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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. This is a review of a phone I purchased from Ken. The phone he is advertising as a replica iPhone, is a phone called a Cect P168+.


    Cect sell this phone both with an Apple logo on the case, and as an unbranded phone. I opted to purchase the unbranded version, as research into the P168 has revealed that on the Apple-branded variant, the

  2. You'll get my opinion, yes. I'm interested in finding out more.

    Will you be able to borrow an iPhone for comparison, or nip to your local Apple Store/O2 store, etc.?

    If not, I'll be down in London the first week of March ...

    I've had a look at the iPhones in the o2 store, although this isn't really a comparitive review, just a review of the P168 'as is'.

    The comparitive comments I found on a forum devoted to the P168, and a few observations from my own observations of the iPhone.

    I should have the review online later this evening :)

  3. Unlike replica watches, you can't expect the same functionality in replica phones. Having said that, if you're buying an iPhone for the style, sure, get a rep. I bought mine for the functionality.

    I agree, the functionality is different between the P168 and the iPhone, but, overall, it depends what functions are important to the user, as to if it's actually necessary to buy the iPhone rather than a similar smart-phone.

    Something which should be pointed out though, is, although the P168 is available with an Apple branding, the unbranded phones are not really replicas of the iPhone. Inspired by, (copied :lol: ) certainly, but, it has enough style differences to stand alone simply as a smart-phone. (Even if the best wallpapers and loadscreens are Apple-based ;) )

    Your review of the iPhone was what inspired me to write a review of the P168, so when I post it, I'll be interested for your input.

  4. I was going to suggest, that, rather than the iPhone, you take a look at the Cect P168. (you'll find a load on eBay, and Ken sells them as well) but, if you definitely want 8GB storage, they might not work... They can definitely take 1 and 2 GB transflash cards, but, people are unsure if they can also use the higher capacity.

    If you want something which looks 'close enough' to the iPhone, then it's an awesome phone. I'll be posting a review of mine within 24 hours, so that might be of help :) Of course, if you definitely want an iPhone, then that's that :lol:

  5. To be honest, not much... I know I'm not buying a genuine item, so I don't expect perfection. However, things that would irritate me, if I purchassed such a watch, would be sloppy mistakes such as spelling errors or misaligned texts, as such things are a matter of workmanship/accuracy regardless of the watch being gen or rep. It would be nice if rep lume was better quality, but, it's normally serviceable :)

  6. I've been wearing my 127 solidly since receiving the spring bars from River :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I did swap it to my 029a earlier this evening, as we went to the fair which was in town, and I didn't want to risk the 127 getting smacked around on rides, or worse, taken by pickpockets. (It is now safely back on my wrist) I like the 029a, I really do, but, I wouldn't be devastated if something happened to it. That's not to say that I give my watches the 'cotton wool' treatment, but no point in needlessly exposing my favorite to unnecessary risk :lol:

  7. I am thoroughly anal, I'll admit that. But the irony is that after all the gens I own (or have owned), no one gets more wrist time than my reps.

    I guess at the end of the day, a nice watch is a nice watch, regardless of it being rep or gen, and in all honesty, it's not like reps are cheap chromed metal, they're just as well made as many high street 'fashion watches' :)

    Is the PAM with that flaw you highlighted the '1000 Arktos' (not sure of the model number) ? If it is, and, if you did want to get rid of it, what kind of price would you be looking for?

  8. Well how about this?

    Just when you though you had a perfect rep. And then you see....


    And then it just bugs you so much you have to get rid of it?

    With the greatest of respect, if a single detail like that (which is not even visible on the dial) bothers you, you might need to start buying gens to get 100% perfection... I mean, how often do you, (or anyone else, for that matter) actually scrutinize the back of your watch? ;) Misspellings are one thing, but c'mon, that's just being picky :lol:

    [Edit to add]

    If you feel you absolutely must get rid of it, (A new caseback would solve your dilemma ;) ) if you could show me a pic of the front, I might be interested. I've been thinking about getting an Arktos for my collection for a while...

