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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. PAM 029a, with tuxedo dial if memory serves. YAY!! :)

    Apart from being a bit swamped these days, I wanted to wait to see what PAM you finally settled on, so I can send you those straps. Me So Horny is a given, but you let me know what colour you want, and I'll include a few. :)

    The tux dial makes it slightly more intricate a decision than otherwise, so think about it! And I am so sorry you had a bad day. *hugs*

    Thanks :) I have to admit, I feel a bit mean keeping it for myself, as it was purchassed as a gift, but, having been totally blown away by it, and then speaking to Emily's mum about it, (the watch was for Emily's step-dad) she's said that although he'd've been grateful for it, he probably appreciate car gizmos more (he's something of an electronics/car gizmo officianado) so not too guilty :D

    The 111h is back at the watchsmiths for repair/replacement, as I told them to either repair the movement, or, if it would be a case of ordering replacement parts, save themselves the expense and just order a new replacement and be done with it, so one way or another, I'll be having a 111h, and hopefully, the PVD 111h in the near future. The Orlando 127 is still a must for my collection, but, having finally worn one, I know that it's only something I could wear occasionally, not every day, where this new watch actually feels extremely versatile, both smart and casual (although it doesn't want to accept the SS bracelet :( ) and, while it might not be a permanant watch once I get the others back, this will definitely be a 'vacation watch' (it has functioning GMT feature, unlike a recent poster's unfortunate experience) and one I'd be happy to wear, rather than 'tollerating' it.

    Colors.... Definitely browns... pale seems to be my preference to darker, and for some reason, I really don't like PAMs on black straps (although I would wear a Radiomir on black as a dress watch)

    Just one of those days where everything that could potentially go wrong does. Wrong watch back received, 111h titsed up by the people supposed to be fixing it, new glasses looking utter [censored] on me, and me then seeing a pair of frames I much prefer which I wasn't offered when I ordered the new pair (so I ordered them as well so I won't have to wear the new pair for more than a few weeks) and, still no luck getting a reluctant customer to pay for work done with non-rubber cheques. Oh well, new watch, which I'll get a shot of tomorrow (maybe even with my new Mikli frames and Givenchy shoes :lol: ) and things could be a heck of a lot worse :)

  2. So I'd ordered this watch as a birthday present a while back, and it arrived today, as well as the (non-fitting) replacement caseback for my 111h. I'd had absolutely no intention whatsoever of keeping it, but, in watch terms, this was love at first sight, and I knew that I'd simply have to get the person another gift instead. Sure, this watch has plenty of things I dislike on watches: Date window...cyclops... However, it also has some things I absolutely love: Skeleton hands... Textured dial... It's almost like taking my favorite aspects of the 2531.80 and PAMifying them. It's been a pretty hectic, and to be honest, pretty shitty day, but, this made things just that little bit better.

    This photo is from Google, I'll try and get a wristshot and photo of mine (which is on a dark tan strap) tomorrow :)


    If anyone would care to identify the PAM model number, I'd be grateful :)

  3. I was explaining my view. Reps are fun toys that one can tinker with. Gens are long term keepers. Kinda like one night stands vs. long term girlfriends. The former looks plenty good, but just doesn't have the inside/soul to be the latter. :lol:

    I've got to disagree there. The reps I've bought with inheritance money or received as gifts mean as much to me, as they would were they 100% genuine. It doesn't matter that it's a replica, it matters that it represents something more than itself, and has meaning for me as a person.

    Say I won the lotto and had the immediate funds to replace every rep in my collection with gens, what would be the point? The gen watches wouldn't be the watches I received as a gift or bought with my inheritance, they would simply be (more) expensive substitutes. According to the gen =good rep = bad argument, the gen watches should mean more to me, but in practical terms, they would actually be completely devoid of sentimental attachment, so in my eyes, utterly worthless.

