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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Here is how you handle jerks and a$$holes like the one you ran into. This works every time. Feel free to use it in public situations (such as when females are present).

    "Well, it was a gift so here's what we'll do about your offer, which I accept. I'll meet you on Tuesday (or whenever) at the local Rolex AD and we'll get the watch appraised. If they say it's a fake, it's yours for $50. If they say it's gen you will be buying it from me on the spot for their appraisal, and you will be paying me in cash. Bring enough cash."

    Don't bother to respond asking me what to do if he accepts. It won't happen. If you wear a good rep, you should always be prepared to play poker. Now you know the odds.


    That takes cojones... I like that idea. Living dangerously :lol:

    A cousin of mine once got back at his friend by setting him up with a tranny for a date. :lol:

    And they're now a happy couple, I bet ;)

    Armin, sorry to hear you got called out, but, as people said here, and myself and others have said many many times, in countless discussions, "Is it a fake?" is the automatic reaction to the name Rolex. As far as the average schmoe is concerned, Rolex = Fake.

    I bet if you'd've been wearing a Panerai, while you might not've been asked if it was real, he likely would've made some other ass-hat cheap shot to try and put you down in front of the birthday girl. As Victoria said, this is the kind of 'friend' who steals girlfriends: a bad one.

  2. Hi everyone! :D I'm new here and just started buy my Rep PAM 111H. I saw a lot nice Rep in RWG and I hope to get good as good as yours. Could anyone please help me to sugguest how to mod my PAM111H? Thanks :lol:

    I'd start by saying only modify things you think need to be improved upon. Hardly anyone knows what Panerai are, so no one is going to be giving you the "Is that real??" you'd get with a Rolex, so bearing that in mind, why spend the money on modifications only you will notice (unless they are things you want to do).

    Can you see the lume enough for your purposes? If not, get it re-lumed.

    Do you want AR coating on the dial? If so, have it ARd

    Do you really care about the cannon pinion not being flush with the hands? If so, get it swapped.

    Of course, you might find that the watch is acceptable to you 'as is', and you won't even want to have those things done. If that's the case, then take the money you'd've spent on mods, and buy another watch for your collection ;)

    [Edit to add]

    Welcome to the party :)

  3. I'd agree with everything said above: Visit an AD to try one on. If you think the 42mm is too small, then you should find the 45mm to be okay. Also, yes, the rubber strap makes the watch much more comfortable than the SS bracelet, which only makes the watch heavy and noticeable against the back of the hand. It's no Panerai ( :lol:;) ) but the Planet Ocean is a fine watch, I'm sure you'll enjoy wearing it :)

  4. Mr. TeeJay, having no rating system yet, let me just say "ZING!!" too, here.

    In the absense of the rating system (that was soooo handy for putting a quick comment to a post rather than having to reply) I think I'll just start posting single emoticons to express the overall opinion :D

    For a rep strap, it looks decent.

    I have to admit, it's not too bad, that said, it is still quite stiff (and I did burst a side trying to twist it to soften it :lol: ) but, for occasional darker brown matches, it's not too bad :)

    And soon, TeeJay, soon...sigh, sorry. :(

    No hurry :)

    Bytheway, today I am wearing this watch.

    What do u think? Nice to see u again ubi.



  5. I got one of my favorite shoes back from having the heels re-built :) First time I've ever liked a pair of shoes enough to get them repaired rather than replaced, so, to get the best color match, I was wearing my 127 on its original factory strap :)DSCN3043.jpg

    Not sure how the weather's going to be tomorrow though, so, depending on footwear, the watch might wind up back on the dive strap to go with my Vans ;)

  6. Well most normal people don't pray for someone to die.

    I make no such claim.

    Bad people are the ones that try to take my money even though I just trying to live my life.

    Most every scam I have seen has poor photo's AND a lame story to go with it.

    The guy should die. End of story.

    You're not claiming to be normal. Fair enough ;)

    At the end of the day, if you want to pray for the death of others, go for it. I'm sure God will take it all into consideration when the time comes.

    Peace be upon you.

