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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I guess that is a good question, what watch do you think he wears?

    Apparently it WASNT stolen but he took it off for some reason and was seen wearing it again later.

    It was stolen. There is a clip of it on YouTube. He's doing a 'meet and greet' of a crowd, and doing a little hand pressing with his sleeves rolled up. At one point, the crowd surges against him, and while people are touching his hand, it's clear to see one person's hand groping his wrist... When Bush steps back, the watch is gone...

  2. As you may recall, I had the misfortune to kill my SMP while attempting to regulate it, so I took it into a local watch smiths for regulation, repair, and waterproofing. They had to replace the movement, but have yet to remove a stripped screw in the bracelet (and it might still need waterproofing, the assistant wasn't sure if that had been done) so they've still got it. The interesting thing, was the watchsmith had said to the assistant that it was the best rep they'd ever seen, and asked if they would ask, where I got it from :D Imperfect pearl, weak date font, dial lume a bit on the 'green' side, but it clearly impressed them :D Hearing that rather made my day :D

  3. Still wearing the PO as i am regulating it and i like to regulate as i wear it,l ie adjust it wear, it adjust it, may not be the best way but it works for me.

    Tonight i have a formal dinner to attend so it will either be the At on leather or the IWC poto chrono.

    The watches I did that with, I killed the movements... Regulation is something I'll be leaving to the professionals from now on :D

  4. Still my favorite rep to date. :D

    Glad you like yours!

    I have to admit, I think the Planet Ocean is probably my favorite watch design... Large indices, large hands, easy to read dial, it's got all the right qualifications :) I'm thinking of getting a VC Overseas in white as a dress watch, and that has similar markings to the Planet Ocean, but, I think that the markers and hands might 'blend in' with the white dial, so it might not be quite as easy to read 'at a glance', but that's something I'd need to definitely see for myself to be able to judge. Until I actually owned the 45mm and had it on my wrist, I was still a little concerned that it might look too big. I've realized that it only looks 'big', when it's being compared side by side with a smaller watch like a Sub or SMP in an AD, as they eye is 'used' to the smaller watch just taken off. When worn on it's own, with no comparison, the size really isn't so bad (I guess because it doesn't totally fill the top of my wrist) I'll be interested to try on a Panerai, but Omega is definitely still by favorite brand :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  5. I am going to buy this watch Gen in the fall and was wondering if I should get the new version or the old but then I got thinking about the new version and the white markers @ 12 , 3 , 6 & 9 are gone and that bothers me a bit ...

    Also I don't like the idea of the rhodium finish on the new version , it's like a clear coat over the stainless so I think I will go with the old version ??

    Old Version 264529-4796.gif New Version 264529-4797.jpg


    Personally, I prefer the old version :) Same as with the regular SMP, I much prefer the version Pierce Brosnan wore, to the version Daniel Craig wore :)

  6. Unfortunately,...People are going to buy what they want, from who they want...

    Look what happened when several traders were caught and exposed selling fake eta's.....

    Nothing - Nada - like it never happened...

    There is no unity except with a core of people... the rest are simply here to drive to the window,..

    to take a quick glance at the menu,.. and pull the trigger,..

    All this talking we are doing is so much static to them,.. they tune it out,.. and some even go

    so far as to post threads about Not Disturbing their blissful ignorance.... :yawn:

    Hmmm, that reminds me of a scene in Terminator 3 :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Seriously though, I agree entirely with what you've said.

  7. Greetings to all from London, UK!

    No real experience of reps, I have joined replica-watches-guide.com and have learnt a great deal...

    Amazed at the level of quality that is available in many replicas available from the recommended dealers...

    Currently interested in Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean, Panerai (esp the 111) as I am a newbie :) and of course the Rolex Submariner (noobmariner),

    I was thinking as this is my first taste of the replica world, I am going to purchase Asian movements first, and then opt for the Swiss movements as I get more experience.