  9. As much as I love and adore and care for my rep PAMs, flaws bug me. They're like an eyesore on what otherwise be a truly magnificent piece.

    No, I don't care about spelling or crown thickness or the "floppiness" of the CG lever, or even an inaccurate "open 6"!

    It's the lug threads. They STRIP! And all too quickly. After a few strap changes, they can just be slid in and I have to make sure I don't leave my watch on sideways too long or the lugs just happen to fall off!

    I don't want to loctite the thing. Then that defeats the whole purpose. And I tried buying new lug screws. They either just slip right in without screwing it in (same problem as above), or they won't fit properly!

    I really hope they can rep the new strap changing system a la IWC (or J-series PAMs). Then I will stop being an angry young man (a la Billy Joel, without the drunken SUV stuff)

    So, what bugs you about the PAMs?

    As suggested above, some of River's springbars will solve this problem :)

    As for what bugs me...

    I'm not too worried about flaws or accuracy, but, something which does annoy me, is when photographing a sandwich dial, it can sometimes look like a sausage dial. Silly thing, I know, and, afterall, I know it's a sandwich dial, it just irritates me when they don't photograph thusly :)

  10. 020.jpg


    Gemma Arterton looks like a dodgy flasher in that photo. Note how the mac is being held closed at the bottom... No visible clothes at the neckline either. Looks like she's about to do a flash :lol:

    PS Best not let MI5 see that photo... All those dark-skinned men with rucksacks might make their trigger fingers itchy again ;)

  11. And as of right now that is exactly what needs to be determined....if indeed the watch is lost and not returned to Jos then he certaintly deserves his 55% if the buyer is trying to back out of the sale....the 55% should cover all or atleast a good portion of the cost of the watch plus what he has spent on shipping....that fact that he is willing to send him a replacement watch is certainly generous....

    Absolutely so. I agree, the point has been made that return addresses on outgoing parcels are often incorrect, but, as someone else pointed out, there's nothing to stop correct return addresses being listed initially...

    With regards the 55%, I'd still say that, if the watch doesn't make it back, then Josh would only be entitled to keep the cost of the watch from his supplier (so without any of the markup of the final price) and the shipping. Depending on the watch's cost price, that would of course vary the percentage due, and, as mentioned by Doc Savage, that markup can be considerable...

    Indeed, the fact he was willing to ship a replacement was generous, and, to be fair, Josh has always made these kinds of offers. I think the problem is arising, because LJ wanted to actually cancel the deal and get a refund.

    I think, as you say, the eventual fate of the watch needs to be determined, but to be fair to Josh, he has stood up and given his side of the story, and a very fair offer of replacement at the time.

  12. Oh crikey. My first thought is about your conversion, but let's not get into that.

    I have to admit, she's taken it very well. She really is the stereotypical 'old Jewish woman', although she doesn't actually practice (doesn't even keep kosher :o:scratch: ) but in mannerisms and attitude, very much so :lol:

    Are you sitting down? I am actually packing up your (7) straps to send to you, AT LONG LAST. I'll pop them in the post tomorrow. There's gotta be at least one that goes with that robin's egg blue pair of jeans! :lol:

    Since you're not a child, with no need for many surprises, let me just say it's the Toscana Carbon Fibre for your Fiddy.


    I KNOW you don't like black straps -- it's the only one. But this you will love with your jeans, or my name isn't Ethel P. MacGillicuddy!

