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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I totally agree there. Stephane, you're a good guy, but seriously, you have no business whatsoever cajoling people to pay. As mentioned, it is distastefull, makes you sound like a jerk for doing it, and certainly makes you lose respect. To be clear, I have no intention of ever subscribing to this forum. I contribute to the forum by sharing information with others, just as others shared information with me, and, when I get my 2531.80 SMP back, I will be writing a comparitive review for everyone's benefit. I know you mean well, but seriously, it does not come across as anything other than harassing people for money.
  2. I actually don't drive (never needed to get anywhere enough to need to learn) but, oneday, I'll get round to it. When I do, I plan on owning either of these custom beauties (created through photoshop trickery) Mazda MX-5 'Viper' Nissan Skyline (2 Fast 2 Furious)
  3. Here're some better quality pics of the watch... As mentioned above, the strap was taken from a cheap watch, and fitted with the OEM Omega buckle. Big improvement over the stock bracelet.
  4. I got an email today suggesting that I might like to ship the watch back (at my expense) or have a replacement shipped out (at my expense) I replied that given I paid nearly doublt the 'catalogue price' for it, there's no way I'm paying for anything... I don't mind if I just get sent replacement parts and have to fit them myself, but I'm sure not paying for a replacement for something that was never QCd, it'll be interesting to see if he'll be prepared to simply send me the replacement parts as I suggested... Likewise, I wanted it for several reasons really. Sometimes I have to 'dress down', so wanted a watch which was a decent brand, but wouldn't look 'too flash', and the X-33 fit that criteria perfectly (especially on the leather strap). I've always been interested in space, so that was another plus, as was the fact that Tom Cruise wore a modified X-33 in Minority Report (I also collect movie memorabelia) so several reasons why I thought it'd be a good watch to get. In terms of functions... It has a stopwatch, a night light, date function, and an alarm. But. It is not the same 'operating system' as on the gen X-33, and the alarm is nowhere near 85 decibels. Infact, the alarm is barely audible, and is barely noticeable while awake, it would certainly never wake someone up... If you don't need the multiple timers and alarms, it should be more than adequate for any general wear. As far as I know, Jay is the only source, I've certainly not seen any other dealers offering the watch. Also, I read a TZ article which said that the gen watch was pulled from 'civilian sales' in the summer of 2006, so tracking one down at all could be problematic... Thanks, the strap was from a very cheap watch, but it has a nice look to it, and the OEM Omega buckle worked wonders on it. I think the strap really gives it a nice look, and funnily enough, the majority of astronauts and pilots who wear them, wear them on leather or kevlar straps, not the metal bracelets Thanks for the warning Was that the entire bezel, or just the insert coming out of the bezel?
  5. Which would see more wrist time? Do you have a reason to buy another watch (for a certain occasion or activity) or would it simply be 'one for the collection? If it's just be an 'extra purchase', I'd suggest investing the money on reluming the SuperOcean...
  6. I've found going into independant jeweller's/watchsmiths and simply asking if they do repairs on automatic watches, to be a good opening gambit. I them mention that the watch is a replica, and gauge their reaction. I've only had one person unwilling to actually work on a rep watch, but, that was because I'd asked them if they could build a watch from parts ordered, and they were unwilling to undertake work where they were unable to guarantee the end result. Other than that, they were reasonably competant, but, their slow turn around forced me to find another watchsmith, and they have been much more willing to work on my reps. I guess patience is the key requirement
  7. Okay, this arrived for me on thursday from Silix. Bit of a mixed bag. Looks nice enough, but, there's a flaw with the analogue movement, the second hand keeps sticking, and it is losing quite a bit of time. Jay has been emailed, to see what we can do, but, at present, I have not had a reply. Given the site lists the price at 49 Eur and I paid 81 eur for it, and the problem with the movement, I'm feeling like I've been treated like a mug, but, I'm prepared to wait and see what Jay suggests so we can resolve the situation. In terms of accuracy to gen, the body of the watch is not too far from the 1st gen X-33 (2nd gen has a different crown assembly) however, the bracelet and clasp were nothing special. The clasp had a rectangular side-button deployant, rather than a round double side-button deployant (and it was engraved Seamastei, rather than Speedmaster) the end of the bracelet also doesn't sit too well between the lugs. Having seen the modified X-33 worn by Tom Cruise in Minority Report, I replaced the bracelet with a dark brown leather strap I fitted with an OEM Omega buckle, and it looks much better than it did on the bracelet. The leather strap gives the watch an 'old school' air, which contrasts nicely with the more 'hi tech' display. The pictures aren't anything special I'm afraid, but when the issues are resolved, then I'll take some decent pictures... Any comments and questions are welcome
  8. I believe he wore a gold Yachtmaster II...
  9. As I can't edit my post to add... Here's the watch as advertized by Silix... http://www.watchsilix.com/product.asp?id=812 As people will see, the bracelet clearly has a 'side button' deployant, similar to on an SMP. The bracelet on my watch featured a clasp which operated by a rectangular side button (as seen on Alpha Watches) and had markings reading Omega Seamastei Professional. It also cost me 81 Eur, despite the site advertizing it for 49 Eur. While I am sure Jay will indeed resolve the issues, I can't help but feel that I've been well and truly played for a chump.