    Glad you found the forum, I think you'll find the folks here way more informative and helpfull than on the other forum :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  8. Nope, but pretty sure I saw one in a porno yesterday. :ph34r:

    I saw one on the cover of a porno DVD. Definitely a rep, as the seconds @ 9 'dial' was too close to the center of the dial... :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    With regards the comments about the money porn stars get, don't forget, that even Rich People buy and wear reps, so as not to get gen watches beaten up... Even if I won the lotto, I'd still only wear reps, because I don't think gens (of any brand) are worth the prices, that said, I'm a cheapskate and wear 'generic' brand jeans because they last longer than Levis do :whistling:

  9. glad to hear you're happy with it -- in the end that's all that matters :tu:

    wear it well :victory:


    Absolutely, for the price, it could've been a hell of a lot worse, so I'm more than happy :D This won't be coming off my wrist for quite a while :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  10. This arrived for me earlier to day, and I am absolutely stoked :D How good is the watch? Are their flaws? Well, yes, there are 'flaws'... The silver ring on the bezel insert is 1/4 the width rather than 1/3, the strap is the 20mm Seamaster Strap (with double-drilled lugs to accomodate both the rubber strap and SS bracelet) The pearl isn't perfect, and the numerical font is sans-serif (The primary indices might also be too thin, I'm not 100% on that yet) However, the watch has a load of positives... The rubber strap does not gape from the case at the lugs, the printing on the dial is crisp and clear, the words "Swiss Made" are underneath the minute indices (rather than above them, as on my 42mm) The HE valve appears to be correctly off-set from the 10 position, and the movement is smooth (no 'jerkiness' at all) I admit, it's no Ultimate Planet Ocean, but, for

  11. I lowballed the regular ebay sellers for a few weeks before I got lucky. I bought it not because it's a nice watch but because it's useful. We've decided to do a lot of camping and walking this year, so, after seeing a T-Touch, I realised I'd need a compass watch. This was 1/8th the price of a T-Touch and I don't care if it gets scuffed up or dirty. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    My idea of a walk is grabbing an OS map and just doing it.

    Absolutely, that's definitely the best thing to do when getting something you know will be getting rough use :)

  12. I simply have hi address... cause I sended him my watches.

    He has a Panerai 250 Swiss 7753 That is more or less 700$

    One breitling Bentley GT (that is at least 250$)

    One crystal of a IWC to be coated

    and I already payed him more or less 500$ Of modifications in advence.

    Considering I sended him more than 6 months ago I think I lost the money but I was thinking that maby someone can go to his house and take tha wathes back and ship to the owners at least. And I don't think this is illegal...

    All the people who has things to do with him were very supportive with him, but more than 4 months withot a reply isn't right.

    When you deal with somebody else money you just simply can't do that.

    If it is a genuine visit, with no malice intended, than absolutely, that would not be illegal. However, please bear in mind the Malicious Communications Act, and the Protection from Harassment Act, which are two legally enforceable UK statutes... A misworded post could be misconstrued as 'harassing', and then that person would wind up in trouble through no fault of their own. As I mentioned, another forum I moderate is pursuing action against people for intentional breaches of these Acts, so I jsut wanted to make people aware of the legislations that exist, before anyone gets carried away, and things turn ugly...

    (Strictly speaking, I agree with you 100%, and if I were in your place, I would most definitely want something done about it, it's just a case of going about it in a certain way so as not to fall foul of any laws in the process...) :)

  13. On Saturday, We decided to exercise our right to roam and check out the local countryside. Armed with an OS map and my compass watch, we followed what should have been a road. We walked several hours along this sort of terrain, seeing a cow give birth under the watchful eyes of friendly farmers and generally enjoying the countryside.

    This is what was shown as a road. Can you see the vague path between two rough hedges?


    Here is the compass/altimeter/barometer watch. Not mechanical and not a rep, I'm afraid.


    Roman Road? Would that watch be a Suunto by any chance?

  14. Unless they actually mean "pay him a visit." Asking someone to pop over to a mate's house to see if they're all right isn't actionable. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    :D Did those first few 'where does he live' posts really sound that benevelent? ;) I'm just glad that all is well, and people will be getting their stuff seen to :)

  15. I have just spoken to Finepics, he is back in the country and feeling much better. I am one of those people, who has been waiting months, October 06 in fact. Give him a few more weeks and I am confident that he will be in touch through this board, giving us all a status update.

