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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. The only watch classified as a UPO is the one sold by Andrew or Josh (I forget which). The watches sold by Silix (and other dealers) are simply classed as Planet Oceans. They do not have the U(ltimate) prefix. The real thing, is the Planet Ocean Big Size, model number 2901.50.91. If you go into an AD and ask to see a You Pee Oh, they'll probably either look at you like you've got two heads, or laugh their ass off. If you want to get a rep watch serviced, then there are a number of modders on the forum who are renouned for the quality of their work. If you want to get the work done locally to you, then your best bet is to try a small, independant jewellers, and ask if they do watch repairs. Best of luck with your purchase
  2. That's the rotor spinning. Nothing to worry about, it's when you can't feel it rotating that you need to worry
  3. I actually wore my 029a for a while earlier. Since that strange 'hiccup' of it stalling, it's run flawlessly / I took it off though, and am now wearing my PVD 111g
  4. This has always been my favorite view of it:
  5. Fantastic place, I haven't been in a few years, which is a shame, as I know my fiance would love it. I heard a rumor that they re-modeled Smugglers so it's no longer 'pirate themed' and now just another soulless wine bar... Oh, here's some pics of where I've lived...
  6. TeeJay


    That's absolutely fantastic, thanks for sharing the experience Would I be correct in thinking that every detail, including lines, was done by single presses of the implement? (looks like sharpened bamboo)
  7. Not often that I wear my sleeves down, let alone a suit jacket, but here're a few shots of various watches, I hope folks enjoy them
  8. TeeJay


    I will indeed The 111h, which will be the dial donor, has been returned to the watchsmiths to see if they can correct their mistake. If they can't, it's not a big problem, the watch will still be useable as a donor for this, and potentially other, projects. I've been quoted a 2-3 week turn around, so I'm hoping to get enough comissions between now and then to pay for the relume and dial swap I'm sure that the lettering on the dial is incorrectly printed (too small, I think), but I'll be interested for your professional opinion of the quality of the lume, as it seems to be the best of any of my watches thus far
  9. TeeJay


    Makes me want to get my 111g worked on even more
  10. Something I have noticed with the lume on my 111g, (100% untouched factory) is that following a charge under a light, it had a very bright 'initial' glow, but, any other light ie daylight, street lamp, will 'overpower' the lume, and the indices will appear as during the day. This 'initial' glow, only appears to last for a few minutes (although I haven't actually timed this decay, and, in itself is hard to accurately gauge due to my own eye's adaptation to lower light conditions) However, I can say that if I wake up at 5 AM, although the lume is no longer 'bright', it is still visible, and clear enough that I can easily read the time. None of my other watches have still been readable after 5 hours.
  11. Having moderated a forum where multiple accounts lead to a lot of problems, I'll wish you luck in deleting and banning the multiple accounts. Setting up a new account due to a log-in error is one thing, having a load of accounts for the sake of trolling and arguing with one's self is just pathetic... Best of luck, guys
  12. They're definitely something which grow on people, but, I have to admit, still not something which are to everyone's taste. I like them as the dials are so clear and easy to read. The things like the decorated movement and handwinding are just 'bonus features' [Edit to add] Best of luck with the 177, I bet it starts getting priority wrist time
  13. TeeJay


    I bet I'd also be interested to see how it compares to the sensation of traditional Maori tattooing (where the word tattoo is derived) and the sensation of traditional Japanese tattoos (aka irezumi - inserted ink) which, from the pictures, appears a similar process to the Yants. [Edit for double post]
  14. That takes some cojones to do that, I most definitely approve
  15. Thanks I have to admit, PAMs themselves are very much an acquired taste, and, PVDd versions even more so. I'd go so far as to say it's very much a 'love it or hate it' look. That said, having gotten to appreciate the PAM aesthetic more and more, I think the PVD is something I've 'worked up to', and probably wouldn't've selected as a first PAM. Something else I do like about it, is it's, surprizingly, a very subtle watch, and 'wears' much smaller than the identically sized 111h. For some reason (well, I know it's the color ) it just doesn't appear to 'stand out' from the wrist as much, while still being eye-catching in it's own way Nice I have to admit, the strap I'm using is a bit darker than what I plan on using permanantly on the watch, but, until the 24mm buckles I ordered arrived, I'm stuck with the factory strap from my 111h I think a pale strap like in your top photo will be my permanant choice Out of curiosity, how long have you had the watch, and how have you found the durability of the PVD?
  16. TeeJay


    Thanks To be honest, the basic design was one I'd worked on, on and off, altering bits here and there, for about a year, so when it came to get it done, I knew I was totally happy with it. After that, I started going more on impulse, and trusting my instincts (the extension work on my arms and glyphs on my wrist (I have another on my right wrist which I haven't photographed yet ) ) but, because I didn't stray from the 'existing theme', never had a reason to dislike the design or regret the decision Fantastic Do you have any pics of it fully healed? Out of curiousity, how did you find the sensation of having it done, compared to your other tattoos (which I assume were done by machine)?
  17. That's me summed up As for Scientology... I read Battlefield Earth in one 12 hour sitting. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of that fact...
  18. As promised, here're the shots of my 111h ticking away underwater in the Med. These were taken after some rigorous swimming against the tides (although not to any great depths), where the caseback was secured by nothing greater than thumbpressure with the aid of rubber gloves. Not a bubble, not a hint of leaking. I swam a few days afterwards, and again, no problem. This watch has never been pressure tested or waterproofed since purchase, and infact, was opened up and stripped down by a watchsmith (who succeeded in shredding the crown gasget a little) but it still didn't leak.
  19. TeeJay