  7. All my Omegas are Asians and, most are from Tony. Never had any problem with them (that I didn't create by trying to regulate the movements with the delicacy of a charging rhino :lol: ) and they all keep good time. I would wear them, but, well, they're not PAMs :D Of course, it goes without saying that I'd highly recommend Tony as a dealer to anyone :)

  8. Impressive! Thanks Dadog.

    Unfortunately, and I just don't know why they can't get this right, the slant of the OP logo is wrong AGAIN.

    Nice crown and general dial though. :balloon:

    :lol::lol::lol: That is embarassing :lol::lol::lol: At least when the Omega Logos on the Planet Oceans were crooked, it was possible to re-set the logo, that, however, is un-fixable... Of course, just gives the factories scope to bring out another version with corrected logo ;)

  9. so do you guy's think the 11 marker is a bit off or is that an original genuine flaw.. or am i crossed eyed??

    I'd say that the 11 and 1 markers are the same distance from 'dial center' as the 5 and 7 markers are. I'd suggest that it the difference in width between the 12 and 6 markers might be throwing the eye off slightly...

    Hope all's well with you :)

  10. Hi

    So I broke down and ordered a 127 from Angus after reading this thread....

    3rd PAM this month thanks to you guys !!!!

    I found out yesterday that he is unable to get the movement from his supplier and is unable to build currently. He offered to refund the $$ or pick another watch.

    Im curious if the movement he is unable to get is the same that Davidsen has posted about today.

    I was thinking PureTime was using the Asian High Beat.... any word on those being out of stock as well?

    What ever do I do, Should I go with another dealer? Pick another watch from Angus?

    Seeing as I have a 111H and 104 ( on the way ) What is another winner from Angus to complete the collection.

    WOW, the addiction.... HELP

    PS.... Has anyone had much contact with PT this week? He has been fairly slow getting back to me , Im guessing he is still recovering from the Birthday celebrations

    If you definitely want a 127, I'd say look for another dealer who has them, rather than choosing a different watch from Angus. Best of luck with your purchase :)

  11. Congratulations Teejay, I hope you and Emily have many happy years together.

    Thanks again, my friend :)

    congrats to you and Emily TJ, we do weddingphotography all over Europe so just give a shout bro...;)

    Thanks, I'll definitely keep that in mind for when the time comes :)

  12. Why?

    If you don't understand why praying for the death of someone is not cool, there is no point me explaining it to you. As for the rest:

    The world needs more good people and less bad people.

    Who are you to judge and decide who is good and who is bad?

    As far as I read, it was a reasonable sale. As I said above, I'd've called the guy's bluff and arranged to buy it. If it turned out to be unsatisfactory, all it would require is walking away. No need for people to be getting all uppity over.

    The guy should be shot for the poor quality of pics alone.

    So poor photography, or lack of decent equipment is now a shooting offense, is it? <_<

  13. TeeJay-

    The biggest trust issue I'm having with this one is that he posted locally and said he'd only meet in person, and then the next day he's out of town for over a month. You are right though, I missed the "like" new part. But the title of the ad is "Brand new Rolex watch."

    I can see what you mean, but then again, if he has to go out of town on business, that has to take precedense over a sale, and I can understand someone wanting to meet in person. In a way, I'd take comfort from that, as a true scammer would want the money and mail it to you, rather than offering to meet in person, afterall, if you meet in person, you might discover the watch a rep, or change your mind, and they lose the sale... Indeed, the title of the ad could have been better, perhaps 'mint condition' or 'reconditioned' Rolex might have been more accurate... Go with whatever you feel best, but, as I mentioned before, calling their bluff, and offering to meet on the 15th certainly can't hurt :)

    [Edit to add]

    I forgot to ask, was the ad in a paper or online? If it was in a local paper, then chances are the ad was placed several days before the paper was printed and released, so his business plans might have changed in between that time.

    I will pray for his death.


    Not a cool thing to do


  14. .muffle. (Aka Numpty LOL)

    You should be able to just search on the 3 digit number, on Andrew or Josh's site. Sometimes they're are prefixed with Pam with a space or no space or Panerai.

