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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Hmm... Colorful combination. :)

    It looks a bit odd. I think it make the watch look "vintage", like an old Sub.

    The Omega bracelet is one of the best around, and it is a part of the visual impression of the Seamaster Pro. But it is nice to have a strap to switch the style once in a while.

    I'll take that as a polite way of saying it would look better on the SS Bracelet :D My idea for the leather strap was the watches worn by Sean Bean and Pierce Brosnan at the beginning of Goldeneye. I think that the strap might be better reserved for the Aqua Terra or X-33 :D

  2. As I said when I posed the question, I wasn't asking because I want to do it or think it's a good idea. What I am curious to know is whether the general opinion is that there are reps that have gotten that good. A better way to frame my question would be, is there a rep out there that is so good that the only way to know for sure is by opening the case? The scam artists claim that's true of their rolexes, but we all know that's not the case. As I stated intitially, all you would have to do with the rolex is shake and wind the movement. It sounds as though as good as reps have become, there is nothing that would pass really close scrutiny from a knowledgeable person.

    To address the boldened question, I guess it really depends on how knowledgeable the sales person is that you speak to. An experienced watchsmith thought my Submariner was genuine until he opened the case, so yes, there are definitely reps available that will pass scrutiny, depending on who is looking at it. The thing is though, what's the point. Rhetorically speaking, is it so important to have a watch which is 100% accurate to a gen, and if so, why? The only reason I can think of, is to try and pass it off as gen. 'Flaws' and variation are what make reps fun. (as well as being a better value for money buy than a gen brand watch)

  3. Okay, so I saw this strap a week or so ago, and thought it would be excellent for putting on my SMP, and the Aqua Terra and X-33 I have planned to buy. My fiance bought it for me today as an early birthday present, and I threw it on the SMP as soon as we got home. Now, personally, I liked it immediately, but, her reaction was rather lack lustre, and she said she prefered the watch on it's original SS Bracelet, and that rather dented my opinion of the strap... Here are a couple of photos I just took for people to give their opinions. Should I keep the SMP on the strap, or put it back on the SS Bracelet and just keep the strap for the Aqua Terra? Thanks in advance :)



  4. Thanks! The strap is the rep croco-leather strap for Breitling, I got it from Ruby. It is just wonderful on the BCE. :) I found that the white face looked a bit pale together with the metal bracelet, the brown strap adds just the right amount of color to the watch. The BCE is a bit too bulky to go with a suit though.. I switched to an Air-King for the party. :)

    Does Ruby sell the straps individually? It might be worth getting a strap and then fitting on Omega buckle. The rounded tops of the strap are very similar to the strap shown on the Aqua Terra on the Omega website, and Ofrei sells them, but they can only be sold within the US as it is from an Exotic Animal, so that would be an excellent substitute.

    It would be nice to see the SMP on a brown strap, it sounds unusual!

    I'm still in two minds about how it looks...



  5. Actually, I got it back from Flav like that (he re-inserted the crystal for me as well as the insert swap). Just never got around flipping it back. The funny part is that my bro has a gen Seamaster Auto Diver 300M Chronograph (2594.52) with the bracelet upside down as well.

    Fair enough, I just wondered if it was a deliberate choice for ease of closure :)

  6. The BCE is back on my wrist...


    That's an awesome picture. I really like the strap, may I ask where you got it? I think it would go very well with the Omega Aqua Terra I'm planning on getting in a few weeks.

    As for my own wrist...

    I'm still wearing my new Omega SMP which arrived tuesday, but, I'm now wearing it on a brown leather strap. I'll try and get a photo taken later, as I really need more opinions about the strap as I like it, but my fiance doesn't...

  7. That's a fine looking watch :) One question though, why is the bracelet on upside down? I've seen a few people wear watches on straps 'back to front', and they claimed it was quicker to work the buckle, the other was a machinist who presumeably wore his strap backwards so excess strap wouldn't protrude from his wrist, which could be a real snagging hazard in a machine shop. Is yours on upside down for similar reasons (easier to fasten)?

  8. Tattoos are a very personal thing, so I don't think anyone should tell you what you should or shouldn't have done. Just my opinion. I think a nice watch compliments the wearer, with or without a tattoo. Personally I think a nice watch looks great with a NICE tattoo.

    And to be honest, while there are still a few out there with stereotypes about those with tattoos, the tattoo is more acceptable, even in the corporate world. I don't think anyone can judge one who has a tattoo and a nice watch. I think it is silly for one to think that just because one has a tattoo and a nice watch, that he/she can't afford it and it must be fake! Give me a break! And if there is one that has that notion, I dare you to go up to the next biker you see, who is riding a custom $50000.00 bike, full sleeves, and a nice watch. I dare you to ask him if his watch is a genuine! And tattoos and nice watches are not just for rock stars, anyone out there watch sports? How many NBA players, or NFL players are covered with tattoos? How many of them wear nice watches? I dare someone to ask a 295lb linebacker if his blinged out rollie is fake.

    I think you should get whatever you want tattooed. I don't think you should worry about a watch. I've gone through phases where I've had gens, even gone two years without even wearing a watch, to reps, to frankens, Your tattoo is going to be around a lot longer than any watch you will ever wear, especially if your watch is a rep.

