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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. That's a wicked watch TeeJay :) I'm looking to get the 009 PVD after I saw Rambo's wristshots :lol: although I'll be wearing it on the black rubber strap. Hopefully my supplier can source one with a pvd buckle.

    Thanks, amigo :) My 111g came on a rubber strap, which was also fitted with a 22mm PVD 'thumbnail' buckle. I ordered the PVD Pre-V buckle off eBay to go with the 24mm strap :)

    I'm sure your supplier will be able to track one down for you :) Or, as mentioned, you could just order one in regular SS, and have it PVD coated ;)

  2. As TeeJay mentioned, I am also a fan of the Australian system when it comes to immigration amongst other things and it does seem to work well over there. The issue about whether or not these ID cards can help stamp out terrorism, well as I mentioned earlier that the majority of the bombers on July 2005 bombings where actually born and bred in the UK, and as Pugwash mentioned that in Spain they do have an ID card system implemented there but that did not prevent the Madrid bombings.

    I personally don't think that the UK government will be able to create such cards that are flawless in the sense that they can't be tampered with or replicated or anything of that sort. If these cards fell into the wrong hands, who knows what that might lead to, and I'm certainly not 100% confident that the UK government will bend over backwards to maintain safety over all the personal information on UK residents stored in some computer somewhere.

    Absolutely. I think, at the end of the day, the prime concern for ID cards is, not so much who's carrying them, but who's managing the information, and how. The government wants all the information stored centrally. :lol: I think that's what's known as 'putting all your eggs in one basket' :lol:

  3. Racism is a modern construct, as you know, TeeJay.

    I'm not one of those people who believe that yesteryear was rosier than today, or that governments were more accomplished than the ones now. :p

    I know you weren't implying the opposite, but we are far more tolerant as a species today, than EVER before.

    So it wasn't racism back then, the concept that your race made you superior to others. But it was...

    I wouldn't say that today's world is very tollerant at all. People might like to 'talk the talk' about tollerance, but when it comes down to it, people (who would claim to be tollerant) can still be downright bigoted about people 'not like them'. I've noticed particularly so with political opinions, where, people can claim to be 'left-wing' and 'liberal', but, if anyone has an opinion different to theirs, rather than saying "Okay, I don't agree with your opinion, but I respect your right to have it," they get incredibly hostile, and at times, downright vindictive. I was recently reading on a forum where people were slamming the US Presidential candidates, yet, for all their bitching and moaning, none of these supposedly 'free-thinking intellectuals' (I prefer to call them '[censored]' :lol: ) could actually come up with any better ideas than the candidates were proposing. I mean, where's the point in criticizing something, but not being able to offer up an alternative?

    As you say, a homogenous society certainly has less viewpoints to clash, and history certainly shows that to be the case. That said, anyone who says that nowadays, is always jumped on by the Politically Correct Elite, and branded a racisisisisisist :o

    As I said above, Australia doesn't seem to have half the problem with illegal immigrants that other countries do (okay, sure, it might be a continent/island) but the policies themselves are in place, and effectively enforced, where countries like the US (supposedly) want to have 'immigrant amnestys', and the UK, well, New Labour just don't give an Ess Haitch One Tee any more, and will let in anyone, regardless of their qualifications or suitability. <_<

    [Edit to add]

    I'm all for imigration, as long as it's done legally. Illegal imigration, and left-wing attitudes that it should be tollerated, are just a slap in the face of the countless millions of people who legally emigrate somewhere.

  4. Now why doesn't that surprise me. :lol:


    Well, there are those who have strange affairs 'within the family', at least Allah has made a clear ruling on such things :lol: They do say that to see where a girl will wind up in X amount of time, look to the mother... Bearing that in mind, I figure I could've done a lot worse :lol: The relationship I have with my mother in law is very much like that between Brian and Lois on Family Guy :lol:

  5. As you can see, people have a problem with the efficiency of government to maintain citizen records. This is truly a first in British history, the land of bureaucratic record-keeping, and genealogy since the Domesday Book.