    Honestly it really does not matter one you get because you soon realise that one is just not ernough. I've only just start collecting and got a 127 to start, I was somewhat niaeve and didn't realise how big it would be. But 4 straps later I now have 3 Pams and just can't seem to stop myself wanting more. You seem to want an Auto beaware they only make up a small percentage of the different Pams. The dealers have just released 3 new Auto's but the lovely Blue one was a limited release but more are expected. I think the 104 ( ithinks that's the one sorry if in wrong). Is an Auto with a Date a Luminor Marina type. Learning the different types is all part of the fun. Just beaware its Very very addictive once you Start. Good luck andlook forward to seeing what you get.

    I just wanted to emhasize this point, as I might not have quite made it clear in my own comment on the 127. If you're someone used to watches of Submariner size, then jumping to a 127 (especially if you wear the sub-size until the 127 arrives, and then immediately swap), it will appear HUGE at first glance. Even going from a 111h to a 127 was a noticeably larger watch. Funnily though, I would say, and other 127 owners might agree with me, it might just be my own observation, but, during the day, once you've got used to the size, it 'settles down', and doesn't appear so big. But, at night, when you look at the dial in the dark, and the luminous markers are almost the width of your wrist, it can appear really big. Don't know if anyone else has noticed that, but I thought I'd just mention it. I don't want to scare you off the 127, it's an amazing watch, and one everyone should have in their collection, (like having a Sub, or an SMP) but, I certainly wouldn't advise it as the first PAM, as the sheer size (on initial viewing) might overpower. Another watch I forgot to mention before, would be the Radiomir 210. Very minimalist and elegant watch :)

  15. I'd suggest either a 111h, or a 112h, as a way of getting into the PAM aesthetic, and following that, I'd then say move up to a 127. I would not advise a 127 to start off with, as, in all honesty, it is a huge watch, and one which someone has to be in the right frame to appreciate. That said, once you do get one, I suspect it would become the regular beater, as it is an incredibly versatile watch (if worn with appropriate strap changes for wardrobe) Best of luck with your decision and purchase :)

  16. exactly.. what got on my nerves is that he became abusive to me.. i just asked him to check.. i mean there is no big deal with that right? if there is a delay or something they can just say hey man there is a delay.. instead of telling me to leave him alone..

    and as to tracking numbers 20 times a day.. it's been 2 days since i had it and it still not updated.. and it was my first inquiry like i said.. i don't think i should get flamed for this right?

    You're absolutely right, it was a totally reasonable request, and, certainly not one which deserved an abusive response. I'll be the first to admit, that with regards tracking numbers, there often will be a delay in it arriving, as a dealer might not be able to post the item on the same day the transaction is made, so it doesn't hurt to give a few days grace to accomodate that, and, EMS, as a shipping service, do not always update the information on their site quickly, so I think it is something which needs to be treated with patience, but, as above, your request for information was in a polite and reasonable manner, certainly not demanding or impatient, so not deserving an abusive response by any means.

    TeeJay, I agree with your most of your points. Interestingly, some of these themes seem to have come up in the thread that Ziggy just made, talking about some of the abuses of his service that have caused him to have to scale back and be more selective.

    I think one of the big distinctions is between dealers and 'sellers'. I have found as a somewhat active 'seller', that the expectation is actually higher than it is if it were a dealer/buyer transaction. It's part of a dealer's business model and the set of expectations they're required to meet to have to deal with problems and with communication with all of their buyers. But what I'm wondering, is whether my own 'snap-shot' of experience as a 'seller' may give me enough of a glimpse into what they might experience to wonder whether they couldn't tell some horror stories that would curl your toes...

    The post that Ziggy just made would seem to support that conclusion. I think it's a by-product of the internet as a means of doing commerce. It's totally impersonal, so people lose any sense of self-awareness or social sense of discretion when it comes to respecting other people's time and energy.

    The issue of a buyer's rights, when it comes down to their anxiety about having money 'in transit' is central to the discussion. I'm not going to say much, and I am only talking here in generalities, but I have had the experience of a buyer who was anxious about their watch arriving quickly say that they were uncomfortable that with their package is floating in the 'ether'. They lose the cognitive ability to understand that there isn't anything wrong, just because they can't see the package in transit.

