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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. You are amongst your own. Welcome, dear friend. :group:

    Touch my straps, and I'll cut you!

    Hee hee, I wouldn't dream of touching your straps (see, I said this was a perversion rather than a habit :lol: )

    Out of curiosity, where did you get your PAM strap which is mid-brown leather (possibly calf-skin) with blue stitching? I think something like that would look fantastic on the PAM I gave Emily's step-dad for father's day. The strap it came on is a mid brown leather, but I think the stitching would really go nicely with the hands (which stand out more due to it having a brown dial)

    I'm tempted to get a Strap Culture strap for myself, I'll see how good the fitted strap is when it arrives :)

    Bound to happen. No surprises, really. DSN's 112H is very nice BTW. Once you get used to the 127 it probably won't leave your wrist. Ever.

    I don't know, my preference for overall 'styles' of watches remains Diver's Watches. I think that the way a PAM strap fixes to the case so low down, makes it appear to 'sit bigger' on the wrist than say the Omega 2900.50.91, which has more sculptured sides, and a strap which goes right to the edge of the bezel. I like the aesthetic of Panerais, but I can't see them ever becoming my favorite brand. I used to really like Rolexes, but Omega did a similar, but superior product, so took Number One preference. Panerai's product isn't similar enough to Omega's product to do a similar thing ;)

  2. Well I found my will power again, and I ended up selling my only Pam, which was the Davidsen 005 on Vanilla strap. The watch was sold, but the strap is still here.

    I am looking to buy a gen early next year, so I reduced my collection somewhat, and unfortunately the Pam had to go. I will say though, I could have very easily have spent alot of

  3. That is the end TJ you cant have just one!

    Well, I really wanted a 112h, but that wasn't part of the deal, so I had to go with the closest. I'll probably also get a PAM 1950 (I refuse to use 'the F Word' as it's a bit 'Ghettoriffic' :lol: ) as that's what Orlando Bloom wore in Elizabethtown, and, although I've not watched the film, nor am even a huge Bloom fan, my interest for collecting movie memorabilia allows that to qualify thus :lol:

    Excellent choice to start the habit... ;)

    hee hee, I said 'phile' not 'holic', this is a perversion, not a habit ;):lol:

    Joking asside, I'm really looking forward to getting it, even if it does wind up as a paperweight 99% of the time. I'm sure I'll find some opportunity to wear it ^_^

  4. I've tried to deny it, I've tried to hide it, and I've tried to repress my urges, but I've 'fallen off the wagon' :omg:

    I was given an offer I couldn't refuse, and now have a 111h, black dial on brown leather, on order. Not as a 'regular beater', but to add some diversity to my collection :lol:

    Pics to follow next friday :victory::yeah:

  5. I don't want to start a fight, I'm just posting my 2-cents. So just take my experience as one more point towards Andrew. B)

    Likewise, I'm not trying to start a fight either, I'm just pointing out, that pointing out one's own positive experiences, as pointed out previously by Richard and others, helps no one. This is not a forum to promote A&J, but to protext people from any kind of scams or dishonest sales. This forum is here to protect us, not them... B)

  6. Andrews customer service is superb, I couldn't be happier, ordered 2 PO (one 42.5mm version & a UPO 'lite'), the UPO had a problem where the seconds hand would stop @ the 10 o'clock position, talked to Andrew and will pay for the repair from my local watch-smith ($30 total), both PO's run great now (42.5mm came ticking since it arrived :D - It's a gift btw, so friggin hard to give away after seeing it!), the UPO has no aesthetic problems, it's an excellent rep, and I couldn't be happier!

    BTW - watches arrived in 4 days after being shipped, if that's not fast, then I don't know what it is!

    Andrew replied VERY fast, usually 5-10 min after sending the email.

