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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. last night i had 200grams of boiled chicken breasts along with one big bowl of roughly boiled cauliflower with 2Tbspoons of my own production olive oil, lemon and fresh mixed grinded pepper. I eat this every night and its carb free :) My lunch today was the same boiled chicken with cabbage salad again with olive oil and lemon Plus a small bowl of rice with spinach.

    Sounds delicious right?

    Sounds great :)

    I just had another jacket potato, but with tuna mayonaise (extra low-fat mayonaise, and I mixed it into the tuna myself, so it wasn't too much) Damn I'm lazy :lol: I treated myself to a desert of a single-serving apple pie, and a penguin biscuit :)

  2. Getting a little confused, when you keep referring to the trigger, do you mean the pusher (the button to control the chronos) or the lever (the lever to start / stop the stopwatch?)

    I'm not sure of the function, I just assumed it was the trigger... I'm refering to the black muchroom-shaped pusher above the crown guard.

  3. lol :black_eye:

    i just watched the movie again last week and honestly not one gadget stands out in my mind right now. Maybe it was all the free crak thats affecting my memory lol. We need less naked james bond and more cool gagets and stuff. Oh yeah and they need to go back to ROLEX and dump the omegas!!! haha Here comes the flames from the Omega guys!! :p

    The only gadget that I can think of, would be the defibrilator, and possible the real-time monitoring of Bond's vital signs. However, the technology exists for such a device, so I wouldn't like to say for sure that it could be considered a 'fantasy' gadget, as was the case with previous Bond movies.

    [Edit to add]

    As much as I prefer Omega as a brand to Rolex, indeed, going back to Bond's roots should include going back to a Rolex. That's what Fleming wrote, that's what he should have B)

  4. Indeed, I liked the 'less gadgets' aspect of Casino Royale. Bond didn't really have 'gadgets' as such in the novels (certainly not as they were in the movies) I felt that aspect kept Casino Royale more true to the original spirit of Bond, not the corrupted version people recognize from the movies.

  5. If you read my post on the last page, you'll see that this was a design revision made in 2006, and that the rep is of an older model. Look here to see the current Graham Chronofighter Oversize range.

    Thanks for the link, and indeed, that's interesting to know about the difference in trigger shape. The photo on the link, actually cuts the very tip off of the trigger, so it's impossible to view the total height of the top. The angled section (which is barely visible) would appear to correspond more to the 'short' trigger in the first gen pics shown, rather than the 'long' trigger of the rep, and the 2nd gen pics shown. In the second gen pics shown, it's amusing that the photographer removed the serial number from one shot, but not the other :lol:

  6. I'm not overly familiar with the brand, and have only just viewed this topic for the first time. But. As soon as I saw the gen watch for comparison, I immediately noticed that the trigger above the crown is a different shape. The 'head' of the trigger on the rep is about twice as high as it should be, and with less of an angle down to the stem.

    It's a nice watch, for sure, but, if such an error can be spotted so quickly when compared to the gen, it hardly rates as 1:1... As mentioned in the other thread on this issue, 1:1 should mean identical details (certainly of such a key component) Sorry.

    [Edit to add]

    Having looked through the rest of the thread, and seeing the second set of gen photos (with the black CG Lever), the trigger on that is the same as the rep, so perhaps there is variation in triggers depending on CG color... The trigger on the first gen shown definitely has a smaller 'head' on the trigger than the other two...

  7. Honesty.... hope I did not offend anyone with my response to this poll....just having a little fun....

    Tee-Jay....you have brought up an excellent point....if you have poor vision and would like to know what time it is when you wake up in the middle of the night....then I suppose that wearing a watch (With good lume) to bed is a good idea....otherwise....you are all very very strange....lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I use a digital alarm clock with a HUGE font....so seeing the time is never an issue for me....no wonder your reasoning never occurred to me....