    Indeed, I think the problem (like everything wrong with the UK at present,) is one of an incompetent government.

    And goes to prove the social argument that homogeneous societies have less issues like these.

    Indeed, I quite agree. Strangely enough, historically, when cultures and countries were more homogenous, there was not the 'racism' which exists now. Sure, countries/cultures might go to war with each other, but, on the occasions when the did trade with each other (Renaissance Venice, for example) there was none of the petty bigotry which exists today. People were just accepted as they were. It's a shame that today's concept of 'tollerance' doesn't take a few pointers from history's example.

  6. If I didn' t know better, I'd've said that was my watch :lol: Looks to me like your supplier got it from the same factory as DeesWatches goes to... (the thing that gives it away as the same as mine, is the height of the depth rating compared to the rest of the text)

    Absolutely awesome watch, wear it well :):1a:

  7. I think it is impossible to see if there is a second sweep at the 9 since the fat hour hand goes over it and the quality of the photo is bad. The text could read 1950 because it is smaller than the text on the top which is probably the Luminor Panerai.

    Personally I believe that 99% it is Bonati's 127 used for the promotional photos and then he wore the 202 to the shooting.

    Anyway.. it really doesn't matter the first watch since he wore a 202/A in the movie anyway..

    That's true about the hour hand, but I think there would still be some sign of the second sweep (the markings, even if not the hand itself)

    The text is to the width of the '5' and '7' markers, but "1950" is only half-way to those points.

    Something which could suggest the same case as a 127, is that on the large photo, the crown guards have a light point on the side, which to me, looks more like light catching in the screw-hole, rather than light catching on the lever.

    Given they build the Daylight for Sly, I'm wondering if this might indeed be a similar scenario, where it could be including things like the 127 case and hands, but with a 'base' dial. It could even have 'luminor' on the top half of the dial and 'Panerai' on the lower half of the dial. That could at least explain the width of the text.

  8. I agree.. the watch in THIS photo looks like the PVD 127. Domed crystal and polished gold hands.

    The watch in THIS photo is almost definately a 202/A ;)

    With regards the watch in the top photo, it does not appear to have the second sweep at 9, although I would agree with your comement about the crystal and hands... That said, I still think the lettering on the lower half of the dial, looks too wide to just read "1950". Perhaps Sly had the good folks at OP put together something new for him :)

  9. Mostly Cola. I prefer Pepsi to Coke, but equally, prefer Tesco's Generic Cola, and, Tesco's Classic American Cola (hint of vanilla) If I do drink alcohol, then Sol, Corona and Brahma are my choices :)

    PS Before anyone says anything about Muslims not drinking alcohol, although there are warnings against it in the Holy Qur'an, alcohol is not specifically named as forbidden. Flesh of swine is named as forbidden, fornication with one's mother in law is named as forbidden, alcohol is not ;):lol: I just obey the specific command not to come to prayer while drunk :)

  10. I'd forgotten about passive readers... Indeed, some have speculated that the Oyster system on the London Underground (sounds like a political movement to me too, Otto ;) ) is a means of tracking people and their spending habits. :o

    As above, I wouldn't have a problem carrying ID, but I don't trust the government to manage the data properly.

    Indeed, unchecked and illegal immigration will not be handled by ID cards, what would help with that situation, is decent border security and policies, and a government with the cojones to actually stand by those policies, rather than bending over backwards to just let anyone into the country. I love the Australian system. If it can work for them, it could work here.

    Also, Scottish and English law are different, and most legislation acknowledges that. England, does not actually have its own assembly/parliament :o

  11. Definitley the 253. I actually quite like the hobnails dial. Okay, so it's not smooth like most PAMs, but that's good, that makes it stand out from the others. I like the blue accent of the sweeping hand :) (Get it a black strap with white stitching, and then use a Sharpie to dye the stitching to match the hand. It will look awesome, as the photo Victoria loaded shows) I'm not a huge fan of chrono watches anymore, and, although I plan to get a Daylight for my collection, I doubt I'll actually wear it much (if at all) However, if I was going to buy a chrono watch, the 253 would definitely be the one I'd be going for :)

    Best of luck with your purchase :)

  12. I'm never extremely early for things, as indeed, as mentioned above, I feel it is wasted time. Things which are routine, I do tend to leave till the last minute, but if it's a meeting or something where I can't afford to miss a travel connection, then I do allow myself about 15 minutes 'safe-time' just incase :)

  13. Anyhoo. David Arnold wants Amy Winehouse to do the theme song, and I have more than just a suspicion that her entry to rehab (despite saying 'no, no, no') today might be related.

