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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I had a similar problem with an SS bracelet (jewellery, not watch) several years back where the clasp kept 'slipping round' like that. The problem as I saw it, was that the bottom corner of the section, rather than having a hard 90 deg angle on it, had worn away to a rounded corner so wasn't able to maintain position, so slipped round. At a guess, I'd think you might have a similar problem there... If so, your only sollution would be to replace that 'link', or the entire bracelet... Best of luck :)

  2. On another rep forum, there was a thread (I haven't read but the first), where a black American quarterback of great renown, Donovan McNabb, was mentioned. It said something like, "Did you see the news conference where Donovan McNabb was wearing a Cartier Santos?? What did you think about THAT?".

    Between whiffs of racism and homophobia...what a choice...I'd rather the poster was mentioning that it was odd to see a butch gridiron QB wearing "a lady's watch" (specifically, Cartier is seen as a lady's marque), than being astonished that a black person could wear such a nice timepiece.

    In fact, I don't know the point the original poster was making. I'll go find out by the replies, and report back. :)

    UPDATE: phpBB : "Critical Error Could not connect to the database" RWI down, again. More later.

    LATER UPDATE: Got a direct reply from the chap:

    "The answer would be #1. I posted it in the same vein that others have posted watches that various movie, TV, and political people wear. I'm always interested in what people who can afford to wear anything choose for themselves. No personal/professioal/sociological observation on Donavan McNabb. BTW, we like the same soup too..........".

    I had inquired, using 3 examples, about his motivation in posting about Donovan wearing the Cartier. So you see his innocuous, and perfectly reasonable reply. It's as if someone had mentioned John Terry had been wearing a Gucci watch. Curiosity, is all.

    So what was the overall opinion about men (Or this particular man) wearing such a watch which was usually labeled as a 'woman's watch'? I have to admit, on the wrist checks, when I saw someone wearing a Santos on a rubber strap, I did think ("Isn't that a woman's watch"?) but, because I don't know a whole lot about the marque, I didn't immediately assume that it was solely a woman't watch, as I thought about how the J12 is available for both men and women, and wondered if that specific model might have been a unisex or, (because of the rubber strap) a 'Big Size', like the Planet Ocean series, a kind of 'regular size' = ladies watch, 'Big Size' = gents watch. To be honest, I thought it looked okay, and it didn't make me think anything less of the person wearing it, after all, different strokes for different folks, but it did catch my attention and make me think "Isn't that a woman's watch"?, so even to those not in the know about a certain marque, such subconscious gender distinctions clearly still kick in, and while people seeing a woman wearing a PAM might not question her sexuality, they would still likely identify the watch itself as primarily masculine (Perhaps not a Radiomir) That said, I totally agree with you about PAMs chameleon-like qualities. As you've no doubt gathered, I totally love my 111h, so much so, that I have decided to definitley build a collection of them. I might even make them my primary marque as, as cool as it is to think "I'm wearing James Bond's watch..." I'd rather be an individual, not a Bond-wannabe. The only time I forsee myself wearing an Omega now, is if I dress smartly. That's my new rule. Trousers = Omega, Jeans = Panerai. TO go back to my ramblings about the chameleon quality, as much as I love the 111h on the current toffee-colored strap, putting it onto the black strap I have just doesn't 'look right'. Which is strange, as I love the black strap on my GMT Sub, or on my Submariner, my Planet Ocean, or any other watch... All have black (or very dark grey) dials, as does the 111h, but for some reason, it just doesn't seem to go as well with black, and thinking back, the majority of PAM wrist shots I've seen, have been on straps that weren't black. That said, there is a black strap I want to get, which I've lost the URL for... It's quite a padded strap, with embossed 'pin [censored]' all over. That is a black strap which does look awesome :)

  3. Not sure I know who she is...

    The Heroes Season 2 starts in the US tonight though :)

    She was originally a Companion with, I believe, Tom Baker's Doctor. She returned for an episode with David Tennant and Billie Piper, which also featured Antony Head, and has been given her own spin-off series B)

  4. To play Devil's Advocate for a moment, and flip the argument on it's head slightly, what would people think of a man who was wearing what was clearly (through size/color/jewel-coatings) a woman's watch? Would they think he was wearing the watch of a female loved one, or would they think he 'prefered the company of men'?