    So as soon as THAT kind of service keeps up, I'm buying from them, of course, also as long as they don't increase prices out of the blue 'just because'... :p

    That's great. For you. How about the other people who got totally screwed because they bought something expecting it to be something, but wound up with something else? Or who paid for a watch to be serviced, but received one that was untouched? The point of these threads, as several people have said, is to look beyond your own experiences, and consider what has happened to others as well, and consider what is best for the community as a whole :)

  7. Nice addition Teejay! When you say more fancy bracelet's, would that be the one that is usually seen on the Seamaster Professional? :Jumpy:

    Thanks, and no, I was thinking of something like one of these :lol:



    Nice watch for even nicer price !!

    Good deal I'd say.

    Looking forward to see the altered condition.

    Thanks :)

    I just had a wave of nostalgia rolll over me - this was my first rep almost 4 years ago, from Sean, still love it. Mine may be from the famous closed factory.

    Anyway, mine has dark blue fill in the bezel markers, not black.

    Yours is a very nice watch for the money - may I ask where did you got it from?

    Thanks :) I tried to PM you the details, but your inbox is full, and, given that these boards are 'observed', I try not to give out dealer names on open forum. If you PM me once you've cleared your box down, I'll give you the scoop :)

    Go for it TJ, rip that baby apart! :p

    Can't wait to see the result.

    That's the plan :lol::thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Very nice. I've been a fan of this model for a long time. Great price.

    Wear it well!

    Thanks :) It's probably not one I'd keep 'as is', but I definitely appreciate how it looks :)

  8. I'm a total n00b when it comes to Omega's, but I think that dial colour looks awesome. It says "take me swimming with you!"

    Indeed, it's a pretty awesome dial (just not what I want this watch to be like) It reminds me of those old Blue Dial Rolexes :)

  9. @Teejay - I know the original didn't have AR but the single side AR is very suptle and makes a world of difference. The dial stands out and you can really see the waves - personal preference.

    Ahh, more a case of 'personal customization' :) I can certainly go along with wanting to do things like that :D Once again, awesome watch :)

  10. Well, lacking entirely clear direction (but thanks for the input), I ordered the "swiss ETA" 2824-2 version (at $228) from Josh, because I have confidence in his service. I decided to spend the extra in the hope that the maker will use a better quality/apearing watch with that movement.

    I'll have it by the first of the week, and post my thoughts once I get it. I think this watch should be is a very good, old school-alternative to the subs that everyone has, so I would think that it should sell well. But apparantly not--the demand must not be too high.

    To be honest, it is an awesome watch. It is the first Omega I considered buying as a replacement for my Submariner (which I'd grown sick of), but, before I could buy one, Casino Royale was released, and the Planet Ocean caught my eye instead. Even now, it's the one Omega I haven't bought, as size-wise, it makes me think of the 42mm Planet Ocean. That said, I am thinking about buying the GMT version as a 'holiday watch'... I hope you're happy with your purchase :)

  11. I got a very abusive PM from someone on RWI about it. I won't go into details, but it was very unfriendly, calling me by my real name, showing me he had photos of me from the internet. Very disturbing. I won't say who it was, but it was a known poster hiding behind an alias.

    Go on, name and shame them! I have absolutely no tollerance for online stalkers or online harassment of any kind, and the people who indulge in such behaviour, who follow image urls to raid online hosting like cyber panty-thieves, deserve nothing more than to be identified and held accountable before their peers. <_<

    [Edit to add]

    Still wearing the 2900.50.91 :yeah::yeah:

  12. I recall a quote from a certain film....

    "You stupid English pig.....I fart in your general direction"

    Yes... Sounds about your level of sophistication... :rolleyes:

    Arrrrgh....Can never win with you. Should have spell checked :p


    there may be better deals out there for japanese movts. and such .. but with the exchange rate I would be paying over 400 usd for the "better" deals .. there are stricter laws for replica money ....

    400 + USD for Asian movements?? :o You've been looking in the wrong places, amigo... To be honest, my issue has never been with the costs (although I do not approve of price fixing) as I have always been of the opinion that "it costs what it costs". My prime concern, has always been that people have been lied to and manipulated, and sold products and services which were not as described or promised.

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