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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. This really bugs the crap out of me. How can some say "handcrafted only", when he shows a variety of machines to finish and stitch his straps??

    That is not handmade. Period.

    The difference, is there in the words you typed.

    "Hand crafted" Vs "Hand Made".

    I've worked on projects before where I had to use power tools to do things (dremel etc) and although I wouldn't class the work as "hand made" (as it wasn't filed through elbow-grease and a hand-file) it was still "hand crafted" as it was done by a person, rather than a CNC grinder (or as would compare to this, a computerized sewing machine) I'd suggest that that's the case with these straps :)

  2. There's really only one buckle that goes with the PAM 127. It's the one that comes with all the GENs and REPs. Looks like a big bottle opener.


    Definitely an easy buckle to track down :) Is that what the OEM buckle would look like, or would it have some kind of logo on it?

  3. The buckle would be the OEM buckle. As for the strap - it seems it really was the OEM Cashmere and not the Bordeaux as so many think. However - if you just want the "look" - go for the Bordeaux and not the Cashmere.

    Which would look like what? I'm only just getting into PAMs, and know there's a huge variety in buckles, so I need to know (visually) precicely what to keep an eye out for :D

  4. More usefull and interesting information. I've got to agree with V, that I can't see any level of patina reaching that color. I don't doubt the lunch meeting the person had, but a comment like "This is the watch he wore" could have literally meant "This is the watch he wore (on a different strap)"... The points made about OEM/Aftermarket straps are both equally valid. From one perspective, indeed, why would a company represent someone else's product in the media, but on the other hand, as mentioned, it's a film, creative liberties are taken all the time (see the X-33 Tom Cruise wore in Minority Report, for example) so the aftermarket strap, rather than the OEM, is certainly a possibility. Having looked at the still where he's charging his phone, the shape of the stitching does look more like the OEM strap than the aftermarket...

    As a side question, does anyone know what buckle was on the strap? As previously mentioned, I'm looking for as visually similar to what Orlando wore as possible.

  5. TeeJay's theory shot down in flames! ;)

    Interesting! He took one year off to circle the world on his motorcycle with a chum.

    Wonder if he wore his Panerai...

    Thanks for the screen-grabs, perfect!

    @TeeJay: "entreprenegro"...........LMAO!!!!

    Oh well :lol: It looked like the Panerai Clone I'd seen :lol:

    If they're good enough for Ewan (my favorite actor), they're good enough for me :D

    Hee hee, not a term I came up with, but, whatever helps him get through the day and feel self-important :D

  6. Well, instead of sleeping (my body clock is completely out-of-whack...), I've been gathering more pics. I'll post them in due course, Kru. :)

    Thanks for your kind word! Given the fact that you are in Nova Iorque, and have probably sighted any number of celebs, I'd truly love any anecdote you can post.

    As for me, yes, I've always loved watches, but I wasn't hyper AWARE of them as I am now, in my watch hobbyist incarnation. Last year, I saw the rapper Ludacris seated at a Miami Beach eatery, not one table away from me. I'd be lying if I told you I can remember what watch he wore.

    BTW, major a-hole...

    I think this quote pretty much shows how up himself he is...

    "I'm a businessman at the end of the day," Ludacris told WENN. "We hate the term rapper these days, man. I'm an entrepreneur. I like to say I'm an entreprenegro. To me, rapper is an insult."


  7. This post is inspired by TeeJay, yet again, and is an adjunct to his Orlando Bloom Fiddy post.

    Some photos of celebs follow. Guess the model!

    That's a supercool lineup there :1a:

    I think it's safe to say that Orlando's a watch collector :D

    Brosnan looks like he's wearing a rep: skinny-looking crown there...


    Hee hee, that's in a movie, so, as was said about Kieffer Sutherland's Sub, it's not a rep, it's a 'prop' ;)

    I can't wait to get the SS bracelet for my 111h, the matt and polished sections are going to really pick up the matt case and brushed bezel and crown guard :yeah:

    Isaiah Washington of Grey's Anatomy wearing an unindentified Panerai


    I know PAMs are celebrity favorites, but, I'm going to take a chance here and suggest that this might infact be a Clone Panerai by another manufacturer. Something about the shape of the crown guards doesn't quite look right, and, if you look at the center of the CG, there are two lines of shadow at the 3 O clock. Rather like a crown which goes the length of the crown guard, and is only protected on the sides by two 'wings'. I only say this as I saw a watch like this not so long ago in a jewellers. I can't remember the brand, I think it might've been a seconda...

  8. MERCI DANKE THANK YOU Serdecznie dziękuję (yeah, I copy pasted)! ;)

    Just checked Risti. OMG...he looks so wet in this photo. No wonder I don't like pretty boys.


    Looks like Titanium they said. I agree, but which?

