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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I have a cousin called Vikki who is always called Vikki, but always writes her name Victoria (the same cousin doomed to wear quartz watches for the rest of her natural ) The only time I use/write the full form of my name, is on Ultra Official documentation. Anything else, even employment contracts, I just used the shortened version
  2. Well, a second opinion on the regulation is always welcome Thanks, I'm sure all will be well. Interesting note, the watch stopped almost precicely the same length of time as it did when I first got it to run for more than a few hours. Eight hours, and a few minutes. That seems too precice to be coincidence. I managed to get one wind onto crown, and it then ran for about 5-10 minutes, so, I removed the back (thanks to non-slip matting) and used a cocktail stick to allow the spring to completely unwind (as per instructions given to V earlier) and then completely re-wound it. Time will tell how soon it stops this time Just to be on the safe side, I've thrown my 2531.80 in my strap case should it fail completely
  3. That conjures up images from The Man Who Made Husband's Jealous (novel, not dramatisation, of course)
  4. Upon investigation, the rubber gloves I needed for removing the caseback appear to have been thrown out, and I have no intention of pawing through the garbage like a starving racoon just to swap a caseback Ultimate result, a choice governed entirely by chance and circumstance, is that I wear the 111h on SS, and then swap to leather straps for more formal situations Thanks for the advice and reading
  5. Not a problem, and absolutely nothing to apologise for This was pretty much my thinking too. One part of me is saying, had I not gone into the jeweller's today, I'd've worn the 029 (but, with the 'stall' taken into account, I might have just worn my Planet Ocean instead...) However, I think the 029 has the potential to a more catastrophic failure should it 'stall' again, where the 111h I can just keep winding. (and of course, I can wear the 111h on the leather strap (my preference) for smarter occasions like restaurant visits...) I have to admit, I wasn't planning on doing too much swimming, but, I didn't want to have to worry about getting a leather strap wet, so felt the SS was the best option. That's a good idea about the backup. Seeing as I really wanted to use the GMT feature, I might well do that (or take the 111h with it's taped up back as well, so I can continue to monitor it's performance) Thanks for the advice
  6. Both have plusses and minuses, and I really can't decide The problem is that both are having to 'share' a caseback, so it's a case of one or the other... The 111h has been running strangely since I had the movement cleaned, but, always starts when wound, and has (touch wood) been running smoothly since I reclaimed it from the jeweller's this morning. The 111h can also accept the SS bracelet I bought specifically for this vacation so I could wear it while swimming. The 029 has quickly established itself as a nice watch, but, it can't accept the SS bracelet. It ran smoothly for two days, but 'stalled' this morning. Neither winding nor shaking would start it, but, when I removed the back to test fit it on the 111h, I stroked the balance wheel with the strap screwdriver, and it started at once, and has been running smoothly ever since. Now, before I got the 111h back, I was rather looking forward to using the GMT function while in Spain, but, I'm more concerned that should the 029 stop, too much tinkering near the balance wheel will completely [censored] up the movement, where all the 111h requires, is more winding, so potentially less maintenance and less chance of me accidentally damaging something... Aesthetically, I like both watches, and prefer different things about each, although my fiance said that she prefers how the 029 looks. So, any suggestions?? TIA
  7. Sorry for the old shot, but this is what I'm wearing I went into the jewellers today and asked for my watch back as I wanted to see if the 029 caseback would fit. It did. The watch has been running for 3.5 hours without problem, so fingers crossed, it might be wearable on my trip to Spain, which means I can actually get use of the SS Bracelet I bought specifically so I could swim with the watch on Really wierd occurence, the 029 'stalled' this morning before I went into town. Shaking it did nothing, nor did hand-winding the stem, so I removed the caseback, went into town, and put it out of my mind (although I was pretty [censored] that I wouldn't have a PAM to wear) When I got home, I tried the caseback on the 111h, and it screwed on no trouble. Only slight glitch, is, as the caseback is slightly more shaped, it's pulling the bracelet in a little bit tighter than normal. Back to the 029. It still wasn't responding to shaking (although the rotor was spinning cleanly), nor hand-winding (which felt like it was ratcheting as normal) so out of curiousity, I touched the balance wheel with the screwdriver I use to swap my PAM bracelet/straps about, and, it started working. It has also been running soundly for the past few hours, so now, I'm waiting to see which (if either) craps out first (I have to admit, my suspicions are on the 111h) but, assuming they're both okay by the time I leave tomorrow, I have to decide which to take... The 029, which I can't fit the SS bracelet to for swimming, but does have the GMT function for tracking 'home time', or, the 111h, which accepts all the bracelets and straps, but will require re-setting on the plane. Decisions decisions
  8. I'll have to take the blame here, I started using the letter, as I don't like using people's real names on open forum. In Japanese culture, it is very common for an apprentice to incorporate part of their Master's name into their own, or even be known by that name, plus numbers, like the tattoo Master, Horiyoshi III
  9. I know what you mean. To be honest, I don't mind dealing with a drop-shipper as long as I know that in advance, so know that there might be some risk involved. What annoys me with Silix, is as you say, they state they check watches and use 'QC' (or customs seizures) as justification for delays, when I think the truth is more likely that orders are simply sat on until someone emails to ask for a status, and then the excuses come out. It's like the stuff I'm waiting for. I know that the instant I email, I'll be told that the goods have been seized, and a new parcel will be delivered. I also know that all the time I don't email, nothing will arrive. Now, if these goods are legitimately seized by customs, a ) where is the threatening letter to me from Customs telling me this, and b ) if they know the goods are seized (which they must know to tell someone that's what's happened) then why not just re-ship the goods immediately? Why wait to be contacted? Sure, Silix might not misrepresent the product like the Cartel have, but the lies to the customers are just as insulting...