    No offence taken at all :) Another reason why I'll wear a watch instead of using an alarm clock, is that to get to sleep, I need a room to be pretty much pitch black (and that means no 'standby' lights or displays illuminated) so not only would the light from that disturb me, if I was to wake up, the time and effort it would take me to focus on an alarm clock, would be enough to 'wake me up', where if I can just look at my watch, see where the hands are, I can just go back to sleep :lol: To be honest, my eyesight isn't so bad that I wouldn't be able to read a bedside alarm clock, but, just waking up, it would take a bit of effort to make sense of the display ;)


    I wear this rep:


    With it's funky cyclops and solid mid-links. It's got the best lume of any of my reps, though. I read the time at 5:00 a.m. and I don't have to squint at the clock radio.


  8. This was on the MSN Homepage. Copy and pasted for your reading pleasure :) ( I haven't actually read it through myself yet :lol: )

    Daniel Craig: MSN Interview

    Daniel Craig is two weeks into the shoot of Quantum Of Solace when we meet him on set at Pinewood Studios. He

  9. Chronologie was more than half-decent and definitely captured the contemporary 'techno' style of the day, but might not have appealed to die-hard fans.

    I agree his later stuff was poo, but it might have had something to do with the fact he'd fallen out with Polydor/Disques Dreyfus and was just seeing out the remainder of his contract with them.

    Topped in 1990 with his 'Paris La Defense' concert to mark the 200th anniversary of French Independence (I watched the concert from the Palais de Congres on my 21st birthday :))

    Topped again in 1997 in Moscow.

    Chronologie was the album I whacked on just now without thinking about it :lol:

    I didn't know what about the concerts, bit not surprizing that he's still ablwe to pull in the crowds.

    I didn't know about his falling out with Polydor either, but that would certainly explain the quality of some of his work... That's way of fullfilling a contract, but not actually doing best work. Afterall, it's not his fault if people don't like the music ;) Zoolook was pretty controversial when it came out, but now probably considered groundbreaking rather than just [censored] :lol:

  10. Just got my custom made HBB!! I asked Angus to put a polished ceramic bezel on the "all gold" HBB, along with a smooth rubber strap (to match the smooth dial), and here's the rather impressive result (IMO)!




    The HBB has never been one of my favorite watches, indeed, often, quite the reverse (although my wife is seldom without her HBB Aspen) But. That watch I like. I've always had a weakness for custom-made/customized things, and that is absolutley awesome :1a::1a::1a:

  11. The quality of output from Oxygene (1976) to Waiting for Cousteau (1990) was awesome. IMHO nearly everything he's done since then has been a huge let down, and in some cases it's been downright disgraceful.

    I'd have to agree with you there. What did you think of Oxygene 7-13?

  12. Not much call for Cuban cuisine where you are, I imagine. :)

    Not much indeed :lol: Damn county of inbreds... Whoops, did I say that out loud? ;)

    If you ever get down to Windsor, look up "Latino Greek Restaurant", a stones' throw from the Castle itself.


    They serve the best Picadillo and Taramasalata in England (don't ask)...

    A bit off the beaten track for me, but I'll bear it in mind , thanks for the suggestion :) I think it's been well over a year since I went any further into London than Kings Cross, and then along to Euston (with the obligatory stop at The Rocket for lunch in between, of course ;) ) I keep meaning to get into Covent Garden. Really need to get to Walkabout.... B)

  13. Err, yes, they do like their pork for Christmas, but it is by no means their daily staple.

    Almost every dish they have is pork-free. My fave of theirs is the palomilla steak (cubed steak), ropa vieja (shredded beef on tomato sauce), and picadillo (ground beef and raisins). :)

    Ahh, I might well have to get better aquainted with Cuban cuisine :)

    You have to be careful as I had to be, not to confuse Tex-Mex with pure Mexican food, TeeJay. Fajitas are Tex-Mex. They are not unknown in Mexico, but not part of their cuisine. Sadly.

    I love fajitas too!

