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Posts posted by TeeJay


    Now that I am better, I can get you those straps. I'll PM you by this evening my time, to sort things out. Hope you enjoyed yerself!

    P.S.: Oh, never mind about the pink shirt. Do you wear women's sunglasses? That's the bit I don't like in today's mens, as the Wayans Bros. used to say.

    Thanks :)

    Glad to hear you're better :) We had a really good time away, thanks :) It was somewhat of a rush, as we kept going from meeting one relation/group of friends to another to another, but overall, it was a really great time :)

    The only sunglasses I wear are Oakley Juliets (as worn in the X-Men movies) B)

  2. Does anyone remember Tourby's "Is Panerai a gay watch?" thread?


    Most of your questions were touched on, tongue-in-cheek most times, in that thread, Anton.

    I think I went on record by saying that a man's masculinity, across all cultures, across all times, is defined by how unfeminine he is seen. Whereas a woman's femininity is not predicated on how unmasculine she is.

    We women can wear trousers, but apart from Celtic peoples, and the odd Greek soldier (Evzones), most men in the West can't put on a skirt without derision or aspersions on their sexuality arising.

    This is especially true in the post-modern Western world, but in the East, overt homosexuality is streng verboten either implied or otherwise.

    That "shaming" factor of "you run like a girl!" simply does not exist in the opposite gender. If anything, being told I run like a guy was a compliment (I was into track-and-field when younger).

    Fashion is mutable. Some men wear manpurses, and many metrosexuals take more care of themselves than many women I know.

    But there are some hardcore ideas of what masculine is.

    Anything implying daintiness is out. Anything too pink is out. Anything too vibrant and shiny is out.

    And good rule of thumb is, if a gay man like Liberace or Elton John likes it, it's out for a straight male. That's just the way it is.

    I'm still trying to get my boyfriend to wear a pink shirt. No deal so far. I can't even get him to watch The Dying Gaul, which is a wonderful film. :p

    I've been wearing pink shirts for years, and still prefer the company of women :D Some say it takes a Real Man to wear a pink shirt. In a film, one guy specifically wears a pink shirt as an excuse to get into fights if someone makes fun of it :lol:

  3. While at a family meal out yesterday, I noticed a smartly dressed guy having dinner with a lady with what looked like Breitling on. Closer (subtle) inspection showed it to be a rather poor electro-plated clone :p Their conversation was rather "when did you get here..." "Where are you staying..." so we figured they were an online hookup having the 'polite meeting' before 'getting down to the nitty gritty' :lol: Oh, also, I felt like a [censored]ing Mack when I showed one of my friends my 45mm Planet Ocean (explaining what I'd bought with my inheritance) and before I could say anything, he was like "Omega... Niiiccce..." at which point I explained that it was a rep :lol: He still thought it looked awesome, and said he was doing some electrical works on the home of someone who had a huge collection of watches, all boxed, and with the till receipts in the boxes. Part of me thought, "That guy's a real collector..." another part of me thought "What a [censored] for keeping the receipts in the boxes for display <_< "

    PS MG's are awesome. I've wanted one since I can remember :D

  4. This arrived for my while I was on my mini-vacation. It's likely going to be going back as the lever on the crown guard won't lock down properly, and has opened a couple of times while I've been walking around. I'm liking the gold hands more than I expected to, and they're complemented really nicely by the strap (which I want to replace with a burgandy strap) The size doesn't bother me at all (although it won't go under a shirt cuff :lol: ) and other than the second sweep looking pretty small compared to the 111h sweep, I really like how it looks. Hoping to get it replaced (or a replacement crown guard) soon (waiting to hear back from my dealer).


  5. Wow, those are really varied results... Out of curiousity, for the first shot, was the lume still being exposed to the UV light? Was it a UV bulb used to reveal 'invisible' security markers, or was it a definite 'black light' bulb (not sure what, if any difference there is, but bear with me...) When I used a 'UV Revealing' bulb, I got a powerfull green effect, as shown previously. If, however, I put a watch near a 'black light' bulb, (like in a novelty shop) then I had the same blue/green result as you saw, but, it only lasted while the lumes were directly bathed in the 'black light', once they were back in normal light, they just had the strong green glow... Very interesting results indeed :) You might like my new wrist shot which I'm about to post ;)

  6. pls re-read what i wrote as well :p

    IMO, its not stupid, let's say u decided to spend that much money for a rep, and u went for a colour that can be easily spotted as a rep by others, how does that make u feel??

    its simlpy unwise to go for a colour that its far from its gen, and not go for the one that's closer to the gen IMO...