    (They also said he was wearing the Cali, 249, on the cover of People magazine, so he's a definite goner, Panerai-wise)

    I'm not too hot on PAM models, but, looking at that pic, I'd say that the main dial was a dark grey rather than black, and that the secs @ 9 subdial was a lighter grey. The case might be titanium, although I wouldn't want to say for sure... If I ever get a guinea pig with wavy dark hair, I'll know just what to call him :lol:

  9. I have yet to watch this film, Elizabethtown! But if Sssurfer recommends it, how bad can it be?

    BTW, should Paneristi watch a cannon of films before, during and after owning Panerai watches?

    I propose a popcorn session in Shoutbox, when we all go to Blockbuster, and synchronise view on our DVDs:


    After the Sunset


    Bridget Jones' Diary


    The Transporter (1 & 2)

    Gridiron Gang

    Chick flicks AND [censored] flicks. Awesome!

    I haven't seen it either, and to be honest, am not the world's greatest fan of Orlando Bloom, my interest was more in the watch than him personally :lol: That said, I'll probably get round to watching the movie at some point :D

    I have to admit, I didn't notice a PAM in Bridget Jones' Diary, but, having read, I know it's worn by Hugh Grant :D As for the Transporter, Jason Statham's PAM is another 'movie watch' I'm keen to add to my collection (his comment on the T 1 commentary about the watch makes it sound like his own personal posession rather than a wardrobe piece as he says the name with real pride)

    :) RESPECT :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

    We are lucky to have members like you within our community.

    Absolutely :)

    Inside, closest to the wrist. :)

    As in against the skin, or the longer section which comes from the 6 O Clock lugs?

    Also, now that you mention it, OEM Panerai straps also share this same look. Since it belonged to Philippe Bonay, it's a possibilty.

    However, OEM Fiddy straps start at U$350 in their boutique...the default one you get with the Fiddy in the original box is the "OEM Cashmere tan", if memory serves, though.

    So that points back to it being Manifatture Firenze's, not OEM.

    If the color is different to the default strap, that would rather point towards an aftermarket addition rather than it being a default strap... This is precicely why I thought it best to ask the advice of those in the know, rather than muddling through the various strap sites while tabbing back to the still of Orlando giving Kirsten a piggy back and scratching my head :lol:

  10. The watch belongs to the president of Panerai USA(Phillipe Bonay) and it was on a loan for the movie.


    Shame that the scans have been removed.. :)

    Thanks for the link, and indeed, a shame the links had been removed. If the watch was on loan, then I'd take Orlando's comment (and the interviewer's note) to mean he bought a PAM after filming (sadly, it only said Panerai Luminor, it didn't specificy further what model he had bought himself)

  11. Thanks for the reference material guys. Logan, if you were able to dig up production stills of the watch, that would be fantastic. From comments Orlando made in an interview about buying a new watch, and the interviewer's note that it was a Panerai, I'm wondering if this was indeed his own personal property rather than a 'costume piece'. From the second photo, it's clear he has the second keeper on the strap (something I don't tend to do on PAMs as I find they slide up (as Orlando's has done) so find it easier to remove them) It shouldn't be too hard to track down a suitable strap based on those pictures, if anyone (V :lol: ) could point out a supplier, that would be most appreciated :) Thanks again, everyone :)

  12. :clap2: :clap2:

    I appreciate the frankness, TeeJay. There is NOTHING wrong with thinking that, as a kind of first reaction. It's when it's something more ingrained (male watch/female watch) that it then becomes a "problem".

    Apropos to women wearing Panerais:

    I suspect that there are a lot of men, even men here who said, "sure women should wear them!", who don't think we really should or that even the smaller Panerais look badly on us.

    But society tells them that's uncool and unliberal to say, so they keep it to themselves.

    And they would be right. *g*

    Seriously, it's a no-win situation in the West for men, and it's easy for women to make a man look like a caveman, in DBR's words, as a consequence.

    So knock yourselves out in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, but take care in London or LA. :lol:

    As for you becoming a Panerista, big time, I'll see you at Sssurfer's house for the Secret Initiation Ritual. Don't forget the rubber chicken!

    Honesty is something I strive for at all times :) My "Isn't that a woman's watch?" thought wasn't so much that I thought the design of the watch was solely feminine, it was just that I had only seen women wearing the marque, so was unsure if it was indeed a watch designed solely for female wear, or if it was intended to be a unisex watch, which was why that was my thought. As for 'ingrained', sadly, that's a result of cultural brainwashing, and something folks now have to struggle against due to a shift in popular ideology, which goes against the values prevalent during their upbringings. The only thing I was really trying to illustrate, was that in Western Culture, while it may be socially acceptable for a woman to wear "a man's watch", the same society would still attach stigma to a man who wore "a woman's watch", without seeing the double standard being applied.

