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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I hate you all.. :p

    You should know that the master should never have the same name with his apprentice.. Sacriledge!!!!

    I'll have to take the blame here, I started using the letter, as I don't like using people's real names on open forum. :sorry:

    In Japanese culture, it is very common for an apprentice to incorporate part of their Master's name into their own, or even be known by that name, plus numbers, like the tattoo Master, Horiyoshi III :)

  2. That rule is news to me. I don't believe it, sorry, and if it is actually true, it is quite a lame demand to make.


    [25] - Do not visit an AD (Authentic Dealer) with your replica watch and show it of as the real thing. If you do so, we are not interested in hearing about it. Such post will be deleted.

  3. Teejay i totally agree, same negative experience for me.

    They are honest but no doubt they dropship almost every watch and don't check em at all (but they state the contrary and justifice delays with quality check.... obviously they just [censored] us...).

    Unluckly it's the same story with all chinese dealer (maybe it's not true for Ruby and Trevor, but i could be wrong as i've had just one transaction with him).

    Same downside with King: she ships very often wrong watches and i've been waiting for items for months (she doesn't even reply mails anymore) and i'm opening a complaining topic soon.

    Frankly i'm fed up with all this.

    I know what you mean. To be honest, I don't mind dealing with a drop-shipper as long as I know that in advance, so know that there might be some risk involved. What annoys me with Silix, is as you say, they state they check watches and use 'QC' (or customs seizures) as justification for delays, when I think the truth is more likely that orders are simply sat on until someone emails to ask for a status, and then the excuses come out. It's like the stuff I'm waiting for. I know that the instant I email, I'll be told that the goods have been seized, and a new parcel will be delivered. I also know that all the time I don't email, nothing will arrive. Now, if these goods are legitimately seized by customs, a ) where is the threatening letter to me from Customs telling me this, and b ) if they know the goods are seized (which they must know to tell someone that's what's happened) then why not just re-ship the goods immediately? Why wait to be contacted?

    Sure, Silix might not misrepresent the product like the Cartel have, but the lies to the customers are just as insulting...

  4. In fact! This boy (of the vending machine death) was awarded it or at least nominated for a Darwin Award.

    God, those things are so cruel. Must've been a Brit which invented them -- that's our humour all over. ;)

    SEE! LOL. Oh BTW, there is also a film about the Darwin Awards.


    Starring Joseph Fiennes, David Arquette, and Nora Dunn, etc. I have yet to watch it, but sounds, uh, fun. :lol:

    Fantastic :D I think the best one I heard about was a group of Russian farmers were out on a bender, when one used a chainsaw to cut the tip of his foot off. Another declared "That's nothing!" Grabbed the chainsaw, swung it round and intentionally decapitated himself :lol:

  5. Oh my God. People will do the oddest things, won't they.

    Thank goodness vases went out of style, since I wonder how many arms got chopped off, after someone stuck in their hand, to get something which fell...

    That's the truth :lol: I take it you've heard of the Darwin Award? They're always good for a chuckle (that is if you are someone who finds humor in schadenfreude. I do. :lol: ) and I suspect that things like vending machine 'attacks' might make a few appearances ;)

  6. Good morning folks ,

    I was checking Silix web site and found Latest version of PO 45mm swiss 2836 for 150$. I've emailed him about waterproofing and got his response that he would test the watch before sending ( 5AT garanteed )

    Is it the same 5th generation or UPO the our respectful dealers selling for 250 and up ?

    Did anybody deal with Silix lately ?



    Nearly 12 weeks ago, Silix promised to send me a replacement dial because the wrong model watch had been sent to me. I was also promised a jubilee bracelet which had not been put into the parcel with the (incorrect) watch. I am still waiting for them to arrive. Actually, that's not quite right. I'm no longer waiting, as I am resigned to the fact that they will not be arriving. However, I am still minus goods paid for.

    Re a response about waterproofing, Silix is a drop-shipper. It is a physical impossibility for him to check the goods he sells. When I ordered an Omega Speedmaster X-33 from him, it had a second hand which kept stopping (as the battery was nearly flat) and several faux-screws from the caseback were missing. Things which any examination by anyone would have been noted as unacceptable.