    Indeed, I think you're quite right that people used to dealing with 'dealers', might expect similar treatment/reassurances etc from 'sellers'. It's basically the same effect as I mentioned with shops. People are so used to shop staff having to fawn over them, and the frequently reinforced notion that 'Customer is King!!!', that they get used to such treatment, and come to expect it, even when it isn't warranted, and indeed, the internet does provide an anonymity which makes some people incredibly mouthy and offensive, which, chances are, they would never dare to be in real life. Sanme basic issue as with the 'in transit' scenario. People are used to dealing with legitimate, established companies, which can often provide next day services, and forget that, although they're using the same medium for communication, there is a rather different process to our 'little hobby', so can lose sight of the fact that orders might take a little longer, or information might not be so readily available, but, that doesn't necessarily imply foul play on the part of the dealer.

    I think I read somewhere on the Board that Eddie quit selling reps widespread due to the hassle and perhaps this same hassle and stress is hitting some of the other sellers. Don't get me wrong, I value and expect customer service as much as the other person but it may be that many on the Board and other purchasers are wearing down the sellers.

    If a watch arrives with major issues such as I have read on the HBB, then I think the seller deserves to hear that the customer is unhappy but I think that perhaps many purchasers are not professional with their e-mails. Yes sometimes the watch we receive has an issue and as buyers we are disappointed, perhaps too much as we have got our hopes up, but sending poorly worded e-mails can end a relationship very quickly. We buyers need to remain respectful and professional in our e-mails (old saying: you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar) and then receive back the same respect and professional responses.

    I also think that many of us buyers may be expecting too much. Slight alignments and minor small issues need to be examined in light of the cost of the item. Despite the profit we may see more sellers leave as the hassle just is not worth it despite the profit. Perhaps we need a code of conduct and or better communication from sellers on their web sites (ie: If it is going to take 2-3 days for an item to show up on EMS tracking tell the buyer this up front). My advise to minimize problems is as follows:


    Check the watch before you send it ( I know many do but many don't). Why waste your time and the buyers time sending something that obviously did not work or had visual problems from the get go!! Also double check that it is the watch the customer ordered!!

    Communicate in e-mail and web site on reoccurring questions from customers. If you get the same question "as to why nothing shows up on EMS tracking for 2-3 days" then add it to an order e-mail so folks know!!


    If you get a watch or watches with a problem or the wrong watch send a professional e-mail outlining the problem with no smart comments or inappropriate language. If the seller is smart back still stay respectful in the next e-mail as it may just be a bad day or the seller thinks your trying to pull something. I have received smart e-mails back and have remained respectful and eventually the person on the other end will come to understand that you are simply trying to resolve the issue in a amicable manner. If not chalk it up to experience, this seller is not going to be around long anyway if he/she treats everyone that same way.

    Anyway it is common sense (or Uncommon sense) but sometimes we all need to be reminded: Treat others as you would like to be treated.

    My 2 cents!!


    I agree with all your points, except for the boldened part. Drop-shippers cannot check the stock they are shipping, and that can lead to people receiving incorrect, or, not acceptable stock. The only solution I can think of, is that drop-shipping dealers (who should be 100% identified as such, and listed accordingly) should have a 100% 'no-quibble' returns policy for anything arriving, which is legitimately in error (ie wrong watch/faulty product) As they are not sending out the stock themself, it is only reasonable that they should accept responsibility if something is faulty, and allow exchanges or refunds without quibble, including covering the cost of returns, as it is not the buyer's fault that the wrong item arrived, but it is the fault of the drop-shipper that they are unable to 100% verify what they send out. Of course, that's just my own feeling on the issue, I'm quite happy to do business with drop-shippers, providing they are open about it, and accept that if problems occur, although it is not their personal fault it happened, it is the onus is on them (as seller and identified 'head of company') to make the correct resitutions.

    man why is it so hard to get a refund from this dealer :S.. he promised me it will be sent yesterday and today its still not posted.. and i wished i could have a refund so i can get it from TTK!!.. anyone here live in USA that can help me with moneygram? it seems like that moneygram is cheaper if it's sent from USA

    That sucks. If they can email you to say they're giving you a refund, they could equally have made the refund online at the same time. This is a PP transaction? I have to admit, this kind of behaviour is just trying to hang onto your money, so I'd personally say it was time to 'name and shame', as that's certainly someone people should be wary of dealing with in the future...

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