    I had a friend from San Diego who once commented that the only difference between Mexican dishes, was the way it was wrapped :lol:

    A local pub used to do a really nice 'Tex-Mex Platter' for sharing, with chicken bites, corn on the cob, onion rings and garlic bread. Probably not very 'authentic', but very nice. Sadly, they stopped doing it :(

    I love Coke...but I also love Pepsi. I'm easy. :p

    Of the two, I prefer Pepsi. This was Tesco's own American Classic cola, which has a hint of vanilla. Not enough to really affect the taste, but it makes the liquid itself seem 'smoother'. :)

  14. In the past three days, I've had Chinese, Italian, and Cuban. Here is the latter, a "dorado" (Mahi Mahi) with rice and black beans.


    They like to fry their foods too much, and I can't get used to having everything with rice. At least it's not spicey food like Mexican food, which I can't stand.

    Today, I'm thinking Japanese (sashimi). :)

    That does look rather nice... Are there any Cuban dishes which don't include pork?

    I'm not over-keen on extremely spicy food, but I do like some Mexican meals :) Chicken fajitas are something else I can prepare well (and about the limit to the effort I'm prepared to go to with food preperation ;) )

    Just to note, that the pint of cola I had, is still going strong, it wasn't guzzled down in one go :lol:

  15. Talk about High G.I carbs overload which leads to insulin sensitivity and therefore can lead to fat storage <_<


    I fall in the "won't cook" catagory, so tend to go for the easiest option. I would've had noodles, but didn't have any available :lol:

    Also, I probably won't eat anything else until about 7-8 this evening :) (Last few weeks, I ate nothing but 2 bowls of cereal and a main meal each day, so now I need to shock my body with higher calory intake before it goes into 'starvation mode', and the reduced intake stops working ;) )

  16. Why in the world would you sleep with a watch on....

    So I can tell what the time is if I wake up in the middle of the night, without having to a) try and read an alarm clock without my glasses on, b ) don't have to fumble about for a watch on a nightstand, which can lead to said watch or glasses hitting the floor, and c ) having to then turn on a light and burn my retinas out / wake up my wife trying to find said watch and glasses.

    Much easier to just charge the lume before bed and keep it on. :whistling:

    I don't wear my PAMs in water if they're on leather straps. I wore my 111h (on SS) when I went swimming in the Med last year, and, despite people being convinced it would leak, it didn't. :yeah: The Radiomir I have bought for a friend's birthday in february, is on a rubber strap, and that has been immersed in a hot bath for about 20 minutes without so much as a bubble or hint of condensation in the case. Result :victory:

  17. Nice to know there are Jarre fans on the board :) TeeJay, I haven't yet got the new Oxygene album but I have heard that it's very good. It's a DVD isn't it? It has some videos/graphics playing while the music is played?

    In fact, the only albums I've heard of his are the 3 oldest he did in the late 70's, Oxygene, Equinoxe and Magnetic Fields. I didn't really bother to look into his other albums but just doing a quick google, I found out that there's quite a few of them, looks like I have some downloading to do tonight ;)

    Indeed his concerts are something else, doesn't he hold the Guiness Books Record for the most number of people attending a concert, and this was in 1981 I think in Paris? His laser shows/fireworks are spectacular, I haven't actually attended a concert but I've seen it on TV :p but even on tv I can tell that it must have been quite an experience.

    I'm not too sure about the format for Oxygene 7-13, as I only have it in MP3 form. It is a fantastic album though, and follows on from where the first Oxygene album finished. Oxygene pt 7 is accoustically, a 'negative image' of Oxygene Pt 4. Absolutely awesome track :)

    Other interesting albums of his, are Zoolook (very revolutionary) Waiting for Coustea, and T

  18. Huge fan right here. I've been rolling the cuffs of my shirt sleeves back since I saw the album cover to Images, about 18 years ago :lol:

    I've got all the albums (home copied tape versions from when I was still at school :p ) and now got them as MP3s from my father in law's collection (who is also a huge Jarre fan) I did buy Images (first in tape, then in CD format) from a shop, as well as the Chronologie album (also on tape, if I recall) The only example of his work I haven't heard, is the Music for Supermarkets album. I'll get it one day ^_^

    [Edit to add]

    I trust you have bought the new Oxygene album ;)

  19. Ok, and if trafficking in counterfeit goods became illegal tomorrow, would you give it up? Oops, it already is. Please present your ID card and licenses for all your watches.