    You are, of course, free to buy from whoever you like, however, from my own experiences, I would not recommend Silix as someone to do business with. Best of luck with your purchase :)

  7. Thanks for the replys folks :)

    Me too. Moment I get on the plane, I set the GMT to the local destination's time.

    This actually won me a prize once, on KLM. I was on my way from London to Colombo with two stops, and the stewardess asked us to guess our time of arrival, in LOCAL time.

    Mine was closest, and I won a brand new Sport Walkman! :)

    Wow, that was a frikkin long time ago...

    So you (personally) keep the primary hands on your home timezone and while abroad use the GMT hand for the local time?

  8. As above, I'd say re-lume the dial, have the crystal AR coated (especially if going for black dial option) and re-sand to a mirror finish the polished sections of the links. The cross isn't an issue depending on which version of the watch purchased :) Of course, the one thing I would point out, is, outside of watch circles, this watch is a virtual unknown. It's a marque that the majority of people won't've even heard of, so, if the intention is to make the rep less distinguishable than the gen, given tha majority of it's viewers would not know the flaws at all, the mod money would be a bit wasted. Out of the box, it is an incredibly nice watch.

  9. This story made the news bulletin rounds yesterday:

    "Paris Hilton is being sued by a woman who claims the blonde socialite "stole" her look.

    The "Simple Life" star has been accused of causing "emotional distress" to fellow Californian Nicolle O'Neill, who fancies herself as an inspiration to the party-loving heiress.

    In a bizarre personal injury complaint filed in Los Angeles Superior Court earlier this month, O'Neill alleges that she suffers psychologically because of Hilton and accuses the 26-year-old of ripping off her style, including fashion-related "patens" (sic) and "stiling" (sic) tips.

    Two pages of documents spell out specific charges against Hilton, including a claim that she stole O'Neill's idea to expose her underwear under her trousers. O'Neill also claims Paris swiped her idea to shop in vintage stores for retro dresses.

    Hilton has yet to issue a response to the allegations."

    From: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/sfgate...;entry_id=21566

    You mean...Paris is not an original bimbo with unique stiling??? That's not hot.

    God, there really has to be lawsuit reform in the US. You can literally sue for anything.

    Like the chap who died after lifting a Coke machine, because his money got stuck and the machine wouldn't cough up his soft drink. He lifted, tilted, and was crushed to death under its weight.

    You know what his grief-stricken parents did?

    Sued the makers of the vending machines because they forgot to put a message on the machine stating that lifting it might be fatal.

    This is why you see stickers on Coke vending machines:

    "Warning: Tipping may cause injury or death."

    No sheet, Sherlock...

    I'm sure I've read somewhere that there are more vending machine-related fatalities each year than shark attacks :mellow:

  10. When abroad, which hands do folks use to track 'local time', and which hand to track 'home time'? Do folks set the main hands to 'local time' (whereever you are), and then when abroad, re-set the main hands accordingly, and use the GMT hand to track 'home time', or do you keep the main hands set on 'home time' and set the GMT hand to track the 'local time'?

    I only ask as I've never been abroad with a GMT watch before, and wondered how folks prefered to use the function. :)

  11. Well his statement is not quite true.. I started with reps but at the moment I only have a genuine 112 and a 1:1 Ferrari...

    Of course do not expect me to do the same as Finepics.. I am loyal to my friends in RWG although I could have sold many many more straps there ;)

    Oh absolutely, there's always the exception to the rule, I just found it refreshing to see a 'risti who understood (or appeared to) why some folks only buy reps rather than gens, in contrast to the occasional self-loathers here who beat themselves up for liking reps, and aspiring only to the hights of modding perfection to get that 100% gen look. :)

  12. Hey Teejay,I think that wearing these heavy framed glasses,will turn you a John Cleesy person,like the one he was acting a dodgy college supremo,speeding half of England ,to go to Wolverhampton



    Now they've got my prescription in, and I can see how utterly w/\nk they look on me, I've no intention of wearing them, and have another pair on order. Oh well, last time I listen to the advice of a sales assistant who just wants my money in the till. Damn my weakness for snooty older women :lol:

  13. As someone who was recently targetted like that, all I have to say is be careful.

    He knows a lot of people (not just myself, I mean really established Risti people) who wobble on both sides of the gen/rep fence.