    Thanks, that's a really good perspective. From what Eunomians said about 3/4 sleeves being most common in Japan, I've decided that that's what I'll have done, because my idea was for the Japanese aspects of the suit to be as traditional/Japanese as possible. That's an awesome sleeve in your picture, is it a full suit, or just a single sleeve and chest-piece?

  9. I've worn both my Submariner and my Daytona into Omega AD, and put them on the counter while trying on the Omegas, but the staff hardly gave them a glance, and were more interested in talking to me. I have worn my black Planet Ocean into an Omega AD while enquiring about the price of the PO rubber strap (to compare to ofrei's price) This is the same AD I've worn my Submariner into, and again, the staff were more interested in talking to me than checking out my watch (I had a shopping bag in that hand) I'd certainly never wear a rep into it's own AD and leave it on the counter for possible questioning, in that instance, (say I asked to see a display model) then I'd just slip the rep in my pocket while they were getting the watch rather than putting it on the counter. I did that while wearing my project watch, when I asked to see a 2254.50 and the Casino Royale Planet Ocean. There was absolutely no way I'd let the staff get more than a passing glance at that watch :D I really don't get the mentality of wearing a rep into that brand's AD and flashing it under the staff's nose. I mean seriously, what's the point? So you 'pull it off' and it isn't called out as a rep, big whoop... Chances are the staff have simply been instructed never to call out a rep of a potential customer, so it's not like they really believed it... And if you do try and pass it off and get called out, then that's one place you're never going to want to show your face again... Being upfront about it being a rep, still not the best idea, but fair enough, but attempting subterfuge, just pointless and juvenile.

  10. Lovely artwork!

    In Japan, it is more common to have 3/4 sleeves (if you even have tatoos). And without a doubt, a man's watch is akin to a man's prowess/virility :1a: We take things very seriously, if u catch my drift.

    Personally, I like full sleeves. But I would only go 3/4 due to my watch-love.

    Hey, this is just my opinion. Who cares what I think. You have to do what you want to do.


    PS. Going to Ito in the summer at the beach is a real treat. There are lots of young roosters showing their favorite Buddhist Sutras manifested upon their backs - full-size Buddhas. Never in color either, always black ink. And as always - done by the best of the best masters in the world. You can tell, too, from a kilometer away...

    My bro:


    Thanks, that's a real compliment that a Japanese person would approve of my designs. If 3/4 sleeves are most common in Japan, then that's what I'll go with. My left sleeve design is no problem, I'll simply have the clouds terminating under the maple leaves, but the right sleeve might require some signifigant revision. I might just entrust that part to my tattoo artist.

    Just wanted to say I think the idea is kick ass. I love tattoos and will get one soon (when uni starts), but small first to see what I think of it....but hey, I hear tattoos are like watches, you will eventually want more and more...

    Thanks :) tattoos are indeed rather addictive. What started out as a small glyph on the back of my neck, and a design across the back of my shoulders and deltoids, now extends over my shoulders, collar-bones, lower neck, and down as far as my elbow joints. (A design inspired by Blade's tattoos) My overall aim is to have some more tribal work done, and expand my shoulder tattoo down my spine, and then have the Japanese-style tattoos building off from those 'foundations', to create a body-suit that is both contemporary and traditional.

  11. Some folks have issues with tattoos in general, which would overshadow whatever watch you wore, or even if you wore one, for that matter. I have full sleeves and wear my shirt sleeves rolled up (short-sleeved shirts/or none in the summer), for the most part. I think watches look great over tattoos, but then I like tattoos. If you decided to do full sleeves, you could really incorporate changes in the design where your watches strap on in order to accentuate that specific area. That would look great!

    Lastly, tattoos are a personal thing, usually a graphical way to reflect past life experiences, so just go with what 'you' want/like.

    Will take some photos as soon as I have some spare time.

    PS (body-suit tattooed) Tattoos can be painful to have done in certain areas :)

    Sorry I missed your reply on 'the first pass', and thanks for the experienced opinion :) I'm thinking ribs and inner upper arms will likely be the most painfull areas, but, I know it'd be worth it for a good design. I'm starting to think that maybe 3/4 sleeves might be better, even if it does mean revising the design I have.

  12. I think this kind of question needs to be placed in context. It depends on the individual. With the line of work that I want to go into after uni, I couldn't entertain any type of body art. However, if there is no restrictions then go with what you really want. I think personally tatoo's look better away from watches, but I'm not really into that kind of thing. Like you say if you go down to a point where if necessary you could wear a long sleeved shirt to cover it, and roll the sleeves back then that would be an option I would defeinitely consider, but like I said it's really down to the indiviual and the circumstances.

    This is the thing, work wise, it doesn't matter as I'm self-employed. All I'd need to be sure of, if I ever had to enter a corporate environment, was that the shirt material was thick enough to completely obscure anything underneath. I love the designs I've come up with, but my concern is how they'd look at the wrist, so I'm now thinking a 3/4 sleeve might be best. These are the existing full-sleeve designs...