    That's a fantastic collection, and definitely awesome reference material, thanks for sharing it I've recently seen a Koi Carp Calender, which I'm tempted to buy as reference material, as it not only shows the fish, but loads of different color variations That is so true. Nothing worse than differing styles of tattoos clamouring for attention on the body. As beautiful as Angelina Jolie is, her tattoos are a shining example of the 'stamp collection'. The individual pieces, fine (especially the Yak Sant on her shoulder) but they just don't look so great viewed as a whole... Even when I've expanded (or planned to expand) my existing design, I've always been carefull to either keep a similar appearance, or just repeat entire shape groups entirely (as was done with the expansion work on my biceps) Thanks for the suggestion. I'd seen the style before (Angelina's shoulder tattoo) but never knew the name
  20. Their 'anonymity' is one of the things I really like about PAMs. I admit, my favorite thing about them, is that their large dials are very easy to read, but, when wearing one, it's nice to not worry about hearing the "is it real?" that Rolexes seem to always provoke. Yes, it's a real watch. It tells the time Ohh, you meant did I have to sell a kidney to afford one from a shop... I did not
  21. TeeJay


    Nothing worse that a 'tramp stamp' or 'ass antlers' half-way up the back The proper positioning for such a tattoo, really is just above the curve of the buttocks, so when undressed, the tattoo doesn't look like it's 'floating' half-way up the back... If it's visible above a waistband (and is a thin design) then it's too high up... Absolutely. This time last year, I'd've told anyone who'd listen about the 'evils of Islam', but how my tune has changed now Hee hee, I too once thought I'd never get a PAM. Whoopsie That's okay, it's a scar that I've always had, or rather, that I've had as long as I can remember. I had an aortic coarctation performed when I was 18 months old, so have a 'J' shaped scar running from the middle of my left ribcage beneath my arm, up and around the shape of my left shoulderblade. As scars go, it's aesthetically pleasing, ie flat, evenly jointed, not 'dotted', but, I've always been self-conscious about it, so I wanted something to distract from it Thanks I do indeed Excellent programme I have to admit, I think Chris Garver and Chris Nunes are more talented artists than Ami James, but it's always interesting to watch, and, I think, actually tempting Emily's mum to have a tattoo done Skinny Emo was the best description I could come up with It wasn't their age that was the problem, as I think they were about my age, the thing that was ludicrous, was that he was wearing a T-Shirt, when the weather dictated a jacket and sweater for comfort as it really was very cold, and it was just so obvious that he was only wearing the T-Shirt to show off his sleeve. Another time, I saw a BMXer who had a design on their forearm. One sleeve of their hoodie was rolled up, the other was down Subtlety, folks, is the name of the game No problem at all, it's an open offer, and, if you should know anyone else that might need something custom drawn, by all means let me know, just please, don't let them go into Miami Ink, as I can't stand how, on the show, if someone goes in with reference material, they're all "That's not so good, let's do something else..." Golden Rule of tattooing... Do what the client wants (even if it's garbage) as they're the one who has to wear the ink, not the artist... Constructive criticism and suggestion on a design is one thing, but what I've seen them do on the show (which I know is heavily edited for TV excitement) would make me leave a tattoo studio in a matter of minutes
  22. TeeJay


    I know what you mean, but it really was a bizarre and sudden shift in perception. One year, I didn't really want a tattoo, then, I saw Blade and From Dusk Till Dawn, and really liked the idea of getting a tattoo (to distract from a huge scar on my left ribcage), and my design was predominantly influenced by the design of Blade's tattoo, as was the glyph tattoo, which, although similar to those from the first movie, is a unique design, and one I use as an artist's signature on work I do I don't think it's so much the designs, but the behaviour of the person. As you say, someone pushing up the sleeves of a formal suit to show off a tattoo is a pretty silly thing to do. I actually saw a prime example of this behaviour a few hours ago. Emily and I were planning on going out with some friends, but, once out, she wasn't feeling up to it, so we decided to head home. On the way through the bus stop, we passed a group heading in the opposite direction. One of the guys (a skiny Emo sort) had his left arm fully sleeved with geometric designs. Not a bad design, but, given the temperature was about 10 C, and everyone had jackets on and was hunched against the cold, and he was only wearing a T Shirt, made his attire more than a little obvious and foolish If you ever change your mind and decide you do want a design done, just let me know, and I'll draw something up for you (I drew the stencils for all of my own tattoos) Thanks I know tribal's not a style everyone likes. Personally, my favorite style of tattoos is classic Japanese, but, I do like things to be symetrical, and tribal is a style which lends itself well to symetry and repetition A half-suit would look really sharp, but don't forget, it's not necessary to have a perfect physique for such tattoos, and, in the case of Japanese suits, they are often covering a multitude of sins
  23. TeeJay


    Thanks That's a real shame about your artist, burns are nasty things, I hope he recovers well and is able to get back to work. Looking forward to the photos Thanks That particular photo is about 4 years old, and was taken when the design only went across my shoulders/deltoids, the photo above shows how I had it expanded a while later down my biceps and neck. Funnily enough, when I was younger, I swore that I would never get a tattoo, and couldn't even stand to draw on my hand in biro without washing it off right away, but suddenly, I had the urge to get a tattoo, and had my first one done (the small glyph on the base of my neck) the day before my 23rd birthday. After that, it wasn't long before I had the other work done, and about 3 years ago, I had the glyph tattoo repeated on my inner wrist. I've pretty much decided on what I think would look good with the UV expansion, but I'm waiting to hear back from the company (and then the artist) about the UV ink, so fingers crossed there
  24. TeeJay


    That sounds like a really interesting design, I'll look forward to seeing the completed work
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