    Just my .2c :)

  4. What strange body-languge...it's almost as if the Prez is saying, "Heh...what a funny little critter! - wunner how it got past Security?"

    As for Laura, "Let's see....If it's Monday, this must be Queen Elizabeth? George did say today was Monday, didn't he? And do I have to take off these damn gloves if we shake hands?"

    I wouldn't venture to say what the Dear Old Bird is thinking about all this.

    From the expression, I'd suggest something like "Don't make eye contact... Keep smiling... No sudden movements... Keep smiling..."

  5. Okay, overnight review...

    I was woken up about 7:50, and the watch was still ticking merrily away, and at accurate time. I went back to sleep, wondering if it had needed a 'break in' period ( :rolleyes: ) when I got up at 10, I found the watch had stopped at 8:05 :lol: So whatever was wrong with it last night is still wrong with it now, so back to the watchsmith's it'll have to go, and they can either repair or replace. Time will tell.

  6. TJ- Given that it keeps accurate time when running it sounds to me like the dial has slipped or is not secured to the movement face correctly..... so maybe the small second hand is catching the dial when it moves and stops the movement......some of these 111-H dials can be quite thick.

    Does it start again after a gentle . sharp tap on the side or back ?

    Could well be a simple fix if so.....

    Suggest take it back ....get it fixed ....and never ever go to them again...:-)

    Ziggy always


    It doesn't appear to be a jamming problem, but thanks for the suggestion. Nothing gets it to start again, other than winding, but even then, it was only a few twists before it was fully wound. I think that's the thing that's confused me the most, in that the movement isn't fully unwinding itself, it's just 'stopping' for no reason...

    I'll see how it is tomorrow, and see how they handle it. :)

  7. assuming i'm understanding your post correctly (namely that you paid for the watch to be serviced and it came back w/ no power reserve), i would first suggest that you find a new watchmaker. i'm guessing you didn't get a true servicing but rather some sort of quickie "swish & dip" (see a discussion/post from ziggy about these here), and your watchmaker (obviously) didn't test & regulate the movement after his so called servicing.

    if it were me, i'd demand my money back and set out to find a new watchmaker that will service your watch using the traditional method with a full breakdown...

    good luck getting this resolved :victory:


    That would be correct. The movement had jammed when glass dust got blown into the movement from when the caseback shattered, and I was told the watch simply required a strip down, clean and reassembly as it shouldn't've involved mechanical damage/replacement parts. (I'll have a read of the thread in a moment, but thanks for the link :) )

    I'd give it a full wind before reaching any conclusions.

    This is the thing, from not running, it would only turn a few times before reaching it's winding limit, so I took that to mean that it was fully wound.

    Since my post, it has actually been running consistently, so I'm going to wind it now (midnight my time) and see how long it runs for overnight before/if it stops.

    Sounds like your watchmaker is a lazy bum.

    Just so that you know, when students in watchmaking school first learn how to clean/disassemble/reassemble watches, the first movement they learn with is the Unitas 649x series. Why? Because they are big and super super easy to repair!

    Never go back to that watchmaker.

    I have to admit, I'm not particularly impressed with their skills (they scuffed up the bezel insert of my Planet Ocean when that was in for regulation and waterproofing), but, I figure I'll give them the chance to correct the problem either by fixing the problem, or replacing it entirely. Given the cost of the watch, it'll probably be as cheap for them to replace it. The only reason I'd use them again, is that they are a jewellers rather than a specialist watchsmith, and they send the watches out to a watchsmith who is nearing retirement, so chances are, they'll be using a new guy in the not too distant future, and, I have a few other jewellery projects in the pipeline with them, so I don't want to completely severe ties yet. Thanks for the heads up though.

  8. Beautiful animals!

    Funny someone should mention one of these today :)

    I just got off the phone with a mate trying to find a new home for his Bengal cat.

    Bengal cats

    He paid $2800 for it, but is moving to Australia and can't bring it with him, so he's giving it away.