  10. I received an Omega Speedmaster X-33 today from Silix which was most definitley not QCd. It has 3 flaws, which, while not glaring to the casual observer, are glaringly obvious to anyone actually scrutinizing the watch (which one would assume QC involves) 1. Only the minute hand is lumed. 2. One of the faux 'screws' in the back of the case is missing. Doesn't bother me that they're not functional, but is does bug me that one is missing. 3. Most serious flaw. The second hand 'sticks' when it is going round. It doesn't do it in the same space every rotation, nor does it necessarily stick on every rotation. But, it does stick incredibly frequently. Sometimes only for a second, sometimes for as long as 10 seconds. As a result, the analogue section looses a considerable amount of time. How anyone could miss those issues while inspecting the watch, I fail to see... I've emailed to discuss the issues, and hopefully we'll be able to come to a resolution. Other than those flaws, the watch is nice, and perfect for the purpose I intended it. While I would openly admit it did not cost 'Super Rep' prices, it cost considereably more than 'Canal St' watches, so I expected it's standard to be above 'Canal St' quality.
  11. Aesthetically, the missing 3 markers don't bother me. From an accuracy point of view, it is a huge glaring 'tell', and just damn sloppy on the part of the factories. I consider myself extrememly lucky that the SMP I got from A.N Other Dealer, did have the 3 marker, particularly when the Cartel Dealers seem to only be selling ones without the marker... The rep of the 2220.50 is also missing the 3 marker, and I am going to order one tomorrow, simply because I want to have the two 'Casino Royale' watches, and, as I won't actually be wearing the watch (I prefer the appearance of the 2531.80 to the 2220.50) the missing 3 marker won't be an issue, although, I would feel conspicuous about it if I was to wear the watch in public... With regards to swapping for a gen dial, it would theoretically be possible, but, the thing you must ensure, is that the date window is not further to the right to compensate for the missing 3 marker. That's something you'd only be able to judge visually, so I'd suggest going to an AD with the watch in your pocket. Have a very good look at the dial just before you go in, then leave the watch in your pocket, ask to see the gen watch, and have a very good look at that dial. Whatever you do, don't let the ADs catch sight of the rep, as that is just asking for an awkward situation, and possible ridicule... If the dials would indeed appear compatible, then swapping them over is extremely easy. Best of luck
  12. Something I've read, is when re-cementing lume/marker back onto a dial, it is best to use a clear two-part epoxy. Cyanoacrylate (aka superglue) might dry more quickly, but, while curing, it can release fumes which can fog the inside of the crystal. Best of luck with the repair project
  13. That is so true. I put my Submariner next to the Planet Ocean, and it did indeed look like a lady's watch by comparison. I also went into the local AD and tried on the SMP 2554.50. It looked ridiculously small, so I think it's safe to say I won't be buying myself one of those (even if it's just as a non-wearer in the collection) The 42mm Planet Ocean doesn't look so bad, nor did my 2531.80 SMP (waiting for that to be returned before I can completely compare them) but, both those watches are larger than a Submariner... To use in 'int0rw3b' slogan: 45mm FTW
  14. Model: Planet Ocean (Asian mvmnt) Possibly 4th gen Size: 45mm Seller: 'Other' Rain: Has not been a problem Shower: Untested as yet... Pool/Ocean 3 meter/10 feet: Untested as yet. I was told by my dealer that the watch would likely be shower proof, but probably wouldn't stand up to bathing or swimming. As a result, once I get my 2531.80 SMP back, I will be taking the Planet Ocean in for waterproofing and regulation. By coincidence, I accidentally forgot to take the watch off when getting in a hot bath earlier (think Japanese Hot Spring standard), pulled my arm out and immediately removed the watch. No hint of fogging or condensation, so I either a) caught it in time, or b ) it has been better waterproofed than the dealer originally thought. Only time will tell once my watchsmith gets his hands on it...
  15. Apart from trying on a Panerai, this has been on my wrist since it arrived just over a week ago
  16. Yes. I had planned to get a 22mm strap from Silix, but when the watch arrived and only had 20mm lugs, I wasn't going to start filing them larger just to fit the strap (as the lug holes would also likely need drilling deeper to compensate) Ahh, thanks Have you ever planned to modify yours at all, or are you leaving it as it was out of the box?