    As pointed out, a watch is nothing more than a piece of jewellery which tells the time. There are, however, design distinctions between those intended for men, those intended for women, and those intended to be unisex. While there is nothing wrong with someone wearing a watch designed for the opposite sex, one must acknowledge and appreciate that deliberate fashion choices, which go against the general convention, will be noticed, and will lead to people making assumptions about the wearer. I'm sure people make assumptions about my sexuality because of my shoulder length hair, but I accept that that is the price to pay for a little bit of individuality. (Ironically, in an adult DVD store, there was not one DVD or magazine aimed for gay audiences which featured a long-haired man :lol:)

    Personally, I think people should just look and dress as they want (within the acceptable confines of their industry) and simply ignore the attitudes and comments of those who are so insecure in their own skins that they need to criticize others to divert the attention from themselves or make themselves feel less awkward. B)

  5. Actually quite a relevant point, and one that reminds me of another of Fleming's creations, the one and only Pussy Galore, played by the husky-voiced Honor Blackman in Goldfinger.

    Of course, both the book and film left little to the imagination that Pussy, did, in fact, "bat for the other side", her all-female troupe of acrobats/pilots, her seeming imperviousness to Bond's charm, etc. But what clinched it was Blackman's sporting none other than a Rolex GMT 6542 in her guise as Goldfinger's pilot. In every way, unconscionable in the '60s. Of course, eventually Bond "cured" her. :whistling:


    Absolutley, Bond's "cure" was rather cringeworthy, but a pretty accurate representation of the mentalities/attitudes of the era. I'll never forget reading an article in a men's health magazine years ago which said that if Bond were real, rather than being a suave lothario, he would be an impotent, physical wreck of a man :lol: (Strangely enough, one of the effects of a carpet beater to the testicles :lol: )

    I have to admit, as much as I can remember that some reference was made about Domino's watch, I can't remember precicely what the reference was... It was one of the novels I paid least attention too, my favorites were The Man with the Golden Gun and From Russia, With Love. (the second of which also featured 'sexual deviants', as did The Spy Who Loved Me)

  6. When's the next series of Torchwood? I haven't seen any ads on the BBC yet.

    I'm not too sure. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about it. I watch it and like it, but there are times when Jack comes across as a totally different character to how he is written in Doctor Who. Now, I don't blame that on John Barrowman, but the writers and directors. At the end of the day, he's the actor, he does what he's asked to do (a bit like how it takes a director like George Lucas to get such hammy performances from the likes of Christopher Lee, Ewan McGregor and Samuel L. Jackson... At the end of the day, he said he wanted "50's B Movie acting", so that's what they gave him) but to see such disjointed characterization (from the last episode of Torchwood to his first episode back in Doctor Who, was pretty dissapointing, and a waste of John's acting talents. I know there's going to be a break in Doctor Who so David Tennant can do some stage work in the West End. To be honest, the series I'm more looking forward to, is The Sarah-Jane Adventures, sure, it might be aimed at kids, but Elizabeth Sladen is still one hell of a woman :lol:

  7. I don't really know enough about PAMs to be 100% specific, but the crown guard flaw sounds like poor manufacture, and the crown stem not engaging (not that I know a whole lot about movements) sounds (from what I've read others discuss) like a problem with something refered to as 'keyless works' (not entirely sure what that is, but I think it's the part which determines what moving the crown will do to the movement ie wind it or move the hands)

    As mentioned above, drop shippers (of which Trusty is one) don't see the product before it's shipped, so rely on their supplier to send the right item/a working item/an item which has been serviced as promised. As with any such practice, there exists the possibility of human error and confusion. Personally, I would ask the dealer for either a straight exchange, or a straight refund. Given the nature of the watch, you might have a hard time finding a watch smith who would be prepared to work on the movement, and likely couldn't do anything about the crown guard lever. At the end of the day, you've received a defective product, so should be able to exchange or refund rather than having to go to the expense of fixing something which should have arrived in a working condition.

    Best of luck :)

  8. Successful people come in all kinds. I like to think I am successful. You are too, by the sounds of it. My point was that THE MOST successful people are not ashamed of tooting their own horn, and riding roughshod over others in the process.

    What say you?