    If he's outted, he can start naming names, and it wouldn't be pretty. Me, I'm buying a gen PAM next year, and it's not like I'm going to be showing up to Risti GTGs anyway, so I'm not affected in that way.

    But have a care for Wheaton26, e.g., who might get called out, and others...I mean, if he can abscond with people's moneys, and play a reformed St. Augustine, he can pull a stunt like that, big-time.

    I'm descended from him :lol:

  14. A couple of the responses there intrigued me:

    Hi Quapaw, Mark raises some very ....

    ...good 'sound' points!

    The fakers are very sophisticated these days, look what Rolex have needed to do over the years to fight of their foes.

    Don't get me wrong I'm sickened by the fakes, it really undermines the 'real' watchword.

    I meet Mark in London along with some other London Risti's and there he showed to all 'knowingly' a fake pam. The watch was 99% perfect! I believed there was a hair of difference in the body weight, other than that I could not tell the difference. This just enforced to me how one must be so very very careful from who and where you purchase your next pam! I hope Panerai can keep ahead of the 'Fake' curve, as with Rolex it can do a lot of harm to the brand.



    That just re-enforces to me, that buying a genuine watch is pretty pointless, and nothing more than brand-worship. If the difference is that close, then seriously, why bother spending extra cash for a barely perceptible difference, which only a true obsessive would recognise? (I only say obsessive, as there's a difference between appreciating and liking something, and that 'next level' up the interest ladder.

    In responce to Mark and where the fakes are undermining panerai, many of the people who buy a fake would proberbly never buy a real one, Due either to finances or priciple.

    A 'risti who 'gets it' :lol: Possibly someone who could be 'converted' :lol:

    As for FinePics, utter scumbag for trying to reinvent himself thus. A bit like former burglars who then become Security Consultants... He'll no doubt be up to his old games there, and I doubt they'll be as forgiving of his behaviour as folks here have been. One way or another, be it in this life or the next, he'll be getting his comeuppance...

  15. @TEEJAY below: That's the rep strap? Mercy! Looks like an OEM croc. Seriously. I'll have a job getting you a better strap, but I'll try. ;) ...I'm sure it looks good, but perhaps the quality isn't there.
    It is indeed. As I've got a spare one which came with the 029, would you like it?
    That one since yesterday for me...08head2do8.jpg
    I'm not normally a B&R fan, but that looks really nice. What kind of strap are you wearing it with?
  16. HELLO! That's gorgeous, TJ!! Is that one of Lanikai's straps? :tu:

    That PAM REALLY suits you. Glad you kept it!

    Thanks :) I thought you muight like it :thumbsupsmileyanim: Believe it or not, the strap is actually the factory strap my 111h came on. I ordered the 029 on an identical strap, but, as I wanted to wear it immediately, I put my own strap on it, which was already 'broken in'.

    I have to admit, it certainly 'feels' 'me', as it's got the things I like about the SMPs, (hands, contoured dial) and the things I like about PAMs (overall shape/size/straps) Maybe not one that will be in regular rotation when I get the others back/delivered, but, definitely a keeper, and a fantastic 'holiday watch' :)

  17. :lol:

    I admit, it creeps me out too! It looks like it has chickenpox. :(

    I think properly used, it's a nice leather. Emily has a handbag her dad got in Italy (probably a knockoff, knowing what a cheap c*ntrag he is) which is branded denim, but with Ostrich accents and reinforcement strips, and looks really nice. On a watch strap though, as you say, too much like a pox :lol:

    Now, you mention something about swimming. The offer of a rubber diver's strap still stands if you want it. It's black, but at least it's waterproof if that's an issue.

    Might be a while you go swimming though, though perhaps leisure centres' pools are heated these days!

    Indeed, a rubber divers strap would be fantastic :) Indeed, probably a while till I next go swimming, but I swim a alot in the summer :)

    Good old Lanikai! And I have those colours. I'll sort you out! Stay tuned. :)


    Here's some pics of the watch (plus shoes and glasses :D )




    Here's a little display I put together :)


    And here're the glasses. The pair with the heavier frame is the pair I'm not so keen on.


  18. You MIGHT want to check out that PAM SS bracelet thread, where I repost what I had to go through to make the bracelet work on my PAM 111h.

