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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I'd say the Planet Ocean and the Carrera. The only reason I suggest the Carrera rather than the SMP, is that you mention that the reflection on the Carrera is annoying, where on the SMP, it would only be a case of 'improving', rather than 'solving'. If that makes any sense... Of course, if you're feeling really brave, roll a dice. You've already 'numbered' the watches on this thread, so all you need to do is roll. Dare you put your faith in the roll of a dice...

  2. I don't think it even looks that bad, I just worry about how it will hold up. Looks good, though!

    Indeed, it looks awesome. The bottom lug looks fine, but the top one looks just a little too distressed, and, as you say, how well it might hold up would be a concern. Not enough to stop it being an awesome strap :)

  3. First ever random watch compliment last night ^_^

    (Meaning if I'm talking about my watches to someone, and they say "Nice watch", it's at least a topic of conversation. This was a totally unsolicited compliment ^_^ )

    We'd gone out for the evening with some friends, one of which, we are the godparents of her son. Now, my wife has always been rather jealous by how well I get on with this friend, as she knows that, if I were single, then she is absolutely my 'type', but, to the point. We were in the pub, and, as it was packed, had to stand, but, had managed to secure a space near the stairs, so we weren't quite as packed as the other saps :lol: I was wearing a long-sleeved Syrian top, so it wasn't as if my sleeves were pushed back, and, at one point, I saw Nicola look round and down, clearly trying to see my watch. I lifted it up, thinking she wanted to see the time, but she then said "That's a really nice watch!" ( ^_^:lol:^_^:lol: ) I then pointed out Emily's HBB Aspen, and she was equally impressed by that too. When Emily then pointed out that she'd had a tattoo done on the inside of her wrist, she said that people often asked her if it was real. Nicola replied "The watch?! It's really nice!", to which Emily said "No, the tattoo..." :lol:

    I was quite surprized that I didn't get in trouble for being complimented by Nicola :lol:

    [Edit to add]

    I forgot to say, I was wearing the 029a I was wearing in yesterday's wrist check :) Maybe I ought to wear it more often ;):o:whistling::lol:

  4. Still don't like Panerai, Teejay? :lol:

    I admit, it took me a while to warm up to them, but, once I did, that was that. I am now an unashamed PAMophile (and coiner of said term :lol: )

    Didn't know you had a 063.. Very nice!

    As Hike pointed out, it's an 029a. I've had it a while, it just doesn't get much wrist time, so I felt it was due a little tour of duty :) Funny as it might sound, I'm not so keen on the 063. I feel the 24 hour numbers on the dial clutter things a bit, where on the 029, as they're on the bezel, although they're easily noticeable, there's just less 'cluttering', which in a way, makes them less conspicuous, despite being in such a prominent place :)

    @TeeJay: That's hawt!

    Not as hot as your new avatar :lol: Police brutality FTW! :lol:

  5. I agree with you about the 1:1 or "perfect" term. These are sunonomous with the perception of identical replicas which don't exist. I don't mind the term Ultimate or Super rep because these do not define perfection or exactness. We have to keep in mind that these terms are used as marketing ploys and we have to be very thankful of these forums to inform us of the imperfections of these reps. Take the terms in stride and read up on the forums before making your decisions.

    Likewise, I don't have a problem with the general term 'Super Rep', as it refers to a class of watches with an exceptionally high level of fidelity, and the 'finishing touches' (like AR) which some other reps lack. However, I would point out, that if something is the 'Ultimate', then by definition, that's as good as it gets, and nothing can surpass it. I agree, it doesn't mean 'perfection' or 'exactness', but it does mean 'the best'. What good is 'the best', when something better is eventually released? Sure, the UPO is a nice watch, but, it's still not 1:1 perfect, so it's still possible that the factories could release a further issue of the watch with things like the logo flaw corrected. For the record, I'd like to point out that what they correct, in terms of one flaw, they will likely compensate by creating a different flaw (possibly narrower hour indices) so they still have the option to release an Absolutely Dead on Balls Accurate Perfect Version at some point in the future.

  6. I envy all the genowners......:(


    Sorry, but I find that incredibly amusing. I don't envy enyone owning something which can be purchassed for the right price/from the right place. All that proves, is having the finances to do so. As anyone who's ever worked in retail will confirm, money is dirty. Filthy, infact. It's a means to an end, but certainly not the be all, end all of life...

    As I previously commented (in that case, Omega was the brand mentioned):

    I have a watch on my wrist. The dial says Panerai. That's good enough for me B)

    I know it means a lot to some, but in my scheme of things, a watch is a watch. If it tells the time, that's good enough definition of 'real' for my satisfaction :lol:

    PS Congrats to Nightstroker on winning the prize :thumbsupsmileyanim::victory:

  7. Given how 'unknown' Panerai are as a brand, I wouldn't be too concerned about 'ultimate'. Just go for a dealer you know you can trust, and go for whatever you like :) Even people who say "Is it real??" about a Rolex likely wouldn't know a Real Genuine Rolex if it was slapped round their face. A Panerai isn't even going to register on their radar, other than as a perversely large watch (which they'll either love or hate) They certanily won't know details B)

  8. A thought just occured to me about the Chanel.

    I've never handled a full-ceramic version, so I can't describe it's 'tactile experience' from my own experiences. However, I would assume, that it will feel different to an SS watch. Possibly lighter, possibly heavier, but definitely different. Could this be what is being refered to as 'feeling cheap'? Don't forget, even genuine Rolex bracelets feel 'cheap and tinny' (the most frequent complaint about them), simply because people have a certain expectation of a Rolex. Could be the same situation here, where someone is expecting it to feel a certain way, when instead, it would be quite possible that it might feel different to that expectation, simply due to the materials involved.