    Hee hee, I suspect that your name is not Ethel P. MacGillicuddy, but I'm sure I will like it :) It's not so much that I don't like black straps, at all, I do like them, I just prefer them for more formal wear (if they're leather) or extremely casual wear, if they're rubber (or carbon ;) ) as I can get a bit anal about 'matching my leathers' (note how the belt and the shoes pictured are almost a perfect match to each other) Interestingly enough though, and I'm not sure how you'd feel, but when I was wearing my 029a on it's bordeaux(ish) strap, I found that it was almost chameleon-like, in if I wore it with my brown shoes and suede jacket, it blended into the brown spectrum, and when worn with black shoes, equally blends in :) I already know the 127 is an incredibly versatile watch, needing only strap changes to go from smart, to casual, to rugged and functional, but, I have a feeling that the bordeaux strap (when I order one from Tony in a few weeks) will just make the watch a chameleon, needing only strap changes for definite 'rugged use', rather than needing to change for color match smartness :)

    Thanks again for the straps, it really means a lot :)

  13. I think Joshua have to jump in here and give his side of the story......I've only dealth with Joshua since I started collecting (now 1st time with TTK and once with Andrew) and I have had problems with several of my purchases (I've bought a lot), but all were resolved by him in a professional and amicable manner and with constant communications! I have sent watches to him to be fixed or replaced and never....never have I encountered any negative attitude from him! I have complained to him about broken straps and buckles after so many months of use and even without any pictures or returning the said item as proof, he replaces them!

    I agree, it will be interesting to hear Joshua's side of things. However, LJ did post the email received from Josh himself, so there's no way he can really get round only offering the 45% refund, and, as mentioned above, taking dealer markup into account, it's not as if he'd actually be down 55% of the overall transaction (as he'd still have the markup profit from the original sale, even if the watch never made it back to him) An interesting one to keep an eye on, I think...

  14. I have always thought that replacing more easily in such cases was the explanation of their higher prices. Any other explanation why you would pay 20-30% more for any watch ?

    You mean buying from Andrew and Josh? I believe that the explanation of their higher prices, is that they are the Cartel, and know they can charge what they want, and people will still buy from them ;) I quite agree, why pay more, just for the sake of it, one would expect that extra cost to count for something, especially in an event such as this ;)

  15. Why wouldn't it? By my estimation 55% likely the amount that Josh has vested in this transaction. You can't pull out mid deal, whether its going well or not.

    Well, that estimate makes the assumption that the watch was being sold at cost price, it does not take into account dealer markup. As Doc Savage pointed out to Victoria on pg 1:

    You paid $538 for two watches.

    So $538-(dealer costx2)=net gain/loss excluding shipping.

    If you assume a 40% markup, the loss is $106.

    If you assume a 60-80+% markup, like I do, there is still a net gain. ($108-$322)

    So don't shed too many tears for the poor dealer--no one is forcing them to conceal their return address, and who wouldn't eat $100 now and then to prevent bad publicity?

    So to give Josh the benefit of the doubt, rather than just saying "Keep the shipping charge", let's add a 're-stocking charge', as, there are some companies which do this (admitedly, their re-stocking charge is paying the employee who returns the item to the stock room, not actually ordering an entirely new item). We both know that that is going to be much less than what the customer actually paid. Hence, why I feel 55% is an unreasonable percentage to retain.

  16. LMAO!

    If you read the photo title, it's funnier -- REDNECK TIMEOUT. :lol: :lol:

    This is not funny, because it's true. You know how Russian "walruses" go out swimming in the wintry Neva river?

    Well, some mums dip their kids too.



    I love the 'Redneck' series of photos, especially the Redneck Flatscreen TV :lol:

    As for the 'timeout', I think the duck adds to the hilarity :lol:

    Indeed, such dipping's not a good idea. I expect it's some superstition like a dunked baby will never freeze to death or something <_< Doesn't matter what country they're from, redneck stupidity is pretty much a world-wide constant.

  17. Returns to china often do not show up. Chinese customs play a part of this game too... return packages are not just some package... Had this happen twice too (EMS)...

    Interesting. The three times I've sent watches back to China, they all arrived at their destinations. I admit, I did not use 'registered' shipping, and just sent them as a regular package, so the delivery was obviously not as quick as arrival, but, they did arrive. B)

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