    Basically, one takes pliers and gently turns the "wings" to a 30 degree angle downwards. Then they should fit. Use caution!

    Thanks for the suggestion. The problem seems to be one of lug hole/end link hole alignment due to the shape of the end links, rather than the 'wings'. The bracelet fit fine on my 111h (well, when I didn't smash the back with it :lol: ) so that's all good. It would've been nice if it would've fit on the 029 (Me catch on quick :1a: ) but, not a real problem, it'll just mean I don't wear it swimming :)

    Anyway, I'm glad you still need browns. I also don't like PAMs on black straps AS MUCH.

    I wanted to give you a rubber diver's strap + deloyant as an alternative for the Fiddy, but since it's not such a priority now, perhaps not. How about an ostrich, AS WELL as the brown straps? I rarely wear the one I have, though it's a nice change of pace. It's a Bob strap, dark tan with reddish bumps, obviously. :)

    That's a deployant-only strap, though.

    Do you like reddish browns? Or deeper browns? (edit: never mind, you like it "pale" brown. Gotcha!).

    EDIT: OH! I never asked. What is your preferred size? I wear 115/75, which seem to be very small for men. The ostrich is on the tight side.

    Size-wise, I also like 115/75, as I'm not a fan of tail :lol: 24//22 or 24/24 is fine, as I need to put in an order for some 24mm buckles (both shiny and PVD 'whale-tails')

    Actually, Ostrich is the one 'exotic' that I'm not too keen on. Not sure why, but there's something about the 'bumps' which creeps me out, but thanks for the offer :)

    And indeed, pale brown is good :) Anything up to a toffee color is fine, as I have some nice dark brown straps courtesy of Lanikai :)

    Tomorrow will definitely be a better day. :)

    Finger's crossed :D

    And you sound worse than my mother with your Gucci shoes and Versace frames. Sheesh! :lol:

    J/K. You should see me bang on about my handbags...

    hee hee, the thing that annoyed me, was that I wasn't offered the full range of Alain Mikli frames when I made my selection, and, when I tried on the frames I purchassed, as they didn't have my prescription in, I couldn't really get a good idea of how they looked, and I was stupid enough to listen to the people who said they looked okay, when all they really wanted was my paper in their till :bangin: Still, I gave them some grief about not getting the full selection when I picked up these, and then told them to make up the other pair as well so not too much of an issue. My only dilemma now, is do I wear my old frames (which are much nicer and I can still see with) or do I wear the new frames (which I don't really like) :blink::bangin::blink::bangin:

    The 029 is my favorite Panerai. Im waiting with baited breath for mine to get back from the dealer. My mods are new crystal with cyclops, new lello datewheel and lume.

    Enjoy this great watch and dont forget pics when you finally get it.

    Thanks, pics to follow later in the day :)

    Hey, 029 is correct. It's the brother to the 063. I have this one on snakeskin. I think exotics look really good on GMT PAM's.


    Indeed, if I recall, the first watch I saw the Me So Horny strap on, was also a 029, so without intending to, I'll be winding up with a copy of the other member's watch :)

  19. Sounds like there is some problem for sure. It should take 40 or so turns to fully wind. Rather then thinking the watch isn't winding down, maybe it just isn't winding up fully. Hopefully you will just need an adjustment, but I agree to find a new watch maker to work on your watches. If it still doesn't work, the new movements look great. I'd pick one of those up and have Ziggy or someone drop it in.

    That's an interesting perspective, thanks for the suggestion :) From a tactile point of view while winding, would there be a difference? The only thing that makes me think that it's a problem with it not winding down, is that when it stopped, it only needed an appropriate number of turns for the time it had been running prior to stopping (ie 1-2 turns after a few hours, 8-10 turns after 8 hours 10 minutes (overnight :lol: ) ) so it seemed that it was using an amount of the stored energy.

    Time will tell if they're capable of restoring the watch's original power reserve performance, but if they can't, I'll insist on them replacing the movement or whole watch as, yes, it was jammed before they had it, but, it was otherwise functioning, and I never had a problem with the watch's power reserve before they 'cleaned' it. Given the time and expense to replace the movement, it might be as easy (and cheap) for them to replace the entire watch, so that might be the easiest option for them. Time will tell :)

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