  9. Again, with the not mentioning names Code of Silence...

    If you've received bum merchandise, then unless you inform the community about the problem, and who you got the watches from, then others could equally have bad deals from them. Wanting to keep names out of things is noble, but in these situations, counter-productive. We are not just individuals here, we are a community. To have a community, we need Communication and Unity, and this Code of Silence does nothing to help that.

    I'm sorry to hear that the deal has gone south, and hope you have a satisfactory resolution. As mentioned, I wouldn't buy on a friend's behelf. Buying something as a gift for a friend, at ones own expense, is one thing, acting as an intermediary is a bit more risky. Sorry to hear that you found that out, and, as above, best of luck with getting a satisfactory resolution :)

  10. Although not a Radiomirfan, it's a great review m8

    Although not a Radiomirfan, it's a great review m8

    Thanks, guys :)

    great review

    it was so great that i wonder "who is tony?" i have to order one myself!

    please enlighten me!

    thanx | rek

    Tonyxkf. This watch was ordered from his own website, watch-ebay.

    Indeed, not! Nicely done, both in terms of review and canabalism, TeeJay!

    I heard that the 210, which this seems to hover around save for the sausage dial, is impossible to find these days, so well-done. Not too sure about the silver hands, but overall, a great upgrade for your chum. Strap looks great too. ;)

    In all fairness, I had ordered the model displayed next to this particuar one, which has the sandwich dial, and the black hands, but, I had asked if the strap from that model, could be switched with this one, so it was just one of those misunderstandings. If I'd wanted to return it, it wouldn't've been a problem, (as far as Tony was concerned) but, given the time of shipping to China, I couldn't guarantee a replacement would've arrived by the 23rd (when we're going down for my friend's birthday) and, as he's not a real watch fan anyway, it wasn't worth the hassle of swapping over a difference in color/dial, which he won't even know about anyway. I admit, I'm not too stoked on the silver hands myself. To be honest, the gold hands on the 127 are 'pushing it', as I prefer the black hands of the 111g/h, but, I admit, the gold hands do add a certain elegance to it, so the silver hands are tolerable (at least they match with the case :lol: ) I'll have to try and get some decent pics of my 127 on the customized dive strap. I'll also try and get some more decent pics of the Radiomir, and my other PAMs for a decent review :)

    Thanks again for putting together the 210/dive-strap combo for me to get an idea how it'll all look :)

  11. I did a search, but it didn't bring up anything, so I decided to start a new thread.

    The last movie I watched, was the 2002 re-make of The Time Machine.


    I've wanted to watch this movie for ages, but just never seemed to get round to it, so, I put it on yesterday, and was really glad I did. Absolutely fantastic movie. Okay, so it's only a PG, so nothing hardcore, but all in all, a really nice movie. Incredible music, great costumes/location sets, all round thumbs up. Not really any 'huge' names in it (I guess Jeremy Irons would be the 'biggest') but still a group of actors who's work I've always enjoyed. As for the time machine itself, wow, what an amazing combination of brass and crystal. Absolutely gorgeous. I'd highly recommend the movie to anyone.


  12. Okay, it's been a while since I reviewed a watch, and, not having the time to take a load of macro shots, I'm not going to be going into gradings or ratings of the watch. Just a few quick snaps and observations. Hope it's of interest. If not, screw you :p

    The watch in question:

    A base Radiomir. Not sure of model number, as it has silver hands rather than black, and a sausage rather than sandwich dial. I specifically put it on the 26mm dive strap, as it is a gift for a friend, who a leather strap would simply be 'overkill' on. Rubber will blend into his wardrobe. Leather would overpower it.


    The dial is nice and clear, and I believe (might be wrong) that the 'A's in Panerai have the correct low cross-bars. Yay? Nay?


    Okay, so it's not a 127, but, size-wise, I found it a nice balance betwen a 111h and 127, and the dial is nice and crisp. Very easy to read.

    Crown screws in and out smoothly, with no hint of a feeling of 'grinding' or 'stripping' on the threads. Okay, so when fully down, the OP logo is upside down. I don't think my friend is even going to notice (or care)


    The movement's an Asian Unitas 6497, and, although I think it could probably be better regulated, the dagger has been enough to get it to a reasonable rate of accuracy (Hard to measure precicely without a second sweeper, and experience has taught me NOT TO TOUCH the regulator arms. EVER :lol: Messing up my own watches is one thing, messing up a gift for a friend is something else ;) )


    A quick mention of the strap which it came with. A honey tan aligator strap with white stitch and polished buckle. The polished buckle found it's way onto one of my 24/22 factory straps ([Edit to add] I didn't think the polished buckle 'looked right' on the dive strap, but, as the watch is solely polished, the polished buckle is a better match for the watch, so I've swapped it onto the dive strap since taking the photos. Looks much more 'balanced' and the brushed buckle is now on the 24/22 strap...) When I ordered the watch, I ordered a spare 26mm dive strap, which I canabalized for buckle and keeper. The keeper went on my own 26mm dive strap so as to 'hold the tail in', and the brushed buckle went on the Radiomir strap for use with my 127.

    The watch cost

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