    Her personal life is pretty much a train-wreck, but I think she has a great voice (reminds me of Nina Simone) which would work really well with David Arnold's music.

  14. Although 1:1 should mean exact copy in all respects but of course it doesn't in real life. 1:1 equals gen. Let's face it this type of somewhat misleading advertising exists in the legitimate world as well. When I read 1:1 in a rep advertisement I don't expect it to be truly identical. But at a minimum I do expect the watch to have precise case measurements and reasonably close case finishing, same functionality, correct dial and hand color, proper placement and sizing of sub-dials, crown, pushers, etc. :)

    Exactly :)

  15. From what you said you want basically a genuine watch.. because if EVERYTHING is identical to the genuine even the movement then you are buying a genuine and not a rep.

    Not necessarily. If a company were to precicely recreate something, it would be 1:1, but not 'genuine', as it was not made by the original parent company :)

    And although the watch companies have a HUGE profit on their watches.. You don't really expect to buy a 1:1 Seadweller exactly the same as the one Rolex sells for only 200$ do you?

    Well, we can all live in hope :lol:

    I don't really care about 1:1 watches for my own wear, I was just commenting on what 1:1, means to me as a term :)

    Keep in mind that even watch companies on their watches have on some of them flaws and small mistakes..

    Absolutely. I read on TZ once, where someone was complaining about the hands on their real genuine Rolex not perfectly lining up with the minute markers every time :rolleyes: Needless to say, they were rather laughed at and ridiculed for their unreasonably high standard. The comment I most remember, and which made me chuckle the most, was "Stop acting like this is the first expensive thing you've bought, and just enjoy it" :lol::thumbsupsmileyanim:

    1:1 means that a genuine watch has been dissembled and CNC'd not replicated from photos of the sites.

    Absolutely. So if it's being CNC'd, then there's no reason for there to be variations in measurements or specifications :)

    And if the Chinese can do a perfect job and replicate every small detail like the Ferrari.. well good for them.

    But honestly they are not Swiss workers who are paid a big amount of money and if they do a mistake they can check and double check every detail.

    This is very true.

  16. Hmmm, what a nice place this is, I learn a lot here, even math :rolleyes:

    According to some, 1 isn't 1, it may be 0.99 but it can also be 0.5, 0.745, 0.94 ...........using zero decimals I agree that it is 1, however:

    To me, in this context, 1 is still 1.

    And for a 1:1 copy, that's exactly what it should be if someone claims it to be. Visually identical in every small detail, including materials, finishing and in touch quality - everything. No exeptions. No room for flaws you can't find on the gen.. Movement is the exeption if it has a solid caseback, otherwise not. A real 1:1 copy should pass an inspection of the experienced eyes of an expert without beeing noticed as a rep.

    For me the term 1:1 is meaningless, I don't expect to get that kind of reps for the prices we pay, 0.9-95 is in fact very good and the dealers should not be ashamed of the minor flaws one may find.

    And, what to say the day they really put out a 1:1 rep ? 1:1++ :animal_rooster: ?

    That's what I was going to say. 1:1 means just that 1:1 Identical in every manner. Not just 'looking' about right, but actually being precicely correct.

    I would say, that, display back or not, the movement of a true 1:1 rep should be equally identical, regardless or not if it is actually being seen.

    That said, I'm not bothered about 1:1 levels of replication. To me, 'looks good enough' is good enough. However, I would agree with the points above that if something is advertized as 1:1, then it should actually be 1:1, as a point of accuracy in advertizing.

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