    That's a bit of a false statement though, because ownership of reps is not illegal. Besides, what would they do to me if it was? Fine me? Put me in 'debtors gaol'? C'mon, the courts try and avoid custodial sentances whereever possible because the jails are full to capacity (if not over-crowded). They've got bigger fish to fry.

    Member of any religious groups? We know you are, and we know that groups you have ties to are involved in terrorism. You are what the UK calls "Potential Terrorist", much like anyone with a 70s punk collection.

    And I'm sure my name is on a list, and someone has the pleasure of reading my emails and forums posts. As I said before though, it doesn't bother me. I have nothing to hide (other than a few hookey watches, my ownership of which is not a crime anyway) so I don't fear scrutiny.

    It's not about Big Brother watching you, it's about Civil Servants with personal agendas having access to Big Brother's video tapes. One mad lefty/fascist civil servant (or agent of the government, gas board, library system, etc.) with a personal agenda can access any information they desire and profile the population any way they want.

    You don't have to have a guilty conscience to know this doesn't really appear to have any positive benefit for the cost.

    I quite agree, and that's why I don't trust the government to manage the data, and why I think it shouldn't all be kept in one database.

    I was pointing out why he should have a problem with Big Brother watching him.

    But I don't. As I said, I might not have a problem with Big Brother watching me, but I can still understand why others might. Perhaps I'm just someone who craves the stability of a totally dictated and monitored environment... Time for my next shot of Prozium, I think...

  20. Maybe I've watched too many movies and read too much UFO stuff, but I really don't think the government have our best interests at heart ;):lol:

    I'm not saying all, but certainly some governments who portray themselves to be the all righteous then go and do things which portrays them as the opposite. I mean, we can't deny that there are many things that are witheld from us. The topic of UFO's being a classic one, we know that theres something that governments of the world know something is going on, but have lied to cover up things, the Roswell case being an example, I don't know how many times the US government has changed their story about what happened on that day, its incredible.

    Don't get me started on the CIA :lol:

    If only it was just UFOs that showed that to be the case, but it's pretty much everything which shows the governments just don't really care about us. For example. Drugs. Governments say don't do drugs, drugs are bad, drugs will %&^*( up your health. Okay. Sounds reasonable, but, if that's the case, why is the NHS teetering on bancruptcy and about to collapse, with pensioners dying in corridors, and people going to hospitals getting infectected with MRSA and winding up with the shits?? So much for concern about our health! :lol: No, the sad fact is the government clamps down on drugs, because they don't like the fact that they can't tax it, and are just [censored] at the lost revinue ;)

  21. This is the Frankensteinian question we've had to contend with, since the Industrial Revolution when machines superceded men. :)

    It's really not that we don't trust our goverments. It's that we are not sure of our technologies. They're scary, and seem to run away with ideas before our laws to protect us are in place. Isn't that what those who are opposed to IDs, have really been saying above?

    Oh, BTW, forgot to add:

    Post-Modern World: Superior Technology

    *Thinks about it...*

    Noo, it's definitely a case that I don't trust the government :lol:

    The problem with 'laws', is that criminals don't care about them, and simply ignore them. Laws only work on the law-abiding. People all have their own reasons for being against ID cards, and, in a similar vein, reminds me of opinions espoused by some American Left-Wingers, against the Patriot Act, and how it infringed their rights to privacy etc. Okay, yes, I agree, it does infringe constitutional rights, and that is not right. But, why are people so afraid of scrutiny? What are they afraid will be revealed about them?

    I'd be quite happy living here:


    Whoops, happiness is an emotional response, I've missed my Interval... Time for my Prozium.

    ;) Seriously though, I've no problem with Big Brother watching me. Although I can understand why others might.

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