    I'm looking for a nice cat as I am moving into the new house, and want my little girl to have a pet like I had when I was a kid.


    If I could have any cat, it would be a pure white Persian (European bred, not American bred), and it would, of course, be called Solomon :)

    wow, they have actually bred the dander allergens out of the cat. Amazing, I can finally own a cat.. for $28,000.

    It's incredible what they can do with genetics nowadays. I have something of a personal interest in genetics (more specfically cloning) and followed the company which created the world's first cloned cat with interest. Another company offers gene banking services and cloning facilities for agricultural beasts, but not domestic animals... I'm really hoping that within the next 7 years one of those companies would be prepared to clone a guinea pig, as my fiance and I have a particular favorite who we'd rather not lose to old age and the Grim Reaper (I know, a parent shouldn't play favorites, but we all do :lol: )

  9. The 111h was returned to me today, having had the movement stripped and cleaned of glass dust. As I'm still waiting on the replacement caseback, I wasn't able to wear the watch. I wound it when I got home from town, (only needed about 8 turns)and left the watch to sit. After dinner, I noticed that the watch had stopped after about 5 hours, so I wound it again (about 5 turns) and this time, it stopped after about 20 mintues. It's pretty obvious that something's wrong with it, but when I go in tomorrow, I'll need to tell them what to tell the watchsmith to fix (if it's fixable) Any ideas? Other than stopping, the watch itself is keeping good time, and it is not completely unwinding, as it's only needed a few turns to get it going again. One other piece of abnormal behaviour, is that gently moving the crown to set the hands backwards, is no longer freezing/reversing the second sweep, so something's obviously not right there either. So.. What should I tell them? Is it likely to be something repairable, or is it something which would require a new movement? If it's something which requires a new movement, would it be as easy to get them to order a replacement watch? I know that at this cost, the watches are pretty disposeable, and, it's not like it has any sentimental value like some of my other watches, but, I paid for a service and cleaning, and expect the movement to function as it did prior to getting clogged, or at least be compensated for their damage to my property. What do folks think?

  10. To answer the question, yes, a watch can indeed be too big. If the case overlaps both edges of the wrist, then it's too big. A more subtle 'too big', is something I found with the 127. Although the case itself wasn't too big on my wrist, I felt the dial was a bit oversized for my tastes. So, purely subjective, but yet, a watch can be too big :)

  11. I hear ya, I have a custom Hermes suit and custom made shoes by Brutini.

    I've never had a pair of custom made shoes yet, but normally have so much hassle getting shoes that fit comfortably, finding this pair, which are literally a perfect fit, was a real find. I do have a custom tailored replica of the leather jacket Tom Cruse wore in Minority Report which I bought with inheritance money, and that is an awesome garment. Not just because leather jackets are awesome and it looks nice, but the little touches of the perfect fit really set it apart from any 'off the rack' item. I'm actually working with the tailor again to come up with another tailored jacket, but I haven't quite settled on a design yet :)

  12. oohhh thems fightin words Mister!




    The thing that first made Sub-size watches appear 'small' was wearing the 45mm Planet Ocean. I get on fine with the Planet Ocean and the 111h, and the 2531.80 SMP is okay, but anything smaller, I just find a little bit too small now. Likewise, I find the 127 a little bit too big (in terms of dial size, the actual case size doesn't dwarf my wrist at all) so it'd never be a regular beater. Note to self: Must get new 127 on order :D I really like the vintaged pale strap as well :)

  13. Interesting, Defacto. :)

    Kindness, gentlemanliness, honourableness are basically things you are, and project, without a person having to wear one thing to show that.

    But success, worth, competitiveness all need a lending hand -- that's why people buy pricey bling watches.