  10. Sorry to hear about the troubles, V, I hope it won't be too costly to have fixed
  11. Hmmm... That's not looking 'fully modded' at all... Strike one for the dealer... Promises to 'make it right' are one thing, but getting it right first time, is prefereable I hope you get a satisfactory resolution on the deal, best of luck
  12. Fantastic I think the best one I heard about was a group of Russian farmers were out on a bender, when one used a chainsaw to cut the tip of his foot off. Another declared "That's nothing!" Grabbed the chainsaw, swung it round and intentionally decapitated himself
  13. That's the truth I take it you've heard of the Darwin Award? They're always good for a chuckle (that is if you are someone who finds humor in schadenfreude. I do. ) and I suspect that things like vending machine 'attacks' might make a few appearances
  14. Nearly 12 weeks ago, Silix promised to send me a replacement dial because the wrong model watch had been sent to me. I was also promised a jubilee bracelet which had not been put into the parcel with the (incorrect) watch. I am still waiting for them to arrive. Actually, that's not quite right. I'm no longer waiting, as I am resigned to the fact that they will not be arriving. However, I am still minus goods paid for. Re a response about waterproofing, Silix is a drop-shipper. It is a physical impossibility for him to check the goods he sells. When I ordered an Omega Speedmaster X-33 from him, it had a second hand which kept stopping (as the battery was nearly flat) and several faux-screws from the caseback were missing. Things which any examination by anyone would have been noted as unacceptable. You are, of course, free to buy from whoever you like, however, from my own experiences, I would not recommend Silix as someone to do business with. Best of luck with your purchase
  15. Thanks for the replys folks So you (personally) keep the primary hands on your home timezone and while abroad use the GMT hand for the local time?
  16. As above, I'd say re-lume the dial, have the crystal AR coated (especially if going for black dial option) and re-sand to a mirror finish the polished sections of the links. The cross isn't an issue depending on which version of the watch purchased Of course, the one thing I would point out, is, outside of watch circles, this watch is a virtual unknown. It's a marque that the majority of people won't've even heard of, so, if the intention is to make the rep less distinguishable than the gen, given tha majority of it's viewers would not know the flaws at all, the mod money would be a bit wasted. Out of the box, it is an incredibly nice watch.
  17. I'm sure I've read somewhere that there are more vending machine-related fatalities each year than shark attacks
  18. When abroad, which hands do folks use to track 'local time', and which hand to track 'home time'? Do folks set the main hands to 'local time' (whereever you are), and then when abroad, re-set the main hands accordingly, and use the GMT hand to track 'home time', or do you keep the main hands set on 'home time' and set the GMT hand to track the 'local time'? I only ask as I've never been abroad with a GMT watch before, and wondered how folks prefered to use the function.
  19. That's an awesome hide. When I get back from my holiday, I'll definitely be wanting a strap made from that Excellent find
  20. Oh absolutely, there's always the exception to the rule, I just found it refreshing to see a 'risti who understood (or appeared to) why some folks only buy reps rather than gens, in contrast to the occasional self-loathers here who beat themselves up for liking reps, and aspiring only to the hights of modding perfection to get that 100% gen look.
  21. Now they've got my prescription in, and I can see how utterly w/\nk they look on me, I've no intention of wearing them, and have another pair on order. Oh well, last time I listen to the advice of a sales assistant who just wants my money in the till. Damn my weakness for snooty older women
  22. A couple of the responses there intrigued me: That just re-enforces to me, that buying a genuine watch is pretty pointless, and nothing more than brand-worship. If the difference is that close, then seriously, why bother spending extra cash for a barely perceptible difference, which only a true obsessive would recognise? (I only say obsessive, as there's a difference between appreciating and liking something, and that 'next level' up the interest ladder. A 'risti who 'gets it' Possibly someone who could be 'converted' As for FinePics, utter scumbag for trying to reinvent himself thus. A bit like former burglars who then become Security Consultants... He'll no doubt be up to his old games there, and I doubt they'll be as forgiving of his behaviour as folks here have been. One way or another, be it in this life or the next, he'll be getting his comeuppance...
  23. That strap suits the watch completely. Absolutley awesome combo
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