    I think it is more to do with the personality type, rather than the fact they are successfull. If someone is a chickenshit, emotionally immature and insecure bully, then all their success just goes to their heads, inflates their egos, and makes them think that that that gives them carte blanche to act like a [censored]. (ie gangsta rappers who flash their bling at the camera in their shitty videos) People who have a more mature attitude, take the trappings of success in their stride and don't flash it about or use it to belittle and beat down others. It's a bit like the comment Lanikai and I were making before about 'Old Money' vs 'Nouveu Riche'. One flaunts it in a distasteful way, the other is more discrete. :)

    [Edit to add]

    Success is the symptom, not the disease...

  9. There are some scary and sophisticated people on the net. I've seen people have private details looked up and posted for other's amusement, IPs traced so someone can then work out where a person works and post pictures of that online... Having seen that, nothing on the net surprises me anymore...

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention :)

  10. my experience is that parts for PAM reps are very frequently NOT interchangeable. for instance you can pick two of the same PAM model reps from two different factories and find that the movement from one does not fit into the other case, not only due to the spacer issue (side to side), but also the manner in which the case is constructed to hold the movement depthwise (front to back).

    And as MANY of us know, don't ever lose the screws for your CG on a PAM :headhurt: as you may spend the next 3mos trying various screws trying to find a fit... because the machining of all parts rep tends to be fairly imprecise, the guys that assemble them, often have to 'make it fit' ... i'm thinking of how springbars on bracelets are sometime forced or bent to fit in poorly aligned lugs holes, so be forewarned.

    Thanks for the advice. How about parts for watches from the same dealer, so presumeably from the same factory? I have to admit, although this is a rather 'last minute' project idea, I'm rather getting into the idea of it :)

  11. Movement and dial swap into any case other than a case which has the same movement will require that you check the movement spacer. The two issues would be different placement of the "holes" where the movement spacer bolts into the case and whether the hole where the crown stem goes in on the movement lines up with the case tube once the movement spacer is installed. If you are swapping it into a case which is set-up for the same movement it may well be fine.

    Thanks for the advice :) I don't think I'd be able to check those details prior to purchase, so it might be a case of taking the risk, and if the worst comes to the worst, selling them on, or giving them away :)

  12. Or are they as incompatible as other brands often are (like problems with Omega bezels and whatnot)? I only ask as I'm thinking about maybe building a PVD PAM, but want to swap the dial and movement (as one whole unit) with the dial and movement from another PAM rep. Is this likely to have any fitting problems? Would the PVD crown still engage into the different movement?

    Thanks in advance :)

  13. :lol:.....and that's enough to convince you that it's water resistant....( send your findings to the R&D departments of all the major watch companies and claim a percentage of the money they will save in investing in WP testers....you'll clean up ).....!

    Do you have any idea of the pressure that is exerted on a watch simply by stroking your hand thru' water at surface level......above water normal atmospheric pressure is 14.7 PSI...or 1BAR......the 'test' you've done is an unpressurised test at 14.7PSI....and a static test.....the moment you put your wrist underwater.....you increase the pressure....( make a wave with your hand and feel the pressure).....if you dive to 33ft....your now at 2x times normal atmospheric pressure....29.4PSI..2BAR.......and that's 'static' pressure.....with forward and backward motion you move onto 'dynamic' pressure and that can exert an additiional force of approx 3BAR..... which is considerable pressure.....way more than the 'static' non-test that you've carried out.

    May I remind everyone that these are REPLICA items.....they are designed to cosmetically replicate the original.....not do the job that the original was DESIGNED to do....!

    It's enough that I won't [censored] my pants if the watch accidentally gets wet :lol: I would take the watch to be pressure tested, but the person I use is so backed up with work, that they wouldn't get it back in time before I go away. As far as I can tell, the watch has a rubber seal just beneath the crown, and the back is too tightly screwed down to be moved by thumbs. I've bought watches from the same dealer which where also water resistant 'out of the box', and, following the results of my test, I am prepared to give this one the benefit of the doubt. Besides, so what if it does flood? As you point out, it's a rep. I'll just buy a new one, and problem solved, and yes, I am well aware of how depth and pressure is applied to water resistance, thankyou. :)

  14. Check out ebay item #180160142598, it's more accurate than mine TJ and comes with an ETA in it.

    Thanks for the link :) Sadly, it's a bit more spare cash than I have spare, as I've got to buy two of my guinea pigs a new hutch today... If it wasn't for that, I'd be bidding on that beauty for sure ^_^

  15. I love a good bargain! :)

    Same here :D For someone who loves spending money, I can be a real Scrooge at times, and never spend a penny more than I actually have to :lol:

    Yes, and of course, it's good for underwater activity, for which watches like Panerai were meant.