    Okay, I see the point you're making, but there're a couple of issues at stake.

    First off, how important is accuracy to the genuine watch to the buyer...

    For example, I would not wear a fantasy watch, but, I would not mind wearing a less than perfect rep.

    Again, cost is not really a factor, as either watch costs the same, regardless of color.

    This is why I say that it depends on what the person's incentive is to buy that watch. Do they want to pass it off as being genuine, or do they just want a watch that they like the look of. If they want to pass it off as genuine, then they should buy the most accurate available. If they're just looking for a watch they like the look of, and the accuracy is not their primary concern, then they should buy the color they like the best, and that's why I say it would be stupid to buy the '2nd choice' color just because it is more accurate, if at the end of the day, they just want a watch they like the look of :)

  7. I'm currently working in Malaysia and have come across a rep I've been wanting for a while. I've found the Mont Blanc Timewalker Chrono. However, it has the white datewheel and the push pin at the 8 o'clock position. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong model but I thought that it was supposed to have the pushpin at the 10 o'clock position and a black datewheel. Is it possible to switch the datewheel to black? Would someone like Silux be able to do that? What price range am I looking at? Thanks in advance.

    BTW, I've already bought 2 reps for about $20US each. I can't believe some of the prices the dealers are asking online. They must be making a hefty profit.


    Welcome to the party :)

    Silix is a dealer, not a watchsmith. I'm sure that it would be possible to source a black datewheel and have it swapped over, but Silix would not be the person to do it. Best of luck :)

  8. well its not stupid, the reason some ppl buy the SOSF is because it is one of the closest rep to its gen, and if there is a colour that is more accurate to the gen than the other 2 colour, i guess it would be worth going for that since you are spending quite a lot on a rep compare to other rep.

    Re-read what I wrote.

    Personally, I like how the white dial looks, so that'd be the one I'd buy if I was to buy one. As for what color is more accurate to the gen, and how important that is, that's up to a person to decide for themselves. Do they want to buy the color because it's more accurately executed, or because they actually prefer that color option? Buying one in black, just because it's the 'more accurate' would be pretty stupid if someone actually prefers how the white looks...

    It would be stupid of someone to buy a specific color choice solely because it was more accurate, rather than buying the color they actually liked better. Why buy a 2nd choice in terms of color just because it 'looks more accurate'? Other than stupidity, there is only one other reason someone would want to do that. They want to pass if off as genuine. The cost does not even come into the equasion. If someone's spending that price, it makes sense to buy the one they actually like the look of most, rather than 'settling' for something else, because it will be easier to pass of as genuine.

  9. Last day of the 'test drive' today :lol: No need for a pic, folks know what it looks like. After a few days of tinkering and fine-tuning, I've got the watch running at +0.5 seconds a day :yeah:

    What's the betting I can't repeat it on my own watches though :whistling:

    Oh well, it's been good to have a PAM on again. When I go on my mini-vacation tomorrow, I'll be wearing my Planet Ocean, and taking my 2531.80 for a family meal out wednesday. I'm hoping that by the time I get home, my new PAM 127 will have arrived :)

    PS Stephane, that's a beautiful daughter you've got, she's definitely going to have no trouble finding a good man when she's older :) Nice watch too :1a:

  10. Personally, I like how the white dial looks, so that'd be the one I'd buy if I was to buy one. As for what color is more accurate to the gen, and how important that is, that's up to a person to decide for themselves. Do they want to buy the color because it's more accurately executed, or because they actually prefer that color option? Buying one in black, just because it's the 'more accurate' would be pretty stupid if someone actually prefers how the white looks...

  11. He does seem very honest, I asked for a part and he asked if he could drop-ship, giving me the option.

    Seems a straight and honest guy.

    Absolutely. When I receive my PAM 127, (and have the spare cash :lol: ) I'll be sending it to him for a cannon pinion fix and 'plume' job. I'm not having the mods done to increase 'accuracy to gen', but because when it arrives, as it's a birthday present for my fiance, it will be my daily watch (if I don't wear it, I'll get skinned alive :lol: ) so I figure with that being the case, I want it to have decent lume as I do spend quite a bit of time sitting up late without lights on :D The cannon pinion was something he suggested, but I figure is worth the expense :)

  12. The problem is that the type is set by people to whom the letters mean nothing. Could you tell the difference between Chinese characters?

