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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Sorry for the bump, but I've been researching iPhones, and their clone equivelents, and came across a rather disturbing review of the iPhone. I was wondering if anyone with an iPhone could comment about the accuracy of the points raised.


    ok hey everybody iam new here but i looked through the whole site and you guys are awsome!! i have a cect p168 for a while and i love it, it hasent [censored] me off yet, i got 2 bros ones an engineer and the other a comp programer, they ordered one of these phones also and now trying to tweek them up and hopefully get some programs for them, but as soon as ANY program or update will come out the cect p168 will totaly kill the apple iphone, i have an iphone (waste of money and you will see why later below) i had other ipods and i have only one thing to say about them all USELESS!! first you need to have a set up comp to connect and iphone (or ipod) you cant come to your new friends home say oh cool music lets put it on my iphone and then you say oh cr@p do you have internet i need to instal programs first and trash up your computer with alot of useless programs, i bet you and your friend will be very very happy!!! (if there was a emoticon shooting himself in the head thats the time to put one:) ok when i bought the APPLE IPHONE i didnt do my reseach and when i found this i was shocked the iphone is only good for MUSIC and CALLS seriously, ok heres the very beautiful list of good and bad about the apple i phone, and i can add much much more to the bad section from my own experiance with this very expansice piece of trash

    The Good

    + Works with standard iPod charger, USB cord

    + Visual Voicemail speeds through large voice mailbox, eases initial setup of greeting and PIN

    + Extremely high-quality text

    + Zoom, pan, and scroll gestures ease UI operation

    + Incoming call smoothly fades out audio, fades back in after call ends

    + Text editor has BlackBerry-like shortcuts for contraction, plus near-miss dictionary

    + Buzzer motor powerful, silent

    + Word, Excel, PDF document viewing built in (no editing); useful for file storage

    + Clever zoomed-in handling of HTML option lists

    (wow i already feel like i did a good decision buying the apple iphone (over my dead cats body)

    And the BAD

    - Touchscreen imprecise; can't adjust for parallax (finger/screen offset)

    - Web apps cannot download, upload, or store data

    - Web pages cannot be saved for offline viewing

    - Cannot browse iPhone's folders by any means

    - No Flash, Java, or native application support

    - Mail viewer HTML image display, JavaScript can't be disabled

    - Yahoo "push" e-mail did not deliver immediately in tests

    - Proximity sensor did not answer calls in tests

    - Extremely strong radio frequency interference

    - Enclosed speaker is too weak for speakerphone and voice mail playback

    - Operation of interactive Web sites awkward

    - Two-year commitment required for activation

    - No voice dialing; full hands-free operation impossible

    - No VoIP support for Wi-Fi

    - No A2DP (Bluetooth stereo) support

    - Battery not user-replaceable

    - Memory not swappable or expandable

    - Quality of camera is comparatively poor; focus distance limited; no digital zoom; cannot capture video

    - No voice-record capability; iPod add-on did not function

    - No TV out

    - Safari doesn't try to reformat Web page for convenient viewing (like Windows Mobile IE's one-column view)

    - Device does not operate in landscape mode in all applications

    - Battery drains rapidly with Wi-Fi use; no transmit power setting

    - Substantial delay for new voice mail notification

    - Will not accept existing SIM card

    - No external mute button

    - Slow rendering of zoomed HTML content

    - Slow JavaScript interpreter, no mouse events hamper Web 2.0 apps

    - No streaming audio/video support

    - No full-screen view in browser; large button strip always present

    - No edit-in-place in Settings; each line of text is a separate entry page

    - On-screen keyboard is large, opaque; obscures underlying interface

    - No text select/copy/paste

    - No rich text editor

    - Vertical/horizontal scroll regions too narrow; trip underlying controls

    - Feeling for home button can delete e-mail (trash button is bottom center of display)