    Hee hee, I think the Secret Initiation Ritual would conflict with my religious beliefs :lol:

  13. You're getting a gen fiddy for x-mas???

    :lol:I wish :lol:

    Only a rep, but as I collect movie memorabelia, including 'watches from the movies', this one falls into that catagory, so I wanted the strap to be as close to Orlando's as possible :)

  14. @ Dastrix

    A few points before getting down to the issue of your watch...

    First off, as mentioned above, if that is a photo of you in your avatar, I would strongly advise you to remove it. I've seen how 'cyber-stalkers' operate, and having your own photo on a forum related to illegal goods is, at best, a bad idea, at worst, could prove embarassing at some future point...

    With regards the comment made about an AD confiscating your watch... I'm not sure about Australian law, but, in the UK and USA, owning a replica is not illegal, and, as such, it is protected by the same laws as any other item of personal property. No AD (in the UK or USA) has the legal right or power to confiscate the watch and take it away from you. That is not their jurisdiction. That said, as people said previously, taking the watch into a TAG AD was not the best thing to do. Way better to find an independant jeweller/watchsmith and have them work on your watches. ADs will not deal with a replica. THey might adjust the bracelet (if they don't identify it initially as a rep) but any other kind of repair, especially internal work, will likely get it returned to you, untouched, with some very condescending comments... Independant stores are the way to go with this hobby ;)

    Okay, onto your issues with your watch...

    Having read your comments here:

    It wasnt the dealer, i sat there and watched him remove the link. He commented on how nice the watch was ;)

    It WASNT there when I had the link out..

    That leaves the conclusion that the watch was damaged after the bracelet was re-sized. I know you've said you didn't inspect it closely when it arrived, but, if you are sure enough that it wasn't there when the link was taken out, then you must've given it a reasonable inspection to be able to make that statement. While I am not going to say it's impossible that you missed the mark initially, ( I know how in the excitement of receiving a new watch, flaws can be overlooked) the fact your comments are so sure that the mark was not there prior to the re-sizing, rather suggest that the watch was accidentally scratched after that was done. If that's the case, then that's just 'wear and tear', and, as annoying as it is to scuff up something new the day it arrives, that's just the way things go sometimes...

    While I agree that you shouldn't have to pay a $20 return fee, I take it from the comments that your dealer has not charged you for the repairs? If that's the case, and given the likelihood that the watch was not damaged when they shipped it to you, try looking at the $20 as their fee for repairing the watch rather than a shipping fee. I know that's not the case, but mentally, it might help make the situation more acceptable if you consider it a repair fee rather than a release fee. Overall, I would go with the suggestion that V made to you initually: Pay the $20, don't use the dealer again, and 'name and shame' if you still feel it appropriate. Normally, in the case of a dealer trying to pull a fast one on an unsuspecting buyer, then I would be behind you 100%, but your own statements that the watch was okay prior to re-sizing do rather suggest that the watch was accidentally damaged after that was done. I'm not saying this to suggest that you might have been careless, but because I believe you when you say that the mark was not there before the bracelet was re-sized, and if you're that sure of things, then I tend to believe that kind of certainly as being accurate.

    Best of luck with resolving the situation :)

  15. the best baseball gloves .... baseball and football shoes used to be made with Kangaroo leather.. the baseball gloves where the best light and strong.. marrone reddish colour.. I had one for 15 years all through college...

    since I grew up with using it my mind set is ok with it....

    I will NEVER EVER wear or feel OK with Elephant hide... on straps or any other article :angry:

    Elephants are majestic creatures ... family oriented and ENDANGERED.. :(

    In some cultures treated as family for their work ethic

    I don't even believe they should be in "carnivals" :angry:

    futhermore if you try to bring in elephant straps be prepared to "do time" if caught. :(



    I'd agree with all that. If it's an endangered species, then having a strap of the hide would be bad mojo...

  16. In the past week, I've bought an APB Ostrich strap.

    Then a few days later, a Manifatture Firenze python strap.

    And I've just pulled the trigger on a Taikonaut kangaroo strap.

    My question is simple:

    Do you ever feel any kind of guilt in buying "exotic" hide straps? Do some give you more pause than others? Which is your favourite, or most exotic you've ever bought/seen?

    Because I never blinked, until I went for the kangaroo one. Ostriches are ornery. Pythons, well, sooner them than me. Gators and crocs are nasty scaly beasts (taste like chicken, BTW).

    But I've been to Oz, and love their 'roos. What's wrong with us? :)

    Kangaroo is, without a doubt, my favorite meat. I think the only hide I'd have a problem wearing, would be guinea pig :lol: That said, given how a guinea's skin is pink/black in relation to it's hair colorings, it would certainly make a visually interesting strap...

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