    If clothes make a prince, watches get a second look from a damsel. ;)

    Don't forget the importance of nice shoes :D I was lucky enough to find a pair of handmade gen Givenchy shoes on sale once. Similar color and texture to your kangaroo strap. They don't get worn much as they're not really 'everyday' shoes (although Matthew Broderick wore virtually identical shoes in Ferris Bueller's Day Off) but, the fit is absolutely perfect, as if they were made just for me :D

  14. I might be considered part of the 'show off' crowd by the mentioned criteria, as I never stand with my hands behind my back, and I've rolled my sleeves up since I was about 12, and saw this album cover:


    It's just a style I find comfortable, as it keeps my arms covered, but leaves my wrist clear so I can read my watch easily. I don't wear my watches for anyone's benefit but my own. I don't need to wear a watch just to impress someone. I don't care if anyone believes that or not, but it's the truth. I get more comments about my tattoos than I do about the watch on my wrist. :lol:

  15. Looks like Mae West starring in a remake of 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. :o


    The Graham Chrono Destro

    I realise it started as a British marque, but it looks like a horological miscarriage.


    My initial reaction from looking at it. Immediate first impression, was actually:

    "Hmm, that's not too bad... Looks interesting..."


    Then I looked again, and saw how overcrowded and cluttered the dial is, and indeed, certainly not a watch I'd find easy enough to read to want to buy, although, it would certainly be an interesting collection piece just so I could say I had one (even if it never got worn)

  16. What, I'm not one of the Cool Kids! :lol::lol:

    You're definitely one of the Cool Kids, and this is why you get good service from the recommended dealers :lol: Remember, on RWG, you don't choose Dealer, Dealer chooses you :lol:

    I'm the girl in a corner, shyly reading a book. Mind you I WAS Head Girl of my school, but that's just because I bribed everyone else with free Smarties.

    Such political machinations :lol: I was asked to be captain of my year's football team, but refused as I hated playing, yet ironically, was an excellent player :lol: I think the only PE I enjoyed at school was swimming and trampolining (although hockey wasn't too bad)

  17. I just don't understand everyone's obsession with double AR. Even if the gen has it, it has no place on a sport watch, which will see any kind of active use. The gen manufacturers use material and techniques that are not available to the rep manufacturers or aftermarket coaters...and their AR still scratches and looks like crap.

    I'm not the only one who thinks so...Have a looks at this PO review, from respected WIS John Holbrook, II.

    Totally off-topic, but thanks for posting the link. I love reading John's reviews. Infact, it was his Seamaster Vs Submariner review which first made me consider a watch other than a Rolex, and, I'm glad I did. Without that impetus, I'd've never delved as far into horology as I have. I also used his review as a template for the review of the VC Overseas I wrote earlier in the year.

  18. Thanks TeeJay,

    I confirm that GMT hand is running on 24 hr, following the main hr hand (two complete turn of main hr hand = one complete run of GMT hand).

    Problem is that is not adjustable for a different time zone.


    That's a real shame that it's not adjustable. Might it be worth stipping the watch down to manually replace the GMT hand so it would then make the 24 hour track out of synch with the main hands but in the '2nd' time zone? Sorry to hear that the watch wasn't as you'd hoped for.

  19. It's all about chemistry with each collector, TeeJay, you know that. :)

    Absolutely, I understand what you mean, but, at the end of the day, dealers should provide a uniform service to all their clients, not good deals for 'the Cool Kids', bad deals for the others...

    Tony and I didn't hit it off, and I tried my best to chase after him (including doing as you say, contacting him via Cquot). But then I thought, he has practically the same items that Narikaa has -- and I trust the latter 100%. I didn't see the benefits for a savings of U$20 in Tony's case.