    - No file upload limits use of online document viewers

    - Not addressable as USB storage

    - Phone audio quality subpar

    - No over-the-air sync options

    - No third-party software

    - Spelling errors are not flagged in text

    - Cursor positioning inside editable text is difficult

    - Cannot download content for offline playback except through iTunes

    - No Bonjour support for iTunes, Web sharing

    - Headset jack not phone standard

    - iPhone pairs with MacBook Pro Bluetooth, but offers no supported services

    - No master inbox covering multiple mail accounts

    - Chat substitute uses expensive SMS (Web alternatives available but don

  2. Happy New Year to you!

    PS. I do wish sometimes that you'd take your one-to-one conversations that you and Vikki have in open threads over to PM though. The request for classifieds being a prime example.... <_<

    [flameproofing] PPS. This is not a personal attack - just some advice to avoid the clutter that gathers, so please don't try interpret it as one. [/flameproofing]

    The majority of our conversations are in PM. If we ever do discuss things on open forum, then they are usually within the context of the thread. I started this thread to ask for advice, and have got that. All you've done is bring your personal issues with her here, and contributed nothing in the way of on-topic advise, so, if you don't like it, don't read it. Put us on ignore. I couldn't care less. I'd appreciate though, if you don't use my topics as vehicles for your anti-Victoria crusade. Frankly, it's pathetic.

    Go play with the pigeons....!

    You haven't contributed anything to this topic, you've just belittled and condescended to me, so unless you actually have something on topic to contribute, stop spamming the thread. Paying to be a dealer doesn't give you the right to act like a [censored] whenever you feel like it.

  3. Greystash, you might find this an interesting read :)

    Omega Seamaster vs Rolex Submariner

    A fantastic review, and the one which opened my eyes to Omega as a brand. Where it not for the release of Casino Royale at the time I read the review, I'd've bought the 2254.50 instead of a Planet Ocean. The only reason I haven't bought one since, is that I've given in to my PAMophelia and wouldn't wear it, although I suppose I'll probably get one for the collection at some point in the future :)

  4. Wow. I'm not sure wether to be impressed, or appalled...

    Repping products like bags and watches is one thing, they still (to a degree) do what they're supposed to do, but repping food, which could be someone's important meal... That's just wrong...

  5. I have been following this thread, and admire your upbeat approach TeeJay. Go for it!

    Personally (having had an awsomely unforgettable ride in one) I woud opt for the earlier shark nosed Z28 (if cash were no object)! ;)

    Thanks for the encouragement :) If it was a case of simply 'getting the best car', then I most likely would :lol: I read an article about the movie cars, where it was commented that the 76 was actually the worst year for a Camaro, so from that point of view, I'd think better to look elsewhere, but, as my aim is to replicate the production car, it's a case of making it 'like it was'. The car I'd most be interested in driving, would be the 2009 Camaro Concept rep they made, which was really just a Pontiac GTO, with a shell of a body grafted onto the chassis. I knew that the 'rims' were fakes, and really just 'hubcaps' (if you look at a good quality pic of the wheel, check out the brake discs... No brake callipers :lol: ) But apparently, even the windows were non-functioning plexiglass, and what should have been 'soft-touch' interior, was just smooth plastic. In terms of a project, that car really does interest me, way more than the 76, which, other than a few cosmetic alterations, was pretty much a stock car, but the other, definitely comes under the catagory of a 'kit car', so immediately more interesting. Of course, chances of me getting the cash for one of those, short of selling my kidneys, is unlikely, so I've got to have a realistic goal ;) (The bee-otch air fresheners are already on order :lol: )

  6. From experience with bikes, anything is possible, just what it cost some times makes it hard to obtain. just look at what Chip Foose does, but it costs for the know how for some one to do it for you. When i build a bike i work out what i want and then learn to do it, i do every thing except paint.