    That is indeed fantastic news :) I wasn't someone who had dealt with him, but just wanted to post to make people aware that posts like "can someone pay him a visit" are legally actionable under UK law...

  16. Yes, but converting something to look more realistic could be a grey area that flags up lots of warning bells. :whistling:

    Possibly, but I don't know. Look at 'kit cars' and car modification enthusiasts... Those are just as much replicas as our watches are, but they don't get arrested for owning them or having them modified... As I said, if Finepics is described solelyas an independant watch smith, who was comissioned to perform X work on Y watch, has not done so and has not contacted the owners in 6 months, then I suspect the police would do something to recover people's property and money...

    Ok everyone, hold your horses :)

    Give him a few weeks, and I would expect you will see a post from him very soon! :whistling:

    A few weeks? Some people have been waiting a few months without any progress updates... There is being reasonable and giving the benefit of the doubt, but there is also being taken for a chump... As I said, I really hope Finepics is well, and this matter can be resolved amicably, but, I felt it necessary to point out that the posts made like "Does anyone know wheer he lives, can anyone 'go round'?" would be breaches of the Malicious Communications Act and the Protection from Harassment Act, and would get someone in as much (if not more) trouble than owning a few knock-off watches (which again, are entirely legal in the UK to own)

  17. TeeJay are you tripping?!! :bangin:

    I'm wearing a dead Planet Ocean because I'd rather wear that than a working Rolex... My state of mind is probably not it's best at present :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Is modifying them counted as manufacturing counterfeit goods? Is profiting from counterfeiting illegal? :black_eye:

    This isn't the time to notify any form of authorities about our little hobby ...

    I would say 'no', because it is modifying an already existing product at it's legal owner's request... It is not manufacturing something from scratch to be sold...

    Maybe when notifying the popo, Finepics should simply be described as a 'watch smith', and everyone leave the word 'rep' out of the description of their property. As has been said before, owning reps is not illegal. ADs have no power of confiscation, and in this scenario, I don't think the police would either, as they are not being sold, they are items already owned by people, who have paid to have 'maintenance' done to them. A service is a service, regardless of the actual goods involved, and in this case, people's complaint is nothing to do with the authenticity of their watches, but the lack of communication from the person they paid to 'service' them... It could certainly be viewed as obtaining cash by deception...

    I agree, this is not something people want to be broadcasting to the authorities, but, it is not something that can be ignored either, and if someone is relying on the nature of the hobby to keep people away from the authorities, then that isn't an acceptable attitude. I really hope that Finepics is well, and hope that a reasonable sollution can be found, but, unless he is literally hospitalized or bedridden and totally incapacitated, how hard is it to get out of bed, quickly bash up a post on the forum explaining things, then go back to bed? As others noted, it's just unreasonable behaviour, even if there is an underlying reason for that...

  18. Although I am not a moderator here, I am a moderator of another website which has lately been plagued by a series of very unpleasant troll attacks, which has forced the admin team to report the issue to the police for breaches of the Protection from Harassment Act, and the Malicious Communications Act (UK Laws) The police were extremely helpful, and assured me that they will be taking action. How does that relate here... Well, the admins should be able to obtain Finepic's email address and IP address. If given to the police, then they could be resolved to an address, and the police could then take appropriate action. Please remember that owning replicas is not illegal in the UK. This is an issue of someone offering a service, taking a considerable amount of money in both funds and watches, and not providing said services. I do not know how ill Finespics is supposed to be, but I find it hard to believe that he is unable to communicate with his clients in anyway whatsoever. One person said they have been waiting six months, so to be honest, I think this should be turned over to the police as someone obtaining monies by deception. Posts asking if people know where he lives, and suggesting that someone might want to 'pay a visit', must stop immediately. They are breaches of the two UK laws I mentioned above, and would, in the eyes of the law, turn a perpetrator into a victim...

    Take it to the mods, and with their help, take it to the police. The police will treat the matter very seriously and take appropriate action. I hope everything gets worked out satisfactorily for everyone involved, best of luck :)

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