has been sitting on my shelf for almost a year :lol:

  8. Here's another question, though. What about if you're not being called out, but your watch just catches someone's eye and they say, "Ooh. That's a nice watch. What is it?"

    Do you say, "It's an XYZ," or do you say, "It's an XYZ replica"?

    Depends on the situation really, for me, at least, and specifically, on what the person asks. If it was literally a passing comment of "Nice watch, what is it?" with something like a PAM, which people genuinely don't recognize anyway, I'd likely just say "It's a Panerai..." and keep walking. However, if it was an actual conversation, or they knew the brand and asked if it was genuine, then I would immediately explain that it's a replica. Personally, I don't think that people should have to tag 'replica' before any brandname, just because someone pays them a compliment about their watch, as it's more information than the person needs. For example, someone says "Nice tie..." There's no need to say "Thanks, I bought it from XYZ shop..." If the watch is nice enough to merrit a comment, it deserves a little privacy :lol:

    [Edit to add]

    The attitude's a bit like on 'networking' sites, where guys email the hot women asking "Do you take anal?" and expect an answer, just because they've asked the question. Just because a question has been asked, it doesn't automatically merit a response. Also, it really does depend on if someone is asking out of interest, or just trying to call someone out in public to try and make themselves look better. To inadequates who behave like that, the easiest way to defuse them, is to be totally honest. "Yes, it's a replica. So what?" Whatever they then say, all one need to reply is "What does it matter to you? Why do you care?" That puts it back onto them to explain why they're acting like a jerk, without actually lying or justifying the watch.

  9. Great idea's Pho, I think it's fair to say we all like Teejays design.

    But before I can put up the sign on thread we need to agree on the stone and the colour of the lettering.


    From an artistic point of view, I'd say that matching the colors of the stone and lettering, would create a more uniform look, than having lettering in X color, and the stone in Y color. For the record, I'd say black (or if haemetite :lol: ) very dark grey, simply because the more neutral the colors, the more easily the ring would go with various garments, which hopefully, would attract more takers :)

  10. Very good Teejay and I should add that the person who's design is used will get their ring at cost (ie; $25), however I just got out of bed and came to check this thread to find there has not been one more interested party for this ring.....I don't think we are going to make it.

    A pity really we have just had such an exceptional outpouring from the members to raise money for one of our Brothers in need, but come up with an idea to raise funds for the board no matter how cheap and we're on our own.


    I'm always happy to help with design work like this, I consider it my version of pro bono work. As Phoband suggested, possibly changing the thread title, to something like RWG Membership Rings, might catch people's attention. I'm sure that once a design is finalized, people would be interested, especially those who attend the GTGs. Even if this ring wasn't to be a 'daily wearer', I'm sure folks would like one for GTGs, afterall, what better way of identifying other members, as trying to scope out someone's watch might not get the best reception :lol:

  11. I don't need a piece of rock to keep me calm, inner peace comes from this big red ban button on my keyboard. :D


    I need to get me one of those :lol:

    Asside from the stone's more mystic qualities, I'm just suggesting it as it's something a bit different to onyx, while still being a relatively 'neutral' colored stone, which goes with anything, where other stones, such as Tigers Eye, might not be quite as 'universal' :)

  12. Ah maybe it's my eyes but that still looks black to me. :blink:


    That's the beauty of haemetite ;) It is a very dark grey/metalic crystal. That pic doesn't really capture its beauty properly. To the naked eye, it looks almost black, but with a lot of depth/reflection. Holistically speaking, it's an excellent grounding stone, and helps keep the wearer calm :)

    [Edit to add]



    PS: It's also not very expensive :)

  13. Here's a tidied up rendering of the design:


    Here's a concept rendering of the ring with the design more prominent, and with haemetite in place of the onyx:

    [Edit] I've run an embossing filter over the lettering so it would give a more true representation of how etching/engraving might look on the ring, rather than the 2D appearance of applying the design directly...


  14. Ok I will ask if it is possible to replace the onyx with another form of stone and see what we come up with.

    As to the design of the letters a lot of you are suggesting something different but thus far Teejay is the only one to offer up something concrete, you want different show us so we can all vote on it.

    I think it will soon be time to start up a list of buyers as it is important not to let this grow stale as even with 10,000 members it can be hard to get 50 takers together.

    The idea of payment will be that everyone will pay me $25 this covers the total cost of the ring, I will then have them delivered to a central point, maybe America or maybe Europe but definitely to an Admin team member, you will then all send that member the other $25 this covers the $20 keep RWG strong fund and $5 postage.

    So anyone have a problem with that?


    Sounds like a plan to me :)

    I'll have a neater version of the design drawn up tomorrow :)

    I like the design you did TJ

    Thanks, bro :)

  15. Ok first up the ring has to be based on the one with the black onyx otherwise there is the very expensive process of setting up a new mold.

    As to the user names that will be totally up to the buyer, some may choose not to engrave their rings and only have the RWG logo.

    Please understand the engraving is not included with this ring that will be up to the buyer, I just thought it would be a nice touch for everyone to add their usernames.

    Of course when it comes time to order everyone will need to submit their ring size and both the colour and the style of the RWG logo is open to discussion and will be decided on a majority wins basis.


    That's fair enough, I just thought haemetite might've made a nice alternative, as it's a very nice stone, but, if that would cost more, then indeed, go with what's available :)

    Needless to say, I'll be up for one of these B)

    I'm in as well, but I also support TeeJay's suggestion of a more creative logo than simply the initials RWG. His rough draft is a good start, but I hope our creative types would submit additional options -- and not all merely based on the initials R, W, and G.

    But what else would be suitable? :lol:

    Indeed, the draft was rough, I can draw a neater version :lol:

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