    Left Arm:


    Right Arm:


    I'm now wondering if something like this length might be better...


    This guy goes to the wrist ...


    Ironically, it was Ami's tattoos that were making me think twice about going for the full-sleeves... Took me ages to work out he was wearing a Breitling. Until I saw that pic a while back, I just thought he was wearing some cheap-ass chunky watch :D

    I say go for a full sleeve with a tattoo of a watch on the wrist. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I have a half sleeve and am working on the second and my back. I keep all my tatts under a short sleeve shirt. Nothing past the elbow.

    My existing main tattoo already extends to the elbow joint, and no short sleeved shirt covers it, and I have a small glyph on the inside of my left wrist, so I've already 'broken the elbow' theory :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  13. Okay, so I'm quite an enthusiast of body art, and am wrestling with the idea of having a full Japanese-style body-suit tattooed, which, if I work to my planned design, would include full sleeves to the wrists. I love the design I've come up with, but, am concerned that nice-looking watches might not go so well with tattooed wrists, and I'm wondering if it might be as well to have the sleeves only 3/4 length, so I could still roll my sleeves back a little without exposing any ink. This is a fairly traditional idea, and would also be a better balance with the leg designs, which only ever come to mid thigh (knee at the very lowest)

    What do people think? Would 3/4 or full sleeves be better for a watch/tattoo enthusiast like myself?

  14. Now we're back to directing persons with TWO posts to dealers??

    This is a fun hobby- why oh why oh why do some feel like they need to destroy it???



    Directing someone (even if they are a Fed) to Andrew constitutes 'destroying the hobby'? Plenty of other dealers besides him and Josh out there, if one's prepared to put in the legwork to find them :)

  15. I think a good explination of the "less informative" complaint stems from the fact that when you are new, literally every bit of information on the board you read teaches you something you did not know before. After you read and post for a while, your level of knowledge grows rapidly. However, the amount of information on the forum grows much slower - you are learning what developed over years in a few weeks/months. Thus, you begin to think the board is "less informative" - which really is not the case at all, the body of knowledge is still growing at the same pace or faster. The problem is you already know much of what is know, so each post is less informative in that you are more likely to know what that post teaches, unlike before when it was more likely you would learn from it.

    Just my 0.02.

    I would agree with that 100% I would say more to clarify why I agree, but I would only be repeating/rehashing what you have already said so well :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  16. Hi TeeJay, I dont know if you have read THIS thread? It tells much about all of the X-33 rep.

    It does not have mission-time alarm as on the genuine, and rather usual alarm-sound. Cool blue backlight, though.

    Good luck! :)

    Hi, I hadn't seen the thread, so thanks for the link, it's certainly been informative :) Where you commented about the backlight, and how the gen second hand stops, then jumps forwards to catch up, would I be right in assuming that the rep second hand does not stop? As much as I love my new SMP, I think this watch is a definite must for occasions when I want to wear an Omega, but not actually look like I'm wearing an expensive watch, as afterall, everyone knows digital watches are cheap ;) I think the replacement strap I have planned will also help to 'cheapen' it's appearance :) Thanks again for the link :)

  17. Nice TJ ,

    Your bezel alignment would have been done easier by just using a hair dryer to heat it up and then twisting it in place , that works real well if just a millimeter or two out of alignment ..

    Don't tell me , your stripped screw / pin was the last one down by the clasp right (??) , out of all the SMP's I have seen that was always the one that would not come out without a little persuasion ??

    Wait a minute , I thought you were the "Omega God" ? :mellow:

    Enjoy it ! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    Yup, last full-size link against the clasp (the half-links were fine) What I've done, is adjusted it so it's got a 5 link 6 link split, with the shortest section on the outside of my wrist so the watch sits nearer the edge of my wrist rather than right in the middle.

    I thought about the hairdryer method, but, having had one plastic movement retainer warp beyond repair through too much heat, I was wary of repeating that accident, so it was as easy to just strip the watch and push it out from behind.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say Omega God :D I know a fair bit about them, and which details are relevent to which models, but that's about it :D I think I'll still switch it to the leather strap for day to day wear, but put it back on the bracelet for more formal occasions :)

    Nice watch for the price....I don't think the pearl is that bad, I can't see all the detail from your pic but at least it is right at the center of the triangle.

    I start to love my smp chrono more than my u.PO mainly because of the very neat and detail wave pattern on the dial.

    Thanks :) The pearl is not perfect, but, it's certainly passable, and, as you say, at least it's right in the center of the triangle :D I think for the price, the level of accuracy is pretty good, most particularly the fact it has the 3 marker by the date window which the Cartel SMPs have recently been missing...

    You can't beat that price! The 300m 100ft looks a little funny to me, kinda like it's streched, but it could just be the photo. Either way very nice pickup! Can you PM me the dealer?

    I thought that myself about the font, but, it's not too much an issue for me. PM sent with the dealer name :)

    Hey Teejay, nice purchase, and for that price it looks excellent! Like you say, there are a few flaws, but what a lovely watch, and being someone who doesn't mind accuracy I will leave this post on the note of; wear it well!

    Thanks :) Indeed, there are flaws, but for the price, it could certainly have been worse :D

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