  17. I've finally been able to get some decent pics of my 45mm Planet Ocean, and wondered if anyone could identify what 'gen' it is? I know there are several flaws, and they don't bother me, I know it's not a UPO, but was just curious...
  18. You beat me to it by 3 minutes That'll teach me to write long posts
  19. If the rehaut's the main issue, not really much that can be done about that... lugholes can always be drilled, bracelets can always be swapped, as can the dials, but nothing you can do about the rehauts... Might it do as project watch or a 'yardwork' beater? Depending on what you have, how about trying something completely different? I'm thinking of getting a white VC Overseas in the near future as a dress watch. I know it'll just collect dust and hardly get worn, but I think it'd be a nice addition to the collection As much as I'm looking forward to making my two Rolex project watches, Omega are without a doubt my favorites. I now have five Omegas (of which only two actually work) with the sixth on order, and a seventh planned project. I have: 'Canal street quality' 2531.80 Project Watch (damaged movement) 42mm Planet Ocean black bezel on rubber (dead movement, will be donor for hands for planned project) 42mm Planet Ocean orange bezel on SS Bracelet (dead movement) 2531.80 SMP (Under repair... Movement now works, but watch is being waterproofed, should have it back by the end of the week) 45mm Planet Ocean black bezel on rubber (working fine, on my wrist as I type, but, when the SMP is returned, I will be taking it in for regulation and waterproofing) SpeedMaster Professional X-33 (On order. Should arrive within the week, as dealer said they use express shipping) Planned Project: Aqua Terra with black dial. Plans to replace hands for 42mm Planet Ocean hands, and swap SS Bracelet for Croc strap.
  20. Have you actually returned it yet? If it was just a case of needing a different dial, I'd suggest contacting ClasicWatchParts and getting one of their dials (or even custom ordering the one you want) If I remember, they're $150 a pop... Having re-read your comment though, if the rehaut is unacceptable, then by all means send the watch back, and you should indeed 'name and shame' the 'collector', so others can take note when deciding who to buy from. Best of luck with a solution
  21. Sorry, but I've got a real mixed opinion about this... Yes, it's utterly dishonest that the dealer said they would ship a watch with the correct logo but still ship one with an incorrect logo, and I would never defend a dealer who advertises or promises X, and delivers Y, but, and this is a Big But, are you forgetting that this is a replica? Other than another watch enthusiast, who in your everyday life is actually going to notice the logo as incorrect? Who would even know what the correct logo should be? Considering that people in the past have complained that the logos were not properly lined up (which is way more noticeable than which version of the logo is used, because the Human eye picks up miss-allignments way more than specific detail), it really is a very minor issue to worry about... Are you bothered that the watch itself is likely not on a Planet Ocean strap, but a Seamaster Strap? That's a way more noticeable 'tell' to the more well-informed observer than the shape of a 4mm sliver of metal seen from 4ft away... As I said, the dealer clearly lied to you, so that's [censored] behaviour, and as others mentioned, you should definitely 'name and shame' them, afterall, we are all part of a community here with common goals and interests. By calling a dealer out, you protect others from falling foul of similar behaviour in the future. It doesn't really bother me if a dealer sells a Planet Ocean with an incorrect logo, as long as that is entirely what they advertised and promised to provide. As soon as they start misrepresenting their product, then I lose all patience with them entirely. My Planet Ocean 45mm has the same flaws as the one you have shown (pearl, logo with feet) it also has a dial where the indices are fractionally too thin, and it is on a 20mm Seamaster strap. But. It has been on my wrist solidly since it arrived (with the exception of when I tried on a Panerai I ordered for my dad, but actually gave to my father in law, as I wanted to see what a Panerai would look like) The flaws simply don't bother me. If they did, I would order a gen dial and strap and start swapping parts over, but that's not going to happen, because the watch is 'good enough' as it is. Just to reiterate, I totally sympathise that you were given Y when you were promised X, I just don't think it's an issue worth getting yourself worked up over. As I said, these are replica watches, they are not going to be perfect. For perfection, one must either modify the watch with OEM parts, or, simply buy the genuine article to begin with... Best of luck with getting the issue resolved
  22. An update as my preferences have changed slightly in the past months (that long already ) Daily Beater - Omega Planet Ocean 45mm on rubber Dress Watch - Vacheron Constantin Overseas (white dial) Smart Casual - Omega Seamaster professional 2531.80 or Omega Speedmaster Professional X-33 on croc (depending on which aspect of 'smart/casual' is most appropriate :biggrin: ) Sporty - Omega Seamaster Professional 2554.80 on double ridge rubber strap Vintage - Omega Seamaster 300 m
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