    That's fair enough, at the end of the day, it's who you're comfortable doing business with. Something I forgot to mention in my last post, as a response to your point about delays in communication from Tony (which again, I've never really experienced), I'd have to use as an example, the dealer I bought the VCO from. Other than giving me feedback as a fast payer, they did not give me any other kind of communication at all. No tracking number, no "Thaks for the purchase..." etc. But, the watch arrived within the promised time frame, and we both know how nice it is :D I guess my point is that instant communication from a dealer isn't always a requirement for them shipping the goods as promised :)

    Jay is problematic, though he has sworn up and down that he checks each and every item using his staff before shipping items to me. I'm afraid that can't be the case, since how can you miss DOA watches?, but at least he's taken care of ME each time.

    Now that, is precicely the kind of thing that puts me off Jay right away. As a drop-shipper, it is impossible for him to check the watches, and, as my X-33 showed, (and your mention of DOA watches) 'his staff' don't really do much of a job in that aspect either. Maybe not lies like "Yes, my friend, that watch is waterproof" *puts watch under water... Condensation...* but still lies, and I think you appreciate the premium I place on honesty :)

    Again, one has to establish a rapport.

    I recently dealt with Wackobirdkeeper, and am continuing my dalliance with TWP. I think I'm good for now. :)

    Indeed, as you say, at the end of the day, it's about establishing a rapport and who you feel comfortable doing business with. I'm planning on having TWP 'plume' my PVD PAM when it arrives, and I've found him a nice person to communicate with :)

  20. @TeeJay

    Ever since the cost of the high quality reps has gone up, I've got my fix by buying some remarkably nice reps from Tony: an AP ROO, a PO chrono, a TT Navi, and now the BW Daytona, average cost: $85 shipped. LOVE IT!

    But, I'm thinking of splurging on a Chopard GMT chrono as my Christmas watch present from my GF, or the Slevin if it ever comes out.

    I have to admit, the watches Tony sells might not be Super Reps, (although something tells me he could probably get them if he wanted to) they're still good value for money, and certainly accurate enough for my purposes of collection and self-amusement. I got an AP RO for a friend, and, although I found it a bit small (like the Submariner) it was a really nice watch, and other circumstanes, one I would have definitely have kept and worn.

    When Tony bothered to reply to me, 2 weeks later, he sent me nonsensical emails, and I just got a funny feeling about him. Certainly my personality is not about waiting, or being in the dark about the transaction. It ALL depends on one's personality.

    Glad to see it's turned out well for you both. :)

    Out of curiousity, did you just email him 'out of the blue', or did you first make contact about a piece via the CQout question system? Could it have been somekind of miss-communication? (I do remember you saying you got some rather 'strange' ( :lol: ) responses ) From my own experiences, I can only say that I've only ever found Tony to be prompt and professional in his communications, as well as extremely accomodating when it comes to custom orders (swapping straps etc)

    I go to Jay-Silix for my cheapos, and though there is some problem, sometimes, he does right by me all the time.

    Total reverse for me. Nearly 12 weeks and I still haven't received the replacement dial I was promised for the shipment of the wrong vintage Rolex, nor the Jubilee band I paid for... They were promised to be delivered, but, still no sign... Of course, I know if I send an email, I'll be told "customs intercepted parcel, will resend" If that's the case, and as it shows knowledge of the parcel's location, why not just resend it anyway without the need for prompting? Sorry, but my opinion of Jay is not particularly good. Particularly not when I've dealt with another drop-shipper in the past who, although they did initially send the wrong watch, did actually correct the issue as promised, and in the promised time frame... For a watch which was only ever intended as a 'paper weight', it's not worth the runaround trying to get it sorted (afterall, I now have a nice Skeleton Sub :lol: ) but in terms of business practice, it's not very good... :(

  21. As he's been a jerk to you in the past, then no reason for letting him in on the inside track ;) As mentioned, some fan if he didn't recognize the running seconds, but, as has been mentioned before, many gen owners simply don't know anything about the watches themselves beyond the branding, so I'd say the encounter went pretty well :)

    Also, a fine choice of dealer, I now order all my watches from Tony, unless there's something specific I want and he can't source. Absolutely fantastic person to do business with, I couldn't speak more highly about him :)

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