    Absolutely. I took the strap off my 111h earlier and dunked it in a sink of water...

    No bubbles :yeah::yeah::yeah:


    It shall be accompanying me on holiday in November, once suitably outfitted with a nicely water-proof SS bracelet :)


    I have to thank you about the tip of the LED torch to activate the lume, in that other thread. Bought this on *bay, arrived just now.


    $30, shipped.

    And you were absolutely right, TeeJay. THE LUME COMES OUT FANTASTIC. This is putting the torch on each watch no more than 5-10 seconds each.

    DSN Fiddy


    DSN PAM 112


    What a difference from my first lume shot, under natural sunlight!


    THANKS for the tip, guys! :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Fantastic results :) To go one further from LED, if you use a UV LED, that gives AWESOME results :)

    Charging the lume:


    Lume Shot:


  16. Is that really true, TeeJay? Really true?

    Another personal example. You know I'm a kind person. I'm like my father -- reserved, frosty, but not nasty. We have that middle-class sensitivity towards others both above and below us: kindness and consideration to all those who serve us.

    But my mother is very dismissive of people under her, though always polite, never vulgar, never losing her cool.

    Still, it shows, and it makes both of us cringe, because her attitude towards waiters, drivers, and servers in general is "short" and without affection. Need I tell you, she comes from a better social background than my father.

    So guess which of us get the best results from "underlings"? She does. Always. They suck up to her like you have no idea. Meanwhile, dad and I, with our "please, thank you very much, and I appreciate that"s get the shaft. She is certainly not the only person I've seen like that, either.

    Especially the closer you get the East, the more they think you're weak if you're polite to those "beneath" you.

    (BTW, I'm exaggerating about being kind. I have her German iron inside me too. I'm just a bit of an hypocrite and don't want to admit I'm tough as nails)

    I know the kind of thing you mean, but I was refering more to general business/millitary attitudes, rather than dismissive of 'domestics'. When I've been a manager, I've always found people more willing to do as I ask when I do so politely and reasonably, rather than barking orders at them, that just leads to resentment... While I wouldn't dream of disputing the treatment your mother gets from 'servers', over yourself or your father, I would say that when anyone takes such an attitude with me, I don't stand for it. Rather the reverse, infact :lol: I'd like to think I'm an easy going person, and, as a Libra (a very typical Libra male) I'm not someone who thrives on conflict. But. I also have my pride, and have never 'bowed and scraped' to anyone. In that sense, I admit, I have a very 'cut your nose off to spite your face' attitude, and would rather lose a contract than have someone speak down to me, but, and admittedly, the attitudes between Americans and the English are quite different, I've always found that when I stand up to people who behaved in that way, it 'off-balances' them, and I wind up getting way better treatment from them, than the other way around. I'd quite agree about the politeness being taken for weakness attitude. The point I was really trying to make, was that in the millitary, someone cannot afford to have their orders questioned, so a part of their training, would include imparting the "I'm right" attitude when in command, and the "Yes Sir!" attitude when subordinate :)

    Heh, I agree about that.

    But often I've wondered how it would've been like to have a chip on my shoulder. I notice people like that often succeed, or die trying. Very sad people though. :p

    I guess it depends on the breaks life gives people which determine those who succeed from those who die trying. While I haven't really got a concrete opinion on the 'heredity vs environment' debate, I would say that environment plays a huge part in succeeding, ie knowing the right people to get an idea properly listened to. I've got a couple of ideas floating about in my head which I'm sure I could patent, but it's just a case of putting them into practice... My environment, although not impeding the work I do, does nothing to help with those other things which could potentially be huge :D As for bullies, no matter how successful they become, at the core, they will always be inadequates who feel their only way to succeed is by belittling others, and that self-loathing and inadequacy is probably more pathetic than their actions...

    Yes, back to military watches.

    Another site! From Spain, once again, but a treasure trove of info!


    "It's coming right for us!!!" :lol:

    Another watch, which I feel deserves a mention, is the S&W SWAT 45. I'm not sure if it's actually 'issued', but it certainly has 'the look' :)


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