    This is very true. Foose is one of my artistic heroes, and I really admire his work. The only thing I'm thinking, with the paint, would be accurately re-creating the appearance of a 30+ year old paint job, rather than just slapping a 'pristine' coat of paint on a less than pristine body ;) I'm sure the project will work itself out somehow :)

  7. From what I've read, I'd definitely say that bracelets are the msot complained aspects of Rolexes. From my own experience of handling one, I wasn't impressed, and wanted something which felt more 'substantial'. In terms of mechanical build quality, yes, as Pug mentioned, it is incredibly adjustable, but, I'll never be convinced that thin stamped metal has any place on a watch costing as much as a Rolex does. Omega, Panerai, Vacheron Constantin, they all use more solidly-engineered clasps, which give the watches a mroe 'substantial' feel. I admit, it's just a matter of personal preferences, but it does appear to be something of a concensus, or, at the very least, a frequently repeating point of discussion ;)

    Given the differences in marker/hand size, I'd go for the SMP everytime :)

  8. Ugh, what a downer. Sorry about the turn of the thread, TeeJay. It's like you can't talk about anything here anymore.

    Anyway, if you need anything from Miami, let me know. Let's see if I can do better with cars, than I can with straps.

    As Ned Kelly said, "Such is life..."

    Thanks. When the time comes and I have the cash, if you could start gathering classified ads from the local papers, that would be great :)

    hey TJ back to cars, this one is not far from me but is not cheep but 90% what you want

    That's an awesome find, and indeed, very close to what I want. I was prepared to re-spray the entire car, but just color-matching the hood would definitely be easier. Now all I need is the cash for it :lol: This is a long-term project, so all in good time :)

  9. Buying POS replica of a watch seen in a James Bond movie: ok

    Modding POS replica of a watch seen in a Stallone movie: ok

    Buying a real model of a ride seen in a POS movie: not ok

    Modding real model of said ride: not ok

    'Tis the Season To Be Silly, Tra-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la....

    No one's forcing you to ride in it ;)

  10. You need a hobby son....or a burd.....one or the other.....!

    I have a hobby - Collecting movie memorabelia. I have a 'burd' too, thanks. Maybe you're the one who needs a new hobby or a trade-in on your 'burd', if ragging people on an online forum is the best you're getting on a sunday afternoon. :lol:

  11. I wish someone would take a Beretta and shoot half the fargin' idiots on these boards...that come up with idiotic notions based on a movie.....Dad...Dad.....I wanna Bumblebee car.....awww.....please Dad......c;mon....Dad....I'll be good I promise.....!

    Festive greetings to one and all....!

    Well, you're not talking about me, as I'm not asking my dad to buy me one :lol:

    For what it's worth, whatever car I bought, be it a BMW, Camaro, or a Skyline, they would all wind up getting converted (by me) into a replica of a car that was someway related to a movie or video game, as I am a collector of all kinds of movie memorabelia, and a car would be a logical inclusion for that collection.

    If anyone has (or knows where I can get) one of the Kim Cattrall mannequins (from the movie of the same name) that is also something I want to add to the collection. As long as that meets with TTKs approval, of course.

    Festive greetings and bah humbugs as appropriate :)

  12. Berlinetta the word you're looking for, Vic? ..or maybe you mean the more recent Chevrolet Beretta?


    Can we have a bell installed in this forum that we can ring every time Vikki makes yet another one of these mistakes....

    <runs for cover......>

    Or one installed for every time you call her on it? C'mon dude, there's just no need for bringing that to a thread I started to get advice on importing cars... It's supposed to be the season for goodwill and all that...

  13. Until my 127 arrived, my 029a was one of the highlights of my collection. Okay, so I couldn't get it to fit on my SS Bracelet, but, other than that, it is a gorgeous watch, and, if someone travels between timezones, the GMT function is certainly usefull.

    With regards keeping or selling...

    I wouldn't view the Seiko in terms of buying a gen, rather than keeping two reps, look at them all as 'watches'. If you'd wear the Seiko exclusively (or certainly the majority of the time), then the PAMs would be redundant. Do you keep redundant watches in your collection, or do you sell them/give them away? Personally, I tend to keep them, although I am thinking about giving away my 111h for the simple reason that I don't wear it now that I have my 127.

    Another aspect to consider, is would you be using cash from the sales of the watches to buy the Seiko? If you have to sell to buy, and would wear the Seiko primarily, then sell. If you don't have to sell them, and don't mind the redundant watches in your collection (as collection items) then why not keep them for a special occasion, like making them the designated 'holiday watch', for example... :)

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