    I remember once seeing an episode of the Antiques Roadshow where someone had a piece of rep porcelain, and one of the ways the expert knew, was that on the coat of arms, rather than the panals being colored, they simply had the names of the colors written in the spaces, which was explained that the manufacturers had simply copied the picture they were given precicely, rather than realizing that the names were supposed to be colored :lol:

    Something I would say, is that although I can't read Chinese, I'd like to think that if I regularly worked with something which only had a certain amount of lettering on it, I would learn to recognize (even if it was only visual recognition rather than reading comprehension) what the 'thing' was supposed to look like, especially if it was something which, ultimately, was copied from an original thing. I guess though, as you say, it's one of those 'lost in translation' incidences.

  13. Oh, what he can call me a slimey Limey, but I can't call him Eyetalian! ;)

    (At least I don't call him the w-word :lol:)

    @TeeJay: Yes, but m'Lady Howstun pronounced it thusly. I'm sure she said huntin', shootin', fishin' and ain't too. ;)

    Oh and I think I remember it wasn't Mayfair, but rather more comically, she hired a boat and lit it up with many lightbulbs saying that, going up and down the Thames. I'd like to see the tabloids get a hold of THAT today!

    Ahh, but the guy himself, pronouced his name Ee-vur-rest, yet everyone says "Ever-rest"... I was thinking more about how Americans pronounce the city where NASA operated from (that said, what with the Moss Goww example, their record is not the best :D )

  14. Does anyone know if there are any plans for a Rep of the Bigger Bang? One of my favorite watches.

    Here is a pic.


    To be honest, I think it'd be too much hassle for them to rep as they'd have to build the movement from scratch... Interesting watch though :)

  15. The latter is correct in Arabic. Ih Rak. But I like Eye Rack for the same reason I tease my boyfriend when I call him Eyetalian. :)

    Kinda like how Dubya likes nukeyoula weapons :lol:

    Oh that took forever for me to stomach. Americans, it's How-stun, okay, not Hyu-stun. Granted, How-stun we have a problem just sounds OFF but still.

    "How"? I knew it wasn't Hyu, but I did think it was "Who-st'n"...

    Tangential funny anecdote; the eccentric Lady Houston once put up an ENORMOUS poster in Mayfair back in the 1920s, which proclaimed, "F--k you Stanley Baldwin".

    LOL. The good ole days.

    Awesome, I bet that didn't go down to well in those days :D

    Oh dear. :o How unfortunate. *ducks from Ken!*


    You know how they hate being confused for poms too, especially East Londoners. ;)

    Well, I'd rather people thought I was Australian than South African... That has got to be the worst accent ever :D

  16. I think the same when Brits pronounce Tucson "Tuck-sun". :lol:

    Seriously, though, Moss-Goww is bad. Interestingly, I rather like I-rack, and have taken to pronouncing it that way. Yes, I've gone native big time.

    I even say rowt for route. :o

    Hee hee :D I've always said "Two-sonn"

    Is that pronounced "Eee Rack" or "Eye Rack" Isn't it pronouced "Ih Rark"?

    It's funny, I have relatives in HooSton, who moved out about 15 years ago, and while one cousin never lost her British accent (and is now back in the UK) her brother sounds like he should be on King of the Hill :lol: He has the typical jock 'jar-head' 'haircut' (If it could even qualify thus) as well :D

    Accent-wise, people have often thought I'm Australian :lol::o

  17. The execs at Panerai cannot very well do nothing about the counterfeiting of their product. Shareholders at their meetings are howling at the losses and something had to be done. Whether these new measures have any effect remains to be seen. It will be more work for the Chinese factories to match the measures should they choose to do so, and that will further raise prices.

    I quite agree, but things like putting push pins instead of screws in the bracelets, isn't going to make any difference, and in terms of pure product quality, is a step backwards from what people want (as with Omega and the pin/screw debate) so more of an insult towards their genuine customers... Maybe something like holographic stickers on the movements might be a more effective solution... In all honesty, whatever they do, someone will be able to replicate it eventually...

  18. They might like the wordplay.Do they (Panerai officials) read forums about their replicated designs? Naah!!

    Just imagine the chances to change the name from Turbillon to Avenger :o.

    :D That's actually how they came up with Mrs.Peel's name. They wanted something to have 'male appeal'... M Appeal... The rest is history :)

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